So far no capabilities (but internetClient for Windows 10) were added by default, which forced developers to always manually edit the WINRT_MANIFEST.capabilities(_device) property. This allowed to leave out non-required capabilities and keep the created manifest clean, examples being microphone for multimedia. However, this also breaks first user experience as deeper knowledge about this topic is required. Furthermore this is inconsistent with other platforms like Android, where all capabilities are set by default and developers need to edit the manifest manually in any case. With this change, modules can define the capability set to enable all features in the module. If developers want to disable some again, they need to adapt the generated manifest. From our experience this needs to be done in any case, latest at publishing stage when the store manipulates the manifest. Task-number: QTBUG-38802 Change-Id: I6d522268ee0afbfa00a30dbdd5e6ec9f415bebf3 Reviewed-by: Oswald Buddenhagen <oswald.buddenhagen@theqtcompany.com>
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# This performs basic variable replacement on the contents of the WinRT manifest template, as
# specified by WINRT_MANIFEST. The resulting manifest file is written to the output directory.
# While the most common options are covered by the default template, the developer is expected
# to make an application-level copy of the template in order to customize the manifest further.
# Afterwards, they can override the default template by assigning their template to WINRT_MANIFEST.
# All subkeys in WINRT_MANIFEST will be replaced if defined/found, so new variables can be easily
# added. The following keys have default values and are present in the default templates:
# WINRT_MANIFEST: The name of the input manifest file. Defaults to a file defined by the mkspec.
# WINRT_MANIFEST.target: The name of the target (.exe). Defaults to TARGET.
# WINRT_MANIFEST.identity: The unique ID of the app. Defaults to reusing the existing generated manifest's UUID, or generates a new UUID if none is present.
# WINRT_MANIFEST.name: The name of the package as displayed to the user. Defaults to TARGET.
# WINRT_MANIFEST.architecture: The target architecture. Defaults to VCPROJ_ARCH.
# WINRT_MANIFEST.version: The version number of the package. Defaults to "".
# WINRT_MANIFEST.publisher: Display name of the publisher. Defaults to "Default publisher display name".
# WINRT_MANIFEST.publisher_id: The publisher's distinguished name (default: CN=MyCN).
# WINRT_MANIFEST.phone_product_id: The GUID of the product. Defaults to the value of WINRT_MANIFEST.identity. (Windows Phone only)
# WINRT_MANIFEST.phone_publisher_id: The GUID of the publisher. Defaults to an invalid GUID. (Windows Phone only)
# WINRT_MANIFEST.description: Package description. Defaults to "Default package description".
# WINRT_MANIFEST.background: Tile background color. Defaults to "green".
# WINRT_MANIFEST.foreground: Tile foreground (text) color (Windows 8/RT only). Defaults to "light".
# WINRT_MANIFEST.logo_store: Logo image file for Windows Store. Default provided by the mkspec.
# WINRT_MANIFEST.logo_small: Small logo image file. Default provided by the mkspec.
# WINRT_MANIFEST.logo_medium: Medium logo image file. Default provided by the mkspec.
# WINRT_MANIFEST.logo_large: Large logo image file. Default provided by the mkspec.
# WINRT_MANIFEST.splash_screen: Splash screen image file. Default provided by the mkspec.
# WINRT_MANIFEST.rotation_preference: Orientation specification. Default is empty. (portrait, landscape, landscapeFlipped)
# WINRT_MANIFEST.iconic_tile_icon: Image file for the "iconic" tile template icon. Default provided by the mkspec.
# WINRT_MANIFEST.iconic_tile_small: Image file for the small "iconic" tile template logo. Default provided by the mkspec.
