- when there is no intersection between the current selection and the
spans collection, get ranges for all cells, just as if no span exists
- when there is an intersection between the current selection and the
spans collection, get separate ranges for each cell (as before)
This fixes the regular case of selecting multiple non-spanned cells
after some cells are merged (get a single range for all cells instead of
separate range for each cell). However, when selecting together a group
of spanned and non-spanned cells, you still get a separate range for
each cell. But this is normal behavior in similar applications; for
example in LibreOffice, you cannot select and merge spanned and
non-spanned cells: an error dialog tells you that it's not allowed.
Done-with: Christos Kokkinidis
Pick-to: 6.2
Fixes: QTBUG-255
Change-Id: Ic38f9a064a1f499825e7f750668013fc2dc564ba
Reviewed-by: Volker Hilsheimer <volker.hilsheimer@qt.io>