This is the beginning of revision history for this module. If you want to look at revision history older than this, please refer to the Qt Git wiki for how to use Git history grafting. At the time of writing, this wiki is located here: http://qt.gitorious.org/qt/pages/GitIntroductionWithQt If you have already performed the grafting and you don't see any history beyond this commit, try running "git log" with the "--follow" argument. Branched from the monolithic repo, Qt master branch, at commit 896db169ea224deb96c59ce8af800d019de63f12
1711 lines
64 KiB
1711 lines
64 KiB
** Copyright (C) 2011 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
** All rights reserved.
** Contact: Nokia Corporation (qt-info@nokia.com)
** This file is part of the test suite of the Qt Toolkit.
** No Commercial Usage
** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
** this package.
** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
** will be met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
** Nokia at qt-info@nokia.com.
#include <QtTest/QtTest>
#include <QtXml/QtXml>
#if defined(Q_OS_WINCE)
#include <QtGui/QFontDatabase>
//TESTED_FILES=gui/text/qcssparser.cpp gui/text/qcssparser_p.h
#include "private/qcssparser_p.h"
class tst_QCssParser : public QObject
public slots:
void initTestCase();
void cleanupTestCase();
private slots:
void scanner_data();
void scanner();
void term_data();
void term();
void expr_data();
void expr();
void import();
void media();
void page();
void ruleset();
void selector_data();
void selector();
void prio();
void escapes();
void malformedDeclarations_data();
void malformedDeclarations();
void invalidAtKeywords();
void marginValue();
void marginValue_data();
void colorValue_data();
void colorValue();
void styleSelector_data();
void styleSelector();
void specificity_data();
void specificity();
void specificitySort_data();
void specificitySort();
void rulesForNode_data();
void rulesForNode();
void shorthandBackgroundProperty_data();
void shorthandBackgroundProperty();
void pseudoElement_data();
void pseudoElement();
void gradient_data();
void gradient();
void extractFontFamily_data();
void extractFontFamily();
void extractBorder_data();
void extractBorder();
void noTextDecoration();
void quotedAndUnquotedIdentifiers();
#if defined(Q_OS_WINCE)
int m_timesFontId;
void tst_QCssParser::initTestCase()
#if defined(Q_OS_WINCE)
QFontDatabase fontDB;
m_timesFontId = -1;
if (!fontDB.families().contains("Times New Roman")) {
m_timesFontId = QFontDatabase::addApplicationFont("times.ttf");
QVERIFY(m_timesFontId != -1);
void tst_QCssParser::cleanupTestCase()
#if defined(Q_OS_WINCE)
if (m_timesFontId != -1)
void tst_QCssParser::scanner_data()
#if !defined(Q_OS_IRIX) && !defined(Q_OS_WINCE) && !defined(Q_OS_SYMBIAN)
QDir d(QDir::current());
foreach (QFileInfo test, d.entryInfoList(QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot)) {
QString dir = test.absoluteFilePath() + QDir::separator();
<< dir + "input"
<< dir + "output"
static char *tokenName(QCss::TokenType t)
switch (t) {
case QCss::NONE: return "NONE";
case QCss::S: return "S";
case QCss::CDO: return "CDO";
case QCss::CDC: return "CDC";
case QCss::INCLUDES: return "INCLUDES";
case QCss::DASHMATCH: return "DASHMATCH";
case QCss::LBRACE: return "LBRACE";
case QCss::PLUS: return "PLUS";
case QCss::GREATER: return "GREATER";
case QCss::COMMA: return "COMMA";
case QCss::STRING: return "STRING";
case QCss::INVALID: return "INVALID";
case QCss::IDENT: return "IDENT";
case QCss::HASH: return "HASH";
case QCss::LENGTH: return "LENGTH";
case QCss::NUMBER: return "NUMBER";
case QCss::FUNCTION: return "FUNCTION";
case QCss::COLON: return "COLON";
case QCss::SEMICOLON: return "SEMICOLON";
case QCss::RBRACE: return "RBRACE";
case QCss::SLASH: return "SLASH";
case QCss::MINUS: return "MINUS";
case QCss::DOT: return "DOT";
case QCss::STAR: return "STAR";
case QCss::LBRACKET: return "LBRACKET";
case QCss::RBRACKET: return "RBRACKET";
case QCss::EQUAL: return "EQUAL";
case QCss::LPAREN: return "LPAREN";
case QCss::RPAREN: return "RPAREN";
case QCss::OR: return "OR";
return "";
static void debug(const QVector<QCss::Symbol> &symbols, int index = -1)
qDebug() << "all symbols:";
for (int i = 0; i < symbols.count(); ++i)
qDebug() << "(" << i << "); Token:" << tokenName(symbols.at(i).token) << "; Lexem:" << symbols.at(i).lexem();
if (index != -1)
qDebug() << "failure at index" << index;
//static void debug(const QCss::Parser &p) { debug(p.symbols); }
void tst_QCssParser::scanner()
QFETCH(QString, input);
QFETCH(QString, output);
QFile inputFile(input);
QVector<QCss::Symbol> symbols;
QCss::Scanner::scan(QCss::Scanner::preprocess(QString::fromUtf8(inputFile.readAll())), &symbols);
QVERIFY(symbols.count() > 1);
QVERIFY(symbols.last().token == QCss::S);
QVERIFY(symbols.last().lexem() == QLatin1String("\n"));
symbols.remove(symbols.count() - 1, 1);
QFile outputFile(output);
QStringList lines;
while (!outputFile.atEnd()) {
QString line = QString::fromUtf8(outputFile.readLine());
if (line.endsWith(QLatin1Char('\n')))
if (lines.count() != symbols.count()) {
QCOMPARE(lines.count(), symbols.count());
for (int i = 0; i < lines.count(); ++i) {
QStringList l = lines.at(i).split(QChar::fromLatin1('|'));
QCOMPARE(l.count(), 2);
const QString expectedToken = l.at(0);
const QString expectedLexem = l.at(1);
QString actualToken = QString::fromLatin1(tokenName(symbols.at(i).token));
if (actualToken != expectedToken) {
debug(symbols, i);
QCOMPARE(actualToken, expectedToken);
if (symbols.at(i).lexem() != expectedLexem) {
debug(symbols, i);
QCOMPARE(symbols.at(i).lexem(), expectedLexem);
void tst_QCssParser::term_data()
QCss::Value val;
val.type = QCss::Value::Percentage;
val.variant = QVariant(double(200));
QTest::newRow("percentage") << true << "200%" << val;
val.type = QCss::Value::Length;
val.variant = QString("10px");
QTest::newRow("px") << true << "10px" << val;
val.type = QCss::Value::Length;
val.variant = QString("10cm");
QTest::newRow("cm") << true << "10cm" << val;
val.type = QCss::Value::Length;
val.variant = QString("10mm");
QTest::newRow("mm") << true << "10mm" << val;
val.type = QCss::Value::Length;
val.variant = QString("10pt");
QTest::newRow("pt") << true << "10pt" << val;
val.type = QCss::Value::Length;
val.variant = QString("10pc");
QTest::newRow("pc") << true << "10pc" << val;
val.type = QCss::Value::Length;
val.variant = QString("42in");
QTest::newRow("inch") << true << "42in" << val;
val.type = QCss::Value::Length;
val.variant = QString("10deg");
QTest::newRow("deg") << true << "10deg" << val;
