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245 lines
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** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
** All rights reserved.
** Contact: Nokia Corporation (qt-info@nokia.com)
** This file is part of the qmake application of the Qt Toolkit.
** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and
** appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this
** file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Lesser
** General Public License version 2.1 requirements will be met:
** http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
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#include <qtextstream.h>
#include <qstack.h>
class XmlOutput
enum ConverstionType {
NoConversion, // No change
EscapeConversion, // Use '\"'
XMLConversion // Use "
enum XMLFormat {
NoNewLine, // No new lines, unless added manually
NewLine // All properties & tags indented on new lines
enum XMLState {
Bare, // Not in tag or attribute
Tag, // <tagname attribute1="value"
Attribute // attribute2="value">
enum XMLType {
tNothing, // No XML output, and not state change
tRaw, // Raw text (no formating)
tDeclaration, // <?xml version="x.x" encoding="xxx"?>
tTag, // <tagname attribute1="value"
tTagValue, // <tagname>value</tagname>
tValueTag, // value</tagname>
tCloseTag, // Closes an open tag
tAttribute, // attribute2="value">
tAttributeTag, // attribute on the same line as a tag
tData, // Tag data (formating done)
tImport, // <import "type"="path" />
tComment, // <!-- Comment -->
tCDATA // <![CDATA[ ... ]]>
XmlOutput(QTextStream &file, ConverstionType type = XMLConversion);
// Settings
void setIndentString(const QString &indentString);
QString indentString();
void setIndentLevel(int level);
int indentLevel();
void setState(XMLState state);
void setFormat(XMLFormat newFormat);
XMLState state();
struct xml_output {
XMLType xo_type; // Type of struct instance
QString xo_text; // Tag/Attribute name/xml version
QString xo_value; // Value of attributes/xml encoding
xml_output(XMLType type, const QString &text, const QString &value)
: xo_type(type), xo_text(text), xo_value(value) {}
xml_output(const xml_output &xo)
: xo_type(xo.xo_type), xo_text(xo.xo_text), xo_value(xo.xo_value) {}
// Streams
XmlOutput& operator<<(const QString& o);
XmlOutput& operator<<(const xml_output& o);
void increaseIndent();
void decreaseIndent();
void updateIndent();
QString doConversion(const QString &text);
// Output functions
void newTag(const QString &tag);
void newTagOpen(const QString &tag);
void closeOpen();
void closeTag();
void closeTo(const QString &tag);
void closeAll();
void addDeclaration(const QString &version, const QString &encoding);
void addRaw(const QString &rawText);
void addAttribute(const QString &attribute, const QString &value);
void addAttributeTag(const QString &attribute, const QString &value);
void addData(const QString &data);
// Data
QTextStream &xmlFile;
QString indent;
QString currentIndent;
int currentLevel;
XMLState currentState;
XMLFormat format;
ConverstionType conversion;
QStack<QString> tagStack;
inline XmlOutput::xml_output noxml()
return XmlOutput::xml_output(XmlOutput::tNothing, QString(), QString());
inline XmlOutput::xml_output raw(const QString &rawText)
return XmlOutput::xml_output(XmlOutput::tRaw, rawText, QString());
inline XmlOutput::xml_output declaration(const QString &version = QString("1.0"),
const QString &encoding = QString())
return XmlOutput::xml_output(XmlOutput::tDeclaration, version, encoding);
inline XmlOutput::xml_output decl(const QString &version = QString("1.0"),
const QString &encoding = QString())
return declaration(version, encoding);
inline XmlOutput::xml_output tag(const QString &name)
return XmlOutput::xml_output(XmlOutput::tTag, name, QString());
inline XmlOutput::xml_output valueTag(const QString &value)
return XmlOutput::xml_output(XmlOutput::tValueTag, value, QString());
inline XmlOutput::xml_output tagValue(const QString &tagName, const QString &value)
return XmlOutput::xml_output(XmlOutput::tTagValue, tagName, value);
inline XmlOutput::xml_output import(const QString &tagName, const QString &value)
return XmlOutput::xml_output(XmlOutput::tImport, tagName, value);
inline XmlOutput::xml_output closetag()
return XmlOutput::xml_output(XmlOutput::tCloseTag, QString(), QString());
inline XmlOutput::xml_output closetag(const QString &toTag)
return XmlOutput::xml_output(XmlOutput::tCloseTag, toTag, QString());
inline XmlOutput::xml_output closeall()
return XmlOutput::xml_output(XmlOutput::tCloseTag, QString(), QString("all"));
inline XmlOutput::xml_output attribute(const QString &name,
const QString &value)
return XmlOutput::xml_output(XmlOutput::tAttribute, name, value);
inline XmlOutput::xml_output attributeTag(const QString &name,
const QString &value)
return XmlOutput::xml_output(XmlOutput::tAttributeTag, name, value);
inline XmlOutput::xml_output attr(const QString &name,
const QString &value)
return attribute(name, value);
inline XmlOutput::xml_output attrTag(const QString &name,
const QString &value)
return attributeTag(name, value);
inline XmlOutput::xml_output data(const QString &text = QString())
return XmlOutput::xml_output(XmlOutput::tData, text, QString());
inline XmlOutput::xml_output comment(const QString &text)
return XmlOutput::xml_output(XmlOutput::tComment, text, QString());
inline XmlOutput::xml_output cdata(const QString &text)
return XmlOutput::xml_output(XmlOutput::tCDATA, text, QString());
#endif // XMLOUTPUT_H