Edward Welbourne bb6a73260e Support digit-grouping correctly
Read three more values from CLDR and add a byte to the bit-fields at
the end of QLocaleData, indicating the three group sizes. This adds
three new parameters to various low-level formatting functions. At the
same time, rename ThousandsGroup to GroupDigits, more faithfully
expressing what this (internal) option means.

This replaces commit 27d1391280 with a
fuller implementation that handles digit-grouping in any of the ways
that CLDR supports. The formerly "Indian" formatting now also applies
to at least some locales for Bangladesh, Bhutan and Sri Lanka.

Fixed Costa Rica currency formatting test that wrongly put a separator
after the first digit; the locale (in common with several Spanish
locales) requires at least two digits before the first separator.

[ChangeLog][QtCore][Important Behavior Changes] Some locales require
more than one digit before the first grouping separator; others use
group sizes other than three. The latter was partially supported (only
for India) at 5.15 but is now systematically supported; the former is
now also supported.

Task-number: QTBUG-24301
Fixes: QTBUG-81050
Change-Id: I4ea4e331f3254d1f34801cddf51f3c65d3815573
Reviewed-by: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@intel.com>
2020-07-14 14:52:08 +02:00

615 lines
24 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python2
## Copyright (C) 2020 The Qt Company Ltd.
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"""Script to generate C++ code from CLDR data in qLocaleXML form
See ``cldr2qlocalexml.py`` for how to generate the qLocaleXML data itself.
Pass the output file from that as first parameter to this script; pass
the root of the qtbase check-out as second parameter.
import os
import datetime
from qlocalexml import QLocaleXmlReader
from localetools import unicode2hex, wrap_list, Error, Transcriber, SourceFileEditor
def compareLocaleKeys(key1, key2):
if key1 == key2:
return 0
if key1[0] != key2[0]: # First sort by language:
return key1[0] - key2[0]
defaults = compareLocaleKeys.default_map
# maps {(language, script): country} by ID
country = defaults[key1[:2]]
except KeyError:
if key1[2] == country:
return -1
if key2[2] == country:
return 1
if key1[1] == key2[1]:
return key1[2] - key2[2]
country = defaults[key2[:2]]
except KeyError:
if key2[2] == country:
return 1
if key1[2] == country:
return -1
return key1[1] - key2[1]
class StringDataToken:
def __init__(self, index, length, bits):
if index > 0xffff:
raise ValueError('Start-index ({}) exceeds the uint16 range!'.format(index))
if length >= (1 << bits):
raise ValueError('Data size ({}) exceeds the {}-bit range!'.format(length, bits))
self.index = index
self.length = length
class StringData:
def __init__(self, name):
self.data = []
self.hash = {}
self.name = name
self.text = '' # Used in quick-search for matches in data
def append(self, s, bits = 8):
token = self.hash[s]
except KeyError:
token = self.__store(s, bits)
self.hash[s] = token
return token
def __store(self, s, bits):
"""Add string s to known data.
Seeks to avoid duplication, where possible.
For example, short-forms may be prefixes of long-forms.
if not s:
return StringDataToken(0, 0, bits)
ucs2 = unicode2hex(s)
index = self.text.index(s) - 1
matched = 0
while matched < len(ucs2):
index, matched = self.data.index(ucs2[0], index + 1), 1
if index + len(ucs2) >= len(self.data):
raise ValueError # not found after all !
while matched < len(ucs2) and self.data[index + matched] == ucs2[matched]:
matched += 1
except ValueError:
index = len(self.data)
self.data += ucs2
self.text += s
assert index >= 0
return StringDataToken(index, len(ucs2), bits)
except ValueError as e:
e.args += (self.name, s)
def write(self, fd):
if len(self.data) > 0xffff:
raise ValueError('Data is too big ({}) for quint16 index to its end!'
fd.write("\nstatic const char16_t {}[] = {{\n".format(self.name))
def currencyIsoCodeData(s):
if s:
return '{' + ",".join(str(ord(x)) for x in s) + '}'
return "{0,0,0}"
class LocaleSourceEditor (SourceFileEditor):
__upinit = SourceFileEditor.__init__
def __init__(self, path, temp, version):
self.__upinit(path, temp)
This part of the file was generated on {} from the
Common Locale Data Repository v{}
Do not edit this section: instead regenerate it using
cldr2qlocalexml.py and qlocalexml2cpp.py on updated (or
edited) CLDR data; see qtbase/util/locale_database/.
