Before this change, next() was the only way to advance the iterator, whether the caller was ultimately interested in just the filePath() (good) or not (bad luck, had to call .fileInfo()). Add a new function, nextFileInfo(), with returns fileInfo() instead. Incidentally, the returned object has already been constructed as part of advance()ing the iterator, so the new function is faster than next() even if the result is ignored, because we're not calculating a QString result the caller may not be interested in. Use the new function around the code. Fix a couple of cases of next(); fileInfo().filePath() (just use next()'s return value) as a drive-by. [ChangeLog][QtCore][QDirIterator] Added nextFileInfo(), which is like next(), but returns fileInfo() instead of filePath(). Change-Id: I601220575961169b44139fc55b9eae6c3197afb4 Reviewed-by: Mårten Nordheim <marten.nordheim@qt.io>
537 lines
23 KiB
537 lines
23 KiB
** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/
** This file is part of the qmake application of the Qt Toolkit.
** Commercial License Usage
** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
** and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further
** information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us.
** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT
** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
** be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html.
#include "msvc_nmake.h"
#include "option.h"
#include <qregularexpression.h>
#include <qdir.h>
#include <qdiriterator.h>
#include <qset.h>
#include <time.h>
NmakeMakefileGenerator::writeMakefile(QTextStream &t)
if (writeDummyMakefile(t))
return true;
if(project->first("TEMPLATE") == "app" ||
project->first("TEMPLATE") == "lib" ||
project->first("TEMPLATE") == "aux") {
return MakefileGenerator::writeMakefile(t);
else if(project->first("TEMPLATE") == "subdirs") {
return true;
return false;
void NmakeMakefileGenerator::writeSubMakeCall(QTextStream &t, const QString &callPrefix,
const QString &makeArguments)
// Pass MAKEFLAGS as environment variable to sub-make calls.
// Unlike other make tools nmake doesn't do this automatically.
t << "\n\t@set MAKEFLAGS=$(MAKEFLAGS)";
Win32MakefileGenerator::writeSubMakeCall(t, callPrefix, makeArguments);
ProStringList NmakeMakefileGenerator::extraSubTargetDependencies()
return { "$(MAKEFILE)" };
QString NmakeMakefileGenerator::defaultInstall(const QString &t)
QString ret = Win32MakefileGenerator::defaultInstall(t);
if (ret.isEmpty())
return ret;
const QString root = installRoot();
ProStringList &uninst = project->values(ProKey(t + ".uninstall"));
QString targetdir = fileFixify(project->first(ProKey(t + ".path")).toQString(), FileFixifyAbsolute);
if(targetdir.right(1) != Option::dir_sep)
targetdir += Option::dir_sep;
if (project->isActiveConfig("debug_info")) {
if (t == "dlltarget" || project->values(ProKey(t + ".CONFIG")).indexOf("no_dll") == -1) {
const QFileInfo targetFileInfo(project->first("DESTDIR") + project->first("TARGET")
+ project->first("TARGET_EXT"));
const QString pdb_target = targetFileInfo.completeBaseName() + ".pdb";
QString src_targ = (project->isEmpty("DESTDIR") ? QString("$(DESTDIR)") : project->first("DESTDIR")) + pdb_target;
QString dst_targ = filePrefixRoot(root, fileFixify(targetdir + pdb_target, FileFixifyAbsolute));
ret += "\n\t";
ret += QString("-$(INSTALL_FILE) ") + escapeFilePath(src_targ) + ' ' + escapeFilePath(dst_targ);
uninst.append("-$(DEL_FILE) " + escapeFilePath(dst_targ));
return ret;