val.type = QCss::Value::Length;
val.variant = QString("10rad");
QTest::newRow("rad") << true << "10rad" << val;
val.type = QCss::Value::Length;
val.variant = QString("10grad");
QTest::newRow("grad") << true << "10grad" << val;
val.type = QCss::Value::Length;
val.variant = QString("10ms");
QTest::newRow("time") << true << "10ms" << val;
val.type = QCss::Value::Length;
val.variant = QString("10s");
QTest::newRow("times") << true << "10s" << val;
val.type = QCss::Value::Length;
val.variant = QString("10hz");
QTest::newRow("hz") << true << "10hz" << val;
val.type = QCss::Value::Length;
val.variant = QString("10khz");
QTest::newRow("khz") << true << "10khz" << val;
val.type = QCss::Value::Length;
val.variant = QString("10myunit");
QTest::newRow("dimension") << true << "10myunit" << val;
val.type = QCss::Value::Percentage;
val.type = QCss::Value::Percentage;
val.variant = QVariant(double(-200));
QTest::newRow("minuspercentage") << true << "-200%" << val;
val.type = QCss::Value::Length;
val.variant = QString("10em");
QTest::newRow("ems") << true << "10em" << val;
val.type = QCss::Value::String;
val.variant = QVariant(QString("foo"));
QTest::newRow("string") << true << "\"foo\"" << val;
val.type = QCss::Value::Function;
val.variant = QVariant(QStringList() << "myFunc" << "23, (nested text)");
QTest::newRow("function") << true << "myFunc(23, (nested text))" << val;
QTest::newRow("function_failure") << false << "myFunction((blah)" << val;
QTest::newRow("function_failure2") << false << "+myFunc(23, (nested text))" << val;
val.type = QCss::Value::Color;
val.variant = QVariant(QColor("#12ff34"));
QTest::newRow("hexcolor") << true << "#12ff34" << val;
val.type = QCss::Value::Color;
val.variant = QVariant(QColor("#ffbb00"));
QTest::newRow("hexcolor2") << true << "#fb0" << val;
QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "QCssParser::parseHexColor: Unknown color name '#cafebabe'");
QTest::newRow("hexcolor_failure") << false << "#cafebabe" << val;
val.type = QCss::Value::Uri;
val.variant = QString("www.kde.org");
QTest::newRow("uri1") << true << "url(\"www.kde.org\")" << val;
QTest::newRow("uri2") << true << "url(www.kde.org)" << val;
val.type = QCss::Value::KnownIdentifier;
val.variant = int(QCss::Value_Italic);
QTest::newRow("italic") << true << "italic" << val;
val.type = QCss::Value::KnownIdentifier;
val.variant = int(QCss::Value_Italic);
QTest::newRow("ItaLIc") << true << "ItaLIc" << val;
void tst_QCssParser::term()
QFETCH(bool, parseSuccess);
QFETCH(QString, css);
QFETCH(QCss::Value, expectedValue);
QCss::Parser parser(css);
QCss::Value val;
QCOMPARE(parser.parseTerm(&val), parseSuccess);
if (parseSuccess) {
QCOMPARE(int(val.type), int(expectedValue.type));
if (val.variant != expectedValue.variant) {
qDebug() << "val.variant:" << val.variant << "expectedValue.variant:" << expectedValue.variant;
QCOMPARE(val.variant, expectedValue.variant);
void tst_QCssParser::expr_data()
QTest::addColumn<QVector<QCss::Value> >("expectedValues");
QVector<QCss::Value> values;
QCss::Value val;
QCss::Value comma;
comma.type = QCss::Value::TermOperatorComma;
val.type = QCss::Value::Identifier;
val.variant = QLatin1String("foo");
values << val;
values << comma;
val.variant = QLatin1String("bar");
values << val;
values << comma;
val.variant = QLatin1String("baz");
values << val;
QTest::newRow("list") << true << "foo, bar, baz" << values;
void tst_QCssParser::expr()
QFETCH(bool, parseSuccess);
QFETCH(QString, css);
QFETCH(QVector<QCss::Value>, expectedValues);
QCss::Parser parser(css);
QVector<QCss::Value> values;
QCOMPARE(parser.parseExpr(&values), parseSuccess);
if (parseSuccess) {
QCOMPARE(values.count(), expectedValues.count());
for (int i = 0; i < values.count(); ++i) {
QCOMPARE(int(values.at(i).type), int(expectedValues.at(i).type));
QCOMPARE(values.at(i).variant, expectedValues.at(i).variant);
void tst_QCssParser::import()
QCss::Parser parser("@import \"plainstring\";");
QCss::ImportRule rule;
QCOMPARE(rule.href, QString("plainstring"));
parser = QCss::Parser("@import url(\"www.kde.org\") print/*comment*/,screen;");
QCOMPARE(rule.href, QString("www.kde.org"));
QCOMPARE(rule.media.count(), 2);
QCOMPARE(rule.media.at(0), QString("print"));
QCOMPARE(rule.media.at(1), QString("screen"));
void tst_QCssParser::media()
QCss::Parser parser("@media print/*comment*/,screen /*comment to ignore*/{ }");
QCss::MediaRule rule;
QCOMPARE(rule.media.count(), 2);
QCOMPARE(rule.media.at(0), QString("print"));
QCOMPARE(rule.media.at(1), QString("screen"));
void tst_QCssParser::page()
QCss::Parser parser("@page :first/*comment to ignore*/{ }");
QCss::PageRule rule;
QCOMPARE(rule.selector, QString("first"));
void tst_QCssParser::ruleset()
QCss::Parser parser("p/*foo*/{ }");
QCss::StyleRule rule;
QCOMPARE(rule.selectors.count(), 1);
QCOMPARE(rule.selectors.at(0).basicSelectors.count(), 1);
QCOMPARE(rule.selectors.at(0).basicSelectors.at(0).elementName, QString("p"));
QCss::Parser parser("p/*comment*/,div{ }");
QCss::StyleRule rule;
QCOMPARE(rule.selectors.count(), 2);
QCOMPARE(rule.selectors.at(0).basicSelectors.count(), 1);
QCOMPARE(rule.selectors.at(0).basicSelectors.at(0).elementName, QString("p"));
QCOMPARE(rule.selectors.at(1).basicSelectors.count(), 1);
QCOMPARE(rule.selectors.at(1).basicSelectors.at(0).elementName, QString("div"));
QCss::Parser parser(":before, :after { }");
QCss::StyleRule rule;
QCOMPARE(rule.selectors.count(), 2);
QCOMPARE(rule.selectors.at(0).basicSelectors.count(), 1);
QCOMPARE(rule.selectors.at(0).basicSelectors.at(0).pseudos.count(), 1);
QCOMPARE(rule.selectors.at(0).basicSelectors.at(0).pseudos.at(0).name, QString("before"));
QCOMPARE(rule.selectors.at(1).basicSelectors.count(), 1);
QCOMPARE(rule.selectors.at(1).basicSelectors.at(0).pseudos.count(), 1);
QCOMPARE(rule.selectors.at(1).basicSelectors.at(0).pseudos.at(0).name, QString("after"));
void tst_QCssParser::selector_data()
QCss::Selector sel;
QCss::BasicSelector basic;
basic.elementName = "p";
basic.relationToNext = QCss::BasicSelector::MatchNextSelectorIfPreceeds;
sel.basicSelectors << basic;
basic = QCss::BasicSelector();
basic.elementName = "div";
sel.basicSelectors << basic;
QTest::newRow("comment") << QString("p/* */+ div") << sel;
QCss::Selector sel;
QCss::BasicSelector basic;
basic.elementName = QString();
sel.basicSelectors << basic;
QTest::newRow("any") << QString("*") << sel;
QCss::Selector sel;
QCss::BasicSelector basic;
basic.elementName = "e";
sel.basicSelectors << basic;
QTest::newRow("element") << QString("e") << sel;
QCss::Selector sel;
