Our conversion from CLDR's format to our own was missing some things it could support sensibly, and some it could do better than ignore or treat as literal, while mis-handling the 'E'-based formats for day names. At least in CLDR v34 this doesn't actually make any difference (on regenerating our locale data, the only change is the date of generation). Task-number: QTBUG-70516 Change-Id: I9d27b9bf24afd168c2f8a5258143d3d695bca0ad Reviewed-by: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@intel.com> Reviewed-by: Konstantin Ritt <ritt.ks@gmail.com>
264 lines
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264 lines
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"""Shared serialization-scanning code for QLocaleXML format.
The Locale class is written by cldr2qlocalexml.py and read by qlocalexml2cpp.py
from xml.sax.saxutils import escape
import xpathlite
# Tools used by Locale:
def camel(seq):
yield seq.next()
for word in seq:
yield word.capitalize()
def camelCase(words):
return ''.join(camel(iter(words)))
def ordStr(c):
if len(c) == 1:
return str(ord(c))
raise xpathlite.Error('Unable to handle value "%s"' % addEscapes(c))
# Fix for a problem with QLocale returning a character instead of
# strings for QLocale::exponential() and others. So we fallback to
# default values in these cases.
def fixOrdStr(c, d):
return str(ord(c if len(c) == 1 else d))
def startCount(c, text): # strspn
"""First index in text where it doesn't have a character in c"""
assert text and text[0] in c
return (j for j, d in enumerate(text) if d not in c).next()
except StopIteration:
return len(text)
def convertFormat(format):
"""Convert date/time format-specier from CLDR to Qt
Match up (as best we can) the differences between:
* https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/tr35-dates.html#Date_Field_Symbol_Table
* QDateTimeParser::parseFormat() and QLocalePrivate::dateTimeToString()
result = ""
i = 0
while i < len(format):
if format[i] == "'":
result += "'"
i += 1
while i < len(format) and format[i] != "'":
result += format[i]
i += 1
if i < len(format):
result += "'"
i += 1
s = format[i:]
if s.startswith('E'): # week-day
n = startCount('E', s)
if n < 3:
result += 'ddd'
elif n == 4:
result += 'dddd'
else: # 5: narrow, 6 short; but should be name, not number :-(
result += 'd' if n < 6 else 'dd'
i += n
elif s[0] in 'ab': # am/pm
# 'b' should distinguish noon/midnight, too :-(
result += "AP"
i += startCount('ab', s)
elif s.startswith('S'): # fractions of seconds: count('S') == number of decimals to show
result += 'z'
i += startCount('S', s)
elif s.startswith('V'): # long time zone specifiers (and a deprecated short ID)
result += 't'
i += startCount('V', s)
elif s[0] in 'zv': # zone
# Should use full name, e.g. "Central European Time", if 'zzzz' :-(
# 'v' should get generic non-location format, e.g. PT for "Pacific Time", no DST indicator
result += "t"
i += startCount('zv', s)
result += format[i]
i += 1
return result
class Locale:
# Tool used during class body (see del below), not method:
def propsMonthDay(lengths=('long', 'short', 'narrow'), scale=('months', 'days')):
for L in lengths:
for S in scale:
yield camelCase((L, S))
yield camelCase(('standalone', L, S))
# Expected to be numbers, read with int():
__asint = ("decimal", "group", "zero",
"list", "percent", "minus", "plus", "exp",
"currencyDigits", "currencyRounding")
# Single character; use the code-point number for each:
__asord = ("quotationStart", "quotationEnd",
"alternateQuotationStart", "alternateQuotationEnd")
# Convert day-name to Qt day-of-week number:
__asdow = ("firstDayOfWeek", "weekendStart", "weekendEnd")
# Convert from CLDR format-strings to QDateTimeParser ones:
__asfmt = ("longDateFormat", "shortDateFormat", "longTimeFormat", "shortTimeFormat")
# Just use the raw text:
__astxt = ("language", "languageEndonym", "script", "country", "countryEndonym",
"listPatternPartStart", "listPatternPartMiddle",
"listPatternPartEnd", "listPatternPartTwo", "am", "pm",
'byte_unit', 'byte_si_quantified', 'byte_iec_quantified',
"currencyIsoCode", "currencySymbol", "currencyDisplayName",
"currencyFormat", "currencyNegativeFormat"
) + tuple(propsMonthDay())
del propsMonthDay
# Day-of-Week numbering used by Qt:
__qDoW = {"mon": 1, "tue": 2, "wed": 3, "thu": 4, "fri": 5, "sat": 6, "sun": 7}
def fromXmlData(cls, lookup):
"""Constructor from the contents of XML elements.
