Shane Kearns 605102d5c6 Fix some warnings in symbian network tests
Ignore warning when the test intentionally sets an invalid socket descriptor.
Make sure to set content type on all http post tests in tst_qnetworkreply.
Run test with enough capabilities to avoid platsec errors when accessing
certificate store.

Reviewed-By: Markus Goetz
(cherry picked from commit 9632fdefa9012ca11cd1345d66bafd6f417de88e)
2011-05-11 16:37:16 +02:00

32 lines
415 B

SOURCES += ../tst_qtcpsocket.cpp
win32: {
wince*: {
LIBS += -lws2
} else {
LIBS += -lws2_32
QT += network
vxworks:QT -= gui
symbian: {
TARGET.EPOCHEAPSIZE="0x100 0x3000000"
TARGET.CAPABILITY = NetworkServices ReadUserData
TARGET = tst_qtcpsocket
win32 {
CONFIG(debug, debug|release) {
DESTDIR = ../debug
} else {
DESTDIR = ../release
} else {