Oswald Buddenhagen d4a29a53eb Merge 'release' into stable
Change-Id: I57aaa6747c1bfacc7dee036cd69d91a8c0d9ae7a
2012-12-19 19:34:53 +01:00

93 lines
3.8 KiB

# W A R N I N G
# -------------
# This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
# implementation detail. It may change from version to version
# without notice, or even be removed.
# We mean it.
!build_pass {
MODULE_FWD_PRI = $$MODULE_QMAKE_OUTDIR/mkspecs/modules/qt_lib_$${MODULE}.pri
# -rpath-link is used by the linker to find depedencies of dynamic
# libraries which were NOT specified on the command line.
# This means that .libs of each module's regular .depends (QT) don't
# need to be put there, as they appear on the linker line anyway.
# A module's QT_PRIVATE's .libs OTOH need to be put there.
# .depends_private (QT_FOR_PRIVATE) is somewhat special: if the privates
# are used, the libraries are explicitly linked. If not, their locations
# need to be put into -rpath-link. As QT_FOR_PRIVATE cannot in turn
# contain privates, they always end up in -rpath-link of dependant
# modules.
# For simplicity of use, each module's rpath list has all dependencies
# transitively resolved already.
pubdep = $$resolve_depends(pubqt, "QT.")
privqt = $$replace(QT_PRIVATE, -private$, )
privdep = $$resolve_depends(privqt, "QT.")
rpaths =
alldep = $$pubdep $$privdep
for(dep, alldep) { # Inherit link-rpaths from all our dependencies
rpaths += $$eval(QT.$${dep}.rpath_link) $$eval(QT.$${dep}.rpath_link_private)
privdep -= $$pubdep
for(dep, privdep): \ # Add our private dependencies' lib paths as new link-rpaths
rpaths += $$eval(QT.$${dep}.libs)
!isEmpty(rpaths) {
rpaths = $$unique(rpaths)
module_rpathlink = "QT.$${MODULE}.rpath_link = $$val_escape(rpaths)"
} else {
module_rpathlink =
rpaths_priv =
xtradep = $$resolve_depends(QT_FOR_PRIVATE, "QT.")
for(dep, xtradep): \ # Add our private API's dependencies' lib paths as new link-rpaths
rpaths_priv += $$eval(QT.$${dep}.libs)
rpaths_priv = $$unique(rpaths_priv)
rpaths_priv -= $$rpaths
!isEmpty(rpaths_priv) {
module_rpathlink_priv = "QT.$${MODULE}.rpath_link_private = $$val_escape(rpaths_priv)"
} else {
module_rpathlink_priv =
# Create a forwarding module .pri file
$$module_rpathlink \
$$module_rpathlink_priv \
write_file($$MODULE_FWD_PRI, MODULE_FWD_PRI_CONT)|error("Aborting.")
# Then, inject the new module into the current cache state
!contains(QMAKE_INTERNAL_INCLUDED_FILES, $$MODULE_PRI) { # before the actual include()!
cache(QMAKE_INTERNAL_INCLUDED_FILES, add transient, added)
name depends private_depends module_config CONFIG DEFINES sources \
includes private_includes bins libs libexecs plugins imports qml \
rpath_link rpath_link_private \
)):defined(QT.$${MODULE}.$$var, var):cache(QT.$${MODULE}.$$var, transient)
cache(QT_CONFIG, transient)
} # !build_pass
# Schedule the regular .pri file for installation
CONFIG += qt_install_module