By moving it to QSqlDriverPrivate we make it easier to check what database is actually connected which is particularly useful for the autotests. Change-Id: I54d1c2c998919c1d54efb1b6ac9303070ece54aa Reviewed-by: Mark Brand <mabrand@mabrand.nl>
20 lines
377 B
20 lines
377 B
CONFIG += testcase
CONFIG += parallel_test
TARGET = tst_qsqldriver
SOURCES += tst_qsqldriver.cpp
QT = core sql testlib core-private sql-private
wince*: {
plugFiles.files = ../../../plugins/sqldrivers
plugFiles.path = .
DEPLOYMENT += plugFiles
LIBS += -lws2
} else {
win32-g++* {
LIBS += -lws2_32
} else:win32 {
LIBS += ws2_32.lib