""".format(datetime.date.today(), version))
class LocaleDataWriter (LocaleSourceEditor):
def likelySubtags(self, likely):
self.writer.write('static const QLocaleId likely_subtags[] = {\n')
for had, have, got, give, last in likely:
self.writer.write(' {{ {:3d}, {:3d}, {:3d} }}'.format(*have))
self.writer.write(', {{ {:3d}, {:3d}, {:3d} }}'.format(*give))
self.writer.write(' ' if last else ',')
self.writer.write(' // {} -> {}\n'.format(had, got))
def localeIndex(self, indices):
self.writer.write('static const quint16 locale_index[] = {\n')
for pair in indices:
self.writer.write('{:6d}, // {}\n'.format(*pair))
self.writer.write(' 0 // trailing 0\n')
def localeData(self, locales, names):
list_pattern_part_data = StringData('list_pattern_part_data')
single_character_data = StringData('single_character_data')
date_format_data = StringData('date_format_data')
time_format_data = StringData('time_format_data')
days_data = StringData('days_data')
am_data = StringData('am_data')
pm_data = StringData('pm_data')
byte_unit_data = StringData('byte_unit_data')
currency_symbol_data = StringData('currency_symbol_data')
currency_display_name_data = StringData('currency_display_name_data')
currency_format_data = StringData('currency_format_data')
endonyms_data = StringData('endonyms_data')
# Locale data
self.writer.write('static const QLocaleData locale_data[] = {\n')
# Table headings: keep each label centred in its field, matching line_format:
self.writer.write(' // '
# Width 6 + comma
' lang ' # IDs
'script '
' terr '
# Range entries (all start-indices, then all sizes)
# Width 5 + comma
'lStrt ' # List pattern
'lpMid '
'lpEnd '
'lPair '
'lDelm ' # List delimiter
# Representing numbers
' dec '
'group '
'prcnt '
' zero '
'minus '
'plus '
' exp '
# Quotation marks
'qtOpn '
'qtEnd '
'altQO '
'altQE '
'lDFmt ' # Date format
'sDFmt '
'lTFmt ' # Time format
'sTFmt '
'slDay ' # Day names
'lDays '
'ssDys '
'sDays '
'snDay '
'nDays '
' am ' # am/pm indicators
' pm '
' byte '
'siQnt '
'iecQn '
'crSym ' # Currency formatting
'crDsp '
'crFmt '
'crFNg '
'ntLng ' # Name of language in itself, and of territory
'ntTer '
# Width 3 + comma for each size; no header
+ ' ' * 37 +
# Strays (char array, bit-fields):
# Width 10 + 2 spaces + comma
' currISO '
# Width 6 + comma
'curDgt ' # Currency digits
'curRnd ' # Currencty rounding (unused: QTBUG-81343)
'dow1st ' # First day of week
' wknd+ ' # Week-end start/end days
' wknd- '
'grpTop '
'grpMid '
# No trailing space on last entry (be sure to
# pad before adding anything after it).
formatLine = ''.join((
' {{ ',
# Locale-identifier
'{:6d},' * 3,
# List patterns, date/time formats, day names, am/pm
# SI/IEC byte-unit abbreviations
# Currency and endonyms
# Range starts
'{:5d},' * 37,
# Range sizes
'{:3d},' * 37,
# Currency ISO code
' {:>10s}, ',
# Currency formatting
# Day of week and week-end
',{:6d}' * 3,
# Number group sizes
',{:6d}' * 3,
' }}')).format
for key in names:
locale = locales[key]
# Sequence of StringDataToken:
ranges = (tuple(list_pattern_part_data.append(p) for p in # 5 entries:
(locale.listPatternPartStart, locale.listPatternPartMiddle,
locale.listPatternPartEnd, locale.listPatternPartTwo,
locale.listDelim)) +
tuple(single_character_data.append(p) for p in # 11 entries
(locale.decimal, locale.group, locale.percent, locale.zero,
locale.minus, locale.plus, locale.exp,
