Since the \br was promoted from a macro to a QDoc command, its output has been enclosed in extra paragraph end/start tags, adding to the visible vertical space. This change fixes the issue by not closing the paragraph when QDoc encounters a \br command. Also removes the now-obsolete \br and \hr macros, as they are both proper commands. \BR and \HR substitute macros are kept. Task-number: QTBUG-37361 Change-Id: Iabbefb6e79268419792ccba42386f6342ccd175d Reviewed-by: Martin Smith <martin.smith@digia.com>
39 lines
1.4 KiB
39 lines
1.4 KiB
macro.aacute.HTML = "á"
macro.Aring.HTML = "Å"
macro.aring.HTML = "å"
macro.Auml.HTML = "Ä"
macro.author = "\\b{Author:}"
macro.BR.HTML = "<br />"
macro.copyright.HTML = "©"
macro.eacute.HTML = "é"
macro.gui = "\\b"
macro.HR.HTML = "<hr />"
macro.iacute.HTML = "í"
macro.key = "\\b"
macro.menu = "\\b"
macro.oslash.HTML = "ø"
macro.ouml.HTML = "ö"
macro.QA = "\\e{Qt Assistant}"
macro.QD = "\\e{Qt Designer}"
macro.QL = "\\e{Qt Linguist}"
macro.QQV = "\\e{Qt QML Viewer}"
macro.param = "\\e"
macro.raisedaster.HTML = "<sup>*</sup>"
macro.rarrow.HTML = "→"
macro.reg.HTML = "<sup>®</sup>"
macro.return = "Returns"
macro.starslash = "\\c{*/}"
macro.begincomment = "\\c{/*}"
macro.endcomment = "\\c{*/}"
macro.uuml.HTML = "ü"
macro.mdash.HTML = "—"
macro.pi.HTML = "Π"
macro.beginqdoc.HTML = "/*!"
macro.endqdoc.HTML = "*/"
macro.beginfloatleft.HTML = "<div style=\"float: left; margin-right: 2em\">"
macro.beginfloatright.HTML = "<div style=\"float: right; margin-left: 2em\">"
macro.endfloat.HTML = "</div>"
macro.clearfloat.HTML = "<br style=\"clear: both\" />"
macro.emptyspan.HTML = "<span></span>"