+ Specify the ccache cache directory to avoid the defaults, because
ccache >= 4.0 puts the cache directory in system-dependent paths
+ Adjust sloppiness to increase cache hit ratio
+ print compression stats but don't err if `-x` flag is missing
(only available only on ccache >= 4.0)
+ Print ccache config for debugging purposes
+ Enable ccache compression and limit size
Regarding the last point, ccache < v4.0 optionally compresses using the
zlib algorithm, but ccache >= v4.0 uses zstd and compression is enabled
by default. By forcing compression to true, all platforms will need
similar size cache. We have to limit it because the default (5GB) fills
up the cache artifacts size that Github Actions offers.
Pick-to: 6.0
Change-Id: Iea72d08b223c611ee4a4443625647a1f01809b08
Reviewed-by: Volker Hilsheimer <volker.hilsheimer@qt.io>