This is a remake of8e4c8be0b9
that was undone by mistake in8f49da6c18
. Change-Id: I9596b860dea90b042baa8b2b95b1e3b050e9b835 Reviewed-by: Oswald Buddenhagen <>
298 lines
7.7 KiB
298 lines
7.7 KiB
:: Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
:: Copyright (C) 2016 Intel Corporation.
:: Contact:
:: This file is part of the tools applications of the Qt Toolkit.
:: Commercial License Usage
:: Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
:: accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
:: Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
:: a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
:: and conditions see For further
:: information use the contact form at
:: GNU General Public License Usage
:: Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
:: General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
:: Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT
:: included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
:: information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
:: be met:
@echo off
set ARGS=%*
set QTSRC=%~dp0
set QTSRC=%QTSRC:~0,-1%
set QTDIR=%CD%
rem Make sure qmake is not confused by these. Recursion via Makefiles would
rem be still affected, so just unsetting them here is not an option.
if not "%QMAKESPEC%" == "" goto envfail
if not "%XQMAKESPEC%" == "" goto envfail
if not "%QMAKEPATH%" == "" goto envfail
if not "%QMAKEFEATURES%" == "" goto envfail
goto envok
echo >&2 Please make sure to unset the QMAKESPEC, XQMAKESPEC, QMAKEPATH,
echo >&2 and QMAKEFEATURES environment variables prior to building Qt.
exit /b 1
rem Parse command line
set TOPLEVEL=false
if /i not "%~1" == "-top-level" goto notoplevel
set ARGS=%ARGS:~10%
set TOPLEVEL=true
for %%P in ("%TOPQTSRC%") do set TOPQTSRC=%%~dpP
for %%P in ("%QTDIR%") do set TOPQTDIR=%%~dpP
goto wastoplevel
if not exist ..\.qmake.super goto wastoplevel
echo ERROR: You cannot configure qtbase separately within a top-level build. >&2
exit /b 1
set MAKE=
call :doargs %ARGS%
if errorlevel 1 exit /b
goto doneargs
if "%~1" == "" exit /b
if "%~1" == "/?" goto help
if "%~1" == "-?" goto help
if /i "%~1" == "/h" goto help
if /i "%~1" == "-h" goto help
if /i "%~1" == "/help" goto help
if /i "%~1" == "-help" goto help
if /i "%~1" == "--help" goto help
if /i "%~1" == "-redo" goto redo
if /i "%~1" == "--redo" goto redo
if /i "%~1" == "-platform" goto platform
if /i "%~1" == "--platform" goto platform
if /i "%~1" == "-no-syncqt" goto nosyncqt
if /i "%~1" == "--no-syncqt" goto nosyncqt
if /i "%~1" == "-make-tool" goto maketool
if /i "%~1" == "--make-tool" goto maketool
goto doargs
type %QTSRC%\config_help.txt
if %TOPLEVEL% == false exit /b 1
for /d %%p in ("%TOPQTSRC%"\qt*) do (
if not "%%p" == "%QTSRC%" (
if exist "%%p\config_help.txt" (
type "%%p\config_help.txt"
exit /b 1
if not exist "%TOPQTDIR%\config.opt" goto redoerr
set rargs=
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%i in ("%TOPQTDIR%\config.opt") do set rargs=!rargs! "%%i"
call :doargs %rargs%
goto nextarg
echo No config.opt present - cannot redo configuration. >&2
exit /b 1
if "%~1" == "win32-msvc2012" goto msvc
if "%~1" == "win32-msvc2013" goto msvc
if "%~1" == "win32-msvc2015" goto msvc
if "%~1" == "win32-msvc2017" goto msvc
set PLATFORM=%~1
