Marc Mutz 1c6bf3e09e Port from container::count() and length() to size() - V5
This is a semantic patch using ClangTidyTransformator as in
qtbase/df9d882d41b741fef7c5beeddb0abe9d904443d8, but extended to
handle typedefs and accesses through pointers, too:

    const std::string o = "object";

    auto hasTypeIgnoringPointer = [](auto type) { return anyOf(hasType(type), hasType(pointsTo(type))); };

    auto derivedFromAnyOfClasses = [&](ArrayRef<StringRef> classes) {
        auto exprOfDeclaredType = [&](auto decl) {
            return expr(hasTypeIgnoringPointer(hasUnqualifiedDesugaredType(recordType(hasDeclaration(decl))))).bind(o);
        return exprOfDeclaredType(cxxRecordDecl(isSameOrDerivedFrom(hasAnyName(classes))));

    auto renameMethod = [&] (ArrayRef<StringRef> classes,
                            StringRef from, StringRef to) {
        return makeRule(cxxMemberCallExpr(on(derivedFromAnyOfClasses(classes)),
                            callee(cxxMethodDecl(hasName(from), parameterCountIs(0)))),
                        changeTo(cat(access(o, cat(to)), "()")),
                        cat("use '", to, "' instead of '", from, "'"));

    renameMethod(<classes>, "count", "size");
    renameMethod(<classes>, "length", "size");

except that the on() matcher has been replaced by one that doesn't

a.k.a qt-port-to-std-compatible-api V5 with config Scope: 'Container'.

Added two NOLINTNEXTLINEs in tst_qbitarray and tst_qcontiguouscache,
to avoid porting calls that explicitly test count().

Change-Id: Icfb8808c2ff4a30187e9935a51cad26987451c22
Reviewed-by: Ivan Solovev <ivan.solovev@qt.io>
Reviewed-by: Qt CI Bot <qt_ci_bot@qt-project.org>
2022-11-03 14:59:24 +01:00

