Lars Knoll 06456873fc Get rid of QT_STRICT_ITERATORS
The concept was a nice idea to avoid accidental detach() calls
in implicitly shared containers, but it conflicts with a C++11
compatible API for them, with signatures for modifying methods
taking a const_iterator as argument and returning an iterator
(e.g. iterator erase(const_iterator)).

Change-Id: Ia33124bedbd260774a0a66f49aedd84e19c9971b
Reviewed-by: Simon Hausmann <simon.hausmann@qt.io>
2019-11-04 12:52:26 +00:00

44 lines
770 B

collections \
containerapisymmetry \
qalgorithms \
qarraydata \
qbitarray \
qcache \
qcommandlineparser \
qcontiguouscache \
qcryptographichash \
qeasingcurve \
qexplicitlyshareddatapointer \
qfreelist \
qhash \
qhashfunctions \
qline \
qlinkedlist \
qmakearray \
qmap \
qmargins \
qmessageauthenticationcode \
qoffsetstringarray \
qpair \
qpoint \
qpointf \
qqueue \
qrect \
qringbuffer \
qscopedpointer \
qscopedvaluerollback \
qscopeguard \
qset \
qsharedpointer \
qsize \
qsizef \
qstl \
qtimeline \
qvarlengtharray \
qvector \
darwin: SUBDIRS += qmacautoreleasepool