Iikka Eklund be15856f61 Change copyrights from Nokia to Digia
Change copyrights and license headers from Nokia to Digia

Change-Id: If1cc974286d29fd01ec6c19dd4719a67f4c3f00e
Reviewed-by: Lars Knoll <lars.knoll@digia.com>
Reviewed-by: Sergio Ahumada <sergio.ahumada@digia.com>
2012-09-22 19:20:11 +02:00

288 lines
7.8 KiB

** Copyright (C) 2012 Digia Plc and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
** Contact: http://www.qt-project.org/legal
** This file is part of the test suite of the Qt Toolkit.
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** GNU General Public License Usage
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#include <QtTest/QtTest>
#include <qfontdatabase.h>
#include <qfontinfo.h>
#include <qfontmetrics.h>
#ifndef Q_OS_MAC
#include <QtPlatformSupport/private/qbasicfontdatabase_p.h>
class tst_QFontDatabase : public QObject
virtual ~tst_QFontDatabase();
public slots:
void init();
void cleanup();
private slots:
void styles_data();
void styles();
void fixedPitch_data();
void fixedPitch();
#ifdef Q_OS_MAC
void trickyFonts_data();
void trickyFonts();
void widthTwoTimes_data();
void widthTwoTimes();
void addAppFont_data();
void addAppFont();
#ifndef Q_OS_MAC
void fontName();
#ifndef Q_OS_IRIX
void tst_QFontDatabase::init()
// TODO: Add initialization code here.
// This will be executed immediately before each test is run.
void tst_QFontDatabase::cleanup()
// TODO: Add cleanup code here.
// This will be executed immediately after each test is run.
void tst_QFontDatabase::styles_data()
QTest::newRow( "data0" ) << QString( "Times New Roman" );
void tst_QFontDatabase::styles()
QFETCH( QString, font );
QFontDatabase fdb;
QStringList styles = fdb.styles( font );
QStringList::Iterator it = styles.begin();
while ( it != styles.end() ) {
QString style = *it;
QString trimmed = style.trimmed();
QCOMPARE( style, trimmed );
void tst_QFontDatabase::fixedPitch_data()
QTest::newRow( "Times New Roman" ) << QString( "Times New Roman" ) << false;
QTest::newRow( "Arial" ) << QString( "Arial" ) << false;
QTest::newRow( "Andale Mono" ) << QString( "Andale Mono" ) << true;
QTest::newRow( "Courier" ) << QString( "Courier" ) << true;
QTest::newRow( "Courier New" ) << QString( "Courier New" ) << true;
#ifndef Q_OS_MAC
QTest::newRow( "Script" ) << QString( "Script" ) << false;
QTest::newRow( "Lucida Console" ) << QString( "Lucida Console" ) << true;
QTest::newRow( "DejaVu Sans" ) << QString( "DejaVu Sans" ) << false;
QTest::newRow( "DejaVu Sans Mono" ) << QString( "DejaVu Sans Mono" ) << true;
QTest::newRow( "Menlo" ) << QString( "Menlo" ) << true;
QTest::newRow( "Monaco" ) << QString( "Monaco" ) << true;
void tst_QFontDatabase::fixedPitch()
QFETCH(QString, font);
QFETCH(bool, fixedPitch);
QFontDatabase fdb;
if (!fdb.families().contains(font))
QSKIP( "Font not installed");
QCOMPARE(fdb.isFixedPitch(font), fixedPitch);
QFont qfont(font);
QFontInfo fi(qfont);
QCOMPARE(fi.fixedPitch(), fixedPitch);
#ifdef Q_OS_MAC
void tst_QFontDatabase::trickyFonts_data()
QTest::newRow( "Geeza Pro" ) << QString( "Geeza Pro" );
void tst_QFontDatabase::trickyFonts()
QFETCH(QString, font);
QFontDatabase fdb;
if (!fdb.families().contains(font))
QSKIP( "Font not installed");
QFont qfont(font);
QFontInfo fi(qfont);
QCOMPARE(fi.family(), font);
void tst_QFontDatabase::widthTwoTimes_data()
QTest::newRow("Arial") << QString("Arial") << 1000 << QString("Some text");
void tst_QFontDatabase::widthTwoTimes()
QFETCH(QString, font);
QFETCH(int, pixelSize);
QFETCH(QString, text);
QFont f;
QFontMetrics fm(f);
int w1 = fm.charWidth(text, 0);
int w2 = fm.charWidth(text, 0);
QCOMPARE(w1, w2);
void tst_QFontDatabase::addAppFont_data()
QTest::newRow("font file") << false;
QTest::newRow("memory font") << true;
void tst_QFontDatabase::addAppFont()
QFETCH(bool, useMemoryFont);
QSignalSpy fontDbChangedSpy(QGuiApplication::instance(), SIGNAL(fontDatabaseChanged()));
QFontDatabase db;
const QStringList oldFamilies = db.families();
int id;
if (useMemoryFont) {
QFile fontfile("FreeMono.ttf");
QByteArray fontdata = fontfile.readAll();
id = QFontDatabase::addApplicationFontFromData(fontdata);
} else {
id = QFontDatabase::addApplicationFont("FreeMono.ttf");
#if defined(Q_OS_HPUX) && defined(QT_NO_FONTCONFIG)
// Documentation says that X11 systems that don't have fontconfig
// don't support application fonts.
QCOMPARE(id, -1);
QCOMPARE(fontDbChangedSpy.count(), 1);
// addApplicationFont is supported on Mac, don't skip the test if it breaks.
#ifndef Q_OS_MAC
if (id == -1)
QSKIP("Skip the test since app fonts are not supported on this system");
const QStringList addedFamilies = QFontDatabase::applicationFontFamilies(id);
const QStringList newFamilies = db.families();
QVERIFY(newFamilies.count() >= oldFamilies.count());
for (int i = 0; i < addedFamilies.count(); ++i)
QCOMPARE(fontDbChangedSpy.count(), 2);
#ifdef Q_OS_MAC
QEXPECT_FAIL("font file", "QTBUG-23062", Continue);
QCOMPARE(db.families(), oldFamilies);
#ifndef Q_OS_MAC
void tst_QFontDatabase::fontName()
QString fontName = QBasicFontDatabase::fontNameFromTTFile(QStringLiteral("FreeMono.ttf"));
QCOMPARE(fontName, QStringLiteral("FreeMono"));
#include "tst_qfontdatabase.moc"