Otherwise the application will not scale to the full resolution of the device. We copy the image into the Xcode project, since it's internal to our build system and not meant as a template to be edited by the user. For 5.3 we need to provide a proper qmake/qbs mechanism to handle launch images. Task-number: QTBUG-31431 Change-Id: Ied0b2843a78c5ea865750e0404418ced7ad27082 Reviewed-by: Oswald Buddenhagen <oswald.buddenhagen@digia.com> Reviewed-by: Tor Arne Vestbø <tor.arne.vestbo@digia.com>
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214 lines
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# In case the user sets the SDK manually
contains(QMAKE_MAC_SDK, ^iphonesimulator.*) {
iphonesimulator_and_iphoneos: \
error("iOS simulator is handled automatically for iphonesimulator_and_iphoneos")
CONFIG += iphonesimulator
# Resolve config so we don't need to use CONFIG() later on
CONFIG(iphonesimulator, iphonesimulator|iphoneos) {
CONFIG -= iphoneos
} else {
CONFIG -= iphonesimulator
CONFIG += iphoneos
equals(TEMPLATE, app) {
# If the application uses Qt, it needs to be an application bundle
# to be able to deploy and run on iOS. The only exception to this
# is if you're working with a jailbroken device and can run the
# resulting binary from the console/over SSH, but that's not a
# use-case we care about, so no need to complicate the logic.
qt: CONFIG *= app_bundle
app_bundle {
macx-xcode {
# There is no way to genereate Xcode projects that are limited to either
# simulator or device builds, so iphonesimulator_and_iphoneos is always
# effectivly active, even if the user disabled it explicitly.
# The Xcode generator doesn't support multiple BUILDS though (exclusive
# builds), so we have to manually set up the simulator suffix.
library_suffix_iphonesimulator.name = "$${QMAKE_XCODE_LIBRARY_SUFFIX_SETTING}[sdk=iphonesimulator*]"
library_suffix_iphonesimulator.value = "_iphonesimulator$($${QMAKE_XCODE_LIBRARY_SUFFIX_SETTING})"
QMAKE_MAC_XCODE_SETTINGS += library_suffix_iphonesimulator
CONFIG *= xcode_dynamic_library_suffix
} else {
# For Qt applications we want Xcode project files as the generated output,
# but since qmake doesn't handle the transition between makefiles and Xcode
# project files (which happens when using subdirs), we create a wrapper
# makefile that takes care of generating the Xcode project, and allows
# building by calling out to xcodebuild.
!build_pass {
CONFIG += debug_and_release
CONFIG += iphonesimulator_and_iphoneos
iphonesimulator.name = Simulator
iphoneos.name = Device
addExclusiveBuilds(iphonesimulator, iphoneos)
xcode_distclean.commands = "$(DEL_FILE) -R $${TARGET}.xcodeproj"
xcode_distclean.depends = \
debug-iphonesimulator-distclean debug-iphoneos-distclean \
release-iphonesimulator-distclean release-iphoneos-distclean
QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += xcode_distclean
distclean.depends = xcode_distclean
args =
for(arg, QMAKE_ARGS): \
args += $$system_quote($$arg)
system("cd $$system_quote($$OUT_PWD) && $$QMAKE_QMAKE $$args $$system_quote($$_PRO_FILE_) -spec macx-xcode")
} else {
iphonesimulator: \
sdk = iphonesimulator
else: \
sdk = iphoneos
debug: \
cfg = debug
else: \
cfg = release
for(action, $$list(build install clean)) {
equals(action, build) {
action_target_suffix =
action_target = all
} else {
action_target_suffix = -$$action
action_target = $$action
target = $${sdk}-$${cfg}$${action_target_suffix}
$${target}.commands = "@bash -o pipefail -c 'xcodebuild $$action -sdk $$sdk -configuration $$title($$cfg) | grep -v setenv'"
$${action_target}.depends += $$target
QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS *= $${action_target}
xcode_build_dir_distclean.commands = "$(DEL_FILE) -R $$title($$cfg)-$${sdk}"
xcode_build_dir_distclean.depends = clean
QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += xcode_build_dir_distclean
distclean.depends = xcode_build_dir_distclean
} else: equals(TEMPLATE, lib) {
iphonesimulator.name = Simulator
iphoneos.name = Device
addExclusiveBuilds(iphonesimulator, iphoneos)
iphonesimulator_and_iphoneos:iphonesimulator {
QT_ARCH = i386
QMAKE_MAC_SDK ~= s,^iphoneos,iphonesimulator,
# Since the CPU feature detection done by configure is limited to one
# target at the moment, we disable SIMD support for simulator.
CONFIG -= simd
} else: equals(TEMPLATE, subdirs) {
# Prevent recursion into host_builds
for(subdir, SUBDIRS) {
contains($${subdir}.CONFIG, host_build) {
$${subdir}.CONFIG += no_iphoneos_target no_iphonesimulator_target
# Other targets which we do want to recurse into may depend on this target,
# for example corelib depends on moc, rcc, bootstrap, etc, and other libs
# may depend on host-tools that are needed to build the lib, so we resolve
# the final target name and redirect it to the base target, so that the
# dependency chain is not broken for the other targets.
!isEmpty($${subdir}.target) {
target = $$eval($${subdir}.target)
} else {
!isEmpty($${subdir}.file): \
file = $$eval($${subdir}.file)
else: !isEmpty($${subdir}.subdir): \
file = $$eval($${subdir}.subdir)
else: \
file = $$subdir
target = sub-$$file
target ~= s,[^a-zA-Z0-9_],-,
$${target}-iphonesimulator.depends = $$target
$${target}-iphoneos.depends = $$target
QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += $${target}-iphonesimulator $${target}-iphoneos
QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += iphonesimulator iphoneos
} else: equals(TEMPLATE, aux) {
# Dummy targets for the 'aux' TEMPLATE, so we can always recurse
QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS *= iphonesimulator iphoneos
macx-xcode {
ios_device_family.name = TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY
ios_device_family.value = $$QMAKE_IOS_TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY
QMAKE_MAC_XCODE_SETTINGS += ios_device_family
# Set up default 4-inch iPhone/iPod launch image so that our apps
# support the full screen resolution of those devices.
launch_image = Default-568h@2x.png
copy_image.input = $$QMAKESPEC/$$launch_image
copy_image.output = $$OUT_PWD/$${TARGET}.xcodeproj/$$launch_image
copy_image.CONFIG = verbatim
launch_images.files = $$copy_image.output
QMAKE_BUNDLE_DATA += launch_images
macx-xcode {
arch_iphoneos.name = "ARCHS[sdk=iphoneos*]"
arch_iphoneos.value = $$QMAKE_IOS_DEVICE_ARCHS
arch_iphonesimulator.name = "ARCHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*]"
arch_iphonesimulator.value = $$QMAKE_IOS_SIMULATOR_ARCHS
QMAKE_MAC_XCODE_SETTINGS += arch_iphoneos arch_iphonesimulator
} else {
# Be more specific about which architecture we're targeting
equals(QT_ARCH, arm): \
actual_archs = $$QMAKE_IOS_DEVICE_ARCHS
else: \
for(arch, actual_archs): \
arch_flags += -arch $$arch
QMAKE_CFLAGS += $$arch_flags
QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += $$arch_flags
QMAKE_LFLAGS += $$arch_flags