QStringList &NmakeMakefileGenerator::findDependencies(const QString &file)
QStringList &aList = MakefileGenerator::findDependencies(file);
for(QStringList::Iterator it = Option::cpp_ext.begin(); it != Option::cpp_ext.end(); ++it) {
if(file.endsWith(*it)) {
if(!precompObj.isEmpty() && !aList.contains(precompObj))
aList += precompObj;
for (QStringList::Iterator it = Option::c_ext.begin(); it != Option::c_ext.end(); ++it) {
if (file.endsWith(*it)) {
if (!precompObjC.isEmpty() && !aList.contains(precompObjC))
aList += precompObjC;
return aList;
void NmakeMakefileGenerator::writeNmakeParts(QTextStream &t)
// precompiled header
if(usePCH) {
QString precompRule = QString("-c -Yc -Fp%1 -Fo%2")
.arg(escapeFilePath(precompPch), escapeFilePath(precompObj));
t << escapeDependencyPath(precompObj) << ": " << escapeDependencyPath(precompH) << ' '
<< finalizeDependencyPaths(findDependencies(precompH)).join(" \\\n\t\t")
<< "\n\t$(CXX) " + precompRule +" $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -TP "
<< escapeFilePath(precompH) << Qt::endl << Qt::endl;
if (usePCHC) {
QString precompRuleC = QString("-c -Yc -Fp%1 -Fo%2")
.arg(escapeFilePath(precompPchC), escapeFilePath(precompObjC));
t << escapeDependencyPath(precompObjC) << ": " << escapeDependencyPath(precompH) << ' '
<< finalizeDependencyPaths(findDependencies(precompH)).join(" \\\n\t\t")
<< "\n\t$(CC) " + precompRuleC +" $(CFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -TC "
<< escapeFilePath(precompH) << Qt::endl << Qt::endl;
QString NmakeMakefileGenerator::var(const ProKey &value) const
if (usePCH || usePCHC) {
const bool isRunC = (value == "QMAKE_RUN_CC_IMP_BATCH"
|| value == "QMAKE_RUN_CC_IMP"
|| value == "QMAKE_RUN_CC");
const bool isRunCpp = (value == "QMAKE_RUN_CXX_IMP_BATCH"
|| value == "QMAKE_RUN_CXX_IMP"
|| value == "QMAKE_RUN_CXX");
if ((isRunCpp && usePCH) || (isRunC && usePCHC)) {
QString precompH_f = escapeFilePath(fileFixify(precompH, FileFixifyBackwards));
QString precompRule = QString("-c -FI%1 -Yu%2 -Fp%3")
.arg(precompH_f, precompH_f, escapeFilePath(isRunC ? precompPchC : precompPch));
// ### For clang_cl 8 we force inline methods to be compiled here instead
// linking them from a pch.o file. We do this by pretending we are also doing
// the pch.o generation step.
if (project->isActiveConfig("clang_cl"))
precompRule += QString(" -Xclang -building-pch-with-obj");
QString p = MakefileGenerator::var(value);
p.replace(QLatin1String("-c"), precompRule);
return p;
// Normal val
return MakefileGenerator::var(value);
void NmakeMakefileGenerator::init()
/* this should probably not be here, but I'm using it to wrap the .t files */
if(project->first("TEMPLATE") == "app")
else if(project->first("TEMPLATE") == "lib")
else if(project->first("TEMPLATE") == "subdirs") {
project->values("LIBS") += project->values("RES_FILE");
if (!project->values("DEF_FILE").isEmpty()) {
QString defFileName = fileFixify(project->first("DEF_FILE").toQString());
project->values("QMAKE_LFLAGS").append(QString("/DEF:") + escapeFilePath(defFileName));
// set /VERSION for EXE/DLL header
ProString major_minor = project->first("VERSION_PE_HEADER");
if (major_minor.isEmpty()) {
ProString version = project->first("VERSION");
if (!version.isEmpty()) {
int firstDot = version.indexOf(".");
int secondDot = version.indexOf(".", firstDot + 1);
major_minor = version.left(secondDot);
if (!major_minor.isEmpty())
project->values("QMAKE_LFLAGS").append("/VERSION:" + major_minor);
if (project->isEmpty("QMAKE_LINK_O_FLAG"))
// Base class init!
