the string is implicitly anchored, so "foo" does of course not match "no-foo". this allows us to de-noise the generated qfeatures.pri somewhat. it still makes sense not to auto-include that file for performance reasons, so this change is a functional no-op. Change-Id: Ied75fd6459022c0b8c80843d62c4ab9eba9bf261 Reviewed-by: Joerg Bornemann <>
208 lines
7.8 KiB
208 lines
7.8 KiB
# Main projectfile
SUBDIRS += qmake/
cross_compile: CONFIG += nostrip
confclean.depends += clean
confclean.commands =
unix {
confclean.commands += (cd config.tests/unix/stl && $(MAKE) distclean); \
(cd config.tests/unix/ptrsize && $(MAKE) distclean); \
(cd config.tests/x11/notype && $(MAKE) distclean); \
(cd config.tests/unix/getaddrinfo && $(MAKE) distclean); \
(cd config.tests/unix/cups && $(MAKE) distclean); \
(cd config.tests/unix/psql && $(MAKE) distclean); \
(cd config.tests/unix/mysql && $(MAKE) distclean); \
(cd config.tests/unix/mysql_r && $(MAKE) distclean); \
(cd config.tests/unix/nis && $(MAKE) distclean); \
(cd config.tests/unix/iodbc && $(MAKE) distclean); \
(cd config.tests/unix/odbc && $(MAKE) distclean); \
(cd config.tests/unix/oci && $(MAKE) distclean); \
(cd config.tests/unix/tds && $(MAKE) distclean); \
(cd config.tests/unix/db2 && $(MAKE) distclean); \
(cd config.tests/unix/ibase && $(MAKE) distclean); \
(cd config.tests/unix/ipv6ifname && $(MAKE) distclean); \
(cd config.tests/unix/zlib && $(MAKE) distclean); \
(cd config.tests/unix/sqlite2 && $(MAKE) distclean); \
(cd config.tests/unix/libjpeg && $(MAKE) distclean); \
(cd config.tests/unix/libpng && $(MAKE) distclean); \
(cd config.tests/unix/slog2 && $(MAKE) distclean); \
(cd config.tests/unix/lgmon && $(MAKE) distclean); \
(cd config.tests/x11/xcursor && $(MAKE) distclean); \
(cd config.tests/x11/xrender && $(MAKE) distclean); \
(cd config.tests/x11/xrandr && $(MAKE) distclean); \
(cd config.tests/x11/xkb && $(MAKE) distclean); \
(cd config.tests/x11/xinput && $(MAKE) distclean); \
(cd config.tests/x11/fontconfig && $(MAKE) distclean); \
(cd config.tests/x11/xinerama && $(MAKE) distclean); \
(cd config.tests/x11/xshape && $(MAKE) distclean); \
(cd config.tests/x11/opengl && $(MAKE) distclean); \
$(DEL_FILE) config.tests/.qmake.cache; \
$(DEL_FILE) src/corelib/global/qconfig.h; \
$(DEL_FILE) src/corelib/global/qconfig.cpp; \
$(DEL_FILE) mkspecs/qconfig.pri; \
$(DEL_FILE) mkspecs/qdevice.pri; \
$(DEL_FILE) mkspecs/qmodule.pri; \
$(DEL_FILE) .qmake.cache; \
(cd qmake && $(MAKE) distclean);
win32 {
confclean.commands += -$(DEL_FILE) src\\corelib\\global\\qconfig.h $$escape_expand(\\n\\t) \
-$(DEL_FILE) src\\corelib\\global\\qconfig.cpp $$escape_expand(\\n\\t) \
-$(DEL_FILE) mkspecs\\qconfig.pri $$escape_expand(\\n\\t) \
-$(DEL_FILE) mkspecs\\qdevice.pri $$escape_expand(\\n\\t) \
-$(DEL_FILE) mkspecs\\qmodule.pri $$escape_expand(\\n\\t) \
-$(DEL_FILE) .qmake.cache $$escape_expand(\\n\\t) \
(cd qmake && $(MAKE) distclean)
qmakeclean.commands += (cd qmake && $(MAKE) clean)
CLEAN_DEPS += qmakeclean
CONFIG -= qt
### installations ####
qmake.path = $$[QT_HOST_BINS]
equals(QMAKE_HOST.os, Windows) {
qmake.files = $$OUT_PWD/bin/qmake.exe
} else {
qmake.files = $$OUT_PWD/bin/qmake
INSTALLS += qmake
syncqt.path = $$[QT_HOST_BINS]
syncqt.files = $$PWD/bin/
INSTALLS += syncqt
# If we are doing a prefix build, create a "module" pri which enables
# qtPrepareTool() to find the non-installed syncqt.
prefix_build|!equals(PWD, $$OUT_PWD) {
cmd = perl -w $$system_path($$PWD/bin/
TOOL_PRI = $$OUT_PWD/mkspecs/modules/qt_tool_syncqt.pri
TOOL_PRI_CONT = "QT_TOOL.syncqt.binary = $$val_escape(cmd)"
write_file($$TOOL_PRI, TOOL_PRI_CONT)|error("Aborting.")
