Thiago Macieira 6315745770 Strip bootstrapped binaries of unused sections
This matches the -ffunction-sections from bootstrap.pro, which tells the
compiler to create a section for each function. The -gc-sections option
tells the linker to drop what wasn't used (normally, it only drops
entire files).

Before (on Linux, built with -O3, no LTO):
   text    data     bss     dec     hex filename
1746385    7920    3750 1758055  1ad367 bin/moc
1444101    6664    1894 1452659  162a73 bin/rcc
4407725    1568    4896 4414189  435aed bin/qmake

   text    data     bss     dec     hex filename
1131655    6520    3494 1141669  116ba5 bin/moc
1027043    5480    1766 1034289   fc831 bin/rcc
3578489    1656    5313 3585458  36b5b2 bin/qmake

Gain: 35% on moc, 28% on rcc, 19% on qmake

Before (on OS X):
__TEXT	__DATA	__OBJC	others	dec	hex
1495040	12288	0	4294993008	4296500336	100176470	bin/moc
1265664	8192	0	4294983904	4296257760	10013b0e0	bin/rcc
5279744	81920	0	4297912320	4303273984	1007ec000	bin/qmake

__TEXT	__DATA	__OBJC	others	dec	hex
806912	8192	0	4294988132	4295803236	1000cc164	bin/moc
720896	8192	0	4294979764	4295708852	1000b50b4	bin/rcc
4841472	77824	0	4295580688	4300499984	100546c10	bin/qmake

Gain: 46% on moc, 43% on rcc, 8% on qmake.

Change-Id: Icc7cdc9fd6f5db15537b4adabaac7e7a27e539d4
Reviewed-by: Oswald Buddenhagen <oswald.buddenhagen@digia.com>
2014-05-19 19:33:15 +02:00

38 lines
928 B

# W A R N I N G
# -------------
# This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
# implementation detail. It may change from version to version
# without notice, or even be removed.
# We mean it.
isEmpty(QMAKE_INFO_PLIST): CONFIG -= app_bundle
# This decreases the binary size for tools if statically linked
host_build: QT -= gui # no host tool will ever use gui
host_build:force_bootstrap {
!build_pass: CONFIG += release
contains(QT, core(-private)?|xml) {
QT -= core core-private xml
QT += bootstrap-private
target.path = $$[QT_HOST_BINS]
} else {
!build_pass:contains(QT_CONFIG, debug_and_release):contains(QT_CONFIG, build_all): CONFIG += release
target.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_BINS]
INSTALLS += target