Change-Id: Ibb2319b1e96ce34d4c61c8504b7700a78462c56c Reviewed-by: Eskil Abrahamsen Blomfeldt <>
556 lines
18 KiB
Executable File
556 lines
18 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
## Copyright (C) 2012-2013 BogDan Vatra <>
## Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd.
## Contact:
## This file is part of the test suite of the Qt Toolkit.
## Commercial License Usage
## Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
## accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
## Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
## a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
## and conditions see For further
## information use the contact form at
## GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
## Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
## General Public License version 2.1 or version 3 as published by the Free
## Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPLv21 and
## LICENSE.LGPLv3 included in the packaging of this file. Please review the
## following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License
## requirements will be met: and
## As a special exception, The Qt Company gives you certain additional
## rights. These rights are described in The Qt Company LGPL Exception
## version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
use Cwd;
use Cwd 'abs_path';
use File::Basename;
use File::Temp 'tempdir';
use File::Path 'remove_tree';
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
use XML::Simple;
use Term::ANSIColor;
### default options
my @stack = cwd;
my $device_serial=""; # "-s device_serial";
my $deployqt_device_serial=""; # "-device device_serial";
my $log_out="xml";
my $max_runtime = 5;
my $className="";
my $jobs = 4;
my $testsubset = "";
my $man = 0;
my $help = 0;
my $make_clean = 0;
my $stop_on_fail = 0;
my $time_out=400;
my $android_toolchain_version = "4.8";
my $host_arch = "linux-x86";
my $android_sdk_dir = "$ENV{'ANDROID_SDK_ROOT'}";
my $android_ndk_dir = "$ENV{'ANDROID_NDK_ROOT'}";
my $android_to_connect = "$ENV{'ANDROID_DEVICE'}";
my $ant_tool = `which ant`;
my $silent = 0;
chomp $ant_tool;
my $strip_tool="";
my $readelf_tool="";
# for ci usage
my @failures = '';
my $total_tests = 0;
my $total_failed = 0;
my $failed_insignificants = 0;
my $ci_use = 0;
my $start = time();
my $uninstall = 0;
GetOptions('h|help' => \$help
, man => \$man
, 's|serial=s' => \$device_serial
, 't|test=s' => \$testsubset
, 'c|clean' => \$make_clean
, 'j|jobs=i' => \$jobs
, 'logtype=s' => \$log_out
, 'runtime=i' => \$max_runtime
, 'sdk=s' => \$android_sdk_dir
, 'ndk=s' => \$android_ndk_dir
, 'toolchain=s' => \$android_toolchain_version
, 'host=s' => \$host_arch
, 'ant=s' => \$ant_tool
, 'strip=s' => \$strip_tool
, 'readelf=s' => \$readelf_tool
, 'testcase=s' => \$testcase
, 'f|fail' => sub { $stop_on_fail = 1 }
, 'silent' => sub { $silent = 1 }
, 'ci' => sub { $ci_use = 1 }
, 'uninstall' => sub { $uninstall = 1 }
) or pod2usage(2);
pod2usage(1) if $help;
pod2usage(-verbose => 2) if $man;
if ($ci_use){
use QMake::Project;
my $adb_tool="$android_sdk_dir/platform-tools/adb";
# For CI. Nodes are connecting to test devices over IP, which is stored to env variable
if ($android_to_connect ne ""){
print " Found device to be connected from env: $android_to_connect \n";
system("$adb_tool disconnect $android_to_connect");
system("$adb_tool connect $android_to_connect");
sleep(2);# let it connect
system("$adb_tool -s $android_to_connect reboot &");# adb bug, it blocks forever
sleep(15); # wait for the device to come up again
system("$adb_tool disconnect $android_to_connect");# cleans up the left adb reboot process
system("$adb_tool connect $android_to_connect");
$device_serial =$android_to_connect;
system("$adb_tool devices") == 0 or die "No device found, please plug/start at least one device/emulator\n"; # make sure we have at least on device attached
$deployqt_device_serial = "--device $device_serial" if ($device_serial);
$device_serial = "-s $device_serial" if ($device_serial);
$testsubset="/$testsubset" if ($testsubset);
$strip_tool="$android_ndk_dir/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-$android_toolchain_version/prebuilt/$host_arch/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-strip" unless($strip_tool);
$readelf_tool="$android_ndk_dir/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-$android_toolchain_version/prebuilt/$host_arch/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-readelf" unless($readelf_tool);
$readelf_tool="$readelf_tool -d -w ";
sub dir
# print "@stack\n";
sub pushd ($)
unless ( chdir $_[0] )
warn "Error: $!\n";
unshift @stack, cwd;
sub popd ()
@stack > 1 and shift @stack;
chdir $stack[0];
# Read possible insignificance
# from pro file
sub check_if_insignificant
return 0 if ( !$ci_use );
my $case = shift;
my $insignificant = 0;
my $prj = QMake::Project->new( 'Makefile' );
$insignificant = $prj->test( 'insignificant_test' );
return $insignificant;
# Print output from given
# $testresult.txt file
sub print_output
my $res_file = shift;
my $case = shift;
my $insignificant = shift;
my $print_all = 0;
if (-e $res_file) {
open my $file, $res_file or die "Could not open $res_file: $!";
while (my $line = <$file>) {
if ($line =~ m/^FAIL/) {
print "$line";
# Pretend to be like the "real" testrunner and print out
# all steps
$print_all = 1;
close $file;
if ($print_all) {
# In case we are printing all, the test failed
system("cat $res_file");
if ($insignificant) {
print " Testrunner: $case failed, but it is marked with insignificant_test\n";
push (@failures ,(basename($case)." [insignificant]"));
} else {
push (@failures ,(basename($case)));
} else {
my $cmd = "sed -n 'x;\$p' ${res_file}";
my $summary = qx(${cmd});
if ($summary =~ m/^Totals/) {
print "$summary";
} else {
print "Error: The log is incomplete. Looks like you have to increase the timeout.";
