Jason McDonald 95d0b27711 testlib: Add selftests for skip and fail inside cleanupTestCase().
Change-Id: I9bbe774c3259338d452cd1eb1a6f37a85db15921
Reviewed-by: Rohan McGovern <rohan.mcgovern@nokia.com>
2012-02-09 04:07:33 +01:00

816 lines
30 KiB

** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
** Contact: http://www.qt-project.org/
** This file is part of the test suite of the Qt Toolkit.
** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and
** appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this
** file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Lesser
** General Public License version 2.1 requirements will be met:
** http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
** Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of this
** file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU General
** Public License version 3.0 requirements will be met:
** http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
** Other Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms and
** conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you and Nokia.
#include <QtCore/QCoreApplication>
#include <QtCore/QXmlStreamReader>
#include <QtCore/QFileInfo>
#include <QtCore/QDir>
#include <QtTest/QtTest>
#include <private/cycle_p.h>
class tst_Selftests: public QObject
private slots:
void initTestCase();
void runSubTest_data();
void runSubTest();
void cleanup();
void doRunSubTest(QString const& subdir, QStringList const& loggers, QStringList const& arguments);
struct BenchmarkResult
qint64 total;
qint64 iterations;
QString unit;
inline QString toString() const
{ return QString("total:%1, unit:%2, iterations:%3").arg(total).arg(unit).arg(iterations); }
static BenchmarkResult parse(QString const&, QString*);
namespace QTest
template <>
inline bool qCompare
(BenchmarkResult const &r1, BenchmarkResult const &r2,
const char* actual, const char* expected, const char* file, int line)
// First make sure the iterations and unit match.
if (r1.iterations != r2.iterations || r1.unit != r2.unit) {
// Nope - compare whole string for best failure message
return qCompare(r1.toString(), r2.toString(), actual, expected, file, line);
// Now check the value. Some variance is allowed, and how much depends on
// the measured unit.
qreal variance = 0.;
if (r1.unit == "msec") {
variance = 0.1;
else if (r1.unit == "instruction reads") {
variance = 0.001;
else if (r1.unit == "ticks") {
variance = 0.001;
if (variance == 0.) {
// No variance allowed - compare whole string
return qCompare(r1.toString(), r2.toString(), actual, expected, file, line);
if (qAbs(qreal(r1.total) - qreal(r2.total)) <= qreal(r1.total)*variance) {
return compare_helper(true, "COMPARE()", file, line);
// Whoops, didn't match. Compare the whole string for the most useful failure message.
return qCompare(r1.toString(), r2.toString(), actual, expected, file, line);
// Split the passed block of text into an array of lines, replacing any
// filenames and line numbers with generic markers to avoid failing the test
// due to compiler-specific behaviour.
static QList<QByteArray> splitLines(QByteArray ba)
ba.replace('\r', "");
QList<QByteArray> out = ba.split('\n');
// Replace any ` file="..."' or ` line="..."' in XML with a generic location.
static const char *markers[][2] = {
{ " file=\"", " file=\"__FILE__\"" },
{ " line=\"", " line=\"__LINE__\"" }
static const int markerCount = sizeof markers / sizeof markers[0];
for (int i = 0; i < out.size(); ++i) {
QByteArray& line = out[i];
for (int j = 0; j < markerCount; ++j) {
int index = line.indexOf(markers[j][0]);
if (index == -1) {
int end = line.indexOf('"', index + strlen(markers[j][0]));
if (end == -1) {
line.replace(index, end-index + 1, markers[j][1]);
return out;
// Return the log format, e.g. for both "stdout txt" and "txt", return "txt'.
static inline QString logFormat(const QString &logger)
return (logger.startsWith("stdout") ? logger.mid(7) : logger);
// Return the log file name, or an empty string if the log goes to stdout.
static inline QString logName(const QString &logger)
return (logger.startsWith("stdout") ? "" : "test_output." + logger);
// Load the expected test output for the nominated test (subdir) and logger
// as an array of lines. If there is no expected output file, return an
// empty array.
static QList<QByteArray> expectedResult(const QString &subdir, const QString &logger)
QFile file(":/expected_" + subdir + "." + logFormat(logger));
if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))
return QList<QByteArray>();
return splitLines(file.readAll());
// Each test is run with a set of one or more test output loggers.