// Setup PCH variables
precompH = project->first("PRECOMPILED_HEADER").toQString();
usePCH = !precompH.isEmpty() && project->isActiveConfig("precompile_header");
usePCHC = !precompH.isEmpty() && project->isActiveConfig("precompile_header_c");
if (usePCH) {
// Created files
precompObj = var("PRECOMPILED_DIR") + project->first("TARGET") + "_pch" + Option::obj_ext;
precompPch = var("PRECOMPILED_DIR") + project->first("TARGET") + "_pch.pch";
// Add linking of precompObj (required for whole precompiled classes)
// ### For clang_cl we currently let inline methods be generated in the normal objects,
// since the PCH object is buggy (as of clang 8.0.0)
if (!project->isActiveConfig("clang_cl"))
project->values("OBJECTS") += precompObj;
// Add pch file to cleanup
project->values("QMAKE_CLEAN") += precompPch;
// Return to variable pool
project->values("PRECOMPILED_OBJECT") = ProStringList(precompObj);
project->values("PRECOMPILED_PCH") = ProStringList(precompPch);
if (usePCHC) {
precompObjC = var("PRECOMPILED_DIR") + project->first("TARGET") + "_pch_c" + Option::obj_ext;
precompPchC = var("PRECOMPILED_DIR") + project->first("TARGET") + "_pch_c.pch";
if (!project->isActiveConfig("clang_cl"))
project->values("OBJECTS") += precompObjC;
project->values("QMAKE_CLEAN") += precompPchC;
project->values("PRECOMPILED_OBJECT_C") = ProStringList(precompObjC);
project->values("PRECOMPILED_PCH_C") = ProStringList(precompPchC);
const QFileInfo targetFileInfo(project->first("DESTDIR") + project->first("TARGET")
+ project->first("TARGET_EXT"));
const ProString targetBase = targetFileInfo.path() + '/' + targetFileInfo.completeBaseName();
if (project->first("TEMPLATE") == "lib" && project->isActiveConfig("shared")) {
project->values("QMAKE_CLEAN").append(targetBase + ".exp");
project->values("QMAKE_DISTCLEAN").append(targetBase + ".lib");
if (project->isActiveConfig("debug_info")) {
QString pdbfile;
QString distPdbFile = targetBase + ".pdb";
if (project->isActiveConfig("staticlib")) {
// For static libraries, the compiler's pdb file and the dist pdb file are the same.
pdbfile = distPdbFile;
} else {
// Use $${TARGET}.vc.pdb in the OBJECTS_DIR for the compiler and
// $${TARGET}.pdb (the default) for the linker.
pdbfile = var("OBJECTS_DIR") + project->first("TARGET") + ".vc.pdb";
QString escapedPdbFile = escapeFilePath(pdbfile);
project->values("QMAKE_CFLAGS").append("/Fd" + escapedPdbFile);
project->values("QMAKE_CXXFLAGS").append("/Fd" + escapedPdbFile);
if (project->isActiveConfig("debug")) {
project->values("QMAKE_CLEAN").append(targetBase + ".ilk");
project->values("QMAKE_CLEAN").append(targetBase + ".idb");
if (project->values("QMAKE_APP_FLAG").isEmpty() && project->isActiveConfig("dll")) {
ProStringList &defines = project->values("DEFINES");
if (!defines.contains("_WINDLL"))
QStringList NmakeMakefileGenerator::sourceFilesForImplicitRulesFilter()
QStringList filter;
const QChar wildcard = QLatin1Char('*');
for (const QString &ext : qAsConst(Option::c_ext))
filter << wildcard + ext;
for (const QString &ext : qAsConst(Option::cpp_ext))
filter << wildcard + ext;
return filter;
void NmakeMakefileGenerator::writeImplicitRulesPart(QTextStream &t)
t << "####### Implicit rules\n\n";
t << ".SUFFIXES:";
for(QStringList::Iterator cit = Option::c_ext.begin(); cit != Option::c_ext.end(); ++cit)
t << " " << (*cit);
for(QStringList::Iterator cppit = Option::cpp_ext.begin(); cppit != Option::cpp_ext.end(); ++cppit)
t << " " << (*cppit);
t << Qt::endl << Qt::endl;
bool useInferenceRules = !project->isActiveConfig("no_batch");
QSet<QString> source_directories;
if (useInferenceRules) {
static const char * const directories[] = { "UI_SOURCES_DIR", "UI_DIR", nullptr };
for (int y = 0; directories[y]; y++) {
QString dirTemp = project->first(directories[y]).toQString();
if (dirTemp.endsWith("\\"))
static const char * const srcs[] = { "SOURCES", "GENERATED_SOURCES", nullptr };
for (int x = 0; srcs[x]; x++) {
const ProStringList &l = project->values(srcs[x]);
for (ProStringList::ConstIterator sit = l.begin(); sit != l.end(); ++sit) {
QString sep = "\\";
if((*sit).indexOf(sep) == -1)
sep = "/";
QString dir = (*sit).toQString().section(sep, 0, -2);
if (!dir.isEmpty())
// nmake's inference rules might pick up the wrong files when encountering source files with
// the same name in different directories. In this situation, turn inference rules off.