Single parameter, lookup, is called with the names of XML
elements that should contain the relevant data, within a CLDR
locale element (within a localeList element); these names are
used for the attributes of the object constructed. Attribute
values are obtained by suitably digesting the returned element
data = {}
for k in cls.__asint:
data['listDelim' if k == 'list' else k] = int(lookup(k))
for k in cls.__asord:
value = lookup(k)
assert len(value) == 1, \
(k, value, 'value should be exactly one character')
data[k] = ord(value)
for k in cls.__asdow:
data[k] = cls.__qDoW[lookup(k)]
for k in cls.__asfmt:
data[k] = convertFormat(lookup(k))
for k in cls.__astxt:
data[k] = lookup(k)
return cls(data)
def toXml(self, indent=' ', tab=' '):
print indent + '<locale>'
inner = indent + tab
get = lambda k: getattr(self, k)
for key in ('language', 'script', 'country'):
print inner + "<%s>" % key + get(key) + "</%s>" % key
print inner + "<%scode>" % key + get(key + '_code') + "</%scode>" % key
for key in ('decimal', 'group', 'zero'):
print inner + "<%s>" % key + ordStr(get(key)) + "</%s>" % key
for key, std in (('list', ';'), ('percent', '%'),
('minus', '-'), ('plus', '+'), ('exp', 'e')):
print inner + "<%s>" % key + fixOrdStr(get(key), std) + "</%s>" % key
for key in ('language_endonym', 'country_endonym',
'quotationStart', 'quotationEnd',
'alternateQuotationStart', 'alternateQuotationEnd',
'listPatternPartStart', 'listPatternPartMiddle',
'listPatternPartEnd', 'listPatternPartTwo',
'byte_unit', 'byte_si_quantified', 'byte_iec_quantified',
'am', 'pm', 'firstDayOfWeek',
'weekendStart', 'weekendEnd',
'longDateFormat', 'shortDateFormat',
'longTimeFormat', 'shortTimeFormat',
'standaloneLongMonths', 'standaloneShortMonths',
'longMonths', 'shortMonths', 'narrowMonths',
'longDays', 'shortDays', 'narrowDays',
'standaloneLongDays', 'standaloneShortDays', 'standaloneNarrowDays',
'currencyIsoCode', 'currencySymbol', 'currencyDisplayName',
'currencyFormat', 'currencyNegativeFormat'):
ent = camelCase(key.split('_')) if key.endswith('_endonym') else key
print inner + "<%s>%s</%s>" % (ent, escape(get(key)).encode('utf-8'), ent)
for key in ('currencyDigits', 'currencyRounding'):
print inner + "<%s>%d</%s>" % (key, get(key), key)
print indent + "</locale>"
def __init__(self, data=None, **kw):
if data: self.__dict__.update(data)
if kw: self.__dict__.update(kw)
def C(cls,
# Empty entries at end to ensure final separator when join()ed:
months = ('January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July',
'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December', ''),
days = ('Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday',
'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', ''),
quantifiers=('k', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E')):
"""Returns an object representing the C locale."""
return cls(language='C', language_code='0', language_endonym='',
script='AnyScript', script_code='0',
country='AnyCountry', country_code='0', country_endonym='',
decimal='.', group=',', list=';', percent='%',
zero='0', minus='-', plus='+', exp='e',
quotationStart='"', quotationEnd='"',
alternateQuotationStart='\'', alternateQuotationEnd='\'',
listPatternPartStart='%1, %2',
listPatternPartMiddle='%1, %2',
listPatternPartEnd='%1, %2',
listPatternPartTwo='%1, %2',
byte_si_quantified=';'.join(q + 'B' for q in quantifiers),
byte_iec_quantified=';'.join(q.upper() + 'iB' for q in quantifiers),
am='AM', pm='PM', firstDayOfWeek='mon',
weekendStart='sat', weekendEnd='sun',
longDateFormat='EEEE, d MMMM yyyy', shortDateFormat='d MMM yyyy',
longTimeFormat='HH:mm:ss z', shortTimeFormat='HH:mm:ss',
shortMonths=';'.join(m[:3] for m in months),
standaloneShortMonths=';'.join(m[:3] for m in months),
standaloneNarrowMonths=';'.join(m[:1] for m in months),
shortDays=';'.join(d[:3] for d in days),
standaloneShortDays=';'.join(d[:3] for d in days),
standaloneNarrowDays=';'.join(d[:1] for d in days),
currencyIsoCode='', currencySymbol='',
currencyDisplayName=';' * 7,
currencyDigits=2, currencyRounding=1,
currencyFormat='%1%2', currencyNegativeFormat='')