# Then, inject the new tool into the current cache state
!contains(QMAKE_INTERNAL_INCLUDED_FILES, $$TOOL_PRI) { # before the actual include()!
added = $$TOOL_PRI
cache(QMAKE_INTERNAL_INCLUDED_FILES, add transient, added)
cache(QT_TOOL.syncqt.binary, transient)
# Generate qfeatures.h
features =
lines = $$cat("src/corelib/global/qfeatures.txt", lines)
for (line, lines) {
t = $$replace(line, "^Feature: (\\S+)\\s*$", "\\1")
!isEqual(t, $$line) {
feature = $$t
features += $$t
} else {
t = $$replace(line, "^Requires: (.*)$", "\\1")
!isEqual(t, $$line) {
features.$${feature}.depends = $$replace(t, \\s+$, )
} else {
t = $$replace(line, "^Name: (.*)$", "\\1")
!isEqual(t, $$line) {
features.$${feature}.name = $$replace(t, \\s+$, )
features = $$sort_depends(features, features.)
features = $$reverse(features)
"/*" \
" * All feature dependencies." \
" *" \
" * This list is generated by qmake from <qtbase>/src/corelib/global/qfeatures.txt" \
" */"
for (ft, features) {
!isEmpty(features.$${ft}.depends) {
"$${LITERAL_HASH}if !defined(QT_NO_$$ft) && ($$join($$list($$split(features.$${ft}.depends)), ") || defined(QT_NO_", "defined(QT_NO_", ")"))" \
"$${LITERAL_HASH} define QT_NO_$$ft" \
"contains(QT_DISABLED_FEATURES, "$$lower($$join($$list($$replace(features.$${ft}.depends, _, -)), "|"))"): \\" \
" QT_DISABLED_FEATURES += $$lower($$replace(ft, _, -))"
write_file($$OUT_PWD/src/corelib/global/qfeatures.h, FEATURES_H)|error("Aborting.")
# Create forwarding header
'$${LITERAL_HASH}include "../../src/corelib/global/qfeatures.h"'
write_file($$OUT_PWD/include/QtCore/qfeatures.h, FWD_FEATURES_H)|error("Aborting.")
no_features =
lines = $$cat($$absolute_path($$QT_QCONFIG_PATH, $$PWD/src/corelib/global), lines)
for (line, lines) {
# We ignore all defines that don't follow the #ifndef + indent pattern.
# This makes it possible to have unchecked defines which are no features.
t = $$replace(line, "^$${LITERAL_HASH} define QT_NO_(\\S+)\\s*$", "\\1")
!isEqual(t, $$line) {
isEmpty(features.$${t}.name): \
error("$$QT_QCONFIG_PATH disables unknown feature $$t")
no_features += $$t
for (def, QT_NO_DEFINES) {
!isEmpty(features.$${def}.name): \
no_features += $$def
no_features = $$unique(no_features)
# Don't simply add these to QT_CONFIG, as then one might expect them to be there without load(qfeatures).
# And we don't want to do that automatically, as the dynamic dependency resolution is somewhat expensive.
"$${LITERAL_HASH} Features disabled by configure:" \
"QT_DISABLED_FEATURES =$$lower($$join($$list($$replace(no_features, _, -)), " ", " "))" \
"$$escape_expand(\\n)$${LITERAL_HASH} Dependencies derived from <qtbase>/src/corelib/global/qfeatures.txt:" \
write_file($$OUT_PWD/mkspecs/qfeatures.pri, FEATURES_PRI)|error("Aborting.")
# Create forwarding headers for qconfig.h
'$${LITERAL_HASH}include "../../src/corelib/global/qconfig.h"'
write_file($$OUT_PWD/include/QtCore/qconfig.h, FWD_QCONFIG_H)|error("Aborting.")
'$${LITERAL_HASH}include "qconfig.h"'
write_file($$OUT_PWD/include/QtCore/QtConfig, FWD_QTCONFIG)|error("Aborting.")
mkspecs.path = $$[QT_HOST_DATA]/mkspecs
mkspecs.files = \
$$OUT_PWD/mkspecs/qconfig.pri $$OUT_PWD/mkspecs/qmodule.pri $$OUT_PWD/mkspecs/qdevice.pri $$OUT_PWD/mkspecs/qfeatures.pri \
mkspecs.files -= $$PWD/mkspecs/modules $$PWD/mkspecs/modules-inst
INSTALLS += mkspecs
global_docs.files = $$PWD/doc/global
global_docs.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_DOCS]
INSTALLS += global_docs
configure \
header.BSD \
header.FDL \
header.LGPL \
header.LGPL-ONLY \