Amir Masoud Abdol 31518f1a4e Add some utilities for UNITY_BUILD
- The following commands accepts NO_UNITY_BUILD, and
  NO_UNITY_BUILD_SOURCES arguments to opt out of the unity build, and
  to exclude some source files from unity build, respectively.
  - qt_internal_add_executable
  - qt_internal_add_module
  - qt_internal_add_plugin
  - qt_internal_add_tool
  - qt_internal_extend_target
  - qt_internal_add_common_qt_library_helper
  - qt_internal_add_cmake_library
  - qt_internal_add_simd_part
- Unity build is disabled by default in these:
  - qt_internal_add_test
  - qt_internal_add_test_helper
  - qt_internal_add_benchmark
  - qt_internal_add_3rdparty_library
- qt_update_ignore_pch_source also excludes the files from unity_build

Pick-to: 6.5
Task-number: QTBUG-109394
Change-Id: I5d0e7df633738310a015142a6c73fbb78b6c3467
Reviewed-by: Alexandru Croitor <alexandru.croitor@qt.io>
2023-02-08 23:47:07 +01:00

111 lines
5.3 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
# Handle files that need special SIMD-related flags.
# This function adds the passed source files to the given target only if the SIMD specific condition
# evaluates to true. It also adds the SIMD architecture specific flags as compile options to those
# source files.
# Arguments
# NAME: is deprecated, don't use it.
# SIMD: name of the simd architecture, e.g. sse2, avx, neon. A Qt feature named QT_FEATURE_foo
# should exist, as well as QT_CFLAGS_foo assignment in QtCompilerOptimization.cmake.
# COMPILE_FLAGS: extra compile flags to set for the passed source files
# EXCLUDE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES: On apple platforms, specifies which architectures should not get the
# SIMD compiler flags. This is mostly relevant for fat / universal builds
function(qt_internal_add_simd_part target)
cmake_parse_arguments(PARSE_ARGV 1 arg
if ("x${arg_SIMD}" STREQUAL x)
message(FATAL_ERROR "qt_add_simd_part needs a SIMD type to be set.")
set(condition "QT_FEATURE_${arg_SIMD}")
string(TOUPPER "QT_CFLAGS_${arg_SIMD}" simd_flags_var_name)
set(simd_flags_expanded "")
# As per mkspecs/features/simd.prf, the arch_haswell SIMD compiler is enabled when
# qmake's CONFIG contains "avx2", which maps to CMake's QT_FEATURE_avx2.
# The list of dependencies 'avx2 bmi bmi2 f16c fma lzcnt popcnt' only influences whether
# the 'arch_haswell' SIMD flags need to be added explicitly to the compiler invocation.
# If the compiler adds them implicitly, they must be present in qmake's QT_CPU_FEATURES as
# detected by the architecture test, and thus they are present in TEST_subarch_result.
if("${arg_SIMD}" STREQUAL arch_haswell)
set(condition "QT_FEATURE_avx2")
# Use avx2 flags as per simd.prf, if there are no specific arch_haswell flags specified in
# QtCompilerOptimization.cmake.
if("${simd_flags_var_name}" STREQUAL "")
set(simd_flags_var_name "QT_CFLAGS_AVX2")
# The avx512 profiles dependencies DO influence if the SIMD compiler will be executed,
# so each of the profile dependencies have to be in qmake's CONFIG for the compiler to be
# enabled, which means the CMake features have to evaluate to true.
# Also the profile flags to be used are a combination of arch_haswell, avx512f and each of the
# dependencies.
elseif("${arg_SIMD}" STREQUAL avx512common)
set(condition "QT_FEATURE_avx512cd")
list(APPEND simd_flags_expanded "${QT_CFLAGS_ARCH_HASWELL}")
list(APPEND simd_flags_expanded "${QT_CFLAGS_AVX512F}")
list(APPEND simd_flags_expanded "${QT_CFLAGS_AVX512CD}")
list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES simd_flags_expanded)
elseif("${arg_SIMD}" STREQUAL avx512core)
set(condition "QT_FEATURE_avx512cd AND QT_FEATURE_avx512bw AND QT_FEATURE_avx512dq AND QT_FEATURE_avx512vl")
list(APPEND simd_flags_expanded "${QT_CFLAGS_ARCH_HASWELL}")
list(APPEND simd_flags_expanded "${QT_CFLAGS_AVX512F}")
list(APPEND simd_flags_expanded "${QT_CFLAGS_AVX512CD}")
list(APPEND simd_flags_expanded "${QT_CFLAGS_AVX512BW}")
list(APPEND simd_flags_expanded "${QT_CFLAGS_AVX512DQ}")
list(APPEND simd_flags_expanded "${QT_CFLAGS_AVX512VL}")
list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES simd_flags_expanded)
qt_evaluate_config_expression(result ${condition})
message("qt_add_simd_part(${target} SIMD ${arg_SIMD} ...): Evaluated")
if(NOT simd_flags_expanded)
set(simd_flags_expanded "${${simd_flags_var_name}}")
# If requested, don't pass the simd specific flags to excluded arches on apple platforms.
# Mostly important for universal / fat builds.
get_target_property(osx_architectures ${target} OSX_ARCHITECTURES)
if(simd_flags_expanded AND osx_architectures AND arg_EXCLUDE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES)
list(REMOVE_ITEM osx_architectures ${arg_EXCLUDE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES})
# Assumes that simd_flags_expanded contains only one item on apple platforms.
list(TRANSFORM osx_architectures
REPLACE "^(.+)$" "-Xarch_\\1;${simd_flags_expanded}"
OUTPUT_VARIABLE simd_flags_expanded)
# The manual loop is done on purpose. Check Gerrit comments for
# 1b7008a3d784f3f266368f824cb43d473a301ba1.
foreach(source IN LISTS arg_SOURCES)
set_property(SOURCE "${source}" APPEND
set_source_files_properties(${arg_SOURCES} PROPERTIES
target_sources(${target} PRIVATE ${arg_SOURCES})
message("qt_add_simd_part(${target} SIMD ${arg_SIMD} ...): Skipped")