The -mno-direct-extern-access tells the compiler and linker that references to symbols outside this ELF module mustn't be direct and must instead always go through the GOT or PLT (the PLT can additionally be disabled with -fno-plt). The ELF protected visibility tells the compiler and linker that this symbol is present in the dynamic symbol table as an export, but it cannot be interposed by another ELF module. This option is required for user code to link properly to Qt, otherwise they will get linker errors (assuming GNU binutils >= 2.39) or runtime failures (glibc >= 2.35). Both versions of glibc and binutils are older than GCC 12, so it's a safe assumption they are in use and downgrading the toolchain or libc is not supported. Adding this option to the compilation is assured for CMake and qmake-based projects. For example, all accessess to QCoreApplication::self in QtCore, after this change and with GCC 12 are relocation-free and direct: 000000000013ebf0 <QCoreApplicationPrivate::checkInstance(char const*)>: 13ebf0: cmpq $0x0,0x4f73d0(%rip) # 635fc8 <QCoreApplication::self> 13ebf8: setne %al 13ebfb: je a90fe <QCoreApplicationPrivate::checkInstance(char const*) [clone .cold]> 13ec01: ret Meanwhile, accesses to the same variable in other modules are indirect via the GOT: 66650: mov 0x876e1(%rip),%rax # edd38 <QCoreApplication::self@Qt_6> 66657: cmpq $0x0,(%rax) This replaces the -Bsymbolic and -Bsymbolic-functions (broken) functionality that Qt has been using or attempting to use since ~2006. See Change-Id: Iad4b0a3e5c06570b9f5f571b26ed564aa0811e47 Reviewed-by: Alexandru Croitor <> Reviewed-by: Lars Knoll <>
3 lines
86 B
3 lines
86 B
QMAKE_CFLAGS += -mno-direct-extern-access
QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -mno-direct-extern-access