Marc Mutz 11d6932560 Mark all of Qt as free of Q_FOREACH, except where it isn't
The density of Q_FOREACH uses in this and some other modules is still
extremely high, too high for anyone to tackle in a short amount of
time. Even if they're not concentrated in just a few TUs, we need to
make progress on a global QT_NO_FOREACH default, so grab the nettle
and stick to our strategy:

Mark the whole of Qt with QT_NO_FOREACH, to prevent new uses from
creeping in, and whitelist the affected TUs by #undef'ing
QT_NO_FOREACH locally, at the top of each file. For TUs that are part
of a larger executable, this requires these files to be compiled
separately, so add them to NO_PCH_SOURCES (which implies

In tst_qglobal.cpp and tst_qcollections.cpp change the comment on the
#undef QT_NO_FOREACH to indicate that these actually test the macro.

Task-number: QTBUG-115839
Change-Id: Iecc444eb7d43d7e4d037f6e155abe0e14a00a5d6
Reviewed-by: Edward Welbourne <edward.welbourne@qt.io>
2023-08-19 05:19:42 +00:00

220 lines
7.1 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2020 The Qt Company Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0
#undef QT_NO_FOREACH // this file contains unported legacy Q_FOREACH uses
#include <qtest.h>
#include <QtCore/qmath.h>
#include <QtCore/QElapsedTimer>
#include <QtWidgets/QWidget>
#include "benchmarktests.h"
class BenchWidget : public QWidget
BenchWidget(Benchmark *benchmark);
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) override;
bool done() const { return m_done; }
qreal result() const { return m_result; }
QElapsedTimer timer;
Benchmark *m_benchmark;
bool m_done;
qreal m_result;
uint m_total;
uint m_iteration;
QList<uint> iterationTimes;
void BenchWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *)
if (m_done)
QPainter p(this);
m_benchmark->begin(&p, 100);
PaintingRectAdjuster adjuster;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
m_benchmark->draw(&p, adjuster.newPaintingRect(), i);
uint currentElapsed = timer.isValid() ? timer.elapsed() : 0;
m_total += currentElapsed;
// warm up for at most 5 iterations or half a second
if (m_iteration >= 5 || m_total >= 500) {
iterationTimes << currentElapsed;
if (iterationTimes.size() >= 5) {
qreal mean = 0;
qreal stddev = 0;
uint min = INT_MAX;
for (int i = 0; i < iterationTimes.size(); ++i) {
mean += iterationTimes.at(i);
min = qMin(min, iterationTimes.at(i));
mean /= qreal(iterationTimes.size());
for (int i = 0; i < iterationTimes.size(); ++i) {
qreal delta = iterationTimes.at(i) - mean;
stddev += delta * delta;
stddev = qSqrt(stddev / iterationTimes.size());
stddev = 100 * stddev / mean;
// do 50 iterations, break earlier if we spend more than 5 seconds or have a low std deviation after 2 seconds
if (iterationTimes.size() >= 50 || m_total >= 5000 || (m_total >= 2000 && stddev < 4)) {
m_result = min;
m_done = true;
BenchWidget::BenchWidget(Benchmark *benchmark)
: m_benchmark(benchmark)
, m_done(false)
, m_result(0)
, m_total(0)
, m_iteration(0)
resize(640, 480);
class tst_QtBench : public QObject
QList<Benchmark *> benchmarks;
private slots:
void qtBench();
void qtBench_data();
void cleanupTestCase() { qDeleteAll(benchmarks); }
QString makeString(int length)
const char chars[] = "abcd efgh ijkl mnop qrst uvwx yz!$. ABCD 1234";
const int len = int(strlen(chars));
QString ret;
for (int j = 0; j < length; j++) {
ret += QChar(chars[(j * 97) % len]);
return ret;
void tst_QtBench::qtBench_data()
QTest::addColumn<void *>("benchmark");
QString shortString = makeString(5);
QString middleString = makeString(50);
QString longString = makeString(35) + "\n"
+ makeString(45) + "\n"
+ makeString(75);
QString superLongString = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit am\n"
"et, consectetur adipisci\n"
"ng elit. Integer mi leo,\n"
"interdum ut congue at, p\n"
"ulvinar et tellus. Quisq\n"
"ue pretium eleifend laci\n"
"nia. Ut semper gravida l\n"
"ectus in commodo. Vestib\n"
"ulum pharetra arcu in en\n"
"im ultrices hendrerit. P\n"
"ellentesque habitant mor\n"
"bi tristique senectus et\n"
"netus et malesuada fames\n"
"ac turpis egestas. Ut er\n"
"os sem, feugiat in eleme\n"
"ntum in, porta sit amet \n"
"neque. Fusce mi tellus, \n"
"congue non dapibus eget,\n"
"pharetra quis quam. Duis\n"
"dui massa, pulvinar ac s\n"
"odales pharetra, dictum \n"
"in enim. Phasellus a nis\n"
"i erat, sed pellentesque\n"
"mi. Curabitur sed.";
benchmarks << (new DrawText(shortString, DrawText::PainterMode));
benchmarks << (new DrawText(middleString, DrawText::PainterMode));
benchmarks << (new DrawText(longString, DrawText::PainterMode));
benchmarks << (new DrawText(superLongString, DrawText::PainterMode));
benchmarks << (new DrawText(shortString, DrawText::PainterQPointMode));
benchmarks << (new DrawText(middleString, DrawText::PainterQPointMode));
benchmarks << (new DrawText(longString, DrawText::PainterQPointMode));
benchmarks << (new DrawText(superLongString, DrawText::PainterQPointMode));
benchmarks << (new DrawText(shortString, DrawText::PixmapMode));
benchmarks << (new DrawText(middleString, DrawText::PixmapMode));
benchmarks << (new DrawText(longString, DrawText::PixmapMode));
benchmarks << (new DrawText(superLongString, DrawText::PixmapMode));
benchmarks << (new DrawText(shortString, DrawText::StaticTextMode));
benchmarks << (new DrawText(middleString, DrawText::StaticTextMode));
benchmarks << (new DrawText(longString, DrawText::StaticTextMode));
benchmarks << (new DrawText(superLongString, DrawText::StaticTextMode));
benchmarks << (new DrawText(shortString, DrawText::StaticTextWithMaximumSizeMode));
benchmarks << (new DrawText(middleString, DrawText::StaticTextWithMaximumSizeMode));
benchmarks << (new DrawText(longString, DrawText::StaticTextWithMaximumSizeMode));
benchmarks << (new DrawText(superLongString, DrawText::StaticTextWithMaximumSizeMode));
benchmarks << (new DrawText(shortString, DrawText::StaticTextBackendOptimizations));
benchmarks << (new DrawText(middleString, DrawText::StaticTextBackendOptimizations));
benchmarks << (new DrawText(longString, DrawText::StaticTextBackendOptimizations));
benchmarks << (new DrawText(superLongString, DrawText::StaticTextBackendOptimizations));
foreach (Benchmark *benchmark, benchmarks)
QTest::newRow(qPrintable(benchmark->name())) << reinterpret_cast<void *>(benchmark);
void tst_QtBench::qtBench()
QFETCH(void *, benchmark);
BenchWidget widget(reinterpret_cast<Benchmark *>(benchmark));
while (!widget.done()) {
QTest::setBenchmarkResult(widget.result(), QTest::WalltimeMilliseconds);
#include "tst_qtbench.moc"