Some test cases are sensitive to the exact ordering inside QHash, and need adjustments when we change QHash or the hashing functions. Some rcc tests now also need 32bit specific data, as the hashing functions for 32 and 64 bit are different now (as we use size_t). Change-Id: Ieab01cd55b1288336493b13c41d27e42a008bdd9 Reviewed-by: Qt CI Bot <qt_ci_bot@qt-project.org> Reviewed-by: Mårten Nordheim <marten.nordheim@qt.io>
568 lines
20 KiB
568 lines
20 KiB
** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
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/* -*- C++ -*-
#include <qcoreapplication.h>
#include <qmetatype.h>
#include <QtTest/QtTest>
#include <QtDBus/QtDBus>
#include <QtXml/QDomDocument>
#include "../qdbusmarshall/common.h"
class tst_QDBusXmlParser: public QObject
void parsing_common(const QString&);
QString clean_xml(const QString&);
private slots:
void initTestCase();
void parsing_data();
void parsing();
void parsingWithDoctype_data();
void parsingWithDoctype();
void methods_data();
void methods();
void signals__data();
void signals_();
void properties_data();
void properties();
void tst_QDBusXmlParser::initTestCase()
// Always initialize the hash seed to 0 to get reliable test results
void tst_QDBusXmlParser::parsing_data()
QStringList introspection;
QTest::newRow("null") << QString() << 0 << 0 << 0 << introspection;
QTest::newRow("empty") << QString("") << 0 << 0 << 0 << introspection;
QTest::newRow("junk") << "<junk/>" << 0 << 0 << 0 << introspection;
QTest::newRow("interface-inside-junk") << "<junk><interface name=\"iface.iface1\" /></junk>"
<< 0 << 0 << 0 << introspection;
QTest::newRow("object-inside-junk") << "<junk><node name=\"obj1\" /></junk>"
<< 0 << 0 << 0 << introspection;
QTest::newRow("zero-interfaces") << "<node/>" << 0 << 0 << 0 << introspection;
introspection << "<interface name=\"iface.iface1\"/>";
QTest::newRow("one-interface") << "<node><interface name=\"iface.iface1\" /></node>"
<< 1 << 0 << 0 << introspection;
introspection << "<interface name=\"iface.iface1\"/>"
<< "<interface name=\"iface.iface2\"/>";
QTest::newRow("two-interfaces") << "<node><interface name=\"iface.iface1\" />"
"<interface name=\"iface.iface2\" /></node>"
<< 2 << 0 << 0 << introspection;
QTest::newRow("one-object") << "<node><node name=\"obj1\"/></node>"
<< 0 << 1 << 0 << introspection;
QTest::newRow("two-objects") << "<node><node name=\"obj1\"/><node name=\"obj2\"/></node>"
<< 0 << 2 << 0 << introspection;
introspection << "<interface name=\"iface.iface1\"/>";
QTest::newRow("i1o1") << "<node><interface name=\"iface.iface1\"/><node name=\"obj1\"/></node>"
<< 1 << 1 << 0 << introspection;
introspection << "<interface name=\"iface.iface1\">"
" <annotation name=\"foo.testing\" value=\"nothing to see here\"/>"
QTest::newRow("one-interface-annotated") << "<node><interface name=\"iface.iface1\">"
"<annotation name=\"foo.testing\" value=\"nothing to see here\" />"
"</interface></node>" << 1 << 0 << 1 << introspection;
introspection << "<interface name=\"iface.iface1\"/>";
QTest::newRow("one-interface-docnamespace") << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" xmlns:doc=\"foo\" ?><node>"
"<interface name=\"iface.iface1\"><doc:something />"
"</interface></node>" << 1 << 0 << 0 << introspection;
void tst_QDBusXmlParser::parsing_common(const QString &xmlData)
QDBusIntrospection::Object obj =
QDBusIntrospection::parseObject(xmlData, "local.testing", "/");
QFETCH(int, interfaceCount);
QFETCH(int, objectCount);
QFETCH(int, annotationCount);
QFETCH(QStringList, introspection);
QCOMPARE(obj.interfaces.count(), interfaceCount);
QCOMPARE(obj.childObjects.count(), objectCount);
QCOMPARE(QDBusIntrospection::parseInterface(xmlData).annotations.count(), annotationCount);