// This struct holds information about one such test.
struct LoggerSet
LoggerSet(QString const& _name, QStringList const& _loggers, QStringList const& _arguments)
: name(_name), loggers(_loggers), arguments(_arguments)
{ }
QString name;
QStringList loggers;
QStringList arguments;
// This function returns a list of all sets of loggers to be used for
// running each subtest.
static QList<LoggerSet> allLoggerSets()
// Note that in order to test XML output to standard output, the subtests
// must not send output directly to stdout, bypassing Qt's output mechanisms
// (e.g. via printf), otherwise the output may not be well-formed XML.
return QList<LoggerSet>()
// Test with old-style options for a single logger
<< LoggerSet("old stdout txt",
QStringList() << "stdout txt",
<< LoggerSet("old txt",
QStringList() << "txt",
QStringList() << "-o" << logName("txt")
<< LoggerSet("old stdout xml",
QStringList() << "stdout xml",
QStringList() << "-xml"
<< LoggerSet("old xml",
QStringList() << "xml",
QStringList() << "-xml" << "-o" << logName("xml")
<< LoggerSet("old stdout xunitxml",
QStringList() << "stdout xunitxml",
QStringList() << "-xunitxml"
<< LoggerSet("old xunitxml",
QStringList() << "xunitxml",
QStringList() << "-xunitxml" << "-o" << logName("xunitxml")
<< LoggerSet("old stdout lightxml",
QStringList() << "stdout lightxml",
QStringList() << "-lightxml"
<< LoggerSet("old lightxml",
QStringList() << "lightxml",
QStringList() << "-lightxml" << "-o" << logName("lightxml")
// Test with new-style options for a single logger
<< LoggerSet("new stdout txt",
QStringList() << "stdout txt",
QStringList() << "-o" << "-,txt"
<< LoggerSet("new txt",
QStringList() << "txt",
QStringList() << "-o" << logName("txt")+",txt"
<< LoggerSet("new stdout xml",
QStringList() << "stdout xml",
QStringList() << "-o" << "-,xml"
<< LoggerSet("new xml",
QStringList() << "xml",
QStringList() << "-o" << logName("xml")+",xml"
<< LoggerSet("new stdout xunitxml",
QStringList() << "stdout xunitxml",
QStringList() << "-o" << "-,xunitxml"
<< LoggerSet("new xunitxml",
QStringList() << "xunitxml",
QStringList() << "-o" << logName("xunitxml")+",xunitxml"
<< LoggerSet("new stdout lightxml",
QStringList() << "stdout lightxml",
QStringList() << "-o" << "-,lightxml"
<< LoggerSet("new lightxml",
QStringList() << "lightxml",
QStringList() << "-o" << logName("lightxml")+",lightxml"
// Test with two loggers (don't test all 32 combinations, just a sample)
<< LoggerSet("stdout txt + txt",
QStringList() << "stdout txt" << "txt",
QStringList() << "-o" << "-,txt"
<< "-o" << logName("txt")+",txt"
<< LoggerSet("xml + stdout txt",
QStringList() << "xml" << "stdout txt",
QStringList() << "-o" << logName("xml")+",xml"
<< "-o" << "-,txt"
<< LoggerSet("txt + xunitxml",
QStringList() << "txt" << "xunitxml",
QStringList() << "-o" << logName("txt")+",txt"
<< "-o" << logName("xunitxml")+",xunitxml"
<< LoggerSet("lightxml + stdout xunitxml",
QStringList() << "lightxml" << "stdout xunitxml",
QStringList() << "-o" << logName("lightxml")+",lightxml"
<< "-o" << "-,xunitxml"
// All loggers at the same time
<< LoggerSet("all loggers",
QStringList() << "txt" << "xml" << "lightxml" << "stdout txt" << "xunitxml",
QStringList() << "-o" << logName("txt")+",txt"
<< "-o" << logName("xml")+",xml"
<< "-o" << logName("lightxml")+",lightxml"
<< "-o" << "-,txt"
<< "-o" << logName("xunitxml")+",xunitxml"
void tst_Selftests::initTestCase()
//Detect the location of the sub programs
QString subProgram = QLatin1String("float/float");
#if defined(Q_OS_WIN)
subProgram = QLatin1String("float/float.exe");
QString testdataDir = QFINDTESTDATA(subProgram);
if (testdataDir.lastIndexOf(subProgram) > 0)
testdataDir = testdataDir.left(testdataDir.lastIndexOf(subProgram));
testdataDir = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath();
// chdir to our testdata path and execute helper apps relative to that.