QCss::BasicSelector basic;
basic.elementName = "e";
basic.relationToNext = QCss::BasicSelector::MatchNextSelectorIfAncestor;
sel.basicSelectors << basic;
basic.elementName = "f";
basic.relationToNext = QCss::BasicSelector::NoRelation;
sel.basicSelectors << basic;
QTest::newRow("descendant") << QString("e f") << sel;
QCss::Selector sel;
QCss::BasicSelector basic;
basic.elementName = "e";
basic.relationToNext = QCss::BasicSelector::MatchNextSelectorIfParent;
sel.basicSelectors << basic;
basic.elementName = "f";
basic.relationToNext = QCss::BasicSelector::NoRelation;
sel.basicSelectors << basic;
QTest::newRow("parent") << QString("e > f") << sel;
QCss::Selector sel;
QCss::BasicSelector basic;
basic.elementName = "e";
QCss::Pseudo pseudo;
pseudo.name = "first-child";
sel.basicSelectors << basic;
QTest::newRow("first-child") << QString("e:first-child") << sel;
QCss::Selector sel;
QCss::BasicSelector basic;
basic.elementName = "e";
QCss::Pseudo pseudo;
pseudo.name = "c";
pseudo.function = "lang";
sel.basicSelectors << basic;
QTest::newRow("lang") << QString("e:lang(c)") << sel;
QCss::Selector sel;
QCss::BasicSelector basic;
basic.elementName = "e";
basic.relationToNext = QCss::BasicSelector::MatchNextSelectorIfPreceeds;
sel.basicSelectors << basic;
basic.elementName = "f";
basic.relationToNext = QCss::BasicSelector::NoRelation;
sel.basicSelectors << basic;
QTest::newRow("precede") << QString("e + f") << sel;
QCss::Selector sel;
QCss::BasicSelector basic;
basic.elementName = "e";
QCss::AttributeSelector attrSel;
attrSel.name = "foo";
basic.attributeSelectors << attrSel;
sel.basicSelectors << basic;
QTest::newRow("attr") << QString("e[foo]") << sel;
QCss::Selector sel;
QCss::BasicSelector basic;
basic.elementName = "e";
QCss::AttributeSelector attrSel;
attrSel.name = "foo";
attrSel.value = "warning";
attrSel.valueMatchCriterium = QCss::AttributeSelector::MatchEqual;
basic.attributeSelectors << attrSel;
sel.basicSelectors << basic;
QTest::newRow("attr-equal") << QString("e[foo=\"warning\"]") << sel;
QCss::Selector sel;
QCss::BasicSelector basic;
basic.elementName = "e";
QCss::AttributeSelector attrSel;
attrSel.name = "foo";
attrSel.value = "warning";
attrSel.valueMatchCriterium = QCss::AttributeSelector::MatchContains;
basic.attributeSelectors << attrSel;
sel.basicSelectors << basic;
QTest::newRow("attr-contains") << QString("e[foo~=\"warning\"]") << sel;
QCss::Selector sel;
QCss::BasicSelector basic;
basic.elementName = "e";
QCss::AttributeSelector attrSel;
attrSel.name = "lang";
attrSel.value = "en";
attrSel.valueMatchCriterium = QCss::AttributeSelector::MatchBeginsWith;
basic.attributeSelectors << attrSel;
sel.basicSelectors << basic;
QTest::newRow("attr-contains") << QString("e[lang|=\"en\"]") << sel;
QCss::Selector sel;
QCss::BasicSelector basic;
basic.elementName = "div";
QCss::AttributeSelector attrSel;
attrSel.name = "class";
attrSel.valueMatchCriterium = QCss::AttributeSelector::MatchContains;
attrSel.value = "warning";
attrSel.value = "foo";
sel.basicSelectors << basic;
QTest::newRow("class") << QString("div.warning.foo") << sel;
QCss::Selector sel;
QCss::BasicSelector basic;
basic.elementName = "e";
basic.ids << "myid";
sel.basicSelectors << basic;
QTest::newRow("id") << QString("e#myid") << sel;
void tst_QCssParser::selector()
QFETCH(QString, css);
QFETCH(QCss::Selector, expectedSelector);
QCss::Parser parser(css);
QCss::Selector selector;
QCOMPARE(selector.basicSelectors.count(), expectedSelector.basicSelectors.count());
for (int i = 0; i < selector.basicSelectors.count(); ++i) {
const QCss::BasicSelector sel = selector.basicSelectors.at(i);
const QCss::BasicSelector expectedSel = expectedSelector.basicSelectors.at(i);
QCOMPARE(sel.elementName, expectedSel.elementName);
QCOMPARE(int(sel.relationToNext), int(expectedSel.relationToNext));
QCOMPARE(sel.pseudos.count(), expectedSel.pseudos.count());
for (int i = 0; i < sel.pseudos.count(); ++i) {
QCOMPARE(sel.pseudos.at(i).name, expectedSel.pseudos.at(i).name);
QCOMPARE(sel.pseudos.at(i).function, expectedSel.pseudos.at(i).function);
QCOMPARE(sel.attributeSelectors.count(), expectedSel.attributeSelectors.count());
for (int i = 0; i < sel.attributeSelectors.count(); ++i) {
QCOMPARE(sel.attributeSelectors.at(i).name, expectedSel.attributeSelectors.at(i).name);
QCOMPARE(sel.attributeSelectors.at(i).value, expectedSel.attributeSelectors.at(i).value);
QCOMPARE(int(sel.attributeSelectors.at(i).valueMatchCriterium), int(expectedSel.attributeSelectors.at(i).valueMatchCriterium));
void tst_QCssParser::prio()
QCss::Parser parser("!important");
QCss::Parser parser("!impOrTAnt");
QCss::Parser parser("!\"important\"");
QCOMPARE(parser.index, 0);
QCss::Parser parser("!importbleh");
QCOMPARE(parser.index, 0);
void tst_QCssParser::escapes()
QCss::Parser parser("\\hello");
QCOMPARE(parser.lexem(), QString("hello"));
void tst_QCssParser::malformedDeclarations_data()
QTest::newRow("1") << QString("p { color:green }");
QTest::newRow("2") << QString("p { color:green; color } /* malformed declaration missing ':', value */");
QTest::newRow("3") << QString("p { color:red; color; color:green } /* same with expected recovery */");
QTest::newRow("4") << QString("p { color:green; color: } /* malformed declaration missing value */");
QTest::newRow("5") << QString("p { color:red; color:; color:green } /* same with expected recovery */");
QTest::newRow("6") << QString("p { color:green; color{;color:maroon} } /* unexpected tokens { } */");
QTest::newRow("7") << QString("p { color:red; color{;color:maroon}; color:green } /* same with recovery */");
void tst_QCssParser::malformedDeclarations()
QFETCH(QString, css);
QCss::Parser parser(css);
QCss::StyleRule rule;
QCOMPARE(rule.selectors.count(), 1);
QCOMPARE(rule.selectors.at(0).basicSelectors.count(), 1);
QCOMPARE(rule.selectors.at(0).basicSelectors.at(0).elementName, QString("p"));
QVERIFY(rule.declarations.count() >= 1);
QCOMPARE(int(rule.declarations.last().d->propertyId), int(QCss::Color));
QCOMPARE(rule.declarations.last().d->values.count(), 1);
QCOMPARE(int(rule.declarations.last().d->values.at(0).type), int(QCss::Value::Identifier));
QCOMPARE(rule.declarations.last().d->values.at(0).variant.toString(), QString("green"));
void tst_QCssParser::invalidAtKeywords()
QCss::Parser parser(""
"@three-dee {"
" @background-lighting {"
" azimuth: 30deg;"
" elevation: 190deg;"
" }"
" h1 { color: red }"
"h1 { color: blue }");
QCss::StyleSheet sheet;
QCOMPARE(sheet.styleRules.count() + sheet.nameIndex.count(), 1);
QCss::StyleRule rule = (!sheet.styleRules.isEmpty()) ?