QDBusIntrospection::Interfaces ifaces = QDBusIntrospection::parseInterfaces(xmlData);
// also verify the naming
int i = 0;
foreach (QString name, obj.interfaces) {
const QString expectedName = QString("iface.iface%1").arg(i+1);
QCOMPARE(name, expectedName);
const QString expectedIntrospection = clean_xml(introspection.at(i++));
const QString resultIntrospection = clean_xml(ifaces.value(expectedName)->introspection);
QCOMPARE(resultIntrospection, expectedIntrospection);
i = 0;
foreach (QString name, obj.childObjects)
QCOMPARE(name, QString("obj%1").arg(++i));
QString tst_QDBusXmlParser::clean_xml(const QString &xmlData)
QDomDocument dom;
return dom.toString();
void tst_QDBusXmlParser::parsing()
QFETCH(QString, xmlData);
void tst_QDBusXmlParser::parsingWithDoctype_data()
void tst_QDBusXmlParser::parsingWithDoctype()
QString docType = "<!DOCTYPE node PUBLIC \"-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Object Introspection 1.0//EN\"\n"
QFETCH(QString, xmlData);
QString toParse;
if (xmlData.startsWith(QLatin1String("<?xml"))) {
int split = xmlData.indexOf(QLatin1Char('>')) + 1;
toParse = xmlData.left(split) + docType + xmlData.mid(split);
} else {
toParse = docType + xmlData;
void tst_QDBusXmlParser::methods_data()
MethodMap map;
QTest::newRow("no-methods") << QString() << map;
// one method without arguments
QDBusIntrospection::Method method;
method.name = "Foo";
map << method;
QTest::newRow("one-method") << "<method name=\"Foo\"/>" << map;
// add another method without arguments
method.name = "Bar";
map << method;
QTest::newRow("two-methods") << "<method name=\"Foo\"/>"
"<method name=\"Bar\"/>"
<< map;
// invert the order of the XML declaration
QTest::newRow("two-methods-inverse") << "<method name=\"Bar\"/>"
"<method name=\"Foo\"/>"
<< map;
// add a third, with annotations
method.name = "Baz";
method.annotations.insert("foo.testing", "nothing to see here");
map << method;
QTest::newRow("method-with-annotation") <<
"<method name=\"Foo\"/>"
"<method name=\"Bar\"/>"
"<method name=\"Baz\"><annotation name=\"foo.testing\" value=\"nothing to see here\" /></method>"
<< map;
// arguments
method.name = "Method";
method.inputArgs << arg("s");
map << method;
QTest::newRow("one-in") <<
"<method name=\"Method\">"
"<arg type=\"s\" direction=\"in\"/>"
"</method>" << map;
// two arguments
method.inputArgs << arg("v");
map << method;
QTest::newRow("two-in") <<
"<method name=\"Method\">"
"<arg type=\"s\" direction=\"in\"/>"
"<arg type=\"v\" direction=\"in\"/>"
"</method>" << map;
// one invalid arg
method.inputArgs << arg("~", "invalid");
map << method;
QTest::newRow("two-in-one-invalid") <<
"<method name=\"Method\">"
"<arg type=\"s\" direction=\"in\"/>"
"<arg type=\"v\" direction=\"in\"/>"
"<arg type=\"~\" name=\"invalid\" direction=\"in\"/>"
"</method>" << map;
// one out argument
method.outputArgs << arg("s");
map << method;
QTest::newRow("one-out") <<
"<method name=\"Method\">"
"<arg type=\"s\" direction=\"out\"/>"
"</method>" << map;
// two in and one out
method.inputArgs << arg("s") << arg("v");
map << method;
QTest::newRow("two-in-one-out") <<
"<method name=\"Method\">"
"<arg type=\"s\" direction=\"in\"/>"
"<arg type=\"v\" direction=\"in\"/>"
"<arg type=\"s\" direction=\"out\"/>"
"</method>" << map;
// let's try an arg with name
method.inputArgs << arg("s", "foo");
map << method;
QTest::newRow("one-in-with-name") <<
"<method name=\"Method\">"
"<arg type=\"s\" name=\"foo\" direction=\"in\"/>"
"</method>" << map;
// two args with name
method.inputArgs << arg("i", "bar");
map << method;
QTest::newRow("two-in-with-name") <<
"<method name=\"Method\">"
"<arg type=\"s\" name=\"foo\" direction=\"in\"/>"
"<arg type=\"i\" name=\"bar\" direction=\"in\"/>"
"</method>" << map;
// one complex
method = QDBusIntrospection::Method();
