Jan Arve Sæther 6707efcb97 a11y: Add support for Tables in macOS bridge
For a11y purposes, a table needs to be mapped into a logical
accessibility hierarchy.  There are several ways of doing this mapping,
and unfortunately macOS expects something different than what
QAccessibleInterface does.

So suppose we have a a 2x2 QTableView with both horizontal and vertical
header like this (the names reflect the QAccessible::Role names):

  |           | ColumnHeader | ColumnHeader |
  | RowHeader | Cell         | Cell         |
  | RowHeader | Cell         | Cell         |

In order to be presented to the screen reader on a platform, it goes
through two rounds of mapping:

QAccessibleInterface will have all headers and cells as direct children of the table:

 - Table
   +- ColumnHeader
   +- ColumnHeader
   +- RowHeader
   +- Cell
   +- Cell
   +- RowHeader
   +- Cell
   +- Cell

macOS expects a deeper hierarchy:

 - AXTable [QAccessible::Table]
   +- AXRow     [Qt:no eqiuivalent]
      +- [QAccessible::Cell] (The content of the cell, e.g. AXButton, AXGroup or whatever)
      +- [QAccessible::Cell] (The content of the cell, e.g. AXButton, AXGroup or whatever)
   +- AXRow
      +- [QAccessible::Cell] (The content of the cell, e.g. AXButton, AXGroup or whatever)
      +- [QAccessible::Cell] (The content of the cell, e.g. AXButton, AXGroup or whatever)
   +- AXColumn (this seems to just store the geometry of the column)
   +- AXColumn (this seems to just store the geometry of the column)
   +- AXGroup   (this represents the column headers)
      +- AXSortButton (clicking a header cell will trigger sorting)
      +- AXSortButton (clicking a header cell will trigger sorting)

It's unclear to me how RowHeaders are mapped (they are rarer than
ColumnHeaders, I expect to find them in e.g. spreadsheet applications).
I haven't found any native usage of them. So this patch simply ignores

Notice that macOS have a three layer deep hierarchy to represent a table
(Table->Row->Cell), while QAccessibleInterface has a two-layer deep
hierarchy (Table->Row/Cell).

In the macOS bridge we therefore need to "inject" the Row/Column element
to be "between" the table and the cell.

The table will take ownership of all row and column elements that are
children of the table. These elements are not inserted into the cache
(it would be pointless, since the cache is basically just a mapping
between the QAccessibleInterface -> QMacAccessibilityElement, and the
row and column elements does not have a corresponding
QAccessibleInterface to be mapped from).

The rows and columns are therefore also created as soon as the table
element is initialized, and they are stored in two NSMutableArray
members of QMacAccessibilityElement.

A table is constructed like any other accessibility element, with a
valid axid and synthesizedRole set to nil.
Each child row and column element is constructed with the same axid as the
parent table element, and they will have the synthesizedRole set to
either NSAccessibilityRow or NSAccessibilityColumn.
With the synthesizedRole member we can then identify if we are a row,
column or the actual table, and implement their respective behaviors.

Notice that the child row/column is created with the parent's table axid
in order for them to have a way of finding their parent table element.
(there is no 'parent' member variable in QMacAccessibilityElement)

This glorious scheme isn't pretty, but seems to work.

Fixes: QTBUG-37207
Change-Id: I7c2451e629f5331b9a0ed61dc22c6e74a82cc173
Reviewed-by: Morten Johan Sørvig <morten.sorvig@qt.io>
Reviewed-by: Tor Arne Vestbø <tor.arne.vestbo@qt.io>
2022-11-10 19:50:14 +01:00