QVERIFY2(QDir::setCurrent(testdataDir), qPrintable("Could not chdir to " + testdataDir));
void tst_Selftests::runSubTest_data()
QStringList tests = QStringList()
// << "alive" // timer dependent
#if !defined(Q_OS_WIN)
// On windows, assert does nothing in release mode and blocks execution
// with a popup window in debug mode.
<< "assert"
<< "badxml"
#if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__i386) && defined(Q_OS_LINUX)
// Only run on platforms where callgrind is available.
<< "benchlibcallgrind"
<< "benchlibeventcounter"
<< "benchliboptions"
<< "cmptest"
<< "commandlinedata"
<< "counting"
<< "crashes"
<< "datatable"
<< "datetime"
<< "differentexec"
#if !defined(QT_NO_EXCEPTIONS) && !defined(Q_CC_INTEL) && !defined(Q_OS_WIN)
// Disable this test on Windows and for intel compiler, as the run-times
// will popup dialogs with warnings that uncaught exceptions were thrown
<< "exceptionthrow"
<< "expectfail"
<< "failcleanup"
<< "failinit"
<< "failinitdata"
#if !defined(Q_OS_WIN)
// Disable this test on Windows, as the run-time will popup dialogs with warnings
<< "fetchbogus"
<< "float"
<< "globaldata"
<< "longstring"
<< "maxwarnings"
<< "multiexec"
<< "printdatatags"
<< "printdatatagswithglobaltags"
<< "qexecstringlist"
<< "singleskip"
<< "skip"
<< "skipcleanup"
<< "skipinit"
<< "skipinitdata"
<< "sleep"
<< "strcmp"
<< "subtest"
<< "findtestdata"
<< "warnings"
<< "xunit"
// These tests are affected by timing and whether the CPU tick counter
// is monotonically increasing. They won't work on some machines so
// leave them off by default. Feel free to enable them for your own
// testing by setting the QTEST_ENABLE_EXTRA_SELFTESTS environment
// variable to something non-empty.
if (!qgetenv("QTEST_ENABLE_EXTRA_SELFTESTS").isEmpty())
tests << "benchlibtickcounter"
<< "benchlibwalltime"
foreach (LoggerSet const& loggerSet, allLoggerSets()) {
QStringList loggers = loggerSet.loggers;
foreach (QString const& subtest, tests) {
QStringList arguments = loggerSet.arguments;
if (subtest == "commandlinedata") {
arguments << QString("fiveTablePasses fiveTablePasses:fiveTablePasses_data1 -v2").split(' ');
else if (subtest == "benchlibcallgrind") {
arguments << "-callgrind";
else if (subtest == "benchlibeventcounter") {
arguments << "-eventcounter";
else if (subtest == "benchliboptions") {
arguments << "-eventcounter";
else if (subtest == "benchlibtickcounter") {
arguments << "-tickcounter";
else if (subtest == "badxml") {
arguments << "-eventcounter";
else if (subtest == "printdatatags") {
arguments << "-datatags";
else if (subtest == "printdatatagswithglobaltags") {
arguments << "-datatags";
// These tests don't work right unless logging plain text to
// standard output, either because they execute multiple test
// objects or because they internally supply arguments to
// themselves.