sheet.styleRules.at(0) : *sheet.nameIndex.begin();
QCOMPARE(rule.selectors.count(), 1);
QCOMPARE(rule.selectors.at(0).basicSelectors.count(), 1);
QCOMPARE(rule.selectors.at(0).basicSelectors.at(0).elementName, QString("h1"));
QCOMPARE(rule.declarations.count(), 1);
QCOMPARE(int(rule.declarations.at(0).d->propertyId), int(QCss::Color));
QCOMPARE(rule.declarations.at(0).d->values.count(), 1);
QCOMPARE(int(rule.declarations.at(0).d->values.at(0).type), int(QCss::Value::Identifier));
QCOMPARE(rule.declarations.at(0).d->values.at(0).variant.toString(), QString("blue"));
void tst_QCssParser::colorValue_data()
QTest::newRow("identifier") << "color: black" << QColor("black");
QTest::newRow("string") << "color: \"green\"" << QColor("green");
QTest::newRow("hexcolor") << "color: #12af0e" << QColor(0x12, 0xaf, 0x0e);
QTest::newRow("functional1") << "color: rgb(21, 45, 73)" << QColor(21, 45, 73);
QTest::newRow("functional2") << "color: rgb(100%, 0%, 100%)" << QColor(0xff, 0, 0xff);
QTest::newRow("rgba") << "color: rgba(10, 20, 30, 40)" << QColor(10, 20, 30, 40);
QTest::newRow("rgb") << "color: rgb(10, 20, 30, 40)" << QColor(10, 20, 30, 40);
QTest::newRow("hsl") << "color: hsv(10, 20, 30)" << QColor::fromHsv(10, 20, 30, 255);
QTest::newRow("hsla") << "color: hsva(10, 20, 30, 40)" << QColor::fromHsv(10, 20, 30, 40);
QTest::newRow("invalid1") << "color: rgb(why, does, it, always, rain, on, me)" << QColor();
QTest::newRow("invalid2") << "color: rgba(i, meant, norway)" << QColor();
QTest::newRow("role") << "color: palette(base)" << qApp->palette().color(QPalette::Base);
QTest::newRow("role2") << "color: palette( window-text ) " << qApp->palette().color(QPalette::WindowText);
QTest::newRow("transparent") << "color: transparent" << QColor(Qt::transparent);
void tst_QCssParser::colorValue()
QFETCH(QString, css);
QFETCH(QColor, expectedColor);
QCss::Parser parser(css);
QCss::Declaration decl;
const QColor col = decl.colorValue();
QVERIFY(expectedColor.isValid() == col.isValid());
QCOMPARE(col, expectedColor);
class DomStyleSelector : public QCss::StyleSelector
inline DomStyleSelector(const QDomDocument &doc, const QCss::StyleSheet &sheet)
: doc(doc)
virtual QStringList nodeNames(NodePtr node) const { return QStringList(reinterpret_cast<QDomElement *>(node.ptr)->tagName()); }
virtual QString attribute(NodePtr node, const QString &name) const { return reinterpret_cast<QDomElement *>(node.ptr)->attribute(name); }
virtual bool hasAttribute(NodePtr node, const QString &name) const { return reinterpret_cast<QDomElement *>(node.ptr)->hasAttribute(name); }
virtual bool hasAttributes(NodePtr node) const { return reinterpret_cast<QDomElement *>(node.ptr)->hasAttributes(); }
virtual bool isNullNode(NodePtr node) const {
return reinterpret_cast<QDomElement *>(node.ptr)->isNull();
virtual NodePtr parentNode(NodePtr node) const {
NodePtr parent;
parent.ptr = new QDomElement(reinterpret_cast<QDomElement *>(node.ptr)->parentNode().toElement());
return parent;
virtual NodePtr duplicateNode(NodePtr node) const {
NodePtr n;
n.ptr = new QDomElement(*reinterpret_cast<QDomElement *>(node.ptr));
return n;
virtual NodePtr previousSiblingNode(NodePtr node) const {
NodePtr sibling;
sibling.ptr = new QDomElement(reinterpret_cast<QDomElement *>(node.ptr)->previousSiblingElement());
return sibling;
virtual void freeNode(NodePtr node) const {
delete reinterpret_cast<QDomElement *>(node.ptr);
QDomDocument doc;
void tst_QCssParser::marginValue_data()
QFont f;
int ex = QFontMetrics(f).xHeight();
int em = QFontMetrics(f).height();
QTest::newRow("one value") << "margin: 1px" << "1 1 1 1";
QTest::newRow("two values") << "margin: 1px 2px" << "1 2 1 2";
QTest::newRow("three value") << "margin: 1px 2px 3px" << "1 2 3 2";
QTest::newRow("four values") << "margin: 1px 2px 3px 4px" << "1 2 3 4";
QTest::newRow("default px") << "margin: 1 2 3 4" << "1 2 3 4";
QTest::newRow("no unit") << "margin: 1 2 3 4" << "1 2 3 4";
QTest::newRow("em") << "margin: 1ex 2ex 3ex 4ex" << QString("%1 %2 %3 %4").arg(ex).arg(2*ex).arg(3*ex).arg(4*ex);
QTest::newRow("ex") << "margin: 1 2em 3px 4ex" << QString("%1 %2 %3 %4").arg(1).arg(2*em).arg(3).arg(4*ex);
ex = QFontMetrics(f).xHeight();
em = QFontMetrics(f).height();
QTest::newRow("em2") << "font: bold 20pt; margin: 1ex 2ex 3ex 4ex" << QString("%1 %2 %3 %4").arg(ex).arg(2*ex).arg(3*ex).arg(4*ex);
QTest::newRow("ex2") << "margin: 1 2em 3px 4ex; font-size: 20pt; font-weight: bold;" << QString("%1 %2 %3 %4").arg(1).arg(2*em).arg(3).arg(4*ex);
QTest::newRow("crap") << "margin: crap" << "0 0 0 0";
void tst_QCssParser::marginValue()
QFETCH(QString, css);
QFETCH(QString, expectedMargin);
QDomDocument doc;
QVERIFY(doc.setContent(QLatin1String("<!DOCTYPE test><test> <dummy/> </test>")));
css.prepend("dummy {");
QCss::Parser parser(css);
QCss::StyleSheet sheet;
DomStyleSelector testSelector(doc, sheet);
QDomElement e = doc.documentElement().firstChildElement();
QCss::StyleSelector::NodePtr n;
n.ptr = &e;
QVector<QCss::StyleRule> rules = testSelector.styleRulesForNode(n);
QVector<QCss::Declaration> decls = rules.at(0).declarations;
QCss::ValueExtractor v(decls);
int m[4];
int p[4];
int spacing;
v.extractBox(m, p, &spacing);
QString str = QString("%1 %2 %3 %4").arg(m[0]).arg(m[1]).arg(m[2]).arg(m[3]);
QCOMPARE(str, expectedMargin);
void tst_QCssParser::styleSelector_data()
QTest::newRow("plain") << true << QString("p") << QString("<p />") << QString();
QTest::newRow("noplain") << false << QString("bar") << QString("<p />") << QString();
QTest::newRow("class") << true << QString(".foo") << QString("<p class=\"foo\" />") << QString();
QTest::newRow("noclass") << false << QString(".bar") << QString("<p class=\"foo\" />") << QString();
QTest::newRow("attrset") << true << QString("[justset]") << QString("<p justset=\"bar\" />") << QString();
QTest::newRow("notattrset") << false << QString("[justset]") << QString("<p otherattribute=\"blub\" />") << QString();
QTest::newRow("attrmatch") << true << QString("[foo=bar]") << QString("<p foo=\"bar\" />") << QString();
QTest::newRow("noattrmatch") << false << QString("[foo=bar]") << QString("<p foo=\"xyz\" />") << QString();
QTest::newRow("contains") << true << QString("[foo~=bar]") << QString("<p foo=\"baz bleh bar\" />") << QString();
QTest::newRow("notcontains") << false << QString("[foo~=bar]") << QString("<p foo=\"test\" />") << QString();
QTest::newRow("beingswith") << true << QString("[foo|=bar]") << QString("<p foo=\"bar-bleh\" />") << QString();
QTest::newRow("notbeingswith") << false << QString("[foo|=bar]") << QString("<p foo=\"bleh-bar\" />") << QString();
QTest::newRow("attr2") << true << QString("[bar=foo]") << QString("<p bleh=\"bar\" bar=\"foo\" />") << QString();
QTest::newRow("universal1") << true << QString("*") << QString("<p />") << QString();
QTest::newRow("universal3") << false << QString("*[foo=bar]") << QString("<p foo=\"bleh\" />") << QString();
QTest::newRow("universal4") << true << QString("*[foo=bar]") << QString("<p foo=\"bar\" />") << QString();
