Incidentally using reversed video, too, as that's what came naturally to the terminal I was using. File is smaller, but text in the new image is considerably more readable and the image is bigger. The examples guideline calls for an image giving some idea what the example is about, with a 4:3 or 5:4 aspect ratio. An image shorter than its width wasn't practical, and getting a useful amount of information in a height less than 3/2 of the width would have required widening into blank space purely to satisfy the aspect ratio. The prior image's ratio was about 12:7, the new one's is roughly 2:3. The old image showed the start of cbordump -a output, which is rather less illuminating than the default output of formatted data; it's also rather verbose, so was cut off part way through. It does, however, illustrate how the annotated form might be useful for debug purposes. The image also had a lot of blank space to the right of the text of interest, wasting roughly half of its width; it could easily have been cropped to 1:1 without loss of information. As example data-set, it used ../savegame/save.dat, but without any hint to how to generate that. I decided to include a hint to how to generate a CBOR data file to dump, then show the standard output and only the beginnings of the annotated output, as the latter (even on its own) would make the aspect ratio considerably taller. In the context of the standard display, the preamble of the annotated one gives a reasonable feel for what's going on, without belabouring the point. Pick-to: 6.5 Task-number: QTBUG-111228 Change-Id: Ic54893c483607e95627a50db76a0d9918744c07e Reviewed-by: Mårten Nordheim <marten.nordheim@qt.io> |
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cbordump | ||
convert | ||
rsslisting | ||
savegame | ||
streambookmarks | ||
CMakeLists.txt | ||
serialization.pro |