Oswald Buddenhagen cf38b12a27 make shellQuoteWin() be more sparing with circumflexes
... as newer versions of nmake (and jom, for compatibility) have botched
circumflex processing (they simply don't do it when shortcutting the shell

as a side effect, the output is also more readable if the string contains

Change-Id: I0506b59ceecb70da258c482f9973156b2803066d
Reviewed-by: Joerg Bornemann <joerg.bornemann@theqtcompany.com>
2015-02-04 16:34:02 +00:00

185 lines
6.5 KiB

VAR = qt thread
defineTest(testReplace) {
!isEqual(1, $$2):message("FAILED: $$3: got $$1, expected $${2}.")
!count( VAR, 2 ) {
message( "FAILED: count function: $$VAR" )
!contains( VAR, thread ) {
message( "FAILED: contains function: $$VAR" )
!exists( functions.pro ) {
message( "FAILED: exists function" )
isEmpty( VAR ) {
message( "FAILED: isEmpty function: $VAR" )
!equals($$list($$files(one/*.cpp)), "one/1.cpp one/2.cpp") {
message( "FAILED: files function: one/*.cpp" )
!equals($$list($$files(one/1*.cpp)), "one/1.cpp") {
message( "FAILED: files function: one/1*.cpp" )
!equals($$list($$files(two/*.cpp)), "two/1.cpp two/2.cpp") {
message( "FAILED: files function: two/*.cpp" )
!equals($$list($$files(three/wildcard*.cpp)), "three/wildcard21.cpp three/wildcard22.cpp") {
message( "FAILED: files function: three/wildcard*.cpp" )
!equals($$list($$files(*.cpp)), "1.cpp 2.cpp wildcard21.cpp wildcard22.cpp") {
message( "FAILED: files function: *.cpp" )
!equals($$list($$files(wildcard*.cpp)), "wildcard21.cpp wildcard22.cpp") {
message( "FAILED: files function: wildcard*.cpp" )
!infile( infiletest.pro, DEFINES, QT_DLL ){
message( "FAILED: infile function" )
include( infiletest.pro, "", true )
!contains( DEFINES, QT_DLL ) {
message( "FAILED: include function: $$DEFINES" )
!isEqual(VERSION_replaced, 1_0_0) {
message( "FAILED: replace function: $$VERSION_replaced" )
#test functions
defineTest(myTestFunction) {
for(l, list) {
RESULT += $$l
myTestFunction(oink baa moo)
!equals($$list($$member(RESULT, 0)), "oink") {
message("FAILED: myTestFunction: $$RESULT")
myTestFunction("oink baa" moo)
!equals($$list($$member(RESULT, 0)), "oink baa") {
message("FAILED: myTestFunction: $$RESULT")
myTestFunction(oink "baa moo")
!equals($$list($$member(RESULT, 0)), "oink") {
message("FAILED: myTestFunction: $$RESULT")
myTestFunction("oink baa moo")
!equals($$list($$member(RESULT, 0)), "oink baa moo") {
message("FAILED: myTestFunction: $$RESULT")
defineReplace(myRecursiveReplaceFunction) {
list = $$1
RESULT += $$member(list, 0)
list -= $$RESULT
!isEmpty(list):RESULT += $$myRecursiveReplaceFunction($$list)
RESULT = $$myRecursiveReplaceFunction(oink baa moo)
!isEqual(RESULT, "oink baa moo") {
message( "FAILED: myRecursiveReplaceFunction [$$RESULT] != oink baa moo" )
moo = "this is a test" "for real"
fn = $$OUT_PWD/testdir/afile
write_file($$fn, moo)|message("FAILED: write_file() failed")
exists($$fn)|message("FAILED: write_file() didn't write anything")
mooout = $$cat($$fn, line)
equals(moo, $$mooout)|message("FAILED: write_file() wrote something wrong")
moo += "another line"
write_file($$fn, moo)|message("FAILED: write_file() failed (take 2)")
mooout = $$cat($$fn, line)
equals(moo, $$mooout)|message("FAILED: write_file() wrote something wrong (take 2)")
mooadd = "yet another line"
write_file($$fn, mooadd, append)|message("FAILED: write_file() failed (append)")
