Just like from RGB32 to RGB30 we must also repremultiply when converting from RGB64 because the alpha channel loses more precision than the other color channels. Since this is not approximated accurately in the simple blending functions and the functions are no longer needed now the main render engine supports higher accuracy, the simple blending routines for RGB30 have been removed. Change-Id: I2b7b8eb015e330a487848fc4370ad3a1e966be91 Reviewed-by: Gunnar Sletta <gunnar@sletta.org> |
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tests.pro |
This directory contains autotests and benchmarks based on Qt Test. In order to run the autotests reliably, you need to configure a desktop to match the test environment that these tests are written for. Linux X11: * The user must be logged in to an active desktop; you can't run the autotests without a valid DISPLAY that allows X11 connections. * The tests are run against a KDE3 or KDE4 desktop. * Window manager uses "click to focus", and not "focus follows mouse". Many tests move the mouse cursor around and expect this to not affect focus and activation. * Disable "click to activate", i.e., when a window is opened, the window manager should automatically activate it (give it input focus) and not wait for the user to click the window.