# WINRT_MANIFEST.default_language: Specifies the default language of the application
# WINRT_MANIFEST.capabilities: Specifies capabilities to add to the capability list.
# WINRT_MANIFEST.capabilities_device: Specifies device capabilities to add to the capability list. (location, webcam...)
# WINRT_MANIFEST.dependencies: Specifies dependencies required by the package.
# The manifest is generated for each build pass for normal apps, and only once for vcapps.
# - Normal apps have their package root directory in the same place as the target (one for each build pass).
# - Visual Studio requires a design-mode manifest in the same location as the vcproj.
if(build_pass:equals(TEMPLATE, "app"))| \
if(!build_pass:equals(TEMPLATE, "vcapp")) {
manifest_file.input = $$WINRT_MANIFEST
contains(TEMPLATE, "vc.*") {
} else {
contains(TEMPLATE, "vc.*"): \
manifest_file.output = $$BUILD_DIR/Package.appxmanifest
else: \
manifest_file.output = $$BUILD_DIR/AppxManifest.xml
# Provide the C-runtime dependency
equals(TEMPLATE, "app") {
VCLIBS = Microsoft.VCLibs.$$replace(MSVC_VER, \\., ).00
winphone: VCLIBS = $${VCLIBS}.Phone
CONFIG(debug, debug|release): \
else: \
contains(MSVC_VER, "14.0"): VCLIBS = "$${VCLIBS}\" MinVersion=\"\" Publisher=\"CN=Microsoft Corporation, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US"
WINRT_MANIFEST.dependencies += $$VCLIBS
# Provide default values for required variables
isEmpty(WINRT_MANIFEST.identity) {
# Reuse the existing UUID if possible
UUID_CACHE = $$OUT_PWD/.qmake.winrt_uuid_$$TARGET
exists($$UUID_CACHE) {
} else {
WINRT_UUID = $$system(uuidgen)
isEmpty(WINRT_UUID): error("Unable to generate a UUID. Make sure uuidgen is in your PATH.")
write_file($$UUID_CACHE, WINRT_UUID)|error("Unable to write the UUID cache; aborting.")
isEmpty(WINRT_MANIFEST.architecture): WINRT_MANIFEST.architecture = $$VCPROJ_ARCH
isEmpty(WINRT_MANIFEST.version): WINRT_MANIFEST.version =
isEmpty(WINRT_MANIFEST.publisher): WINRT_MANIFEST.publisher = Default publisher display name
isEmpty(WINRT_MANIFEST.publisherid): WINRT_MANIFEST.publisherid = CN=$$(USERNAME)
isEmpty(WINRT_MANIFEST.phone_product_id): WINRT_MANIFEST.phone_product_id = $$WINRT_MANIFEST.identity
isEmpty(WINRT_MANIFEST.phone_publisher_id): WINRT_MANIFEST.phone_publisher_id = 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
isEmpty(WINRT_MANIFEST.description): WINRT_MANIFEST.description = Default package description
isEmpty(WINRT_MANIFEST.background): WINRT_MANIFEST.background = green
isEmpty(WINRT_MANIFEST.foreground): WINRT_MANIFEST.foreground = light
isEmpty(WINRT_MANIFEST.default_language): WINRT_MANIFEST.default_language = en
INDENT = "$$escape_expand(\\r\\n) "
winphone: VS_XML_NAMESPACE = "m3"
WINRT_MANIFEST.rotation_preference = $$unique(WINRT_MANIFEST.rotation_preference)
!isEmpty(WINRT_MANIFEST.rotation_preference) {
MANIFEST_ROTATION += "<$${VS_XML_NAMESPACE}:InitialRotationPreference>"
for(ROTATION, WINRT_MANIFEST.rotation_preference): \
MANIFEST_ROTATION += " <$${VS_XML_NAMESPACE}:Rotation Preference=\"$$ROTATION\" />"
MANIFEST_ROTATION += "</$${VS_XML_NAMESPACE}:InitialRotationPreference>"
WINRT_MANIFEST.rotation_preference = $$join(MANIFEST_ROTATION, $$INDENT, $$INDENT)
INDENT = "$$escape_expand(\\r\\n) "
# All Windows 10 applications need to have internetClient. It is also not marked as additional
# capability anymore and is assumed to be standard.
*-msvc2015: WINRT_MANIFEST.capabilities += internetClient
contains(WINRT_MANIFEST.capabilities, defaults) {
WINRT_MANIFEST.capabilities -= defaults
WINRT_MANIFEST.capabilities += $$WINRT_MANIFEST.capabilities_default
contains(WINRT_MANIFEST.capabilities_device, defaults) {
WINRT_MANIFEST.capabilities_device -= defaults
WINRT_MANIFEST.capabilities_device += $$WINRT_MANIFEST.capabilities_device_default