# The test log seems inclomplete, considering the test as failed.
if ($insignificant) {
print " Testrunner: $case failed, but it is marked with insignificant_test\n";
push (@failures ,(basename($case)." [insignificant]"));
} else {
push (@failures ,(basename($case)));
} else {
if ($insignificant) {
print " Failed to execute $case, but it is marked with insignificant_test\n";
push (@failures ,(basename($case)." [insignificant]"));
} else {
print "Failed to execute $case \n";
push (@failures ,(basename($case)));
# Print summary of test run
sub print_summary
my $total = time()-$start;
my $h = 0;
my $m = 0;
my $s = 0;
my $exit = 0;
print "=== Timing: =================== TEST RUN COMPLETED! ============================\n";
if ($total > 60*60) {
$h = int($total/60/60);
$s = int($total - $h*60*60);
$m = int($s/60);
$s = 0;
print "Total: $h hours $m minutes\n";
} elsif ($total > 60) {
$m = int($total/60);
$s = int($total - $m*60);
print "Total: $m minutes $s seconds\n";
} else {
$s = int($total);
print "Total: $s seconds\n";
print "=== Failures: ==================================================================";
foreach my $failed (@failures) {
print $failed."\n";
$exit = 1;
print "=== Totals: ".$total_tests." tests, ".($total_tests-$total_failed).
" passes, ".$failed_insignificants.
" insignificant fails ======================\n";
return $exit;
sub waitForProcess
my $process=shift;
my $action=shift;
my $timeout=shift;
my $sleepPeriod=shift;
$sleepPeriod=1 if !defined($sleepPeriod);
print "Waiting for $process ".$timeout*$sleepPeriod." seconds to" if (!$silent);
print $action?" start...\n":" die...\n" if (!$silent);
while ($timeout--)
my $output = `$adb_tool $device_serial shell ps 2>&1`; # get current processes
#FIXME check why $output is not matching m/.*S $process\n/ or m/.*S $process$/ (eol)
my $res=($output =~ m/.*S $process/)?1:0; # check the procress
if ($action == $res)
print "... succeed\n" if (!$silent);
return 1;
print "timeount in ".$timeout*$sleepPeriod." seconds\n" if (!$silent);
print "... failed\n" if (!$silent);
return 0;
my $src_dir_qt=abs_path(dirname($0)."/../../..");
my $quadruplor_dir="$src_dir_qt/tests/auto/android";
my $qmake_path="$src_dir_qt/bin/qmake";
my $androiddeployqt_path="$src_dir_qt/bin/androiddeployqt";
my $tests_dir="$src_dir_qt/tests$testsubset";
my $temp_dir=tempdir(CLEANUP => 1);
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
my $output_dir=$stack[0]."/".(1900+$year)."-$mon-$mday-$hour:$min";
system(" ln -s $output_dir latest");
my $sdk_api=0;
my $output = `$adb_tool $device_serial shell getprop`; # get device properties
if ($output =~ m/.*\[\]: \[(\d+)\]/)
$sdk_api=5 if ($sdk_api>5 && $sdk_api<8);
$sdk_api=9 if ($sdk_api>9);
sub checkXMLOutput
print color 'bold red';
my $fileName = shift;
my $XMLOutput = eval { XMLin($fileName, ForceArray => 1) };
if (!defined($XMLOutput)) {
print "Can't parse the $fileName file, probably the test crased.\n";
print color 'reset';
die "Stopping\n" if $stop_on_fail;
my $testName = $XMLOutput->{name};
my $fail = 0;
while (my($node_key, $node_valule) = each (%{$XMLOutput})) {
next if $node_key ne "TestFunction";
while (my($function_key, $function_valule) = each (%{$node_valule})) {
while (my($test_key, $test_valule) = each (%{$function_valule})) {
next if $test_key ne "Incident";
for my $incident (@{$test_valule}) {
if (($incident->{type} ne "pass") && ($incident->{type} ne "xfail")) {
print "test $testName::$function_key failed $incident->{file}:$incident->{line}\n";
$fail = 1;
print color 'reset';
die "Stopping\n" if $stop_on_fail and $fail;
sub startTest
my $testName = shift;
my $packageName = "org.qtproject.example.tst_$testName";
my $intentName = "$packageName/";
my $output_file = shift;
my $insignificance = shift;
my $get_xml= 0;
my $get_txt= 0;
my $testLib ="";
if ($log_out eq "xml") {
$testLib="-o /data/data/$packageName/output.xml,xml";
$get_xml = 1;
} elsif ($log_out eq "txt") {
$testLib="-o /data/data/$packageName/output.txt,txt";
$get_txt = 1;
} else {
$testLib="-o /data/data/$packageName/output.xml,xml -o /data/data/$packageName/output.txt,txt";
$get_xml = 1;
$get_txt = 1;
my $cmd="${adb_tool} ${device_serial} shell am start -e applicationArguments \"${testLib}\" -n ${intentName}";
