Jason McDonald 5635823e17 Remove "All rights reserved" line from license headers.
As in the past, to avoid rewriting various autotests that contain
line-number information, an extra blank line has been inserted at the
end of the license text to ensure that this commit does not change the
total number of lines in the license header.

Change-Id: I311e001373776812699d6efc045b5f742890c689
Reviewed-by: Rohan McGovern <rohan.mcgovern@nokia.com>
2012-01-30 03:54:59 +01:00

420 lines
14 KiB
Executable File

## Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
## Contact: http://www.qt-project.org/
## This file is part of the build configuration tools of the Qt Toolkit.
## GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
## This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
## License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and
## appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this
## file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Lesser
## General Public License version 2.1 requirements will be met:
## http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
## In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
## rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
## version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
## GNU General Public License Usage
## Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
## Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
## and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of this
## file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU General
## Public License version 3.0 requirements will be met:
## http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
## Other Usage
## Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms and
## conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you and Nokia.
# Runs any module configuration tests
# Called (currently) from syncqt, and expects a few arguments
# configtests $basedir $out_basedir $qtbasedir $quietmode
use strict;
use warnings;
# use packages -------------------------------------------------------
use File::Basename;
use File::Path 'mkpath';
use File::Spec::Functions qw/ :ALL /;
use File::Temp qw/ :POSIX /;
use Cwd;
use Cwd 'abs_path';
use Config;
# Which file to look for the %configtests variable in
my $configTestSource = "sync.profile";
if ($#ARGV < 3) {
warn "Usage:\n";
warn " $0 <module base directory> <module output directory> <QtBase directory> <generator spec>\n";
exit 1;
# These might be needed in sync.profile
our $basedir = $ARGV[0];
our $out_basedir = $ARGV[1];
our $qtbasedir = $ARGV[2];
my $generator = $ARGV[3];
our %configtests;
my $absOutDir = abs_path($out_basedir);
my $qmakeCachePath = catfile($absOutDir, '.qmake.cache');
my $configLogPath = catfile($absOutDir, 'config.log');
my $QMAKE = catfile($qtbasedir, "bin", ($^O =~ /win32/i) ? 'qmake.exe' : 'qmake');
if (!-x $QMAKE) {
# try the qmake from the path (e.g. this is a shadow build)
$QMAKE = 'qmake';
# Need to use the right make
# SYMBIAN_UNIX/MINGW should fall back to the non SYMBIAN ones
my $MAKE = 'make'; # default, only works on unix
if ($generator =~ /UNIX|XCODE/i) { # XCODE = make?
$MAKE = 'make';
} elsif ($generator =~ /MINGW/i) {
$MAKE = 'mingw32-make';
} elsif ($generator =~ /MSVC.NET|MSBUILD/i) {
$MAKE = 'nmake';
} else {
warn "Unrecognized generator spec ($generator) - assuming '$MAKE'\n";
# Syntax: fileContents(filename)
# Params: filename, string, filename of file to return contents
# Purpose: Get the contents of a file.
# Returns: String with contents of the file, or empty string if file
# doens't exist.
# Warning: Dies if it does exist but script cannot get read access.
sub fileContents {
my ($filename) = @_;
my $filecontents = "";
if (-e $filename) {
open(I, "< $filename") || die "Could not open $filename for reading, read block?";
local $/;
binmode I;
$filecontents = <I>;
close I;
return $filecontents;
# Syntax: loadConfigTests()
# Purpose: Loads the config tests from the source basedir into %configtests.
# Returns: Nothing
sub loadConfigTests {
my $configprofile = catfile($basedir, $configTestSource);
my $result;
unless ($result = do $configprofile) {
die "configtests couldn't parse $configprofile: $@\n" if $@;
# We don't check for non null output, since that is valid
# Syntax: hashesAreDifferent
# Purpose: Compares two hashes. (must have same key=value for everything)
# Returns: 0 if they are the same, 1 otherwise
sub hashesAreDifferent {
my %a = %{$_[0]};
my %b = %{$_[1]};
if (keys %a != keys %b) {
return 1;
my %cmp = map { $_ => 1 } keys %a;
for my $key (keys %b) {
last unless exists $cmp{$key};
last unless $a{$key} eq $b{$key};
delete $cmp{$key};