# Capabilities are given as a string list and may change with the configuration (network, sensors, etc.)
WINRT_MANIFEST.capabilities = $$unique(WINRT_MANIFEST.capabilities)
WINRT_MANIFEST.capabilities_device = $$unique(WINRT_MANIFEST.capabilities_device)
!isEmpty(WINRT_MANIFEST.capabilities)|!isEmpty(WINRT_MANIFEST.capabilities_device) {
for(CAPABILITY, WINRT_MANIFEST.capabilities): \
MANIFEST_CAPABILITIES += " <Capability Name=\"$$CAPABILITY\" />"
for(CAPABILITY, WINRT_MANIFEST.capabilities_device): \
MANIFEST_CAPABILITIES += " <DeviceCapability Name=\"$$CAPABILITY\" />"
MANIFEST_CAPABILITIES += "</Capabilities>"
# Dependencies are given as a string list. The CRT dependency is added automatically above.
# For MSVC2015 the dependencies are added in conjunction with TargetDeviceFamily
# Due to the hard coded dependency on "Windows.Universal" the <Dependencies> tag
# is already inside the MSVC2015 manifest.
WINRT_MANIFEST.dependencies = $$unique(WINRT_MANIFEST.dependencies)
!isEmpty(WINRT_MANIFEST.dependencies) {
*-msvc2013: MANIFEST_DEPENDENCIES += "<Dependencies>"
for(DEPENDENCY, WINRT_MANIFEST.dependencies): \
MANIFEST_DEPENDENCIES += " <PackageDependency Name=\"$$DEPENDENCY\" />"
*-msvc2013: MANIFEST_DEPENDENCIES += "</Dependencies>"
# Provide default icons where needed
isEmpty(WINRT_ASSETS_PATH): WINRT_ASSETS_PATH = $$[QT_HOST_DATA/get]/mkspecs/common/winrt_winphone/assets
ICONS_FOUND = $$find(TEMPLATE_CONTENTS, \\\$\\\$\\{WINRT_MANIFEST\\.(logo|tile)_)
ICONS_FOUND ~= s/.*\\\$\\\$\\{WINRT_MANIFEST\\.((logo|tile)_[^\}]+)\\}.*/\\1/g
isEmpty(ICON_FILE) {
equals(ICON_NAME, "logo_310x150"): ICON_FILE = $$eval(WINRT_MANIFEST.logo_wide)
else: equals(ICON_NAME, "logo_150x150"): ICON_FILE = $$eval(WINRT_MANIFEST.logo_large)
# Windows Phone specifics
else: equals(ICON_NAME, "logo_480x800"): ICON_FILE = $$eval(WINRT_MANIFEST.logo_splash)
else: equals(ICON_NAME, "logo_71x71"): ICON_FILE = $$eval(WINRT_MANIFEST.logo_medium)
else: equals(ICON_NAME, "logo_44x44"): ICON_FILE = $$eval(WINRT_MANIFEST.logo_small)
# Windows RT specifics
else: equals(ICON_NAME, "logo_620x300"): ICON_FILE = $$eval(WINRT_MANIFEST.logo_splash)
else: equals(ICON_NAME, "logo_70x70"): ICON_FILE = $$eval(WINRT_MANIFEST.logo_medium)
else: equals(ICON_NAME, "logo_30x30"): ICON_FILE = $$eval(WINRT_MANIFEST.logo_small)
icon_$${ICON_NAME}.input = $$ICON_FILE
icon_$${ICON_NAME}.output = $$BUILD_DIR/assets/$$basename(ICON_FILE)
icon_$${ICON_NAME}.CONFIG = verbatim
WINRT_MANIFEST.$${ICON_NAME} = assets/$$basename(ICON_FILE)
!contains(TEMPLATE, "vc.*") {
winrt_manifest_install.files = $$manifest_file.output
winrt_manifest_install.path = $$target.path
winrt_assets_install.files = $$BUILD_DIR/assets/*
winrt_assets_install.path = $$target.path/assets
INSTALLS += winrt_manifest_install winrt_assets_install
QMAKE_SUBSTITUTES += manifest_file