my $res = qx(${cmd});
print $res if (!$silent);
#wait to start (if it has not started and quit already)
#wait to stop
print "Someone should kill $packageName\n";
system("$adb_tool $device_serial uninstall $packageName") if ($uninstall);
return 1;
# Wait for three seconds to allow process to write all data
system("$adb_tool $device_serial pull /data/data/$packageName/output.xml $output_dir/$output_file.xml") if ($get_xml);
system("$adb_tool $device_serial pull /data/data/$packageName/output.txt $output_dir/$output_file.txt") if ($get_txt);
if ($get_txt){
print "Test results for $packageName:\n";
my $insig =
print_output("$output_dir/$output_file.txt", $packageName, $insignificance);
system("$adb_tool $device_serial uninstall $packageName") if ($uninstall);
checkXMLOutput("$output_dir/$output_file.xml") if ($get_xml);
return 1;
########### build qt tests and benchmarks ###########
print "Building $tests_dir \n";
system("make distclean") if ($make_clean);
system("$qmake_path -r") == 0 or die "Can't run qmake\n"; #exec qmake
system("make -j$jobs") == 0 or warn "Can't build all tests\n"; #exec make
my $testsFiles = "";
if ($testcase) {
$testsFiles=`find . -name libtst_$`; # only tests
} else {
$testsFiles=`find . -name libtst_*.so`; # only tests
foreach (split("\n",$testsFiles))
chomp; #remove white spaces
pushd(abs_path(dirname($_))); # cd to application dir
my $insig = check_if_insignificant();
my $cmd="make INSTALL_ROOT=${temp_dir} install";
my $res = qx(${cmd});
print $res if (!$silent);
my $application=basename(cwd);
if ($silent) {
$cmd="$androiddeployqt_path --install ${deployqt_device_serial} --output ${temp_dir} --deployment debug --verbose --input android-libtst_${application}.so-deployment-settings.json >/dev/null 2>&1";
} else {
$cmd="$androiddeployqt_path --install ${deployqt_device_serial} --output ${temp_dir} --deployment debug --verbose --input android-libtst_${application}.so-deployment-settings.json";
$res = qx(${cmd});
print $res if (!$silent);
my $output_name=dirname($_);
$output_name =~ s/\.//; # remove first "." character
$output_name =~ s/\///; # remove first "/" character
$output_name =~ s/\//_/g; # replace all "/" with "_"
$output_name=$application unless($output_name);
$time_out=$max_runtime*60/5; # 5 minutes time out for a normal test
$applicationLibrary = `find $temp_dir -name libtst_bench_$`;
if ($applicationLibrary)
$time_out=5*60/5; # 10 minutes for a benchmark
$application = "bench_$application";
$applicationLibrary = `find $temp_dir -name libtst_$`;
if (!$applicationLibrary)
print "Can't find application binary libtst_$ in $temp_dir!\n";
startTest($application, "$output_name", $insig) or warn "Can't run $application ...\n";
remove_tree( $temp_dir, {keep_root => 1} );
print_summary() if ($ci_use);
=head1 NAME
Script to run all qt tests/benchmarks to an android device/emulator
| [options]
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 8
=item B<-f --fail>
Stop the script when test fails. Default 0
=item B<-s --serial = serial>
Device serial number. May be empty if only one device is attached.
=item B<-t --test = test_subset>
Tests subset (e.g. benchmarks, auto, auto/qbuffer, etc.).
=item B<-c --clean>
Clean tests before building them.
=item B<-j --jobs = number>
Make jobs when building tests.
=item B<--sdk = sdk_path>
Android SDK path.
=item B<--ndk = ndk_path>
Android NDK path.
=item B<--ant = ant_tool_path>
Ant tool path.
=item B<--strip = strip_tool_path>
Android strip tool path, used to deploy qt libs.
=item B<--readelf = readelf_tool_path>
Android readelf tool path, used to check if a test application uses qt OpenGL.
=item B<--logtype = xml|txt|both>
The format of log file, default is xml.
=item B<--runtime = minutes>
The timeout period before stopping individual tests from running.
=item B<-silent>
Suppress output of system commands.
=item B<-ci>
Enables checking if test is insignificant or not. Also prints test
summary after all tests has been executed.
=item B<-uninstall>
Uninstalls the test after has been executed.
=item B<-h --help>
Print a brief help message and exits.
=item B<--man>
Prints the manual page and exits.
B<This program> will run all qt tests/benchmarks to an android device/emulator.