if (%cmp) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
# Syntax: executeLoggedCommand()
# Params: path to executable, arguments
# This function is equivalent to system(), except that the command
# details and output is placed in the configure log (only).
# Purpose: run a command and log the output
# Returns: exit code and output.
sub executeLoggedCommand {
my (@command_with_args) = @_;
# Redirect all stdout, stderr into the config.log
my ($save_stdout, $save_stderr);
open($save_stdout, '>&', STDOUT) || die "save STDOUT: $!";
open($save_stderr, '>&', STDERR) || die "save STDERR: $!";
my $tmpName = File::Temp::tempnam(File::Spec->tmpdir(), 'log');
open(STDOUT, '>', $tmpName) || die "open $tmpName: $!";
open(STDERR, '>&', STDOUT) || die "redirect STDERR to STDOUT: $!";
print "+ @command_with_args\n";
my $exitCode = system(@command_with_args) >> 8;
# Put them back.
open(STDOUT, '>&', $save_stdout) || die "restoring STDOUT: $!";
open(STDERR, '>&', $save_stderr) || die "restoring STDERR: $!";
# Append output to config log and return it.
my ($tmpFile, $configLog);
my $out = '';
open($tmpFile, '<', $tmpName) || die "open $tmpName: $!";
open($configLog, '>>', $configLogPath) || die "open $configLogPath: $!";
while (my $line = <$tmpFile>) {
print $configLog $line;
$out .= $line;
return ($exitCode, $out);
# Syntax: executeTest()
# Params: testName
# The testName variable controls the actual config test run - the
# source is assumed to be in $basedir/config.tests/$testName, and
# when 'qmake; make clean; make' is run, is expected to produce a file
# $out_basedir/config.tests/$testName/$testName. If this test passes,
# then 'config_test_$testName = yes' will be written to $out_basedir/.qmake.cache
# Purpose: Runs a configuration time test.
# Returns: 0 if the test fails, 1 if it passes, 2 if the test is skipped
# (e.g. .pro file has requires(x) and x is not satisfied)
sub executeTest {
my ($testName) = @_;
my $fh;
open($fh, '>>', $configLogPath) || die "open $configLogPath: $!";
print $fh 'executing config test "',$testName, "\":\n";
my $oldWorkingDir = getcwd();
my $ret = 0;
my @QMAKEARGS = ('CONFIG-=debug_and_release', 'CONFIG-=app_bundle');
my $testOutDir = catdir($absOutDir, 'config.tests', $testName);
# Since we might be cross compiling, look for barename (Linux) and .exe (Win32/Symbian)
my $testOutFile1 = catfile($testOutDir, "$testName.exe");
my $testOutFile2 = catfile($testOutDir, $testName);
if (abs_path($basedir) eq abs_path($out_basedir)) {
chdir $testOutDir or die "\nUnable to change to config test directory ($testOutDir): $!\n";
} else { # shadow build
if (! -e $testOutDir) {
mkpath $testOutDir or die "\nUnable to create shadow build config test directory ($testOutDir): $!\n";
chdir $testOutDir or die "\nUnable to change to config test directory ($testOutDir): $!\n";
push (@QMAKEARGS, catdir($basedir, 'config.tests', $testName));
# First remove existing stuff (XXX this probably needs generator specific code, but hopefully
# the target removal below will suffice)
if (-e "Makefile") {
executeLoggedCommand($MAKE, 'distclean');
# and any targets that we might find that weren't distcleaned
unlink $testOutFile1, $testOutFile2;
# Run qmake && make
executeLoggedCommand($QMAKE, @QMAKEARGS);
my ($makeExitCode, $makeOutput) = executeLoggedCommand($MAKE);
# If make prints "blah blah blah\nSkipped." we consider this a skipped test
if ($makeOutput !~ qr(^Skipped\.$)ms) {
# Check the test exists (can't reliably execute, especially for cross compilation)
if (-e $testOutFile1 or -e $testOutFile2) {
$ret = 1;
} else {
$ret = 2;
my $fh;
open($fh, '>>', $configLogPath) || die "open $configLogPath: $!";