375 lines
12 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0
#include "qmakeglobals.h"
#include "qmakeevaluator.h"
#include "ioutils.h"
#include <qbytearray.h>
#include <qdatetime.h>
#include <qdebug.h>
#include <qdir.h>
#include <qfile.h>
#include <qfileinfo.h>
#include <qlist.h>
#include <qset.h>
#include <qstack.h>
#include <qstring.h>
#include <qstringlist.h>
#include <qtextstream.h>
# include <qthreadpool.h>
#ifdef Q_OS_UNIX
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/utsname.h>
#include <qt_windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN32
#define QT_POPEN _popen
#define QT_POPEN_READ "rb"
#define QT_PCLOSE _pclose
#define QT_POPEN popen
#define QT_POPEN_READ "r"
#define QT_PCLOSE pclose
using namespace QMakeInternal; // for IoUtils
#define fL1S(s) QString::fromLatin1(s)
do_cache = true;
debugLevel = 0;
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
dirlist_sep = QLatin1Char(';');
dir_sep = QLatin1Char('\\');
dirlist_sep = QLatin1Char(':');
dir_sep = QLatin1Char('/');
QString QMakeGlobals::cleanSpec(QMakeCmdLineParserState &state, const QString &spec)
QString ret = QDir::cleanPath(spec);
if (ret.contains(QLatin1Char('/'))) {
QString absRet = IoUtils::resolvePath(state.pwd, ret);
if (QFile::exists(absRet))
ret = absRet;
return ret;
* Return value meanings:
* ArgumentUnknown The argument at *pos was not handled by this function.
* Leave it to the caller to handle this argument.
* ArgumentMalformed There was an error detected.
* ArgumentsOk All arguments were known. There are no arguments left to handle.
QMakeGlobals::ArgumentReturn QMakeGlobals::addCommandLineArguments(
QMakeCmdLineParserState &state, QStringList &args, int *pos)
enum { ArgNone, ArgConfig, ArgSpec, ArgXSpec, ArgTmpl, ArgTmplPfx, ArgCache, ArgQtConf } argState = ArgNone;
for (; *pos < args.size(); (*pos)++) {
QString arg = args.at(*pos);
switch (argState) {
case ArgConfig:
state.configs[state.phase] << arg;
case ArgSpec:
qmakespec = args[*pos] = cleanSpec(state, arg);
case ArgXSpec:
xqmakespec = args[*pos] = cleanSpec(state, arg);
case ArgTmpl:
user_template = arg;
case ArgTmplPfx:
user_template_prefix = arg;
case ArgCache:
cachefile = args[*pos] = IoUtils::resolvePath(state.pwd, arg);
case ArgQtConf:
qtconf = args[*pos] = IoUtils::resolvePath(state.pwd, arg);
if (arg.startsWith(QLatin1Char('-'))) {
if (arg == QLatin1String("--")) {
state.extraargs = args.mid(*pos + 1);
args.erase(args.begin() + *pos, args.end());
return ArgumentsOk;
if (arg == QLatin1String("-early"))
state.phase = QMakeEvalEarly;
else if (arg == QLatin1String("-before"))
state.phase = QMakeEvalBefore;
else if (arg == QLatin1String("-after"))
state.phase = QMakeEvalAfter;
else if (arg == QLatin1String("-late"))
state.phase = QMakeEvalLate;
else if (arg == QLatin1String("-config"))
argState = ArgConfig;
else if (arg == QLatin1String("-nocache"))
do_cache = false;
else if (arg == QLatin1String("-cache"))
argState = ArgCache;
else if (arg == QLatin1String("-qtconf"))
argState = ArgQtConf;
else if (arg == QLatin1String("-platform") || arg == QLatin1String("-spec"))
argState = ArgSpec;
else if (arg == QLatin1String("-xplatform") || arg == QLatin1String("-xspec"))
argState = ArgXSpec;
else if (arg == QLatin1String("-template") || arg == QLatin1String("-t"))
argState = ArgTmpl;
else if (arg == QLatin1String("-template_prefix") || arg == QLatin1String("-tp"))
argState = ArgTmplPfx;
else if (arg == QLatin1String("-win32"))
dir_sep = QLatin1Char('\\');
else if (arg == QLatin1String("-unix"))
dir_sep = QLatin1Char('/');
return ArgumentUnknown;
} else if (arg.contains(QLatin1Char('='))) {
state.cmds[state.phase] << arg;
} else {
return ArgumentUnknown;
argState = ArgNone;
if (argState != ArgNone)
return ArgumentMalformed;
return ArgumentsOk;
void QMakeGlobals::commitCommandLineArguments(QMakeCmdLineParserState &state)
if (!state.extraargs.isEmpty()) {
QString extra = fL1S("QMAKE_EXTRA_ARGS =");
for (const QString &ea : std::as_const(state.extraargs))
extra += QLatin1Char(' ') + QMakeEvaluator::quoteValue(ProString(ea));
state.cmds[QMakeEvalBefore] << extra;
for (int p = 0; p < 4; p++) {
if (!state.configs[p].isEmpty())
state.cmds[p] << (fL1S("CONFIG += ") + state.configs[p].join(QLatin1Char(' ')));
extra_cmds[p] = state.cmds[p].join(QLatin1Char('\n'));
if (xqmakespec.isEmpty())
xqmakespec = qmakespec;
void QMakeGlobals::useEnvironment()
if (xqmakespec.isEmpty())
xqmakespec = getEnv(QLatin1String("XQMAKESPEC"));
if (qmakespec.isEmpty()) {
qmakespec = getEnv(QLatin1String("QMAKESPEC"));
if (xqmakespec.isEmpty())
xqmakespec = qmakespec;