// Method1(in STRING arg1, in BYTE arg2, out ARRAY of STRING)
method.inputArgs << arg("s", "arg1") << arg("y", "arg2");
method.outputArgs << arg("as");
method.name = "Method1";
map << method;
// Method2(in ARRAY of DICT_ENTRY of (STRING,VARIANT) variantMap, in UINT32 index,
// out STRING key, out VARIANT value)
// with annotation "foo.equivalent":"QVariantMap"
method = QDBusIntrospection::Method();
method.inputArgs << arg("a{sv}", "variantMap") << arg("u", "index");
method.outputArgs << arg("s", "key") << arg("v", "value");
method.annotations.insert("foo.equivalent", "QVariantMap");
method.name = "Method2";
map << method;
QTest::newRow("complex") <<
"<method name=\"Method1\">"
"<arg name=\"arg1\" type=\"s\" direction=\"in\"/>"
"<arg name=\"arg2\" type=\"y\" direction=\"in\"/>"
"<arg type=\"as\" direction=\"out\"/>"
"<method name=\"Method2\">"
"<arg name=\"variantMap\" type=\"a{sv}\" direction=\"in\"/>"
"<arg name=\"index\" type=\"u\" direction=\"in\"/>"
"<arg name=\"key\" type=\"s\" direction=\"out\"/>"
"<arg name=\"value\" type=\"v\" direction=\"out\"/>"
"<annotation name=\"foo.equivalent\" value=\"QVariantMap\"/>"
"</method>" << map;
void tst_QDBusXmlParser::methods()
QString intHeader = "<interface name=\"iface.iface1\">",
intFooter = "</interface>",
xmlHeader = "<node>" + intHeader,
xmlFooter = intFooter + "</node>";
QFETCH(QString, xmlDataFragment);
QDBusIntrospection::Interface iface =
QDBusIntrospection::parseInterface(xmlHeader + xmlDataFragment + xmlFooter);
QCOMPARE(iface.name, QString("iface.iface1"));
QCOMPARE(clean_xml(iface.introspection), clean_xml(intHeader + xmlDataFragment + intFooter));
QFETCH(MethodMap, methodMap);
MethodMap parsedMap = iface.methods;
QCOMPARE(parsedMap.count(), methodMap.count());
QCOMPARE(parsedMap, methodMap);
void tst_QDBusXmlParser::signals__data()
SignalMap map;
QTest::newRow("no-signals") << QString() << map;
// one signal without arguments
QDBusIntrospection::Signal signal;
signal.name = "Foo";
map << signal;
QTest::newRow("one-signal") << "<signal name=\"Foo\"/>" << map;
// add another signal without arguments
signal.name = "Bar";
map << signal;
QTest::newRow("two-signals") << "<signal name=\"Foo\"/>"
"<signal name=\"Bar\"/>"
<< map;
// invert the order of the XML declaration
QTest::newRow("two-signals-inverse") << "<signal name=\"Bar\"/>"
"<signal name=\"Foo\"/>"
<< map;
// add a third, with annotations
signal.name = "Baz";
signal.annotations.insert("foo.testing", "nothing to see here");
map << signal;
QTest::newRow("signal-with-annotation") <<
"<signal name=\"Foo\"/>"
"<signal name=\"Bar\"/>"
"<signal name=\"Baz\"><annotation name=\"foo.testing\" value=\"nothing to see here\" /></signal>"
<< map;
// one out argument
signal.outputArgs << arg("s");
signal.name = "Signal";
map << signal;
QTest::newRow("one-out") <<
"<signal name=\"Signal\">"
"<arg type=\"s\" direction=\"out\"/>"
"</signal>" << map;
// without saying which direction it is
QTest::newRow("one-out-no-direction") <<
"<signal name=\"Signal\">"
"<arg type=\"s\"/>"
"</signal>" << map;
// two args with name
signal.outputArgs << arg("i", "bar");
map << signal;
QTest::newRow("two-out-with-name") <<
"<signal name=\"Signal\">"
"<arg type=\"s\" direction=\"out\"/>"
"<arg type=\"i\" name=\"bar\"/>"
"</signal>" << map;
// one complex
signal = QDBusIntrospection::Signal();
// Signal1(out ARRAY of STRING)
signal.outputArgs << arg("as");
signal.name = "Signal1";
map << signal;
// Signal2(out STRING key, out VARIANT value)
// with annotation "foo.equivalent":"QVariantMap"
signal = QDBusIntrospection::Signal();
signal.outputArgs << arg("s", "key") << arg("v", "value");
signal.annotations.insert("foo.equivalent", "QVariantMap");
signal.name = "Signal2";
map << signal;
QTest::newRow("complex") <<
