Mike Krus 03e9c6f4a6 Add support for Apple tvOS
Pass -xplatform macx-tvos-clang to configure to build.
Builds device and simulator by default.

Added ‘uikit’ platform with the common setup.
Also added QT_PLATFORM_UIKIT define (undocumented).
qmake config defines tvos (but not ios).

tvOS is 64bits only (QT_ARCH is arm64) and requires bitcode to be
embedded in the binary. A new ‘bitcode’ configuration was added.
For ReleaseDevice builds (which get archived and push to the store),
bitcode is actually embedded (-fembed-bitcode passed to clang). For all
other configurations, only using bitcode markers to keep file size
down (-fembed-bitcode-marker).

Build disables Widgets in qtbase, and qtscript (unsupported,
would require fixes to JavaScriptCore source code).

Qpa same as on iOS but disables device orientation, status bar, clipboard,
menus, dialogs which are not supported on tvOS.

Change-Id: I645804fd933be0befddeeb43095a74d2c178b2ba
Reviewed-by: Tor Arne Vestbø <tor.arne.vestbo@theqtcompany.com>
2016-05-17 16:11:23 +00:00

92 lines
2.7 KiB

# W A R N I N G
# -------------
# This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
# implementation detail. It may change from version to version
# without notice, or even be removed.
# We mean it.
# Ensure that each module has a .qmake.cache when properly qmake'd.
TEMPLATE = subdirs
bp = $$eval($$upper($$TARGET)_BUILD_PARTS)
!isEmpty(bp): QT_BUILD_PARTS = $$bp
exists($$_PRO_FILE_PWD_/src/src.pro) {
sub_src.subdir = src
sub_src.target = sub-src
SUBDIRS += sub_src
exists($$_PRO_FILE_PWD_/tools/tools.pro) {
sub_tools.subdir = tools
sub_tools.target = sub-tools
sub_tools.depends = sub_src
# conditional treatment happens on a case-by-case basis
SUBDIRS += sub_tools
exists($$_PRO_FILE_PWD_/examples/examples.pro) {
sub_examples.subdir = examples
sub_examples.target = sub-examples
contains(SUBDIRS, sub_src): sub_examples.depends = sub_src
examples_need_tools: sub_examples.depends += sub_tools
!contains(QT_BUILD_PARTS, examples): sub_examples.CONFIG = no_default_target no_default_install
SUBDIRS += sub_examples
# Some modules still have these
exists($$_PRO_FILE_PWD_/demos/demos.pro) {
sub_demos.subdir = demos
sub_demos.target = sub-demos
contains(SUBDIRS, sub_src): sub_demos.depends = sub_src
examples_need_tools: sub_demos.depends += sub_tools
!contains(QT_BUILD_PARTS, examples): sub_demos.CONFIG = no_default_target no_default_install
SUBDIRS += sub_demos
exists($$_PRO_FILE_PWD_/tests/tests.pro) {
sub_tests.subdir = tests
sub_tests.target = sub-tests
contains(SUBDIRS, sub_src): sub_tests.depends = sub_src # The tests may have a run-time only dependency on other parts
tests_need_tools: sub_tests.depends += sub_tools
sub_tests.CONFIG = no_default_install
!contains(QT_BUILD_PARTS, tests) {
sub_tests.CONFIG += no_default_target
} else: !uikit {
# Make sure these are there in case we need them
sub_tools.CONFIG -= no_default_target
sub_examples.CONFIG -= no_default_target
sub_demos.CONFIG -= no_default_target
SUBDIRS += sub_tests
QT_BUILD_PARTS -= libs tools examples tests
!isEmpty(QT_BUILD_PARTS): warning("Unknown build part(s): $$QT_BUILD_PARTS")
.qmake.cache \
config.log \
mkspecs/modules/*.pri \
tests = $$files($$_PRO_FILE_PWD_/config.tests/*.pro, true)
testdirs =
for (t, tests): \
testdirs += $$relative_path($$dirname(t), $$_PRO_FILE_PWD_)
testdirs = $$unique(testdirs)
for (td, testdirs) {
t = $$basename(td)-distclean
$${t}.commands = -cd $$shell_path($$td) && $(MAKE) distclean