if (loggerSet.name != "old stdout txt" && loggerSet.name != "new stdout txt") {
if (subtest == "differentexec") {
if (subtest == "multiexec") {
if (subtest == "qexecstringlist") {
if (subtest == "benchliboptions") {
if (subtest == "printdatatags") {
if (subtest == "printdatatagswithglobaltags") {
// `crashes' will not output valid XML on platforms without a crash handler
if (subtest == "crashes") {
// this test prints out some floats in the testlog and the formatting is
// platform-specific and hard to predict.
if (subtest == "float") {
// these tests are quite slow, and running them for all the loggers significantly
// increases the overall test time. They do not really relate to logging, so it
// should be safe to run them just for the stdout loggers.
if (subtest == "benchlibcallgrind" || subtest == "sleep") {
QTest::newRow(qPrintable(QString("%1 %2").arg(subtest).arg(loggerSet.name)))
<< subtest
<< loggers
<< arguments
static inline QProcessEnvironment processEnvironment()
QProcessEnvironment result;
const QString path = QStringLiteral("PATH");
const QProcessEnvironment systemEnvironment = QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment();
result.insert(path, systemEnvironment.value(path));
// Preserve DISPLAY for X11 as some tests use QtGui.
#if defined(Q_OS_UNIX) && !defined(Q_OS_MAC)
const QString display = QStringLiteral("DISPLAY");
const QString displayValue = systemEnvironment.value(display);
if (!displayValue.isEmpty())
result.insert(display, displayValue);
const QString platform = QStringLiteral("QT_QPA_PLATFORM");
const QString platformValue = systemEnvironment.value(platform);
if (!platformValue.isEmpty())
result.insert(platform, platformValue);
return result;
void tst_Selftests::doRunSubTest(QString const& subdir, QStringList const& loggers, QStringList const& arguments)
#if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__i386) && defined(Q_OS_LINUX)
if (arguments.contains("-callgrind")) {
QProcess checkProcess;
QStringList args;
args << QLatin1String("--version");
checkProcess.start(QLatin1String("valgrind"), args);
if (!checkProcess.waitForFinished(-1))
QSKIP(QString("Valgrind broken or not available. Not running %1 test!").arg(subdir).toLocal8Bit());
QProcess proc;
static const QProcessEnvironment environment = processEnvironment();
const QString path = subdir + QLatin1Char('/') + subdir;
proc.start(path, arguments);
QVERIFY2(proc.waitForStarted(), qPrintable(QString::fromLatin1("Cannot start '%1': %2").arg(path, proc.errorString())));
QVERIFY2(proc.waitForFinished(), qPrintable(proc.errorString()));
QList<QByteArray> actualOutputs;
for (int i = 0; i < loggers.count(); ++i) {
QString logFile = logName(loggers[i]);
QByteArray out;
if (logFile.isEmpty()) {
out = proc.readAllStandardOutput();
} else {
QFile file(logFile);
if (file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))
out = file.readAll();
actualOutputs << out;
const QByteArray err(proc.readAllStandardError());
// Some tests may output unpredictable strings to stderr, which we'll ignore.
// For instance, uncaught exceptions on Windows might say (depending on Windows
// version and JIT debugger settings):
// "This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
// Please contact the application's support team for more information."
// Also, tests which use valgrind may generate warnings if the toolchain is
// newer than the valgrind version, such that valgrind can't understand the
// debug information on the binary.
if (subdir != QLatin1String("exceptionthrow")
&& subdir != QLatin1String("cmptest") // QImage comparison requires QGuiApplication
&& subdir != QLatin1String("fetchbogus")
&& subdir != QLatin1String("xunit")
&& subdir != QLatin1String("benchlibcallgrind"))
QVERIFY2(err.isEmpty(), err.constData());
for (int n = 0; n < loggers.count(); ++n) {
QString logger = loggers[n];
QList<QByteArray> res = splitLines(actualOutputs[n]);
QList<QByteArray> exp = expectedResult(subdir, logger);
#ifdef Q_CC_MSVC
// MSVC formats double numbers differently
if (n == 0 && subdir == QStringLiteral("float")) {
for (int i = 0; i < exp.size(); ++i) {
exp[i].replace("e-07", "e-007");
exp[i].replace("e+07", "e+007");
// For the "crashes" test, there are multiple versions of the
// expected output. Load the one with the same line count as
// the actual output.