"<signal name=\"Signal1\">"
"<arg type=\"as\" direction=\"out\"/>"
"<signal name=\"Signal2\">"
"<arg name=\"key\" type=\"s\" direction=\"out\"/>"
"<arg name=\"value\" type=\"v\" direction=\"out\"/>"
"<annotation name=\"foo.equivalent\" value=\"QVariantMap\"/>"
"</signal>" << map;
void tst_QDBusXmlParser::signals_()
QString intHeader = "<interface name=\"iface.iface1\">",
intFooter = "</interface>",
xmlHeader = "<node>" + intHeader,
xmlFooter = intFooter + "</node>";
QFETCH(QString, xmlDataFragment);
QDBusIntrospection::Interface iface =
QDBusIntrospection::parseInterface(xmlHeader + xmlDataFragment + xmlFooter);
QCOMPARE(iface.name, QString("iface.iface1"));
QCOMPARE(clean_xml(iface.introspection), clean_xml(intHeader + xmlDataFragment + intFooter));
QFETCH(SignalMap, signalMap);
SignalMap parsedMap = iface.signals_;
QCOMPARE(signalMap.count(), parsedMap.count());
QCOMPARE(signalMap, parsedMap);
void tst_QDBusXmlParser::properties_data()
PropertyMap map;
QTest::newRow("no-signals") << QString() << map;
// one readable signal
QDBusIntrospection::Property prop;
prop.name = "foo";
prop.type = "s";
prop.access = QDBusIntrospection::Property::Read;
map << prop;
QTest::newRow("one-readable") << "<property access=\"read\" type=\"s\" name=\"foo\" />" << map;
// one writable signal
prop.access = QDBusIntrospection::Property::Write;
map << prop;
QTest::newRow("one-writable") << "<property access=\"write\" type=\"s\" name=\"foo\"/>" << map;
// one read- & writable signal
prop.access = QDBusIntrospection::Property::ReadWrite;
map << prop;
QTest::newRow("one-read-writable") << "<property access=\"readwrite\" type=\"s\" name=\"foo\"/>"
<< map;
// two, mixed properties
prop.name = "bar";
prop.type = "i";
prop.access = QDBusIntrospection::Property::Read;
map << prop;
QTest::newRow("two-1") <<
"<property access=\"readwrite\" type=\"s\" name=\"foo\"/>"
"<property access=\"read\" type=\"i\" name=\"bar\"/>" << map;
// invert the order of the declaration
QTest::newRow("two-2") <<
"<property access=\"read\" type=\"i\" name=\"bar\"/>"
"<property access=\"readwrite\" type=\"s\" name=\"foo\"/>" << map;
// add a third with annotations
prop.name = "baz";
prop.type = "as";
prop.access = QDBusIntrospection::Property::Write;
prop.annotations.insert("foo.annotation", "Hello, World");
prop.annotations.insert("foo.annotation2", "Goodbye, World");
map << prop;
QTest::newRow("complex") <<
"<property access=\"read\" type=\"i\" name=\"bar\"/>"
"<property access=\"write\" type=\"as\" name=\"baz\">"
"<annotation name=\"foo.annotation\" value=\"Hello, World\" />"
"<annotation name=\"foo.annotation2\" value=\"Goodbye, World\" />"
"<property access=\"readwrite\" type=\"s\" name=\"foo\"/>" << map;
// and now change the order
QTest::newRow("complex2") <<
"<property access=\"write\" type=\"as\" name=\"baz\">"
"<annotation name=\"foo.annotation2\" value=\"Goodbye, World\" />"
"<annotation name=\"foo.annotation\" value=\"Hello, World\" />"
"<property access=\"read\" type=\"i\" name=\"bar\"/>"
"<property access=\"readwrite\" type=\"s\" name=\"foo\"/>" << map;
void tst_QDBusXmlParser::properties()
QString intHeader = "<interface name=\"iface.iface1\">",
intFooter = "</interface>",
xmlHeader = "<node>" + intHeader,
xmlFooter = intFooter + "</node>";
QFETCH(QString, xmlDataFragment);
QDBusIntrospection::Interface iface =
QDBusIntrospection::parseInterface(xmlHeader + xmlDataFragment + xmlFooter);
QCOMPARE(iface.name, QString("iface.iface1"));
QCOMPARE(clean_xml(iface.introspection), clean_xml(intHeader + xmlDataFragment + intFooter));
QFETCH(PropertyMap, propertyMap);
PropertyMap parsedMap = iface.properties;
QCOMPARE(propertyMap.count(), parsedMap.count());
QCOMPARE(propertyMap, parsedMap);
#include "tst_qdbusxmlparser.moc"