735 lines
26 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0
#include <QApplication>
#include <QtWidgets>
#include <QTest>
#include <QtCore/qcoreapplication.h>
// some versions of CALayer.h use 'slots' as an identifier
#include <QtWidgets/qapplication.h>
#include <QtWidgets/qlineedit.h>
#include <QtWidgets/qpushbutton.h>
#include <QtWidgets>
#include <QTest>
#include <unistd.h>
#import <AppKit/AppKit.h>
#import <ApplicationServices/ApplicationServices.h>
struct AXErrorTag {
AXError err;
explicit AXErrorTag(AXError theErr) : err(theErr) {}
QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, AXErrorTag err)
QDebugStateSaver saver(dbg);
const char *errDesc = 0;
const char *errName = 0;
switch (err.err) {
#define HANDLE_ERR(error, desc) case kAXError##error: errName = "kAXError" #error; errDesc = desc; break
HANDLE_ERR(Success, "Success");
HANDLE_ERR(Failure, "A system error occurred, such as the failure to allocate an object.");
HANDLE_ERR(IllegalArgument, "An illegal argument was passed to the function.");
HANDLE_ERR(InvalidUIElement, "The AXUIElementRef passed to the function is invalid.");
HANDLE_ERR(InvalidUIElementObserver, "The AXObserverRef passed to the function is not a valid observer.");
HANDLE_ERR(CannotComplete, "The function cannot complete because messaging failed in some way or because the application with which the function is communicating is busy or unresponsive.");
HANDLE_ERR(AttributeUnsupported, "The attribute is not supported by the AXUIElementRef.");
HANDLE_ERR(ActionUnsupported, "The action is not supported by the AXUIElementRef.");
HANDLE_ERR(NotificationUnsupported, "The notification is not supported by the AXUIElementRef.");
HANDLE_ERR(NotImplemented, "Indicates that the function or method is not implemented (this can be returned if a process does not support the accessibility API).");
HANDLE_ERR(NotificationAlreadyRegistered, "This notification has already been registered for.");
HANDLE_ERR(NotificationNotRegistered, "Indicates that a notification is not registered yet.");
HANDLE_ERR(APIDisabled, "The accessibility API is disabled (as when, for example, the user deselects \"Enable access for assistive devices\" in Universal Access Preferences).");
HANDLE_ERR(NoValue, "The requested value or AXUIElementRef does not exist.");
HANDLE_ERR(ParameterizedAttributeUnsupported, "The parameterized attribute is not supported by the AXUIElementRef.");
HANDLE_ERR(NotEnoughPrecision, "Not enough precision.");
default: errName = "<unknown error>"; errDesc = "UNKNOWN ERROR"; break;
dbg.nospace() << "AXError(value=" << err.err << ", name=" << errName << ", description=\"" << errDesc << "\")";
return dbg;
@interface TestAXObject : NSObject
AXUIElementRef reference;
@property (readonly) NSString *role;
@property (readonly) NSString *title;
@property (readonly) NSString *description;
@property (readonly) NSString *value;
@property (readonly) CGRect rect;
@property (readonly) NSArray *actions;
@implementation TestAXObject
- (instancetype)initWithAXUIElementRef:(AXUIElementRef)ref {
if ((self = [super init])) {
reference = ref;
return self;
- (AXUIElementRef) ref { return reference; }
- (void) print {
NSLog(@"Accessible Object role: '%@', title: '%@', description: '%@', value: '%@', rect: '%@'", self.role, self.title, self.description, self.value, NSStringFromRect(NSRectFromCGRect(self.rect)));
NSLog(@" Children: %ld", [[self childList] count]);
- (NSArray*) windowList
NSArray *list;
0, 100, /*min, max*/
(CFArrayRef *) &list);
return list;
- (NSArray*) childList
NSArray *list;
0, 100, /*min, max*/
(CFArrayRef *) &list);
return list;
- (NSArray *)tableRows
NSArray *arr;