locale.quotationStart, locale.quotationEnd,
locale.alternateQuotationStart, locale.alternateQuotationEnd)) +
tuple (date_format_data.append(f) for f in # 2 entries:
(locale.longDateFormat, locale.shortDateFormat)) +
tuple(time_format_data.append(f) for f in # 2 entries:
(locale.longTimeFormat, locale.shortTimeFormat)) +
tuple(days_data.append(d) for d in # 6 entries:
(locale.standaloneLongDays, locale.longDays,
locale.standaloneShortDays, locale.shortDays,
locale.standaloneNarrowDays, locale.narrowDays)) +
(am_data.append(locale.am), pm_data.append(locale.pm)) + # 2 entries
tuple(byte_unit_data.append(b) for b in # 3 entries:
locale.byte_iec_quantified)) +
endonyms_data.append(locale.countryEndonym)) # 6 entries
) # Total: 37 entries
assert len(ranges) == 37
key +
tuple(r.index for r in ranges) +
tuple(r.length for r in ranges) +
locale.currencyRounding, # unused (QTBUG-81343)
locale.firstDayOfWeek, locale.weekendStart, locale.weekendEnd,
locale.groupTop, locale.groupHigher, locale.groupLeast) ))
+ ', // {}/{}/{}\n'.format(
locale.language, locale.script, locale.country))
self.writer.write(formatLine(*( # All zeros, matching the format:
(0,) * 3 + (0,) * 37 * 2
+ (currencyIsoCodeData(0),)
+ (0,) * 8 ))
+ ' // trailing zeros\n')
# StringData tables:
for data in (list_pattern_part_data, single_character_data,
date_format_data, time_format_data, days_data,
byte_unit_data, am_data, pm_data, currency_symbol_data,
currency_display_name_data, currency_format_data,
def __writeNameData(out, book, form):
out('static const char {}_name_list[] =\n'.format(form))
for key, value in book.items():
if key == 0:
out('"' + value[0] + '\\0"\n')
out('static const quint16 {}_name_index[] = {{\n'.format(form))
out(' 0, // Any{}\n'.format(form.capitalize()))
index = 8
for key, value in book.items():
if key == 0:
name = value[0]
out('{:6d}, // {}\n'.format(index, name))
index += len(name) + 1
def __writeCodeList(out, book, form, width):
out('static const unsigned char {}_code_list[] =\n'.format(form))
for key, value in book.items():
code = value[1]
code += r'\0' * max(width - len(code), 0)
out('"{}" // {}\n'.format(code, value[0]))
def languageNames(self, languages):
self.__writeNameData(self.writer.write, languages, 'language')
def scriptNames(self, scripts):
self.__writeNameData(self.writer.write, scripts, 'script')
def countryNames(self, countries):
self.__writeNameData(self.writer.write, countries, 'country')
# TODO: unify these next three into the previous three; kept
# separate for now to verify we're not changing data.
def languageCodes(self, languages):
self.__writeCodeList(self.writer.write, languages, 'language', 3)
def scriptCodes(self, scripts):
self.__writeCodeList(self.writer.write, scripts, 'script', 4)
def countryCodes(self, countries): # TODO: unify with countryNames()
self.__writeCodeList(self.writer.write, countries, 'country', 3)
class CalendarDataWriter (LocaleSourceEditor):
formatCalendar = (
' {{'
+ ','.join(('{:6d}',) * 3 + ('{:5d}',) * 6 + ('{:3d}',) * 6)
+ ' }},').format
def write(self, calendar, locales, names):
months_data = StringData('months_data')
self.writer.write('static const QCalendarLocale locale_data[] = {\n')
' //'
# IDs, width 7 (6 + comma)
' lang '
' script'
' terr '
# Month-name start-indices, width 6 (5 + comma)
'sLong '
' long '
'sShrt '
'short '
'sNarw '
'narow '