if (exp.count() == 0) {
QList<QList<QByteArray> > expArr;
int i = 1;
do {
exp = expectedResult(subdir + QString("_%1").arg(i++), logger);
if (exp.count())
expArr += exp;
} while (exp.count());
for (int j = 0; j < expArr.count(); ++j) {
if (res.count() == expArr.at(j).count()) {
exp = expArr.at(j);
} else {
QVERIFY2(res.count() == exp.count(),
qPrintable(QString::fromLatin1("Mismatch in line count: %1 != %2 (%3).")
// For xml output formats, verify that the log is valid XML.
if (logFormat(logger) == "xunitxml" || logFormat(logger) == "xml" || logFormat(logger) == "lightxml") {
QByteArray xml(actualOutputs[n]);
// lightxml intentionally skips the root element, which technically makes it
// not valid XML.
// We'll add that ourselves for the purpose of validation.
if (logFormat(logger) == "lightxml") {
QXmlStreamReader reader(xml);
while (!reader.atEnd())
QVERIFY2(!reader.error(), qPrintable(QString("line %1, col %2: %3")
// Verify that the actual output is an acceptable match for the
// expected output.
bool benchmark = false;
for (int i = 0; i < res.count(); ++i) {
QByteArray line = res.at(i);
// the __FILE__ __LINE__ output is compiler dependent, skip it
if (line.startsWith(" Loc: [") && line.endsWith(")]"))
if (line.endsWith(" : failure location"))
const QString output(QString::fromLatin1(line));
const QString expected(QString::fromLatin1(exp.at(i)).replace("@INSERT_QT_VERSION_HERE@", QT_VERSION_STR));
if (subdir == "assert" && output.contains("ASSERT: ") && expected.contains("ASSERT: ") && output != expected)
// Q_ASSERT uses __FILE__, the exact contents of which are
// undefined. If we something that looks like a Q_ASSERT and we
// were expecting to see a Q_ASSERT, we'll skip the line.
else if (expected.startsWith(QLatin1String("FAIL! : tst_Exception::throwException() Caught unhandled exce")) && expected != output)
// On some platforms we compile without RTTI, and as a result we never throw an exception.
QCOMPARE(output.simplified(), QString::fromLatin1("tst_Exception::throwException()").simplified());
else if (benchmark || line.startsWith("<BenchmarkResult")) {
// Don't do a literal comparison for benchmark results, since
// results have some natural variance.
QString error;
BenchmarkResult actualResult = BenchmarkResult::parse(output, &error);
QVERIFY2(error.isEmpty(), qPrintable(QString("Actual line didn't parse as benchmark result: %1\nLine: %2").arg(error).arg(output)));
BenchmarkResult expectedResult = BenchmarkResult::parse(expected, &error);
QVERIFY2(error.isEmpty(), qPrintable(QString("Expected line didn't parse as benchmark result: %1\nLine: %2").arg(error).arg(expected)));
QCOMPARE(actualResult, expectedResult);
} else {
QVERIFY2(output == expected,
qPrintable(QString::fromLatin1("Mismatch at line %1 (%2): '%3' != '%4'")
.arg(i).arg(loggers.at(n), output, expected)));
benchmark = line.startsWith("RESULT : ");
void tst_Selftests::runSubTest()
QFETCH(QString, subdir);
QFETCH(QStringList, loggers);
QFETCH(QStringList, arguments);
doRunSubTest(subdir, loggers, arguments);
// attribute must contain ="
QString extractXmlAttribute(const QString &line, const char *attribute)
int index = line.indexOf(attribute);
if (index == -1)
return QString();
int end = line.indexOf('"', index + strlen(attribute));
if (end == -1)
return QString();
QString result = line.mid(index + strlen(attribute), end - index - strlen(attribute));
if (result.isEmpty())
return ""; // ensure empty but not null
return result;
// Parse line into the BenchmarkResult it represents.