0, 100, /*min, max*/
(CFArrayRef *) &arr);
return arr;
- (NSArray *)tableColumns
NSArray *arr;
0, 100, /*min, max*/
(CFArrayRef *) &arr);
return arr;
- (AXUIElementRef) findDirectChildByRole: (CFStringRef) role
TestAXObject *result = nil;
NSArray *childList = [self childList];
for (id child in childList) {
TestAXObject *childObject = [[TestAXObject alloc] initWithAXUIElementRef:(AXUIElementRef)child];
if ([childObject.role isEqualToString:(NSString*)role]) {
result = childObject;
AXUIElementRef ret = [result ref];
[result release];
return ret;
+ (TestAXObject *) getApplicationAXObject
pid_t pid = getpid();
AXUIElementRef appRef = AXUIElementCreateApplication(pid);
TestAXObject *appObject = [[TestAXObject alloc] initWithAXUIElementRef: appRef];
return appObject;
+ (NSInteger)_numberFromValue:(CFTypeRef)value
NSInteger number = -1;
if (!CFNumberGetValue((CFNumberRef)value, kCFNumberNSIntegerType, &number))
qDebug() << "Could not get NSInteger value out of CFNumberRef";
return number;
+ (BOOL)_boolFromValue:(CFTypeRef)value
return CFBooleanGetValue((CFBooleanRef)value);
+ (NSRange)_rangeFromValue:(CFTypeRef)value
CFRange cfRange;
NSRange range = NSMakeRange(0, 0);
if (!AXValueGetValue(AXValueRef(value), AXValueType(kAXValueCFRangeType), &cfRange))
qDebug() << "Could not get CFRange value out of AXValueRef";
else if (cfRange.location < 0 || cfRange.length < 0)
qDebug() << "Cannot convert CFRange with negative location or length to NSRange";
else if (static_cast<uintmax_t>(cfRange.location) > NSUIntegerMax || static_cast<uintmax_t>(cfRange.length) > NSUIntegerMax)
qDebug() << "Cannot convert CFRange with location or length out of bounds for NSUInteger";
range.length = static_cast<NSUInteger>(cfRange.length);
range.location = static_cast<NSUInteger>(cfRange.location);
return range;
+ (NSRect)_rectFromValue:(CFTypeRef)value
NSRect rect = NSMakeRect(0, 0, 0, 0);
if (!AXValueGetValue(AXValueRef(value), AXValueType(kAXValueCGRectType), reinterpret_cast<CGRect*>(&rect)))
qDebug() << "Could not get CGRect value out of AXValueRef";
return rect;
+ (NSPoint)_pointFromValue:(CFTypeRef)value
NSPoint point = NSMakePoint(0, 0);
if (!AXValueGetValue(AXValueRef(value), AXValueType(kAXValueCGPointType), reinterpret_cast<CGPoint*>(&point)))
qDebug() << "Could not get CGPoint value out of AXValueRef";
return point;
+ (NSSize)_sizeFromValue:(CFTypeRef)value
NSSize size = NSMakeSize(0, 0);
if (!AXValueGetValue(AXValueRef(value), AXValueType(kAXValueCGSizeType), reinterpret_cast<CGSize*>(&size)))
qDebug() << "Could not get CGSize value out of AXValueRef";
return size;
- (CFTypeRef)_attributeValue:(CFStringRef)attribute
CFTypeRef value = NULL;
AXError err;
if (kAXErrorSuccess != (err = AXUIElementCopyAttributeValue(reference, attribute, &value)))
qDebug() << "AXUIElementCopyAttributeValue(" << QString::fromCFString(attribute) << ") returned error = " << AXErrorTag(err);
return value;
- (NSString*)_stringAttributeValue:(CFStringRef)attribute
return (NSString*)[self _attributeValue:attribute];
- (NSInteger)_numberAttributeValue:(CFStringRef)attribute
return [[self class] _numberFromValue:[self _attributeValue:attribute]];
- (BOOL)_boolAttributeValue:(CFStringRef)attribute
return [[self class] _boolFromValue:[self _attributeValue:attribute]];
- (NSRange)_rangeAttributeValue:(CFStringRef)attribute
return [[self class] _rangeFromValue:[self _attributeValue:attribute]];
- (NSRect)_rectAttributeValue:(CFStringRef)attribute
return [[self class] _rectFromValue:[self _attributeValue:attribute]];
- (NSPoint)_pointAttributeValue:(CFStringRef)attribute
return [[self class] _pointFromValue:[self _attributeValue:attribute]];