QHash<QString, QString> fileNames;
bool duplicatesFound = false;
const QStringList sourceFilesFilter = sourceFilesForImplicitRulesFilter();
QStringList fixifiedSourceDirs = fileFixify(QList<QString>(source_directories.constBegin(), source_directories.constEnd()), FileFixifyAbsolute);
for (const QString &sourceDir : qAsConst(fixifiedSourceDirs)) {
QDirIterator dit(sourceDir, sourceFilesFilter, QDir::Files | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot);
while (dit.hasNext()) {
const QFileInfo fi = dit.nextFileInfo();
QString &duplicate = fileNames[fi.completeBaseName()];
if (duplicate.isNull()) {
duplicate = fi.filePath();
} else {
warn_msg(WarnLogic, "%s conflicts with %s", qPrintable(duplicate),
duplicatesFound = true;
if (duplicatesFound) {
useInferenceRules = false;
warn_msg(WarnLogic, "Automatically turning off nmake's inference rules. (CONFIG += no_batch)");
if (useInferenceRules) {
// Batchmode doesn't use the non implicit rules QMAKE_RUN_CXX & QMAKE_RUN_CC
for (const QString &sourceDir : qAsConst(source_directories)) {
if (sourceDir.isEmpty())
QString objDir = var("OBJECTS_DIR");
if (objDir == ".\\")
objDir = "";
for(QStringList::Iterator cppit = Option::cpp_ext.begin(); cppit != Option::cpp_ext.end(); ++cppit)
t << '{' << escapeDependencyPath(sourceDir) << '}' << (*cppit)
<< '{' << escapeDependencyPath(objDir) << '}' << Option::obj_ext << "::\n\t"
<< var("QMAKE_RUN_CXX_IMP_BATCH").replace(QRegularExpression("\\$@"), fileVar("OBJECTS_DIR"))
<< "\n\t$<\n<<\n\n";
for(QStringList::Iterator cit = Option::c_ext.begin(); cit != Option::c_ext.end(); ++cit)
t << '{' << escapeDependencyPath(sourceDir) << '}' << (*cit)
<< '{' << escapeDependencyPath(objDir) << '}' << Option::obj_ext << "::\n\t"
<< var("QMAKE_RUN_CC_IMP_BATCH").replace(QRegularExpression("\\$@"), fileVar("OBJECTS_DIR"))
<< "\n\t$<\n<<\n\n";
} else {
for(QStringList::Iterator cppit = Option::cpp_ext.begin(); cppit != Option::cpp_ext.end(); ++cppit)
t << (*cppit) << Option::obj_ext << ":\n\t" << var("QMAKE_RUN_CXX_IMP") << Qt::endl << Qt::endl;
for(QStringList::Iterator cit = Option::c_ext.begin(); cit != Option::c_ext.end(); ++cit)
t << (*cit) << Option::obj_ext << ":\n\t" << var("QMAKE_RUN_CC_IMP") << Qt::endl << Qt::endl;
void NmakeMakefileGenerator::writeBuildRulesPart(QTextStream &t)
const ProString templateName = project->first("TEMPLATE");
t << "first: all\n";
t << "all: " << escapeDependencyPath(fileFixify(Option::output.fileName()))
<< ' ' << depVar("ALL_DEPS") << ' ' << depVar("DEST_TARGET") << "\n\n";
t << depVar("DEST_TARGET") << ": "
<< depVar("PRE_TARGETDEPS") << " $(OBJECTS) " << depVar("POST_TARGETDEPS");
if (templateName == "aux") {
t << "\n\n";
t << "\n\t" <<var("QMAKE_PRE_LINK");
if(project->isActiveConfig("staticlib")) {
t << "\n\t$(LIBAPP) $(LIBFLAGS) " << var("QMAKE_LINK_O_FLAG") << "$(DESTDIR_TARGET) @<<\n\t ";
writeResponseFileFiles(t, project->values("OBJECTS"));
t << "<<";
} else {
const bool embedManifest = ((templateName == "app" && project->isActiveConfig("embed_manifest_exe"))
|| (templateName == "lib" && project->isActiveConfig("embed_manifest_dll")
&& !(project->isActiveConfig("plugin") && project->isActiveConfig("no_plugin_manifest"))
if (embedManifest) {
bool generateManifest = false;
const QString target = var("DEST_TARGET");
QString manifest = project->first("QMAKE_MANIFEST").toQString();
QString extraLFlags;
const bool linkerSupportsEmbedding = (msvcVersion() >= 1200);
if (manifest.isEmpty()) {
generateManifest = true;
if (linkerSupportsEmbedding) {
extraLFlags = "/MANIFEST:embed";
} else {
manifest = target + ".embed.manifest";
extraLFlags += "/MANIFEST /MANIFESTFILE:" + escapeFilePath(manifest);
project->values("QMAKE_CLEAN") << manifest;
} else {
manifest = fileFixify(manifest);
if (linkerSupportsEmbedding)
extraLFlags = "/MANIFEST:embed /MANIFESTINPUT:" + escapeFilePath(manifest);
const QString resourceId = (templateName == "app") ? "1" : "2";
const bool incrementalLinking = project->values("QMAKE_LFLAGS").toQStringList().filter(QRegularExpression("(/|-)INCREMENTAL:NO")).isEmpty();
if (incrementalLinking && !linkerSupportsEmbedding) {
// Link a resource that contains the manifest without modifying the exe/dll after linking.
