As in the past, to avoid rewriting various autotests that contain line-number information, an extra blank line has been inserted at the end of the license text to ensure that this commit does not change the total number of lines in the license header. Change-Id: I311e001373776812699d6efc045b5f742890c689 Reviewed-by: Rohan McGovern <rohan.mcgovern@nokia.com>
440 lines
16 KiB
Executable File
440 lines
16 KiB
Executable File
## Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
## Contact: http://www.qt-project.org/
## This file is part of the S60 port of the Qt Toolkit.
## GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
## This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
## License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and
## appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this
## file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Lesser
## General Public License version 2.1 requirements will be met:
## http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
## In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
## rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
## version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
## GNU General Public License Usage
## Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
## Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
## and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of this
## file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU General
## Public License version 3.0 requirements will be met:
## http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
## Other Usage
## Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms and
## conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you and Nokia.
# Convenience script for creating signed packages you can install on your phone.
use strict;
# use a command-line parsing module
use Getopt::Long;
# Use file name parsing module
use File::Basename;
# Use File::Spec services mainly rel2abs
use File::Spec;
# Use File::Path - to make stub sis target directory
use File::Path;
# use CWD abs_bath, which is exported only on request
use Cwd 'abs_path';
use File::Copy;
sub Usage() {
Convenience script for creating signed packages you can install on your phone.
Usage: createpackage.pl [options] templatepkg [target]-[platform] [certificate key [passphrase]]
Where supported options are as follows:
[-i|install] = Install the package right away using PC suite.
[-p|preprocess] = Only preprocess the template .pkg file.
[-c|certfile <file>] = The file containing certificate information for signing.
The file can have several certificates, each specified in
separate line. The certificate, key and passphrase in line
must be ';' separated. Lines starting with '#' are treated
as a comments. Also empty lines are ignored. The paths in
<file> can be absolute or relative to <file>.
[-u|unsigned] = Preserves the unsigned package.
[-o|only-unsigned] = Creates only unsigned package.
[-s|stub] = Generates stub sis for ROM.
[-n|sisname <name>] = Specifies the final sis name.
[-g|gcce-is-armv5] = Convert gcce platform to armv5.
[-d|dont-patch] = Skip automatic patching of capabilities and pkg file if default certificate
is used. Instead non-self-signable capabilities just cause warnings.
[-t|tmp-dir <path>] = Specifies temporary directory to be used for package creation.
Defaults to 'createpackage_tmp' under same directory as templatepkg.
Where parameters are as follows:
templatepkg = Name of .pkg file template
target = Either debug or release
platform = One of the supported platform
winscw | gcce | armv5 | armv6 | armv7
Note that when packaging binaries built using gcce and symbian-sbsv2
mkspec, armv5 must be used for platform instead of gcce.
certificate = The certificate file used for signing
key = The certificate's private key file
passphrase = The passphrase of the certificate's private key file
createpackage.pl fluidlauncher_template.pkg release-armv5
Example with certfile:
createpackage.pl -c=mycerts.txt fluidlauncher_template.pkg release-armv5
Content of 'mycerts.txt' must be something like this:
# This is comment line, also the empty lines are ignored
If no certificate and key files are provided, either a RnD certificate or
a self-signed certificate from QtDir\\src\\s60installs directory is used.
In the latter case the resulting package will also be automatically patched
using patch_capabilities.pl script, which makes it unsuitable for distribution.
Always specify certificates explicitly if you wish to distribute your package.
# Read given options
my $install = "";
my $preprocessonly = "";
my $certfile = "";
my $preserveUnsigned = "";
my $stub = "";
my $signed_sis_name = "";
my $onlyUnsigned = "";
my $convertGcce = "";
my $dontPatchCaps = "";
my $tempPackageDir = "";
unless (GetOptions('i|install' => \$install,
'p|preprocess' => \$preprocessonly,
'c|certfile=s' => \$certfile,
'u|unsigned' => \$preserveUnsigned,
'o|only-unsigned' => \$onlyUnsigned,
's|stub' => \$stub,
'n|sisname=s' => \$signed_sis_name,
'g|gcce-is-armv5' => \$convertGcce,
'd|dont-patch' => \$dontPatchCaps,
't|tmp-dir=s' => \$tempPackageDir,)) {
my $epocroot = $ENV{EPOCROOT};
my $epocToolsDir = "";
if ($epocroot ne "") {
$epocroot =~ s,\\,/,g;
if ($epocroot =~ m,[^/]$,) {
$epocroot = $epocroot."/";
$epocToolsDir = "${epocroot}epoc32/tools/";
my $certfilepath = abs_path(dirname($certfile));
# Read params to variables
my $templatepkg = $ARGV[0];
my $targetplatform = lc $ARGV[1];
if ($targetplatform eq "") {
$targetplatform = "-";
my @tmpvalues = split('-', $targetplatform);
my $target;
$target = $tmpvalues[0] or $target = "";
my $platform;
$platform = $tmpvalues[1] or $platform = "";
if ($platform =~ m/^gcce$/i) {
if (($convertGcce ne "")) {
$platform = "armv5";
