Oswald Buddenhagen e3a7237d82 fix quoting issues. all of them. (*)
instead of quoting more or less random variable contents early,
consistently quote everything only right before it is needed. this way
we can be sure that everything is correctly quoted, but not over-quoted.

this removed the need for the insanity that unescapeFilePath() and
similar ad-hoc contraptions were.
this had the somewhat counter-intuitive effect that it was possible to
remove escapeFilePath() calls from PBX::writeSettings() calls - these
were actually only unescaping.

[ChangeLog][qmake][Important Behavior Changes] A lot of quoting issues
have been fixed. As a side effect, qmake has become more sensitive to
over-quoted file names in project files.

(*) ok, maybe not. close enough.

Task-number: fatal: out of memory
Change-Id: I8c51cfffb59ccd156b46bd5c56754c480667443a
Reviewed-by: Joerg Bornemann <joerg.bornemann@theqtcompany.com>
2015-02-17 18:27:29 +00:00

197 lines
7.0 KiB

** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd.
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#include "meta.h"
#include "project.h"
#include "option.h"
#include <qdir.h>
QHash<QString, ProValueMap> QMakeMetaInfo::cache_vars;
QMakeMetaInfo::QMakeMetaInfo(QMakeProject *_conf)
: conf(_conf)
QMakeMetaInfo::readLib(QString lib)
QString meta_file = findLib(lib);
if(cache_vars.contains(meta_file)) {
vars = cache_vars[meta_file];
return true;
bool ret = false;
if(!meta_file.isNull()) {
if(meta_file.endsWith(Option::pkgcfg_ext)) {
meta_type = "pkgcfg";
} else if(meta_file.endsWith(Option::libtool_ext)) {
meta_type = "libtool";
} else if(meta_file.endsWith(Option::prl_ext)) {
QMakeProject proj;
if (!proj.read(Option::normalizePath(meta_file), QMakeEvaluator::LoadProOnly))
return false;
meta_type = "qmake";
vars = proj.variables();
ret = true;
} else {
warn_msg(WarnLogic, "QMakeMetaInfo: unknown file format for %s",
cache_vars.insert(meta_file, vars);
return ret;
QMakeMetaInfo::findLib(QString lib)
lib = Option::normalizePath(lib);
QString ret;
QString extns[] = { Option::prl_ext, /*Option::pkgcfg_ext, Option::libtool_ext,*/ QString() };
for(int extn = 0; !extns[extn].isNull(); extn++) {
ret = QFile::exists(lib) ? lib : QString();
if(ret.isNull()) {
for(int extn = 0; !extns[extn].isNull(); extn++) {
if(QFile::exists(lib + extns[extn])) {
ret = lib + extns[extn];
if(ret.isNull()) {
debug_msg(2, "QMakeMetaInfo: Cannot find info file for %s", lib.toLatin1().constData());
} else {
debug_msg(2, "QMakeMetaInfo: Found info file %s for %s", ret.toLatin1().constData(), lib.toLatin1().constData());
return ret;
QMakeMetaInfo::readLibtoolFile(const QString &f)
/* I can just run the .la through the .pro parser since they are compatible.. */
QMakeProject proj;
QString nf = Option::normalizePath(f);
if (!proj.read(nf, QMakeEvaluator::LoadProOnly))
return false;
QString dirf = nf.section(QLatin1Char('/'), 0, -2);
if(dirf == nf)
dirf = "";
else if(!dirf.isEmpty() && !dirf.endsWith(Option::output_dir))
dirf += QLatin1Char('/');
const ProValueMap &v = proj.variables();
for (ProValueMap::ConstIterator it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); ++it) {
ProStringList lst = it.value();
if(lst.count() == 1 && (lst.first().startsWith("'") || lst.first().startsWith("\"")) &&
lst = ProStringList(lst.first().mid(1, lst.first().length() - 2));
if(!vars.contains("QMAKE_PRL_TARGET") &&
(it.key() == "dlname" || it.key() == "library_names" || it.key() == "old_library")) {
ProString dir = v["libdir"].first();
if ((dir.startsWith('\'') || dir.startsWith('"')) && dir.endsWith(dir.at(0)))
dir = dir.mid(1, dir.length() - 2);
dir = dir.trimmed();
if(!dir.isEmpty() && !dir.endsWith(QLatin1Char('/')))
dir += QLatin1Char('/');
if(lst.count() == 1)
lst = ProStringList(lst.first().toQString().split(" "));
for (ProStringList::Iterator lst_it = lst.begin(); lst_it != lst.end(); ++lst_it) {
bool found = false;
QString dirs[] = { "", dir.toQString(), dirf, dirf + ".libs/", "(term)" };
for(int i = 0; !found && dirs[i] != "(term)"; i++) {
if(QFile::exists(dirs[i] + (*lst_it))) {
QString targ = dirs[i] + (*lst_it);
targ.prepend(qmake_getpwd() + QLatin1Char('/'));
vars["QMAKE_PRL_TARGET"] << targ;
found = true;
} else if(it.key() == "dependency_libs") {
if(lst.count() == 1) {
ProString dep = lst.first();
if ((dep.startsWith('\'') || dep.startsWith('"')) && dep.endsWith(dep.at(0)))
dep = dep.mid(1, dep.length() - 2);
lst = ProStringList(dep.trimmed().toQString().split(" "));
for (ProStringList::Iterator lit = lst.begin(); lit != lst.end(); ++lit) {
if((*lit).startsWith("-R")) {
(*lit) = conf->first("QMAKE_LFLAGS_RPATH") + (*lit).mid(2);
ProStringList &prlLibs = vars["QMAKE_PRL_LIBS"];
foreach (const ProString &s, lst) {
return true;
QMakeMetaInfo::readPkgCfgFile(const QString &f)
fprintf(stderr, "Must implement reading in pkg-config files (%s)!!!\n", f.toLatin1().constData());
return false;