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Here is a list of changes in Qt from 0.91 to 0.92. Also look out
for a few new classes; QPrinter, QFileDialog, QDir and QFileInfo.
Use setMainWidget( x ), not exec( x ).
upper(), lower(), stripWhiteSpace() and simplifyWhiteSpace() etc.
do NOT modify the string, instead they return a new string.
QList and QVector:
Changed argument in QList::toVector() from reference to pointer
Changed argument in QVector::toList() from reference to pointer
Removed QVector::apply()
Removed QList::apply()
pen(), brush() and font() no longer returns references.
You cannot do this any longer:
QPainter p;
p.pen().setColor( red );
p.brush().setStyle( NoBrush );
Instead, set a new pen or brush:
p.setPen( red );
p.setBrush( NoBrush );
This enables us to do better optimization, particularly for complex
QFile, QFileInfo (new):
Removed QFile::setFileName,
QFile::isRegular => QFileInfo::isFile
QFile::isDirectory => QFileInfo::isDir
QFile::isSymLink => QFileInfo::isSymLink
Q2DMatrix has been replaced with QWMatrix (qwmatrix.h)
enableImageCache() renamed to setOptimization().
Optimization is now default ON. See doc for other optimization functions.
scanline() => scanLine()
signal textChanged( char * ) => textChanged( const char * );
slot display( char * ) => display( const char * )
hourGlassCursor => waitCursor
QButton and friends:
QIconButton removed, setPixmap() added to QButton to replace QIconButton
Renamed to QTableView (qtablevw.h)
Using int to identify rows and columns, not long.
Using int values, not long.
Using int values, not long.
removed setStrList(), use clear(); insertStrList( ... , 0 ); instead
setRGB => setRgb
getRGB => rgb
setHSV => setHsv
getHSV => hsv
QFontMetrics and QFontInfo:
Get font metrics from QWidget::fontMetrics() and QPainter::fontMetrics().
Get font info from QWidget::fontInfo() and QPainter::fontInfo().
The QFontMetrics(QFont) constructor no longer works.
We had to do these changes to support printing and Windows.
There are more changes, left out because we consider them minor and
uninteresting or because we forgot to mention them. :)