- (NSSize)_sizeAttributeValue:(CFStringRef)attribute
return [[self class] _sizeFromValue:[self _attributeValue:attribute]];
- (CFTypeRef)_attributeValue:(CFStringRef)attribute forParameter:(CFTypeRef)parameter
CFTypeRef value = NULL;
AXError err;
if (kAXErrorSuccess != (err = AXUIElementCopyParameterizedAttributeValue(reference, attribute, parameter, &value)))
CFStringRef description = CFCopyDescription(parameter);
qDebug() << "AXUIElementCopyParameterizedAttributeValue(" << QString::fromCFString(attribute) << ", parameter=" << QString::fromCFString(description) << ") returned error = " << AXErrorTag(err);
return value;
- (CFTypeRef)_attributeValue:(CFStringRef)attribute forRange:(NSRange)aRange
CFRange cfRange = CFRangeMake(aRange.location, aRange.length);
AXValueRef range = AXValueCreate(AXValueType(kAXValueCFRangeType), &cfRange);
CFTypeRef value = [self _attributeValue:attribute forParameter:range];
return value;
- (CFTypeRef)_attributeValue:(CFStringRef)attribute forNumber:(NSInteger)aNumber
CFNumberRef number = CFNumberCreate(NULL, kCFNumberNSIntegerType, &aNumber);
CFTypeRef value = [self _attributeValue:attribute forParameter:number];
return value;
- (CFTypeRef)_attributeValue:(CFStringRef)attribute forPoint:(CGPoint)aPoint
AXValueRef point = AXValueCreate(AXValueType(kAXValueCGPointType), &aPoint);
CFTypeRef value = [self _attributeValue:attribute forParameter:point];
return value;
- (NSArray*)actions
AXError err;
CFArrayRef actions;
if (kAXErrorSuccess != (err = AXUIElementCopyActionNames(reference, &actions)))
qDebug() << "AXUIElementCopyActionNames(...) returned error = " << AXErrorTag(err);
return (NSArray*)actions;
- (void)performAction:(CFStringRef)action
AXError err;
if (kAXErrorSuccess != (err = AXUIElementPerformAction(reference, action)))
qDebug() << "AXUIElementPerformAction(" << QString::fromCFString(action) << ") returned error = " << AXErrorTag(err);
- (NSString*) role { return [self _stringAttributeValue:kAXRoleAttribute]; }
- (NSString*) title { return [self _stringAttributeValue:kAXTitleAttribute]; }
- (NSString*) description { return [self _stringAttributeValue:kAXDescriptionAttribute]; }
- (NSString*) value { return [self _stringAttributeValue:kAXValueAttribute]; }
- (NSInteger) valueNumber { return [self _numberAttributeValue:kAXValueAttribute]; }
- (NSRect) rect
NSRect rect;
rect.origin = [self _pointAttributeValue:kAXPositionAttribute];
rect.size = [self _sizeAttributeValue:kAXSizeAttribute];
return rect;
- (AXUIElementRef) parent { return (AXUIElementRef)[self _attributeValue:kAXParentAttribute]; }
- (BOOL) focused { return [self _boolAttributeValue:kAXFocusedAttribute]; }
- (NSInteger) numberOfCharacters { return [self _numberAttributeValue:kAXNumberOfCharactersAttribute]; }
- (NSString*) selectedText { return [self _stringAttributeValue:kAXSelectedTextAttribute]; }
- (NSRange) selectedTextRange { return [self _rangeAttributeValue:kAXSelectedTextRangeAttribute]; }
- (NSRange) visibleCharacterRange { return [self _rangeAttributeValue:kAXVisibleCharacterRangeAttribute]; }
- (NSString*) help { return [self _stringAttributeValue:kAXHelpAttribute]; }
- (NSInteger) insertionPointLineNumber { return [self _numberAttributeValue:kAXInsertionPointLineNumberAttribute]; }
- (NSInteger) lineForIndex:(NSInteger)index { return [[self class] _numberFromValue:[self _attributeValue:kAXLineForIndexParameterizedAttribute forNumber:index]]; }
- (NSRange) rangeForLine:(NSInteger)line { return [[self class] _rangeFromValue:[self _attributeValue:kAXRangeForLineParameterizedAttribute forNumber:line]]; }
- (NSString*) stringForRange:(NSRange)range { return (NSString*)[self _attributeValue:kAXStringForRangeParameterizedAttribute forRange:range]; }
