Sze Howe Koh 47459d3350 Enable the "#include <QSql>" camel-case header, for the QSql namespace
The sync.profile Perl script will now generate the "QSql" header file
during compilation. By removing the \inheaderfile command, the
documentation will now display the namespace's own name as the header
(i.e. "QSql" in this case).

Previously, the only documented way to include the namespace was to
include the whole module, which is expensive. This change also makes
QSql consistent with other namespaces, such as QSsl and QAudio, which
have their own dedicated camel-case headers.

Part of the Header Consistency Project

Change-Id: Ibb82d442956e767c13b82f1e552aabdf2e8ff110
Reviewed-by: Mark Brand <mabrand@mabrand.nl>
2012-10-27 22:21:46 +02:00

86 lines
3.7 KiB

%modules = ( # path to module name map
"QtGui" => "$basedir/src/gui",
"QtWidgets" => "$basedir/src/widgets",
"QtPrintSupport" => "$basedir/src/printsupport",
"QtOpenGL" => "$basedir/src/opengl",
"QtCore" => "$basedir/src/corelib",
"QtXml" => "$basedir/src/xml",
"QtSql" => "$basedir/src/sql",
"QtNetwork" => "$basedir/src/network",
"QtTest" => "$basedir/src/testlib",
"QtDBus" => "$basedir/src/dbus",
"QtConcurrent" => "$basedir/src/concurrent",
"QtPlatformSupport" => "$basedir/src/platformsupport",
"KHR" => "$basedir/src/3rdparty/angle/include/KHR",
"GLES2" => "$basedir/src/3rdparty/angle/include/GLES2",
"EGL" => "$basedir/src/3rdparty/angle/include/EGL",
%moduleheaders = ( # restrict the module headers to those found in relative path
@allmoduleheadersprivate = (
%classnames = (
"qglobal.h" => "QtGlobal",
"qendian.h" => "QtEndian",
"qconfig.h" => "QtConfig",
"qplugin.h" => "QtPlugin",
"qalgorithms.h" => "QtAlgorithms",
"qcontainerfwd.h" => "QtContainerFwd",
"qdebug.h" => "QtDebug",
"qevent.h" => "QtEvents",
"qnamespace.h" => "Qt",
"qnumeric.h" => "QtNumeric",
"qsql.h" => "QSql",
"qssl.h" => "QSsl",
"qtest.h" => "QTest",
"qtconcurrentmap.h" => "QtConcurrentMap",
"qtconcurrentfilter.h" => "QtConcurrentFilter",
"qtconcurrentrun.h" => "QtConcurrentRun",
%deprecatedheaders = (
"QtGui" => {
"QGenericPlugin" => "QtGui/QGenericPlugin",
"QGenericPluginFactory" => "QtGui/QGenericPluginFactory"
"QtWidgets" => {
"qplatformmenu_qpa.h" => "qpa/qplatformmenu.h",
"QPlatformMenu" => "qpa/qplatformmenu.h",
"QPlatformMenuAction" => "qpa/qplatformmenu.h",
"QPlatformMenuBar" => "qpa/qplatformmenu.h"
"QtPrintSupport" => {
"qplatformprintersupport_qpa.h" => "qpa/qplatformprintersupport.h",
"QPlatformPrinterSupport" => "qpa/qplatformprintersupport.h",
"QPlatformPrinterSupportPlugin" => "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
"qplatformprintplugin_qpa.h" => "qpa/qplatformprintplugin.h",
"QPlatformPrintPlugin" => "qpa/qplatformprintplugin.h"
"QtPlatformSupport" => {
"qplatforminputcontextfactory_qpa_p.h" => "qpa/qplatforminputcontextfactory_p.h",
"qplatforminputcontextplugin_qpa_p.h" => "qpa/qplatforminputcontextplugin_p.h",
"QPlatformInputContextPlugin" => "qpa/qplatforminputcontextplugin_p.h"
%explicitheaders = (
"QtCore" => {
"QVariantHash" => "qvariant.h",
"QVariantList" => "qvariant.h",
"QVariantMap" => "qvariant.h",
@qpa_headers = ( qr/^qplatform/, qr/^qwindowsystem/ );
@ignore_for_include_check = ( "qsystemdetection.h", "qcompilerdetection.h", "qprocessordetection.h" );
@ignore_for_qt_begin_header_check = ( "qiconset.h", "qconfig.h", "qconfig-dist.h", "qconfig-large.h", "qconfig-medium.h", "qconfig-minimal.h", "qconfig-small.h", "qfeatures.h", "qt_windows.h" );
@ignore_for_qt_begin_namespace_check = ( "qconfig.h", "qconfig-dist.h", "qconfig-large.h", "qconfig-medium.h", "qconfig-minimal.h", "qconfig-small.h", "qfeatures.h", "qatomic_arch.h", "qatomic_windowsce.h", "qt_windows.h", "qatomic_macosx.h" );
@ignore_for_qt_module_check = ( "$modules{QtCore}/arch", "$modules{QtCore}/global", "$modules{QtTest}", "$modules{QtDBus}" );
%inject_headers = ( "$basedir/src/corelib/global" => [ "qconfig.h" ] );
# Module dependencies.
# Every module that is required to build this module should have one entry.
# Each of the module version specifiers can take one of the following values:
# - A specific Git revision.
# - any git symbolic ref resolvable from the module's repository (e.g. "refs/heads/master" to track master branch)
%dependencies = (