BenchmarkResult BenchmarkResult::parse(QString const& line, QString* error)
if (error) *error = QString();
BenchmarkResult out;
QString remaining = line.trimmed();
if (remaining.isEmpty()) {
if (error) *error = "Line is empty";
return out;
if (line.startsWith("<BenchmarkResult ")) {
// XML result
// format:
// <BenchmarkResult metric="$unit" tag="$tag" value="$total" iterations="$iterations" />
if (!line.endsWith("/>")) {
if (error) *error = "unterminated XML";
return out;
QString unit = extractXmlAttribute(line, " metric=\"");
QString sTotal = extractXmlAttribute(line, " value=\"");
QString sIterations = extractXmlAttribute(line, " iterations=\"");
if (unit.isNull() || sTotal.isNull() || sIterations.isNull()) {
if (error) *error = "XML snippet did not contain all required values";
return out;
bool ok;
double total = sTotal.toDouble(&ok);
if (!ok) {
if (error) *error = sTotal + " is not a valid number";
return out;
double iterations = sIterations.toDouble(&ok);
if (!ok) {
if (error) *error = sIterations + " is not a valid number";
return out;
out.unit = unit;
out.total = total;
out.iterations = iterations;
return out;
// Text result
// This code avoids using a QRegExp because QRegExp might be broken.
// Sample format: 4,000 msec per iteration (total: 4,000, iterations: 1)
QString sFirstNumber;
while (!remaining.isEmpty() && !remaining.at(0).isSpace()) {
sFirstNumber += remaining.at(0);
remaining = remaining.trimmed();
// 4,000 -> 4000
// Should now be parseable as floating point
bool ok;
double firstNumber = sFirstNumber.toDouble(&ok);
if (!ok) {
if (error) *error = sFirstNumber + " (at beginning of line) is not a valid number";
return out;
// Remaining: msec per iteration (total: 4000, iterations: 1)
static const char periterbit[] = " per iteration (total: ";
QString unit;
while (!remaining.startsWith(periterbit) && !remaining.isEmpty()) {
unit += remaining.at(0);
if (remaining.isEmpty()) {
if (error) *error = "Could not find pattern: '<unit> per iteration (total: '";
return out;
remaining = remaining.mid(sizeof(periterbit)-1);
// Remaining: 4,000, iterations: 1)
static const char itersbit[] = ", iterations: ";
QString sTotal;
while (!remaining.startsWith(itersbit) && !remaining.isEmpty()) {
sTotal += remaining.at(0);
if (remaining.isEmpty()) {
if (error) *error = "Could not find pattern: '<number>, iterations: '";
return out;
remaining = remaining.mid(sizeof(itersbit)-1);
// 4,000 -> 4000
double total = sTotal.toDouble(&ok);
if (!ok) {
if (error) *error = sTotal + " (total) is not a valid number";
return out;
// Remaining: 1)
QString sIters;
while (remaining != QLatin1String(")") && !remaining.isEmpty()) {
sIters += remaining.at(0);
if (remaining.isEmpty()) {
if (error) *error = "Could not find pattern: '<num>)'";
return out;
qint64 iters = sIters.toLongLong(&ok);
if (!ok) {
if (error) *error = sIters + " (iterations) is not a valid integer";
return out;
double calcFirstNumber = double(total)/double(iters);
if (!qFuzzyCompare(firstNumber, calcFirstNumber)) {
if (error) *error = QString("total/iters is %1, but benchlib output result as %2").arg(calcFirstNumber).arg(firstNumber);
return out;
out.total = total;
out.unit = unit;
out.iterations = iters;
return out;
void tst_Selftests::cleanup()
QFETCH(QStringList, loggers);
// Remove the test output files
for (int i = 0; i < loggers.count(); ++i) {
QString logFileName = logName(loggers[i]);
if (!logFileName.isEmpty()) {
QFile logFile(logFileName);
if (logFile.exists())
QVERIFY2(logFile.remove(), qPrintable(QString::fromLatin1("Cannot remove file '%1': %2: ").arg(logFileName, logFile.errorString())));
#include "tst_selftests.moc"