Only call qdoc for projects which sets the QMAKE_DOCS variable to point to a qdocconf file. Exclude examples/ and tests/ from the qdoc run, by adding no_docs_target to CONFIG for those projects. Change-Id: Ic856c8f19db59309302d0602b3e99735609e525a Reviewed-by: Lars Knoll <> Reviewed-by: Oswald Buddenhagen <> Reviewed-by: Casper van Donderen <>
8 lines
244 B
8 lines
244 B
TEMPLATE = subdirs
CONFIG += no_docs_target
SUBDIRS = auto
# benchmarks in debug mode is rarely sensible
# benchmarks are not sensible for code coverage (here with tool testcocoon)
!testcocoon:contains(QT_CONFIG,release):SUBDIRS += benchmarks