Joerg Bornemann a289bc84c6 Turn off the dbus examples for qmake-generated VS projects
They cannot be built due to QTBUG-91033.

Task-number: QTBUG-91033
Fixes: QTBUG-88758
Pick-to: 5.15
Change-Id: I6f75cac1b20208c7813addd1ebe578c9edae295a
Reviewed-by: Christian Stenger <christian.stenger@qt.io>
2021-02-09 15:45:06 +01:00

29 lines
727 B

TEMPLATE = subdirs
CONFIG += no_docs_target
corelib \
embedded \
!contains(TEMPLATE, "vc.*") { # QTBUG-91033
qtHaveModule(dbus): SUBDIRS += dbus
qtHaveModule(network): SUBDIRS += network
qtHaveModule(testlib): SUBDIRS += qtestlib
qtHaveModule(concurrent): SUBDIRS += qtconcurrent
qtHaveModule(sql): SUBDIRS += sql
qtHaveModule(widgets): SUBDIRS += widgets
qtHaveModule(xml): SUBDIRS += xml
qtHaveModule(gui) {
SUBDIRS += gui
qtConfig(opengl): SUBDIRS += opengl
qtConfig(vulkan): SUBDIRS += vulkan
aggregate.files = aggregate/examples.pro
aggregate.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_EXAMPLES]
readme.files = README
readme.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_EXAMPLES]
INSTALLS += aggregate readme