Each model test gets its own temporary directory, thus there is no problem parallelizing them. This should reduce the time spent for a testrun of qtbase by around 3 minutes. When running only the sql tests it saves less since there are no other tests to run in parallel. === Timing: =================== TEST RUN COMPLETED! ============================ Total: 4 minutes 43 seconds Serial tests: 4 minutes 42 seconds Parallel tests: 1 second Estimated time spent on insignificant tests: (no time) Estimated time saved by -j4: 1 second === Totals: 12 tests, 12 passes ================================================ After: === Timing: =================== TEST RUN COMPLETED! ============================ Total: 4 minutes 7 seconds Serial tests: 50 seconds Parallel tests: 3 minutes 17 seconds Estimated time spent on insignificant tests: (no time) Estimated time saved by -j4: 1 minute 23 seconds === Totals: 12 tests, 12 passes ================================================ Change-Id: I355ceed62fae852ad8cd442848e263438afb738e Reviewed-by: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@intel.com> Reviewed-by: Mark Brand <mabrand@mabrand.nl>
20 lines
405 B
20 lines
405 B
CONFIG += testcase
CONFIG += parallel_test
TARGET = tst_qsqlrelationaltablemodel
SOURCES += tst_qsqlrelationaltablemodel.cpp
QT = core sql testlib core-private sql-private
wince*: {
plugFiles.files = ../../../plugins/sqldrivers
plugFiles.path = .
DEPLOYMENT += plugFiles
LIBS += -lws2
} else {
win32-g++* {
LIBS += -lws2_32
} else:win32 {
LIBS += ws2_32.lib