QTest::newRow("universal5") << false << QString("[foo=bar]") << QString("<p foo=\"bleh\" />") << QString();
QTest::newRow("universal6") << true << QString("[foo=bar]") << QString("<p foo=\"bar\" />") << QString();
QTest::newRow("universal7") << true << QString(".charfmt1") << QString("<p class=\"charfmt1\" />") << QString();
QTest::newRow("id") << true << QString("#blub") << QString("<p id=\"blub\" />") << QString();
QTest::newRow("noid") << false << QString("#blub") << QString("<p id=\"other\" />") << QString();
QTest::newRow("childselector") << true << QString("parent > child")
<< QString("<parent><child /></parent>")
<< QString("parent/child");
QTest::newRow("nochildselector2") << false << QString("parent > child")
<< QString("<child><parent /></child>")
<< QString("child/parent");
QTest::newRow("nochildselector3") << false << QString("parent > child")
<< QString("<parent><intermediate><child /></intermediate></parent>")
<< QString("parent/intermediate/child");
QTest::newRow("childselector2") << true << QString("parent[foo=bar] > child")
<< QString("<parent foo=\"bar\"><child /></parent>")
<< QString("parent/child");
QTest::newRow("nochildselector4") << false << QString("parent[foo=bar] > child")
<< QString("<parent><child /></parent>")
<< QString("parent/child");
QTest::newRow("nochildselector5") << false << QString("parent[foo=bar] > child")
<< QString("<parent foo=\"bar\"><parent><child /></parent></parent>")
<< QString("parent/parent/child");
QTest::newRow("childselectors") << true << QString("grandparent > parent > child")
<< QString("<grandparent><parent><child /></parent></grandparent>")
<< QString("grandparent/parent/child");
QTest::newRow("descendant") << true << QString("grandparent child")
<< QString("<grandparent><parent><child /></parent></grandparent>")
<< QString("grandparent/parent/child");
QTest::newRow("nodescendant") << false << QString("grandparent child")
<< QString("<other><parent><child /></parent></other>")
<< QString("other/parent/child");
QTest::newRow("descendant2") << true << QString("grandgrandparent grandparent child")
<< QString("<grandgrandparent><inbetween><grandparent><parent><child /></parent></grandparent></inbetween></grandgrandparent>")
<< QString("grandgrandparent/inbetween/grandparent/parent/child");
QTest::newRow("combined") << true << QString("grandparent parent > child")
<< QString("<grandparent><inbetween><parent><child /></parent></inbetween></grandparent>")
<< QString("grandparent/inbetween/parent/child");
QTest::newRow("combined2") << true << QString("grandparent > parent child")
<< QString("<grandparent><parent><inbetween><child /></inbetween></parent></grandparent>")
<< QString("grandparent/parent/inbetween/child");
QTest::newRow("combined3") << true << QString("grandparent > parent child")
<< QString("<grandparent><parent><inbetween><child /></inbetween></parent></grandparent>")
<< QString("grandparent/parent/inbetween/child");
QTest::newRow("nocombined") << false << QString("grandparent parent > child")
<< QString("<inbetween><parent><child /></parent></inbetween>")
<< QString("inbetween/parent/child");
QTest::newRow("nocombined2") << false << QString("grandparent parent > child")
<< QString("<parent><child /></parent>")
<< QString("parent/child");
QTest::newRow("previoussibling") << true << QString("p1 + p2")
<< QString("<p1 /><p2 />")
<< QString("p2");
QTest::newRow("noprevioussibling") << false << QString("p2 + p1")
<< QString("<p1 /><p2 />")
<< QString("p2");
QTest::newRow("ancestry_firstmismatch") << false << QString("parent child[foo=bar]")
<< QString("<parent><child /></parent>")
<< QString("parent/child");
QTest::newRow("unknown-pseudo") << false << QString("p:enabled:foobar") << QString("<p/>") << QString();
void tst_QCssParser::styleSelector()
QFETCH(bool, match);
QFETCH(QString, selector);
QFETCH(QString, xml);
QFETCH(QString, elementToCheck);
QString css = QString("%1 { background-color: green }").arg(selector);
QCss::Parser parser(css);
QCss::StyleSheet sheet;
QDomDocument doc;
xml.prepend("<!DOCTYPE test><test>");
DomStyleSelector testSelector(doc, sheet);
QDomElement e = doc.documentElement();
if (elementToCheck.isEmpty()) {
e = e.firstChildElement();
} else {
QStringList path = elementToCheck.split(QLatin1Char('/'));
do {
e = e.namedItem(path.takeFirst()).toElement();
} while (!path.isEmpty());
QCss::StyleSelector::NodePtr n;
n.ptr = &e;
QVector<QCss::Declaration> decls = testSelector.declarationsForNode(n);
if (match) {
QCOMPARE(decls.count(), 1);
QCOMPARE(int(decls.at(0).d->propertyId), int(QCss::BackgroundColor));
QCOMPARE(decls.at(0).d->values.count(), 1);
QCOMPARE(int(decls.at(0).d->values.at(0).type), int(QCss::Value::Identifier));
QCOMPARE(decls.at(0).d->values.at(0).variant.toString(), QString("green"));
} else {
void tst_QCssParser::specificity_data()
QTest::newRow("universal") << QString("*") << 0;
QTest::newRow("elements+pseudos1") << QString("foo") << 1;
QTest::newRow("elements+pseudos2") << QString("foo *[blah]") << 1 + (1 * 0x10);
// should strictly speaking be '2', but we don't support pseudo-elements yet,
// only pseudo-classes
QTest::newRow("elements+pseudos3") << QString("li:first-line") << 1 + (1 * 0x10);
QTest::newRow("elements+pseudos4") << QString("ul li") << 2;
QTest::newRow("elements+pseudos5") << QString("ul ol+li") << 3;
QTest::newRow("elements+pseudos6") << QString("h1 + *[rel=up]") << 1 + (1 * 0x10);
QTest::newRow("elements+pseudos7") << QString("ul ol li.red") << 3 + (1 * 0x10);
QTest::newRow("elements+pseudos8") << QString("li.red.level") << 1 + (2 * 0x10);
QTest::newRow("id") << QString("#x34y") << 1 * 0x100;
void tst_QCssParser::specificity()
QFETCH(QString, selector);
QString css = QString("%1 { }").arg(selector);
QCss::Parser parser(css);
QCss::StyleSheet sheet;
QCOMPARE(sheet.styleRules.count() + sheet.nameIndex.count() + sheet.idIndex.count() , 1);
QCss::StyleRule rule = (!sheet.styleRules.isEmpty()) ? sheet.styleRules.at(0)
: (!sheet.nameIndex.isEmpty()) ? *sheet.nameIndex.begin()
: *sheet.idIndex.begin();
QCOMPARE(rule.selectors.count(), 1);
QTEST(rule.selectors.at(0).specificity(), "specificity");
void tst_QCssParser::specificitySort_data()
QTest::newRow("universal1") << QString("*") << QString("p") << QString("<p />");
QTest::newRow("attr") << QString("p") << QString("p[foo=bar]") << QString("<p foo=\"bar\" />");
QTest::newRow("id") << QString("p") << QString("#hey") << QString("<p id=\"hey\" />");
QTest::newRow("id2") << QString("[id=hey]") << QString("#hey") << QString("<p id=\"hey\" />");
QTest::newRow("class") << QString("p") << QString(".hey") << QString("<p class=\"hey\" />");
void tst_QCssParser::specificitySort()
QFETCH(QString, firstSelector);
QFETCH(QString, secondSelector);
QFETCH(QString, xml);
firstSelector.append(" { color: green; }");
secondSelector.append(" { color: red; }");
QDomDocument doc;
xml.prepend("<!DOCTYPE test><test>");
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
QString css;
if (i == 0)
css = firstSelector + secondSelector;
css = secondSelector + firstSelector;
QCss::Parser parser(css);
QCss::StyleSheet sheet;
