Topi Reinio 0b9e39100b Doc: Add a dependency to qtdoc for qmake manual
qmake manual needs to be able to link to pages in qtdoc module,
for example, to information about Third Party Libraries.

Change-Id: I6ccaa0c3aecc54bd5d76c6b1573c797423048207
Reviewed-by: Leena Miettinen <riitta-leena.miettinen@digia.com>
Reviewed-by: Mitch Curtis <mitch.curtis@digia.com>
Reviewed-by: Jerome Pasion <jerome.pasion@digia.com>
2013-09-11 10:30:23 +02:00

79 lines
1.8 KiB

project = QMake
description = QMake Manual
url = http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-$QT_VER/qmake
qhp.projects = qmake
qhp.qmake.file = qmake.qhp
qhp.qmake.namespace = org.qt-project.qmake.$QT_VERSION_TAG
qhp.qmake.virtualFolder = qmake
qhp.qmake.indexTitle = QMake Manual
qhp.qmake.filterAttributes = qt $QT_VERSION tools qmake
qhp.qmake.customFilters.qmake.name = qmake Manual
qhp.qmake.customFilters.qmake.filterAttributes = qt tools qmake
qhp.qmake.subprojects = manual
qhp.qmake.subprojects.manual.title = Manual
qhp.qmake.subprojects.manual.indexTitle = qmake Manual
qhp.qmake.subprojects.manual.selectors = fake:page
language = Cpp
sources = src/qmake-manual.qdoc
imagedirs = images
exampledirs = snippets
depends += \
activeqt \
qt3d \
qtassistant \
qtbluetooth \
qtconcurrent \
qtcontacts \
qtcore \
qtdbus \
qtdoc \
qtdesigner \
qtfeedback \
qtgraphicaleffects \
qtgui \
qthelp \
qtimageformats \
qtlinguist \
qtlocation \
qtmultimedia \
qtmultimediawidgets \
qtnetwork \
qtopengl \
qtorganizer \
qtprintsupport \
qtpublishsubscribe \
qtqml \
qtquick \
qtquickcontrols \
qtquickcontrolsstyles \
qtquickdialogs \
qtquicklayouts \
qtscript \
qtscripttools \
qtsensors \
qtserialport \
qtserviceframework \
qtsql \
qtsvg \
qtsysteminfo \
qttestlib \
qttools \
qtuitools \
qtversit \
qtwebkit \
qtwebkitexamples \
qtwidgets \
qtwinextras \
qtx11extras \
qtxml \