} elsif ($ENV{SBS_HOME}) {
# Print a informative note in case suspected misuse is detected.
print "\nNote: You should use armv5 as platform or specify -g parameter to convert platform\n";
print " when packaging gcce binaries built using symbian-sbsv2 mkspec.\n\n";
# Convert visual target to real target (debug->udeb and release->urel)
$target =~ s/debug/udeb/i;
$target =~ s/release/urel/i;
my $certificate;
$certificate = $ARGV[2] or $certificate = "";
my $key;
$key = $ARGV[3] or $key = "";
my $passphrase;
$passphrase = $ARGV[4] or $passphrase = "";
if ($tempPackageDir eq "") {
my ($templateVolume, $templatePath, $templateFileName) = File::Spec->splitpath($templatepkg);
$tempPackageDir = File::Spec->catpath($templateVolume, $templatePath."createpackage_tmp", "");
# Generate output pkg basename (i.e. file name without extension)
my $pkgoutputbasename = $templatepkg;
$pkgoutputbasename =~ s/_template/_$targetplatform/g;
$pkgoutputbasename =~ s/_installer\.pkg/_installer___temp\.pkg/g;
$pkgoutputbasename =~ s/\.pkg//g;
# Store output file names to variables
my ($dummy1, $dummy2, $pkgoutput) = File::Spec->splitpath($pkgoutputbasename.".pkg");
$pkgoutput = $tempPackageDir."/".$pkgoutput;
my $sisoutputbasename;
if ($signed_sis_name eq "") {
$sisoutputbasename = $pkgoutputbasename;
$sisoutputbasename =~ s/_$targetplatform//g;
$sisoutputbasename =~ s/_installer___temp/_installer/g;
$signed_sis_name = $sisoutputbasename.".sis";
} else {
$sisoutputbasename = $signed_sis_name;
if ($sisoutputbasename =~ m/(\.sis$|\.sisx$)/i) {
$sisoutputbasename =~ s/$1//i;
} else {
$signed_sis_name = $signed_sis_name.".sis";
my $installer_unsigned_app_sis_name = "";
my $installer_app_sis_name = "";
if ($templatepkg =~ m/_installer\.pkg$/i && $onlyUnsigned) {
$installer_unsigned_app_sis_name = $templatepkg;
$installer_unsigned_app_sis_name =~ s/_installer.pkg$/_unsigned.sis/i;
$installer_app_sis_name = $installer_unsigned_app_sis_name;
$installer_app_sis_name =~ s/_unsigned.sis$/.sis/;
my $unsigned_sis_name = $sisoutputbasename."_unsigned.sis";
my $stub_sis_name = $sisoutputbasename.".sis";
my $certtext = $certificate;
# Check some pre-conditions and print error messages if needed.
unless (length($templatepkg)) {
print "\nERROR: Template PKG filename is not defined!\n";
# Check template exist
unless( -e _ ) {
print "\nERROR: Package description file '$templatepkg' does not exist!\n";
# Check certifcate preconditions and set default certificate variables if needed
if (length($certificate)) {
unless(length($key)) {
print "\nERROR: Custom certificate key file parameter missing.!\n";
} else {
#If no certificate is given, check default options
my $scriptpath = dirname(__FILE__);
my $certpath = File::Spec->catdir($scriptpath, File::Spec->updir(), "src/s60installs");
unless (-e $certpath) {
my $qmakeCmd = File::Spec->catfile($scriptpath, "qmake");
$certpath = `$qmakeCmd -query QT_INSTALL_PREFIX`;
$certpath =~ s/\s+$//;
$certpath = File::Spec->catdir($certpath, "src/s60installs");
$certtext = "RnD";
$certificate = File::Spec->catfile($certpath, "rd.cer");
$key = File::Spec->catfile($certpath, "rd-key.pem");
unless( -e _ ) {
$certtext = "Self Signed";
$certificate = File::Spec->catfile($certpath, "selfsigned.cer");
$key = File::Spec->catfile($certpath, "selfsigned.key");
# Read the certificates from file to two dimensional array
my @certificates;
if (length($certfile)) {
open CERTFILE, "<$certfile" or die $!;
s/#.*//; # ignore comments by erasing them
next if /^(\s)*$/; # skip blank lines
chomp; # remove trailing newline characters
my @certinfo = split(';', $_); # split row to certinfo
# Trim spaces
for(@certinfo) {
# Do some validation
unless(scalar(@certinfo) >= 2 && scalar(@certinfo) <= 3 && length($certinfo[0]) && length($certinfo[1]) ) {
print "\nERROR: $certfile line '$_' does not contain valid information!\n";
push @certificates, [@certinfo]; # push data to two dimensional array
# Remove any existing .sis packages
unlink $unsigned_sis_name;
if (!$onlyUnsigned) {
unlink $signed_sis_name;
unlink $pkgoutput;
# Preprocess PKG
local $/;
# read template file
open( TEMPLATE, $templatepkg) or die "ERROR: '$templatepkg': $!";
close (TEMPLATE);