# No individual headers for the sizes.
for key in names:
locale = locales[key]
# Sequence of StringDataToken:
# Twelve long month names can add up to more than 256 (e.g. kde_TZ: 264)
ranges = (tuple(months_data.append(m[calendar], 16) for m in
(locale.standaloneLongMonths, locale.longMonths)) +
tuple(months_data.append(m[calendar]) for m in
(locale.standaloneShortMonths, locale.shortMonths,
locale.standaloneNarrowMonths, locale.narrowMonths)))
except ValueError as e:
e.args += (locale.language, locale.script, locale.country, stem)
key +
tuple(r.index for r in ranges) +
tuple(r.length for r in ranges) ))
+ '// {}/{}/{}\n'.format(locale.language, locale.script, locale.country))
self.writer.write(self.formatCalendar(*( (0,) * (3 + 6 * 2) ))
+ '// trailing zeros\n')
class LocaleHeaderWriter (SourceFileEditor):
__upinit = SourceFileEditor.__init__
def __init__(self, path, temp, dupes):
self.__upinit(path, temp)
self.__dupes = dupes
def languages(self, languages):
self.__enum('Language', languages, self.__language)
def countries(self, countries):
self.__enum('Country', countries, self.__country)
def scripts(self, scripts):
self.__enum('Script', scripts, self.__script)
# Implementation details
from enumdata import (language_aliases as __language,
country_aliases as __country,
script_aliases as __script)
def __enum(self, name, book, alias):
assert book
out, dupes = self.writer.write, self.__dupes
out(' enum {} {{\n'.format(name))
for key, value in book.items():
member = value[0]
if name == 'Script':
# Don't .capitalize() as some names are already camel-case (see enumdata.py):
member = ''.join(word[0].upper() + word[1:] for word in member.split())
if not member.endswith('Script'):
member += 'Script'
if member in dupes:
raise Error('The script name "{}" is messy'.format(member))
member = ''.join(member.split())
member = member + name if member in dupes else member
out(' {} = {},\n'.format(member, key))
out('\n '
+ ',\n '.join('{} = {}'.format(*pair)
for pair in sorted(alias.items()))
+ ',\n\n Last{} = {}\n }};\n'.format(name, member))
def usage(name, err, message = ''):
err.write("""Usage: {} path/to/qlocale.xml root/of/qtbase
""".format(name)) # TODO: elaborate
if message:
err.write('\n' + message + '\n')
def main(args, out, err):
# TODO: Make calendars a command-line parameter
# map { CLDR name: Qt file name }
calendars = {'gregorian': 'roman', 'persian': 'jalali', 'islamic': 'hijri',} # 'hebrew': 'hebrew',
name = args.pop(0)
if len(args) != 2:
usage(name, err, 'I expect two arguments')
return 1
qlocalexml = args.pop(0)
qtsrcdir = args.pop(0)
if not (os.path.isdir(qtsrcdir)
and all(os.path.isfile(os.path.join(qtsrcdir, 'src', 'corelib', 'text', leaf))
for leaf in ('qlocale_data_p.h', 'qlocale.h', 'qlocale.qdoc'))):
usage(name, err, 'Missing expected files under qtbase source root ' + qtsrcdir)
return 1
reader = QLocaleXmlReader(qlocalexml)
locale_map = dict(reader.loadLocaleMap(calendars, err.write))
locale_keys = locale_map.keys()
compareLocaleKeys.default_map = dict(reader.defaultMap())
writer = LocaleDataWriter(os.path.join(qtsrcdir, 'src', 'corelib', 'text',
qtsrcdir, reader.cldrVersion)
except IOError as e:
err.write('Failed to open files to transcribe locale data: ' + (e.message or e.args[1]))
return 1
writer.localeIndex(reader.languageIndices(tuple(k[0] for k in locale_map)))
writer.localeData(locale_map, locale_keys)
# TODO: merge the next three into the previous three
except Error as e:
err.write('\nError updating locale data: ' + e.message + '\n')
return 1
# Generate calendar data
for calendar, stem in calendars.items():
writer = CalendarDataWriter(os.path.join(qtsrcdir, 'src', 'corelib', 'time',
qtsrcdir, reader.cldrVersion)
except IOError as e:
err.write('Failed to open files to transcribe ' + calendar
+ ' data ' + (e.message or e.args[1]))
return 1
writer.write(calendar, locale_map, locale_keys)
except Error as e:
err.write('\nError updating ' + calendar + ' locale data: ' + e.message + '\n')
return 1
# qlocale.h
writer = LocaleHeaderWriter(os.path.join(qtsrcdir, 'src', 'corelib', 'text', 'qlocale.h'),
qtsrcdir, reader.dupes)
except IOError as e:
err.write('Failed to open files to transcribe qlocale.h: ' + (e.message or e.args[1]))
return 1
except Error as e:
err.write('\nError updating qlocale.h: ' + e.message + '\n')
return 1
# qlocale.qdoc
writer = Transcriber(os.path.join(qtsrcdir, 'src', 'corelib', 'text', 'qlocale.qdoc'),
except IOError as e:
err.write('Failed to open files to transcribe qlocale.qdoc: ' + (e.message or e.args[1]))
return 1
DOCSTRING = " QLocale's data is based on Common Locale Data Repository "
for line in writer.reader:
if DOCSTRING in line:
writer.writer.write(DOCSTRING + 'v' + reader.cldrVersion + '.\n')
except Error as e:
err.write('\nError updating qlocale.qdoc: ' + e.message + '\n')
return 1
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
sys.exit(main(sys.argv, sys.stdout, sys.stderr))