Jason McDonald ad80d42f8e Remove unused overload of QTest::qExec.
The overload of QTest::qExec() that takes a QStringList is not used
anywhere in Qt's autotests, despite having been in the qtestlib API
since Qt 4.4.

This lack of use most likely derives from the fact that none of the
QTEST_MAIN macros use the overload, and more than 99% of Qt's tests
use those macros to avoid explicitly calling QTest::qExec().

Change-Id: I264b21d7fe1a9f2d565f748cf8bbe32414a73bb0
Reviewed-by: Lars Knoll <lars.knoll@nokia.com>
2011-12-08 03:04:55 +01:00

17 lines
565 B

TEMPLATE = subdirs
SUBDIRS = subtest test warnings maxwarnings cmptest globaldata skip \
strcmp expectfail sleep fetchbogus crashes multiexec failinit failinitdata \
skipinit skipinitdata datetime singleskip assert differentexec \
exceptionthrow datatable commandlinedata \
benchlibwalltime benchlibcallgrind benchlibeventcounter benchlibtickcounter \
benchliboptions xunit badxml longstring float printdatatags \
printdatatagswithglobaltags findtestdata
QT = core
CONFIG += parallel_test