The Embedded Android build (Boot to Qt Android injection) is defined by having both Q_OS_ANDROID and Q_OS_ANDROID_EMBEDDED flags defined, as well as having Qt config android-embedded. This commit enables the possibility to build embedded Android builds. (i.e. Qt build for Android baselayer only, without JNI) Change-Id: I8406e959fdf1c8d9efebbbe53f1a391fa25f336a Reviewed-by: Oswald Buddenhagen <> Reviewed-by: Paul Olav Tvete <>
11 lines
213 B
11 lines
213 B
CONFIG += testcase
TARGET = tst_qimage
SOURCES += tst_qimage.cpp
QT += core-private gui-private testlib
qtConfig(c++11): CONFIG += c++11
android:!android-embedded: RESOURCES += qimage.qrc
TESTDATA += images/*