DomStyleSelector testSelector(doc, sheet);
QDomElement e = doc.documentElement().firstChildElement();
QCss::StyleSelector::NodePtr n;
n.ptr = &e;
QVector<QCss::Declaration> decls = testSelector.declarationsForNode(n);
QCOMPARE(decls.count(), 2);
QCOMPARE(int(decls.at(0).d->propertyId), int(QCss::Color));
QCOMPARE(decls.at(0).d->values.count(), 1);
QCOMPARE(int(decls.at(0).d->values.at(0).type), int(QCss::Value::Identifier));
QCOMPARE(decls.at(0).d->values.at(0).variant.toString(), QString("green"));
QCOMPARE(int(decls.at(1).d->propertyId), int(QCss::Color));
QCOMPARE(decls.at(1).d->values.count(), 1);
QCOMPARE(int(decls.at(1).d->values.at(0).type), int(QCss::Value::Identifier));
QCOMPARE(decls.at(1).d->values.at(0).variant.toString(), QString("red"));
void tst_QCssParser::rulesForNode_data()
QTest::newRow("universal1") << QString("<p/>") << QString("* { color: red }")
<< (quint64)QCss::PseudoClass_Unspecified << 1 << "red" << "";
QTest::newRow("basic") << QString("<p/>") << QString("p:enabled { color: red; bg:blue; }")
<< (quint64)QCss::PseudoClass_Enabled << 2 << "red" << "blue";
QTest::newRow("single") << QString("<p/>")
<< QString("p:enabled { color: red; } *:hover { color: white }")
<< (quint64)QCss::PseudoClass_Hover << 1 << "white" << "";
QTest::newRow("multisel") << QString("<p/>")
<< QString("p:enabled { color: red; } p:hover { color: gray } *:hover { color: white } ")
<< (quint64)QCss::PseudoClass_Hover << 2 << "white" << "gray";
QTest::newRow("multisel2") << QString("<p/>")
<< QString("p:enabled { color: red; } p:hover:focus { color: gray } *:hover { color: white } ")
<< quint64(QCss::PseudoClass_Hover|QCss::PseudoClass_Focus) << 2 << "white" << "gray";
QTest::newRow("multisel3-diffspec") << QString("<p/>")
<< QString("p:enabled { color: red; } p:hover:focus { color: gray } *:hover { color: white } ")
<< quint64(QCss::PseudoClass_Hover) << 1 << "white" << "";
QTest::newRow("!-1") << QString("<p/>")
<< QString("p:checked:!hover { color: red; } p:checked:hover { color: gray } p:checked { color: white }")
<< quint64(QCss::PseudoClass_Hover|QCss::PseudoClass_Checked) << 2 << "white" << "gray";
QTest::newRow("!-2") << QString("<p/>")
<< QString("p:checked:!hover:!pressed { color: red; } p:!checked:hover { color: gray } p:!focus { color: blue }")
<< quint64(QCss::PseudoClass_Focus) << 0 << "" << "";
QTest::newRow("!-3") << QString("<p/>")
<< QString("p:checked:!hover:!pressed { color: red; } p:!checked:hover { color: gray } p:!focus { color: blue; }")
<< quint64(QCss::PseudoClass_Pressed) << 1 << "blue" << "";
void tst_QCssParser::rulesForNode()
QFETCH(QString, xml);
QFETCH(QString, css);
QFETCH(quint64, pseudoClass);
QFETCH(int, declCount);
QFETCH(QString, value0);
QFETCH(QString, value1);
QDomDocument doc;
xml.prepend("<!DOCTYPE test><test>");
QCss::Parser parser(css);
QCss::StyleSheet sheet;
DomStyleSelector testSelector(doc, sheet);
QDomElement e = doc.documentElement().firstChildElement();
QCss::StyleSelector::NodePtr n;
n.ptr = &e;
QVector<QCss::StyleRule> rules = testSelector.styleRulesForNode(n);
QVector<QCss::Declaration> decls;
for (int i = 0; i < rules.count(); i++) {
const QCss::Selector &selector = rules.at(i).selectors.at(0);
quint64 negated = 0;
quint64 cssClass = selector.pseudoClass(&negated);
if ((cssClass == QCss::PseudoClass_Unspecified)
|| ((((cssClass & pseudoClass) == cssClass)) && ((negated & pseudoClass) == 0)))
decls += rules.at(i).declarations;
QVERIFY(decls.count() == declCount);
if (declCount > 0)
QCOMPARE(decls.at(0).d->values.at(0).variant.toString(), value0);
if (declCount > 1)
QCOMPARE(decls.at(1).d->values.at(0).variant.toString(), value1);
void tst_QCssParser::shorthandBackgroundProperty_data()
QTest::newRow("simple color") << "background: red" << QBrush(QColor("red")) << QString() << int(QCss::Repeat_XY) << int(Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignTop);
QTest::newRow("plain color") << "background-color: red" << QBrush(QColor("red")) << QString() << int(QCss::Repeat_XY) << int(Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignTop);
QTest::newRow("palette color") << "background-color: palette(mid)" << qApp->palette().mid() << QString() << int(QCss::Repeat_XY) << int(Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignTop);
QTest::newRow("multiple") << "background: url(chess.png) blue repeat-y" << QBrush(QColor("blue")) << QString("chess.png") << int(QCss::Repeat_Y) << int(Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignTop);
QTest::newRow("plain alignment") << "background-position: center" << QBrush() << QString() << int(QCss::Repeat_XY) << int(Qt::AlignCenter);
QTest::newRow("plain alignment2") << "background-position: left top" << QBrush() << QString() << int(QCss::Repeat_XY) << int(Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignTop);
QTest::newRow("plain alignment3") << "background-position: left" << QBrush() << QString() << int(QCss::Repeat_XY) << int(Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter);
QTest::newRow("multi") << "background: left url(blah.png) repeat-x" << QBrush() << QString("blah.png") << int(QCss::Repeat_X) << int(Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter);
QTest::newRow("multi2") << "background: url(blah.png) repeat-x top" << QBrush() << QString("blah.png") << int(QCss::Repeat_X) << int(Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignHCenter);
QTest::newRow("multi3") << "background: url(blah.png) top right" << QBrush() << QString("blah.png") << int(QCss::Repeat_XY) << int(Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignRight);
void tst_QCssParser::shorthandBackgroundProperty()
QFETCH(QString, css);
QDomDocument doc;
QVERIFY(doc.setContent(QLatin1String("<!DOCTYPE test><test> <dummy/> </test>")));
css.prepend("dummy {");
QCss::Parser parser(css);
QCss::StyleSheet sheet;
DomStyleSelector testSelector(doc, sheet);
QDomElement e = doc.documentElement().firstChildElement();
QCss::StyleSelector::NodePtr n;
n.ptr = &e;
QVector<QCss::StyleRule> rules = testSelector.styleRulesForNode(n);
QVector<QCss::Declaration> decls = rules.at(0).declarations;
QCss::ValueExtractor v(decls);
QBrush brush;
QString image;
QCss::Repeat repeat = QCss::Repeat_XY;
Qt::Alignment alignment = Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignLeft;
QCss::Origin origin = QCss::Origin_Padding;
QCss::Attachment attachment;
QCss::Origin ignoredOrigin;
v.extractBackground(&brush, &image, &repeat, &alignment, &origin, &attachment, &ignoredOrigin);
QFETCH(QBrush, expectedBrush);
QVERIFY(expectedBrush.color() == brush.color());
QTEST(image, "expectedImage");
QTEST(int(repeat), "expectedRepeatValue");
QTEST(int(alignment), "expectedAlignment");
//QTBUG-9674 : a second evaluation should give the same results
QVERIFY(v.extractBackground(&brush, &image, &repeat, &alignment, &origin, &attachment, &ignoredOrigin));
QVERIFY(expectedBrush.color() == brush.color());
QTEST(image, "expectedImage");
QTEST(int(repeat), "expectedRepeatValue");
QTEST(int(alignment), "expectedAlignment");
void tst_QCssParser::pseudoElement_data()