QString manifest_rc = target + "_manifest.rc";
QString manifest_res = target + "_manifest.res";
project->values("QMAKE_CLEAN") << manifest_rc << manifest_res;
manifest_rc = escapeFilePath(manifest_rc);
manifest_res = escapeFilePath(manifest_res);
t << "\n\techo " << resourceId
<< cQuoted(manifest) << '>' << manifest_rc;
if (generateManifest) {
manifest = escapeFilePath(manifest);
QString manifest_bak = escapeFilePath(target + "_manifest.bak");
project->values("QMAKE_CLEAN") << manifest_bak;
t << "\n\tif not exist $(DESTDIR_TARGET) if exist " << manifest
<< " del " << manifest;
t << "\n\tif exist " << manifest << " copy /Y " << manifest << ' ' << manifest_bak;
const QString extraInlineFileContent = "\n!IF EXIST(" + manifest_res + ")\n" + manifest_res + "\n!ENDIF";
t << "\n\t";
writeLinkCommand(t, extraLFlags, extraInlineFileContent);
t << "\n\tif exist " << manifest_bak << " fc /b " << manifest << ' ' << manifest_bak << " >NUL || del " << manifest_bak;
t << "\n\tif not exist " << manifest_bak << " rc.exe /fo" << manifest_res << ' ' << manifest_rc;
t << "\n\tif not exist " << manifest_bak << ' ';
writeLinkCommand(t, extraLFlags, manifest_res);
t << "\n\tif exist " << manifest_bak << " del " << manifest_bak;
} else {
t << "\n\trc.exe /fo" << manifest_res << " " << manifest_rc;
t << "\n\t";
writeLinkCommand(t, extraLFlags, manifest_res);
} else {
// directly embed the manifest in the executable after linking
t << "\n\t";
writeLinkCommand(t, extraLFlags);
if (!linkerSupportsEmbedding) {
t << "\n\tmt.exe /nologo /manifest " << escapeFilePath(manifest)
<< " /outputresource:$(DESTDIR_TARGET);" << resourceId;
} else {
t << "\n\t";
if(!project->isEmpty("QMAKE_POST_LINK")) {
t << "\n\t" << var("QMAKE_POST_LINK");
t << Qt::endl;
void NmakeMakefileGenerator::writeLinkCommand(QTextStream &t, const QString &extraFlags, const QString &extraInlineFileContent)
t << "$(LINKER) $(LFLAGS)";
if (!extraFlags.isEmpty())
t << ' ' << extraFlags;
t << " " << var("QMAKE_LINK_O_FLAG") << "$(DESTDIR_TARGET) @<<\n";
writeResponseFileFiles(t, project->values("OBJECTS"));
t << "$(LIBS)\n";
if (!extraInlineFileContent.isEmpty())
t << extraInlineFileContent << '\n';
t << "<<";
void NmakeMakefileGenerator::writeResponseFileFiles(QTextStream &t, const ProStringList &files)
// Add line breaks in file lists in reponse files to work around LNK1170.
// The actual line length limit is 131070, but let's use a smaller limit
// in case other tools are similarly hampered.
const int maxLineLength = 1000;
int len = 0;
for (const ProString &file : files) {
const ProString escapedFilePath = escapeFilePath(file);
if (len) {
if (len + escapedFilePath.length() > maxLineLength) {
t << '\n';
len = 0;
} else {
t << ' ';
t << escapedFilePath;
len += escapedFilePath.length();
t << '\n';
int NmakeMakefileGenerator::msvcVersion() const
const int fallbackVersion = 800; // Visual Studio 2005
const QString ver = project->first(ProKey("MSVC_VER")).toQString();
bool ok;
float f = ver.toFloat(&ok);
return ok ? int(f * 100) : fallbackVersion;