print $fh 'config test "',$testName, '" completed with result ',$ret, "\n";
chdir $oldWorkingDir or die "\nUnable to restore working directory: $!\n";
return $ret;
# Remove existing config.log
if (-e $configLogPath) {
unlink($configLogPath) || die "unlink $configLogPath: $!";
# Now run configuration tests
# %configtests is a map from config test name to a map of parameters
# e.g:
# %configtests = (
# "simple" => {fatal => 1, message => "Missing required 'simple' component\n"},
# "failed" => {message => "You need to install the FAILED sdk for this to work\n"}
# );
# Parameters and their defaults:
# - fatal [false] - whether failing this test should abort everything
# - message [""] - A special message to display if this test fails
# Only do this step for modules that have config tests
# (qtbase doesn't). We try to preserve existing contents (and furthermore
# only write to .qmake.cache if the tests change)
if (abs_path($out_basedir) ne abs_path($qtbasedir)) {
# Read any existing content
my $existingContents = fileContents($qmakeCachePath);
my %oldTestResults;
my %newTestResults;
my @fatalTestsEncountered;
# Parse the existing results so we can check if we change them
while ($existingContents =~ /^config_test_(.*) = (yes|no)$/gm) {
$oldTestResults{$1} = $2;
# Get the longest length test name so we can pretty print
use List::Util qw(max);
my $maxNameLength = max map { length $_ } keys %configtests;
# Turn off buffering
$| = 1;
# Remove existing config.log
if (-e $configLogPath) {
unlink($configLogPath) || die "unlink $configLogPath: $!";
# Now run the configuration tests
print "Configuration tests:\n" if (%configtests);
while ((my $testName, my $testParameters) = each %configtests) {
printf " % *s: ", $maxNameLength, $testName; # right aligned, yes/no lines up
my $fatalTest = $testParameters->{"fatal"};
my $message = $testParameters->{"message"};
my $testResult = executeTest($testName);
my @testResultStrings = ("no\n","yes\n","skipped\n");
$newTestResults{$testName} = (($testResult == 1) ? "yes" : "no"); # skipped = no
if ($testResult == 0) {
# Failed test
if ($fatalTest) {
print "no (fatal)\n";
# Report the fatality at the end, too
push (@fatalTestsEncountered, $testName);
} else {
print "no\n";
if (defined($message)) {
print $message;
print "\n" unless chop $message eq "\n";
} else {
# yes or skipped
print $testResultStrings[$testResult];
# Check if the test results are different
if (hashesAreDifferent(\%oldTestResults, \%newTestResults)) {
# Generate the new contents
my $newContents = $existingContents;
# Strip out any existing config test results
$newContents =~ s/^config_test_[^\$]*$//gm;
$newContents =~ s/^# Compile time test results[^\$]*$//gm;
# Add any remaining content and make sure we start on a new line
if ($newContents and chop $newContents ne '\n') {
$newContents = $newContents . "\n";
# Results and header
if (%newTestResults) {
$newContents = $newContents . '# Compile time test results ('.(localtime).")\n";
# Results
while ((my $testName, my $testResult) = each %newTestResults) {
$newContents = $newContents . "config_test_$testName = $testResult\n";
# Remove blank lines
$newContents =~ s/^[\s]*$//gms;
# and open the file
open my $cacheFileHandle, ">$qmakeCachePath" or die "Unable to open $qmakeCachePath for writing: $!\n";
print $cacheFileHandle $newContents;
close $cacheFileHandle or die "Unable to close $qmakeCachePath: $!\n";
# Now see if we have to die
if (@fatalTestsEncountered) {
if ($#fatalTestsEncountered == 0) {
warn "Mandatory configuration test (".$fatalTestsEncountered[0].") failed.\n\n";
} else {
warn "Mandatory configuration tests (". join (", ", @fatalTestsEncountered) . ") failed.\n\n";
exit -1;
exit 0;