void QMakeGlobals::setCommandLineArguments(const QString &pwd, const QStringList &_args)
QStringList args = _args;
QMakeCmdLineParserState state(pwd);
for (int pos = 0; pos < args.size(); pos++)
addCommandLineArguments(state, args, &pos);
void QMakeGlobals::setDirectories(const QString &input_dir, const QString &output_dir)
if (input_dir != output_dir && !output_dir.isEmpty()) {
QString srcpath = input_dir;
if (!srcpath.endsWith(QLatin1Char('/')))
srcpath += QLatin1Char('/');
QString dstpath = output_dir;
if (!dstpath.endsWith(QLatin1Char('/')))
dstpath += QLatin1Char('/');
int srcLen = srcpath.size();
int dstLen = dstpath.size();
int lastSl = -1;
while (++lastSl, --srcLen, --dstLen,
srcLen && dstLen && srcpath.at(srcLen) == dstpath.at(dstLen))
if (srcpath.at(srcLen) == QLatin1Char('/'))
lastSl = 0;
source_root = srcpath.left(srcLen + lastSl);
build_root = dstpath.left(dstLen + lastSl);
QString QMakeGlobals::shadowedPath(const QString &fileName) const
if (source_root.isEmpty())
return fileName;
if (fileName.startsWith(source_root)
&& (fileName.size() == source_root.size()
|| fileName.at(source_root.size()) == QLatin1Char('/'))) {
return build_root + fileName.mid(source_root.size());
return QString();
QStringList QMakeGlobals::splitPathList(const QString &val) const
QStringList ret;
if (!val.isEmpty()) {
QString cwd(QDir::currentPath());
const QStringList vals = val.split(dirlist_sep, Qt::SkipEmptyParts);
for (const QString &it : vals)
ret << IoUtils::resolvePath(cwd, it);
return ret;
QString QMakeGlobals::getEnv(const QString &var) const
return environment.value(var);
return QString::fromLocal8Bit(qgetenv(var.toLocal8Bit().constData()));
QStringList QMakeGlobals::getPathListEnv(const QString &var) const
return splitPathList(getEnv(var));
QString QMakeGlobals::expandEnvVars(const QString &str) const
QString string = str;
int startIndex = 0;
forever {
startIndex = string.indexOf(QLatin1Char('$'), startIndex);
if (startIndex < 0)
if (string.size() < startIndex + 3)
if (string.at(startIndex + 1) != QLatin1Char('(')) {
int endIndex = string.indexOf(QLatin1Char(')'), startIndex + 2);
if (endIndex < 0)
QString value = getEnv(string.mid(startIndex + 2, endIndex - startIndex - 2));
string.replace(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex + 1, value);
startIndex += value.size();
return string;
bool QMakeGlobals::initProperties()
QByteArray data;
#if QT_CONFIG(process)
QProcess proc;
proc.start(qmake_abslocation, QStringList() << QLatin1String("-query"));
if (!proc.waitForFinished())
return false;
data = proc.readAll();
if (FILE *proc = QT_POPEN(QString(IoUtils::shellQuote(qmake_abslocation)
+ QLatin1String(" -query")).toLocal8Bit(), QT_POPEN_READ)) {
char buff[1024];
while (!feof(proc))
data.append(buff, int(fread(buff, 1, 1023, proc)));
parseProperties(data, properties);
return true;
void QMakeGlobals::parseProperties(const QByteArray &data, QHash<ProKey, ProString> &properties)
const auto lines = data.split('\n');
for (QByteArray line : lines) {
int off = line.indexOf(':');
if (off < 0) // huh?
if (line.endsWith('\r'))
QString name = QString::fromLatin1(line.left(off));
ProString value = ProString(QDir::fromNativeSeparators(
QString::fromLocal8Bit(line.mid(off + 1))));
if (value.isNull())
value = ProString(""); // Make sure it is not null, to discern from missing keys
properties.insert(ProKey(name), value);
if (name.startsWith(QLatin1String("QT_"))) {
enum { PropPut, PropRaw, PropGet } variant;
if (name.contains(QLatin1Char('/'))) {
if (name.endsWith(QLatin1String("/raw")))
variant = PropRaw;
else if (name.endsWith(QLatin1String("/get")))
variant = PropGet;
else // Nothing falls back on /src or /dev.
} else {
variant = PropPut;
if (name.startsWith(QLatin1String("QT_INSTALL_"))) {
if (variant < PropRaw) {
if (name == QLatin1String("QT_INSTALL_PREFIX")
|| name == QLatin1String("QT_INSTALL_DATA")
|| name == QLatin1String("QT_INSTALL_LIBS")
|| name == QLatin1String("QT_INSTALL_BINS")) {
// Qt4 fallback
QString hname = name;
hname.replace(3, 7, QLatin1String("HOST"));
properties.insert(ProKey(hname), value);
properties.insert(ProKey(hname + QLatin1String("/get")), value);
properties.insert(ProKey(hname + QLatin1String("/src")), value);
properties.insert(ProKey(name + QLatin1String("/raw")), value);
if (variant <= PropRaw)
properties.insert(ProKey(name + QLatin1String("/dev")), value);
} else if (!name.startsWith(QLatin1String("QT_HOST_"))) {
if (variant != PropRaw) {
if (variant < PropGet)
properties.insert(ProKey(name + QLatin1String("/get")), value);
properties.insert(ProKey(name + QLatin1String("/src")), value);
#endif // QT_BUILD_QMAKE