Sona Kurazyan 82d02b7b95 Deprecate SAX classes in Qt XML
Deprecated the SAX classes and disabled or replaced their uses in
tests if applicable.

Removed the saxbookmarks example, no point in keeping examples for
the deprecated code.

[ChangeLog][QtXml] SAX classes are now deprecated. Use QXmlStreamReader,
QXmlStreamWriter in QtCore instead.

Task-number: QTBUG-76177
Change-Id: Ic171d62fa0527b0f36f94cf09a69586092269957
Reviewed-by: Friedemann Kleint <Friedemann.Kleint@qt.io>
Reviewed-by: Paul Wicking <paul.wicking@qt.io>
Reviewed-by: Kai Koehne <kai.koehne@qt.io>
2020-01-06 18:13:01 +01:00

235 lines
8.2 KiB

** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
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#include <QtTest/QtTest>
#include <qcoreapplication.h>
#include <qdebug.h>
#include <qxml.h>
class tst_QXml : public QObject
private slots:
void getSetCheck();
void interpretedAs0D() const;
void exception();
#endif // QT_DEPRECATED_SINCE(5, 15)
class MyXmlEntityResolver : public QXmlEntityResolver
MyXmlEntityResolver() : QXmlEntityResolver() {}
QString errorString() const { return QString(); }
bool resolveEntity(const QString &, const QString &, QXmlInputSource *&) { return false; }
class MyXmlContentHandler : public QXmlContentHandler
MyXmlContentHandler() : QXmlContentHandler() {}
bool characters(const QString &) { return false; }
bool endDocument() { return false; }
bool endElement(const QString &, const QString &, const QString &) { return false; }
bool endPrefixMapping(const QString &) { return false; }
QString errorString() const { return QString(); }
bool ignorableWhitespace(const QString &) { return false; }
bool processingInstruction(const QString &, const QString &) { return false; }
void setDocumentLocator(QXmlLocator *) { }
bool skippedEntity(const QString &) { return false; }
bool startDocument() { return false; }
bool startElement(const QString &, const QString &, const QString &, const QXmlAttributes &) { return false; }
bool startPrefixMapping(const QString &, const QString &) { return false; }
class MyXmlErrorHandler : public QXmlErrorHandler
MyXmlErrorHandler() : QXmlErrorHandler() {}
QString errorString() const { return QString(); }
bool error(const QXmlParseException &) { return false; }
bool fatalError(const QXmlParseException &) { return false; }
bool warning(const QXmlParseException &) { return false; }
class MyXmlLexicalHandler : public QXmlLexicalHandler
MyXmlLexicalHandler() : QXmlLexicalHandler() {}
bool comment(const QString &) { return false; }
bool endCDATA() { return false; }
bool endDTD() { return false; }
bool endEntity(const QString &) { return false; }
QString errorString() const { return QString(); }
bool startCDATA() { return false; }
bool startDTD(const QString &, const QString &, const QString &) { return false; }
bool startEntity(const QString &) { return false; }
class MyXmlDeclHandler : public QXmlDeclHandler
MyXmlDeclHandler() : QXmlDeclHandler() {}
bool attributeDecl(const QString &, const QString &, const QString &, const QString &, const QString &) { return false; }
QString errorString() const { return QString(); }
bool externalEntityDecl(const QString &, const QString &, const QString &) { return false; }
bool internalEntityDecl(const QString &, const QString &) { return false; }
// Testing get/set functions
void tst_QXml::getSetCheck()
QXmlSimpleReader obj1;
// QXmlEntityResolver* QXmlSimpleReader::entityResolver()
// void QXmlSimpleReader::setEntityResolver(QXmlEntityResolver*)
MyXmlEntityResolver *var1 = new MyXmlEntityResolver;
QCOMPARE(static_cast<QXmlEntityResolver *>(var1), obj1.entityResolver());
obj1.setEntityResolver((QXmlEntityResolver *)0);
QCOMPARE((QXmlEntityResolver *)0, obj1.entityResolver());
delete var1;
// QXmlContentHandler* QXmlSimpleReader::contentHandler()
// void QXmlSimpleReader::setContentHandler(QXmlContentHandler*)
MyXmlContentHandler *var2 = new MyXmlContentHandler;
QCOMPARE(static_cast<QXmlContentHandler *>(var2), obj1.contentHandler());
obj1.setContentHandler((QXmlContentHandler *)0);
QCOMPARE((QXmlContentHandler *)0, obj1.contentHandler());
delete var2;
// QXmlErrorHandler* QXmlSimpleReader::errorHandler()
// void QXmlSimpleReader::setErrorHandler(QXmlErrorHandler*)
MyXmlErrorHandler *var3 = new MyXmlErrorHandler;
QCOMPARE(static_cast<QXmlErrorHandler *>(var3), obj1.errorHandler());
obj1.setErrorHandler((QXmlErrorHandler *)0);
QCOMPARE((QXmlErrorHandler *)0, obj1.errorHandler());
delete var3;
// QXmlLexicalHandler* QXmlSimpleReader::lexicalHandler()
// void QXmlSimpleReader::setLexicalHandler(QXmlLexicalHandler*)
MyXmlLexicalHandler *var4 = new MyXmlLexicalHandler;
QCOMPARE(static_cast<QXmlLexicalHandler *>(var4), obj1.lexicalHandler());
obj1.setLexicalHandler((QXmlLexicalHandler *)0);
QCOMPARE((QXmlLexicalHandler *)0, obj1.lexicalHandler());
delete var4;
// QXmlDeclHandler* QXmlSimpleReader::declHandler()
// void QXmlSimpleReader::setDeclHandler(QXmlDeclHandler*)
MyXmlDeclHandler *var5 = new MyXmlDeclHandler;
QCOMPARE(static_cast<QXmlDeclHandler *>(var5), obj1.declHandler());
obj1.setDeclHandler((QXmlDeclHandler *)0);
QCOMPARE((QXmlDeclHandler *)0, obj1.declHandler());
delete var5;
void tst_QXml::interpretedAs0D() const
/* See task 172632. */
class MyHandler : public QXmlDefaultHandler
virtual bool startElement(const QString &namespaceURI,
const QString &localName,
const QString &qName,
const QXmlAttributes &atts)
attrName = atts.qName(0);
attrCount = atts.count();
return true;
QString attrName;
int attrCount;
const QString document(QLatin1String("<element ") +
QChar(0x010D) +
QLatin1String("reated-by=\"an attr value\"/>"));
QString testFile = QFINDTESTDATA("0x010D.xml");
if (testFile.isEmpty())
QFAIL("Cannot find test file 0x010D.xml!");
QFile f(testFile);
QXmlInputSource data(&f);
QXmlSimpleReader reader;
MyHandler myHandler;
QCOMPARE(myHandler.attrCount, 1);
QCOMPARE(myHandler.attrName, QChar(0x010D) + QString::fromLatin1("reated-by"));
void tst_QXml::exception()
QString message = QString::fromLatin1("message");
int column = 3;
int line = 2;
QString publicId = QString::fromLatin1("publicId");
QString systemId = QString::fromLatin1("systemId");
try {
QXmlParseException e(message, column, line, publicId, systemId);
throw e;
catch (QXmlParseException e) {
QCOMPARE(e.message(), message);
QCOMPARE(e.columnNumber(), column);
QCOMPARE(e.lineNumber(), line);
QCOMPARE(e.publicId(), publicId);
QCOMPARE(e.systemId(), systemId);
#endif // QT_DEPRECATED_SINCE(5, 15)
#include "tst_qxml.moc"