moo += $$mooadd
mooout = $$cat($$fn, line)
equals(moo, $$mooout)|message("FAILED: write_file() wrote something wrong when appending")
pn = $$OUT_PWD/testpath/subdir
mkpath($$pn)|message("FAILED: mkpath() failed")
exists($$pn)|message("FAILED: mkpath() didn't create anything")
in = easy "less easy" sca$${LITERAL_HASH}ry crazy$$escape_expand(\\t\\r\\n) $$escape_expand(\\t)shit \'no\"way\\here
out = "easy \"less easy\" sca\$\${LITERAL_HASH}ry crazy\$\$escape_expand(\\\\t\\\\r\\\\n) \$\$escape_expand(\\\\t)shit \\\'no\\\"way\\\\here"
testReplace($$val_escape(in), $$out, "val_escape")
testReplace($$shadowed($$PWD/something), $$OUT_PWD/something, "shadowed")
testReplace($$shadowed($$PWD), $$OUT_PWD, "shadowed (take 2)")
spc = " "
testReplace($$format_number(13), 13, "simple number format")
testReplace($$format_number(-13), -13, "negative number format")
testReplace($$format_number(13, ibase=16), 19, "hex input number format")
testReplace($$format_number(13, obase=16), d, "hex output number format")
testReplace($$format_number(13, width=5), " $$spc 13", "right aligned number format")
testReplace($$format_number(13, width=5 leftalign), "13 $$spc ", "left aligned number format")
testReplace($$format_number(13, width=5 zeropad), "00013", "zero-padded number format")
testReplace($$format_number(13, width=5 alwayssign), "$$spc +13", "always signed number format")
testReplace($$format_number(13, width=5 alwayssign zeropad), "+0013", "zero-padded always signed number format")
testReplace($$format_number(13, width=5 padsign), " $$spc 13", "sign-padded number format")
testReplace($$format_number(13, width=5 padsign zeropad), " 0013", "zero-padded sign-padded number format")
testReplace($$clean_path("c:$${DIR_SEPARATOR}crazy//path/../trolls"), "c:/crazy/trolls", "clean_path")
testReplace($$shell_path("/crazy/trolls"), "$${QMAKE_DIR_SEP}crazy$${QMAKE_DIR_SEP}trolls", "shell_path")
testReplace($$system_path("/crazy/trolls"), "$${DIR_SEPARATOR}crazy$${DIR_SEPARATOR}trolls", "system_path")
testReplace($$absolute_path("crazy/trolls"), "$$PWD/crazy/trolls", "absolute_path")
testReplace($$absolute_path("crazy/trolls", "/fake/path"), "/fake/path/crazy/trolls", "absolute_path with base")
testReplace($$absolute_path(""), "$$PWD", "absolute_path of empty")
testReplace($$relative_path($$_PRO_FILE_PWD_), $$basename($$_PRO_FILE_), "relative_path")
testReplace($$relative_path("/fake/trolls", "/fake/path"), "../trolls", "relative_path with base")
testReplace($$relative_path(""), "", "relative_path of empty")
#this test is very rudimentary. the backend function is thoroughly tested in qt creator
in = "some nasty & ugly\" path & thing\\"
out_cmd = "\"some nasty & ugly\\\" path ^& thing\\\\^\""
out_sh = "'some nasty & ugly\" path & thing\\'"
equals(QMAKE_HOST.os, Windows): \
out = $$out_cmd
else: \
out = $$out_sh
testReplace($$system_quote($$in), $$out, "system_quote")
!equals(QMAKE_DIR_SEP, /): \
out = $$out_cmd
else: \
out = $$out_sh
testReplace($$shell_quote($$in), $$out, "shell_quote")
testReplace($$reverse($$list(one two three)), three two one, "reverse")
testReplace($$cat(textfile), hi '"holla he"' 'hu!')
MOD.a.depends =
MOD.b.depends =
MOD.b.priority = 1
MOD.c.depends = a b
testReplace($$resolve_depends($$list(c), "MOD."), c b a)
MOD.a.priority = 1
MOD.b.priority = 0
testReplace($$resolve_depends($$list(c), "MOD."), c a b)