- (NSAttributedString*) attributedStringForRange:(NSRange)range { return (NSAttributedString*)[self _attributeValue:kAXAttributedStringForRangeParameterizedAttribute forRange:range]; }
- (NSRect) boundsForRange:(NSRange)range { return [[self class] _rectFromValue:[self _attributeValue:kAXBoundsForRangeParameterizedAttribute forRange:range]]; }
- (NSRange) styleRangeForIndex:(NSInteger)index { return [[self class] _rangeFromValue:[self _attributeValue:kAXStyleRangeForIndexParameterizedAttribute forNumber:index]]; }
QVector<int> notificationList;
void observerCallback(AXObserverRef /*observer*/, AXUIElementRef /*element*/, CFStringRef notification, void *)
if ([(NSString*)notification isEqualToString: NSAccessibilityFocusedUIElementChangedNotification])
else if ([(NSString*)notification isEqualToString: NSAccessibilityValueChangedNotification])
class AccessibleTestWindow : public QWidget
new QHBoxLayout(this);
void addWidget(QWidget* widget)
void clearChildren()
new QHBoxLayout(this);
class tst_QAccessibilityMac : public QObject
private Q_SLOTS:
void init();
void cleanup();
void singleWidgetTest();
void lineEditTest();
void hierarchyTest();
void notificationsTest();
void checkBoxTest();
void tableViewTest();
AccessibleTestWindow *m_window;
void tst_QAccessibilityMac::init()
m_window = new AccessibleTestWindow();
m_window->setWindowTitle("Test window");
m_window->resize(400, 400);
void tst_QAccessibilityMac::cleanup()
delete m_window;
void tst_QAccessibilityMac::singleWidgetTest()
delete m_window;
m_window = 0;
QLineEdit *le = new QLineEdit();
TestAXObject *appObject = [TestAXObject getApplicationAXObject];
QTRY_VERIFY(appObject.windowList.count == 1);
AXUIElementRef windowRef = (AXUIElementRef) [appObject.windowList objectAtIndex: 0];
QVERIFY(windowRef != nil);
TestAXObject *window = [[TestAXObject alloc] initWithAXUIElementRef: windowRef];
AXUIElementRef lineEditRef = [window findDirectChildByRole: kAXTextFieldRole];
QVERIFY(lineEditRef != nil);
TestAXObject *lineEdit = [[TestAXObject alloc] initWithAXUIElementRef: lineEditRef];
QVERIFY([[lineEdit value] isEqualToString:@"button"]);
// Access invalid reference, should return empty value
delete le;
TestAXObject *lineEditInvalid = [[TestAXObject alloc] initWithAXUIElementRef: lineEditRef];
QVERIFY([[lineEditInvalid value] length] == 0);
void tst_QAccessibilityMac::lineEditTest()
QLineEdit *lineEdit = new QLineEdit(m_window);
lineEdit->setText("a11y test QLineEdit");
TestAXObject *appObject = [TestAXObject getApplicationAXObject];
// one window
QTRY_VERIFY(appObject.windowList.count == 1);
AXUIElementRef windowRef = (AXUIElementRef) [appObject.windowList objectAtIndex: 0];
QVERIFY(windowRef != nil);
TestAXObject *window = [[TestAXObject alloc] initWithAXUIElementRef: windowRef];
QVERIFY([window rect].size.width == 400);
// height of window includes title bar
QVERIFY([window rect].size.height >= 400);
QVERIFY([window.title isEqualToString:@"Test window"]);
// children of window:
AXUIElementRef lineEditElement = [window findDirectChildByRole: kAXTextFieldRole];
QVERIFY(lineEditElement != nil);
TestAXObject *le = [[TestAXObject alloc] initWithAXUIElementRef: lineEditElement];
NSString *value = @"a11y test QLineEdit";
QVERIFY([le.value isEqualToString:value]);
QVERIFY(value.length <= NSIntegerMax);
QVERIFY(le.numberOfCharacters == static_cast<NSInteger>(value.length));
const NSRange ranges[] = {
{ 0, 0},
{ 0, 1},
{ 0, 5},
{ 5, 0},
{ 5, 1},
{ 0, value.length},
{ value.length, 0},
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(ranges)/sizeof(ranges[0]); ++i) {
NSRange range = ranges[i];