goto nextarg
echo. >&2
echo Notice: re-mapping requested qmake spec to unified 'win32-msvc'. >&2
echo. >&2
set PLATFORM=win32-msvc
goto nextarg
set SYNCQT=false
goto nextarg
set MAKE=%~1
goto nextarg
rem Find various executables
for %%C in (clang-cl.exe cl.exe icl.exe g++.exe perl.exe jom.exe) do set %%C=%%~$PATH:C
rem Determine host spec
if "%PLATFORM%" == "" (
if not "%icl.exe%" == "" (
set PLATFORM=win32-icc
) else if not "%cl.exe%" == "" (
set PLATFORM=win32-msvc
) else if not "%clang-cl.exe%" == "" (
set PLATFORM=win32-clang-msvc
) else if not "%g++.exe%" == "" (
set PLATFORM=win32-g++
) else (
echo Cannot detect host toolchain. Please use -platform. Aborting. >&2
exit /b 1
if not exist "%QTSRC%\mkspecs\%PLATFORM%\qmake.conf" (
echo Host platform '%PLATFORM%' is invalid. Aborting. >&2
exit /b 1
if "%PLATFORM:win32-g++=%" == "%PLATFORM%" (
if "%MAKE%" == "" (
if not "%jom.exe%" == "" (
set MAKE=jom
) else (
set MAKE=nmake
set tmpl=win32
) else (
if "%MAKE%" == "" (
set MAKE=mingw32-make
set tmpl=unix
rem Prepare build dir
if not exist mkspecs (
md mkspecs
if errorlevel 1 exit /b
if not exist bin (
md bin
if errorlevel 1 exit /b
if not exist qmake (
md qmake
if errorlevel 1 exit /b
rem Extract Qt's version from .qmake.conf
for /f "eol=# tokens=1,2,3,4 delims=.= " %%i in (%QTSRC%\.qmake.conf) do (
if %%i == MODULE_VERSION (
set QTVERMAJ=%%j
set QTVERMIN=%%k
set QTVERPAT=%%l
rem Create forwarding headers
if "%SYNCQT%" == "" (
if exist "%QTSRC%\.git" (
set SYNCQT=true
) else (
set SYNCQT=false
if "%SYNCQT%" == "true" (
if not "%perl.exe%" == "" (
echo Running syncqt ...
"%perl.exe%" -w "%QTSRC%\bin\" -minimal -version %QTVERSION% -module QtCore -outdir "%QTDIR%" %QTSRC%
if errorlevel 1 exit /b
) else (
echo Perl not found in PATH. Aborting. >&2
exit /b 1
rem Build qmake
echo Bootstrapping qmake ...
cd qmake
if errorlevel 1 exit /b
echo #### Generated by configure.bat - DO NOT EDIT! ####> Makefile
echo/>> Makefile
echo BUILD_PATH = ..>> Makefile
if "%tmpl%" == "win32" (
echo SOURCE_PATH = %QTSRC%>> Makefile
) else (
echo SOURCE_PATH = %QTSRC:\=/%>> Makefile
if exist "%QTSRC%\.git" (
echo INC_PATH = ../include>> Makefile
) else (
echo INC_PATH = $^(SOURCE_PATH^)/include>> Makefile
echo QT_VERSION = %QTVERSION%>> Makefile
rem These must have trailing spaces to avoid misinterpretation as 5>>, etc.
echo QT_MAJOR_VERSION = %QTVERMAJ% >> Makefile
echo QT_MINOR_VERSION = %QTVERMIN% >> Makefile
echo QT_PATCH_VERSION = %QTVERPAT% >> Makefile
if "%tmpl%" == "win32" (
echo QMAKESPEC = %PLATFORM%>> Makefile
) else (
echo QMAKESPEC = $^(SOURCE_PATH^)/mkspecs/%PLATFORM%>> Makefile
echo CONFIG_CXXFLAGS = -std=c++11 -ffunction-sections>> Makefile
echo CONFIG_LFLAGS = -Wl,--gc-sections>> Makefile
type "%QTSRC%\qmake\Makefile.unix.win32" >> Makefile
type "%QTSRC%\qmake\Makefile.unix.mingw" >> Makefile
echo/>> Makefile
type "%QTSRC%\qmake\Makefile.%tmpl%" >> Makefile
if errorlevel 1 (cd .. & exit /b 1)
cd ..
rem Generate qt.conf
> "%QTDIR%\bin\qt.conf" (
@echo [EffectivePaths]
@echo Prefix=..
@echo [Paths]
@echo TargetSpec=dummy
@echo HostSpec=%PLATFORM%
if not "%QTDIR%" == "%QTSRC%" (
>> "%QTDIR%\bin\qt.conf" (
@echo [EffectiveSourcePaths]
@echo Prefix=%QTSRC:\=/%
rem Launch qmake-based configure
"%QTDIR%\bin\qmake.exe" "%TOPQTSRC%" -- %ARGS%