# If the pkg file does not contain macros, there is no need for platform or target.
if (m/\$\(PLATFORM\)/) {
unless (length($platform) && length($target)) {
print "\nERROR: Platform or target is not defined!\n";
# replace the PKG variables
if ($installer_unsigned_app_sis_name ne "") {
#write the output
open( OUTPUT, ">$pkgoutput" ) or die "ERROR: '$pkgoutput' $!";
print OUTPUT $_;
close OUTPUT;
if ($preprocessonly) {
# Copy preprocessed file from tmp dir to pkg file dir
my ($templateVolume, $templatePath, $templateFileName) = File::Spec->splitpath($templatepkg);
my ($dummy1, $dummy2, $copyFileName) = File::Spec->splitpath($pkgoutput);
my $copyTarget = File::Spec->catpath($templateVolume, $templatePath, $copyFileName);
copy($pkgoutput, $copyTarget) or die "Preprocessed pkg file '$pkgoutput' cannot be copied.";
if($stub) {
if(!($epocroot)) { die("ERROR: EPOCROOT must be set to create stub sis files"); }
my $systeminstall = "${epocroot}epoc32/data/z/system/install";
my $stub_sis_name = $systeminstall."/".$stub_sis_name;
# Create stub SIS.
system ("${epocToolsDir}makesis -s $pkgoutput $stub_sis_name");
} else {
if ($certtext eq "Self Signed"
&& !@certificates
&& $templatepkg !~ m/_installer\.pkg$/i
&& !$onlyUnsigned) {
my $patch_capabilities = File::Spec->catfile(dirname($0), "patch_capabilities");
if ($dontPatchCaps) {
system ("$patch_capabilities -c $pkgoutput") and print ("Warning: Package check for self-signing viability failed. Installing the package on a device will most likely fail!\n\n");
} else {
print("Auto-patching self-signed package.\n");
system ("$patch_capabilities -t $tempPackageDir $pkgoutput") and die ("ERROR: Automatic patching failed");
# Create SIS.
# The 'and' is because system uses 0 to indicate success.
system ("${epocToolsDir}makesis $pkgoutput $unsigned_sis_name") and die ("ERROR: makesis failed");
my $targetInsert = "";
if ($targetplatform ne "-") {
$targetInsert = " for $targetplatform";
if ($onlyUnsigned) {
if( -e _ ) {
print ("Successfully created unsigned package ${unsigned_sis_name}${targetInsert}!\n");
} else {
print ("\nUnsigned package creation failed!\n");
print ("\n");
# Sign SIS with certificate info given as an argument.
my $relcert = File::Spec->abs2rel($certificate);
my $relkey = File::Spec->abs2rel($key);
# The 'and' is because system uses 0 to indicate success.
system ("${epocToolsDir}signsis $unsigned_sis_name $signed_sis_name $relcert $relkey $passphrase") and die ("ERROR: signsis failed");
# Check if creating signed SIS Succeeded
if( -e _ ) {
print ("Successfully created signed package ${signed_sis_name}${targetInsert} using certificate: $certtext!\n");
# Sign with additional certificates & keys
for my $row ( @certificates ) {
# Get certificate absolute file names, relative paths are relative to certfilepath
my $relcert = File::Spec->abs2rel(File::Spec->rel2abs( $row->[0], $certfilepath));
my $relkey = File::Spec->abs2rel(File::Spec->rel2abs( $row->[1], $certfilepath));
system ("${epocToolsDir}signsis $signed_sis_name $signed_sis_name $relcert $relkey $row->[2]");
print ("\tAdditionally signed the SIS with certificate: $row->[0]!\n");
# remove temporary unsigned sis
if (!$preserveUnsigned) {
unlink $unsigned_sis_name;
# Install the sis if requested
if ($install) {
print ("\nInstalling $signed_sis_name...\n");
system ("$signed_sis_name");
} else {
# Lets leave the generated PKG for problem solving purposes
print ("\nSIS creation failed!\n");
print ("\n");
#end of file