// QComboBox::dropDown { border-image: blah; }
QTest::newRow("no pseudo-elements") << QString("dummy:hover { color: red }") << "" << 1;
QTest::newRow("no pseudo-elements") << QString("dummy:hover { color: red }") << "pe" << 0;
QTest::newRow("1 pseudo-element (1)") << QString("dummy::pe:hover { color: red }") << "pe" << 1;
QTest::newRow("1 pseudo-element (2)") << QString("dummy::pe:hover { color: red }") << "x" << 0;
QTest::newRow("1 pseudo-element (2)") << QString("whatever::pe:hover { color: red }") << "pe" << 0;
QTest::newRow("1 pseudo-element (3)")
<< QString("dummy { color: white; } dummy::pe:hover { color: red }") << "x" << 0;
QTest::newRow("1 pseudo-element (4)")
<< QString("dummy { color: white; } dummy::pe:hover { color: red } dummy { x:y }") << "" << 2;
QTest::newRow("1 pseudo-element (5)")
<< QString("dummy { color: white; } dummy::pe:hover { color: red }") << "pe" << 1;
QTest::newRow("1 pseudo-element (6)")
<< QString("dummy { color: white; } dummy::pe:hover { color: red } dummy::pe:checked { x: y} ") << "pe" << 2;
QTest::newRow("2 pseudo-elements (1)")
<< QString("dummy { color: white; } dummy::pe1:hover { color: red } dummy::pe2:checked { x: y} ")
<< "" << 1;
QTest::newRow("2 pseudo-elements (1)")
<< QString("dummy { color: white; } dummy::pe1:hover { color: red } dummy::pe2:checked { x: y} ")
<< "pe1" << 1;
QTest::newRow("2 pseudo-elements (2)")
<< QString("dummy { color: white; } dummy::pe1:hover { color: red } dummy::pe2:checked { x: y} ")
<< "pe2" << 1;
void tst_QCssParser::pseudoElement()
QFETCH(QString, css);
QFETCH(QString, pseudoElement);
QFETCH(int, declCount);
QDomDocument doc;
QVERIFY(doc.setContent(QLatin1String("<!DOCTYPE test><test> <dummy/> </test>")));
QCss::Parser parser(css);
QCss::StyleSheet sheet;
DomStyleSelector testSelector(doc, sheet);
QDomElement e = doc.documentElement().firstChildElement();
QCss::StyleSelector::NodePtr n;
n.ptr = &e;
QVector<QCss::StyleRule> rules = testSelector.styleRulesForNode(n);
QVector<QCss::Declaration> decls;
for (int i = 0; i < rules.count(); i++) {
const QCss::Selector& selector = rules.at(i).selectors.at(0);
if (pseudoElement.compare(selector.pseudoElement(), Qt::CaseInsensitive) != 0)
decls += rules.at(i).declarations;
QVERIFY(decls.count() == declCount);
void tst_QCssParser::gradient_data()
QTest::newRow("color-string") <<
"selection-background-color: qlineargradient(x1:1, y1:2, x2:3, y2:4, "
"stop:0.2 red, stop:0.5 green)" << "linear" << QPointF(1, 2) << QPointF(3, 4)
<< 0 << qreal(0.2) << QColor("red") << qreal(0.5) << QColor("green");
QTest::newRow("color-#") <<
"selection-background-color: qlineargradient(x1:0, y1:0, x2:0, y2:1, "
"spread: reflect, stop:0.2 #123, stop:0.5 #456)" << "linear" << QPointF(0, 0) << QPointF(0, 1)
<< 1 << qreal(0.2) << QColor("#123") << qreal(0.5) << QColor("#456");
QTest::newRow("color-rgb") <<
"selection-background-color: qlineargradient(x1:0, y1:0, x2:0, y2:1, "
"spread: reflect, stop:0.2 rgb(1, 2, 3), stop:0.5 rgba(1, 2, 3, 4))" << "linear" << QPointF(0, 0) << QPointF(0, 1)
<< 1 << qreal(0.2) << QColor(1, 2, 3) << qreal(0.5) << QColor(1, 2, 3, 4);
QTest::newRow("color-spaces") <<
"selection-background-color: qlineargradient(x1: 0, y1 :0,x2:0, y2 : 1 , "
"spread: reflect, stop:0.2 rgb(1, 2, 3), stop: 0.5 rgba(1, 2, 3, 4))" << "linear" << QPointF(0, 0) << QPointF(0, 1)
<< 1 << qreal(0.2) << QColor(1, 2, 3) << qreal(0.5) << QColor(1, 2, 3, 4);
QTest::newRow("conical gradient") <<
"selection-background-color: qconicalgradient(cx: 4, cy : 2, angle: 23, "
"spread: repeat, stop:0.2 rgb(1, 2, 3), stop:0.5 rgba(1, 2, 3, 4))" << "conical" << QPointF(4, 2) << QPointF()
<< 2 << qreal(0.2) << QColor(1, 2, 3) << qreal(0.5) << QColor(1, 2, 3, 4);
/* wont pass: stop values are expected to be sorted
QTest::newRow("unsorted-stop") <<
"selection-background: lineargradient(x1:0, y1:0, x2:0, y2:1, "
"stop:0.5 green, stop:0.2 red)" << QPointF(0, 0) << QPointF(0, 1)
0 << 0.2 << QColor("red") << 0.5 << QColor("green");
void tst_QCssParser::gradient()
QFETCH(QString, css);
QFETCH(QString, type);
QFETCH(QPointF, finalStop);
QFETCH(QPointF, start);
QFETCH(int, spread);
QFETCH(qreal, stop0); QFETCH(QColor, color0);
QFETCH(qreal, stop1); QFETCH(QColor, color1);
QDomDocument doc;
QVERIFY(doc.setContent(QLatin1String("<!DOCTYPE test><test> <dummy/> </test>")));
css.prepend("dummy {");
QCss::Parser parser(css);
QCss::StyleSheet sheet;
DomStyleSelector testSelector(doc, sheet);
QDomElement e = doc.documentElement().firstChildElement();
QCss::StyleSelector::NodePtr n;
n.ptr = &e;
QVector<QCss::StyleRule> rules = testSelector.styleRulesForNode(n);
QVector<QCss::Declaration> decls = rules.at(0).declarations;
QCss::ValueExtractor ve(decls);
QBrush fg, sfg;
QBrush sbg, abg;
QVERIFY(ve.extractPalette(&fg, &sfg, &sbg, &abg));
if (type == "linear") {
QVERIFY(sbg.style() == Qt::LinearGradientPattern);
const QLinearGradient *lg = static_cast<const QLinearGradient *>(sbg.gradient());
QCOMPARE(lg->start(), start);
QCOMPARE(lg->finalStop(), finalStop);
} else if (type == "conical") {
QVERIFY(sbg.style() == Qt::ConicalGradientPattern);
const QConicalGradient *cg = static_cast<const QConicalGradient *>(sbg.gradient());
QCOMPARE(cg->center(), start);
const QGradient *g = sbg.gradient();
QCOMPARE(g->spread(), QGradient::Spread(spread));
QVERIFY(g->stops().at(0).first == stop0);
QVERIFY(g->stops().at(0).second == color0);
QVERIFY(g->stops().at(1).first == stop1);
QVERIFY(g->stops().at(1).second == color1);
void tst_QCssParser::extractFontFamily_data()
if (QFontInfo(QFont("Times New Roman")).family() != "Times New Roman")
QSKIP("'Times New Roman' font not found ", SkipAll);
QTest::newRow("quoted-family-name") << "font-family: 'Times New Roman'" << QString("Times New Roman");
QTest::newRow("unquoted-family-name") << "font-family: Times New Roman" << QString("Times New Roman");
QTest::newRow("unquoted-family-name2") << "font-family: Times New Roman" << QString("Times New Roman");
QTest::newRow("multiple") << "font-family: Times New Roman , foobar, 'baz'" << QString("Times New Roman");
QTest::newRow("multiple2") << "font-family: invalid, Times New Roman " << QString("Times New Roman");
QTest::newRow("invalid") << "font-family: invalid" << QFontInfo(QFont("invalid font")).family();
QTest::newRow("shorthand") << "font: 12pt Times New Roman" << QString("Times New Roman");
QTest::newRow("shorthand multiple quote") << "font: 12pt invalid, \"Times New Roman\" " << QString("Times New Roman");
QTest::newRow("shorthand multiple") << "font: 12pt invalid, Times New Roman " << QString("Times New Roman");
QTest::newRow("invalid spaces") << "font-family: invalid spaces, Times New Roman " << QString("Times New Roman");
QTest::newRow("invalid spaces quotes") << "font-family: 'invalid spaces', 'Times New Roman' " << QString("Times New Roman");
void tst_QCssParser::extractFontFamily()
QFETCH(QString, css);
css.prepend("dummy {");
QCss::Parser parser(css);
QCss::StyleSheet sheet;
QCOMPARE(sheet.styleRules.count() + sheet.nameIndex.count(), 1);
QCss::StyleRule rule = (!sheet.styleRules.isEmpty()) ?