NSString *expectedSubstring = [value substringWithRange:range];
NSString *actualSubstring = [le stringForRange:range];
NSString *actualAttributedSubstring = [le attributedStringForRange:range].string;
QVERIFY([actualSubstring isEqualTo:expectedSubstring]);
QVERIFY([actualAttributedSubstring isEqualTo:expectedSubstring]);
void tst_QAccessibilityMac::hierarchyTest()
QWidget *w = new QWidget(m_window);
w->setLayout(new QVBoxLayout());
QPushButton *b = new QPushButton(w);
b->setText("I am a button");
QPushButton *b2 = new QPushButton(w);
b2->setText("Button 2");
TestAXObject *appObject = [TestAXObject getApplicationAXObject];
// one window
QTRY_VERIFY(appObject.windowList.count == 1);
AXUIElementRef windowRef = (AXUIElementRef) [appObject.windowList objectAtIndex: 0];
QVERIFY(windowRef != nil);
TestAXObject *window = [[TestAXObject alloc] initWithAXUIElementRef: windowRef];
// Because the plain widget is filtered out of the hierarchy, we expect the button
// to be a direct child of the window
AXUIElementRef buttonRef = [window findDirectChildByRole: kAXButtonRole];
QVERIFY(buttonRef != nil);
TestAXObject *buttonObject = [[TestAXObject alloc] initWithAXUIElementRef: buttonRef];
TestAXObject *parentObject = [[TestAXObject alloc] initWithAXUIElementRef: [buttonObject parent]];
// check that the parent is a window
QVERIFY([[parentObject role] isEqualToString: NSAccessibilityWindowRole]);
// test the focus
// child 0 is the layout, then button1 and 2
QPushButton *button1 = qobject_cast<QPushButton*>(w->children().at(1));
QPushButton *button2 = qobject_cast<QPushButton*>(w->children().at(2));
AXUIElementRef systemWideElement = AXUIElementCreateSystemWide();
AXUIElementRef focussedElement = NULL;
AXError error = AXUIElementCopyAttributeValue(systemWideElement,
(CFStringRef)NSAccessibilityFocusedUIElementAttribute, (CFTypeRef*)&focussedElement);
TestAXObject *focusButton2 = [[TestAXObject alloc] initWithAXUIElementRef: focussedElement];
QVERIFY([[focusButton2 role] isEqualToString: NSAccessibilityButtonRole]);
QVERIFY([[focusButton2 title] isEqualToString: @"Button 2"]);
error = AXUIElementCopyAttributeValue(systemWideElement,
(CFStringRef)NSAccessibilityFocusedUIElementAttribute, (CFTypeRef*)&focussedElement);
TestAXObject *focusButton1 = [[TestAXObject alloc] initWithAXUIElementRef: focussedElement];
QVERIFY([[focusButton1 role] isEqualToString: NSAccessibilityButtonRole]);
QVERIFY([[focusButton1 title] isEqualToString: @"I am a button"]);
void tst_QAccessibilityMac::notificationsTest()
auto *w = m_window;
QLineEdit *le1 = new QLineEdit(w);
QLineEdit *le2 = new QLineEdit(w);
TestAXObject *appObject = [TestAXObject getApplicationAXObject];
// one window
QTRY_VERIFY(appObject.windowList.count == 1);
AXUIElementRef windowRef = (AXUIElementRef) [appObject.windowList objectAtIndex: 0];
QVERIFY(windowRef != nil);
TestAXObject *window = [[TestAXObject alloc] initWithAXUIElementRef: windowRef];
AXUIElementRef lineEdit1 = [window findDirectChildByRole: kAXTextFieldRole];
QVERIFY(lineEdit1 != nil);
AXObserverRef observer = 0;
AXError err = AXObserverCreate(getpid(), observerCallback, &observer);
AXObserverAddNotification(observer, appObject.ref, kAXFocusedUIElementChangedNotification, 0);
AXObserverAddNotification(observer, lineEdit1, kAXValueChangedNotification, 0);
CFRunLoopAddSource( [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] getCFRunLoop], AXObserverGetRunLoopSource(observer), kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);
QVERIFY(notificationList.length() == 0);
QTRY_VERIFY(notificationList.length() == 1);
QTRY_VERIFY(notificationList.at(0) == QAccessible::Focus);
QTRY_VERIFY(notificationList.length() == 2);
QTRY_VERIFY(notificationList.at(1) == QAccessible::Focus);
QTRY_VERIFY(notificationList.length() == 3);
QTRY_VERIFY(notificationList.at(2) == QAccessible::ValueChanged);
QTRY_VERIFY(notificationList.length() == 4);
QTRY_VERIFY(notificationList.at(3) == QAccessible::ValueChanged);
void tst_QAccessibilityMac::checkBoxTest()
QCheckBox *ckBox = new QCheckBox(m_window);
ckBox->setText("Great option");
TestAXObject *appObject = [TestAXObject getApplicationAXObject];
// one window
QTRY_VERIFY(appObject.windowList.count == 1);
AXUIElementRef windowRef = (AXUIElementRef) [appObject.windowList objectAtIndex: 0];
QVERIFY(windowRef != nil);
TestAXObject *window = [[TestAXObject alloc] initWithAXUIElementRef: windowRef];
// children of window:
AXUIElementRef checkBox = [window findDirectChildByRole: kAXCheckBoxRole];
QVERIFY(checkBox != nil);
TestAXObject *cb = [[TestAXObject alloc] initWithAXUIElementRef: checkBox];
// here start actual checkbox tests
QVERIFY([cb valueNumber] == 0);
QVERIFY([cb.title isEqualToString:@"Great option"]);
// EXPECT(cb.description == nil); // currently returns "" instead of nil
QVERIFY([cb.actions containsObject:(NSString*)kAXPressAction]);
[cb performAction:kAXPressAction];
QVERIFY([cb valueNumber] == 1);
[cb performAction:kAXPressAction];
QVERIFY([cb valueNumber] == 0);
QVERIFY([cb valueNumber] == 2);
void tst_QAccessibilityMac::tableViewTest()
QTableWidget *tw = new QTableWidget(3, 2, m_window);
struct Person
const char *name;
const char *address;
const Person contents[] = { { "Socrates", "Greece" },
{ "Confucius", "China" },
{ "Kant", "Preussia" }
for (int i = 0; i < int(sizeof(contents) / sizeof(Person)); ++i) {
Person p = contents[i];
QTableWidgetItem *name = new QTableWidgetItem(QString::fromLatin1(p.name));
tw->setItem(i, 0, name);
QTableWidgetItem *address = new QTableWidgetItem(QString::fromLatin1(p.address));
tw->setItem(i, 1, address);
TestAXObject *appObject = [TestAXObject getApplicationAXObject];
NSArray *windowList = [appObject windowList];
// one window
QVERIFY([windowList count] == 1);
AXUIElementRef windowRef = (AXUIElementRef)[windowList objectAtIndex:0];
QVERIFY(windowRef != nil);
TestAXObject *window = [[TestAXObject alloc] initWithAXUIElementRef:windowRef];
// children of window:
AXUIElementRef tableView = [window findDirectChildByRole:kAXTableRole];
QVERIFY(tableView != nil);
TestAXObject *tv = [[TestAXObject alloc] initWithAXUIElementRef:tableView];
// here start actual tableview tests
// Should have 2 columns
NSArray *columnArray = [tv tableColumns];
QCOMPARE([columnArray count], 2);
// should have 3 rows
NSArray *rowArray = [tv tableRows];
QCOMPARE([rowArray count], 3);
// The individual cells are children of the rows
TestAXObject *row = [[TestAXObject alloc] initWithAXUIElementRef:(AXUIElementRef)rowArray[0]];
TestAXObject *cell = [[TestAXObject alloc] initWithAXUIElementRef:(AXUIElementRef)[row childList][0]];
QVERIFY([cell.title isEqualToString:@"Socrates"]);
row = [[TestAXObject alloc] initWithAXUIElementRef:(AXUIElementRef)rowArray[2]];
cell = [[TestAXObject alloc] initWithAXUIElementRef:(AXUIElementRef)[row childList][1]];
QVERIFY([cell.title isEqualToString:@"Preussia"]);
// both rows and columns are direct children of the table
NSArray *childList = [tv childList];
QCOMPARE([childList count], 5); // 3 rows + 2 columns
for (id child in childList) {
TestAXObject *childObject = [[TestAXObject alloc] initWithAXUIElementRef:(AXUIElementRef)child];
QVERIFY([childObject.role isEqualToString:NSAccessibilityRowRole] ||
[childObject.role isEqualToString:NSAccessibilityColumnRole]);
#include "tst_qaccessibilitymac.moc"