sheet.styleRules.at(0) : *sheet.nameIndex.begin();
const QVector<QCss::Declaration> decls = rule.declarations;
QCss::ValueExtractor extractor(decls);
int adjustment = 0;
QFont fnt;
extractor.extractFont(&fnt, &adjustment);
QFontInfo info(fnt);
QTEST(info.family(), "expectedFamily");
void tst_QCssParser::extractBorder_data()
QTest::newRow("all values") << "border: 2px solid green" << 2 << (int)QCss::BorderStyle_Solid << QColor("green");
QTest::newRow("palette") << "border: 2px solid palette(highlight)" << 2 << (int)QCss::BorderStyle_Solid << qApp->palette().color(QPalette::Highlight);
QTest::newRow("just width") << "border: 2px" << 2 << (int)QCss::BorderStyle_None << QColor();
QTest::newRow("just style") << "border: solid" << 0 << (int)QCss::BorderStyle_Solid << QColor();
QTest::newRow("just color") << "border: green" << 0 << (int)QCss::BorderStyle_None << QColor("green");
QTest::newRow("width+style") << "border: 2px solid" << 2 << (int)QCss::BorderStyle_Solid << QColor();
QTest::newRow("style+color") << "border: solid green" << 0 << (int)QCss::BorderStyle_Solid << QColor("green");
QTest::newRow("width+color") << "border: 3px green" << 3 << (int)QCss::BorderStyle_None << QColor("green");
QTest::newRow("groove style") << "border: groove" << 0 << (int)QCss::BorderStyle_Groove << QColor();
QTest::newRow("ridge style") << "border: ridge" << 0 << (int)QCss::BorderStyle_Ridge << QColor();
QTest::newRow("double style") << "border: double" << 0 << (int)QCss::BorderStyle_Double << QColor();
QTest::newRow("inset style") << "border: inset" << 0 << (int)QCss::BorderStyle_Inset << QColor();
QTest::newRow("outset style") << "border: outset" << 0 << (int)QCss::BorderStyle_Outset << QColor();
QTest::newRow("dashed style") << "border: dashed" << 0 << (int)QCss::BorderStyle_Dashed << QColor();
QTest::newRow("dotted style") << "border: dotted" << 0 << (int)QCss::BorderStyle_Dotted << QColor();
QTest::newRow("dot-dash style") << "border: dot-dash" << 0 << (int)QCss::BorderStyle_DotDash << QColor();
QTest::newRow("dot-dot-dash style") << "border: dot-dot-dash" << 0 << (int)QCss::BorderStyle_DotDotDash << QColor();
QTest::newRow("top-width+color") << "border-top: 3px green" << 3 << (int)QCss::BorderStyle_None << QColor("green");
void tst_QCssParser::extractBorder()
QFETCH(QString, css);
QFETCH(int, expectedTopWidth);
QFETCH(int, expectedTopStyle);
QFETCH(QColor, expectedTopColor);
css.prepend("dummy {");
QCss::Parser parser(css);
QCss::StyleSheet sheet;
QCOMPARE(sheet.styleRules.count() + sheet.nameIndex.count(), 1);
QCss::StyleRule rule = (!sheet.styleRules.isEmpty()) ?
sheet.styleRules.at(0) : *sheet.nameIndex.begin();
const QVector<QCss::Declaration> decls = rule.declarations;
QCss::ValueExtractor extractor(decls);
int widths[4];
QBrush colors[4];
QCss::BorderStyle styles[4];
QSize radii[4];
extractor.extractBorder(widths, colors, styles, radii);
QVERIFY(widths[QCss::TopEdge] == expectedTopWidth);
QVERIFY(styles[QCss::TopEdge] == expectedTopStyle);
QVERIFY(colors[QCss::TopEdge] == expectedTopColor);
//QTBUG-9674 : a second evaluation should give the same results
QVERIFY(extractor.extractBorder(widths, colors, styles, radii));
QVERIFY(widths[QCss::TopEdge] == expectedTopWidth);
QVERIFY(styles[QCss::TopEdge] == expectedTopStyle);
QVERIFY(colors[QCss::TopEdge] == expectedTopColor);
void tst_QCssParser::noTextDecoration()
QCss::Parser parser("dummy { text-decoration: none; }");
QCss::StyleSheet sheet;
QCOMPARE(sheet.styleRules.count() + sheet.nameIndex.count(), 1);
QCss::StyleRule rule = (!sheet.styleRules.isEmpty()) ?
sheet.styleRules.at(0) : *sheet.nameIndex.begin();
const QVector<QCss::Declaration> decls = rule.declarations;
QCss::ValueExtractor extractor(decls);
int adjustment = 0;
QFont f;
QVERIFY(extractor.extractFont(&f, &adjustment));
void tst_QCssParser::quotedAndUnquotedIdentifiers()
QCss::Parser parser("foo { font-style: \"italic\"; font-weight: bold }");
QCss::StyleSheet sheet;
QCOMPARE(sheet.styleRules.count() + sheet.nameIndex.count(), 1);
QCss::StyleRule rule = (!sheet.styleRules.isEmpty()) ?
sheet.styleRules.at(0) : *sheet.nameIndex.begin();
const QVector<QCss::Declaration> decls = rule.declarations;
QCOMPARE(decls.size(), 2);
QCOMPARE(decls.at(0).d->values.first().type, QCss::Value::String);
QCOMPARE(decls.at(0).d->property, QLatin1String("font-style"));
QCOMPARE(decls.at(0).d->values.first().toString(), QLatin1String("italic"));
QCOMPARE(decls.at(1).d->values.first().type, QCss::Value::KnownIdentifier);
QCOMPARE(decls.at(1).d->property, QLatin1String("font-weight"));
QCOMPARE(decls.at(1).d->values.first().toString(), QLatin1String("bold"));
#include "tst_qcssparser.moc"