The vast majority is actually switched to QRandomGenerator::bounded(), which gives a mostly uniform distribution over the [0, bound) range. There are very few floating point cases left, as many of those that did use floating point did not need to, after all. (I did leave some that were too ugly for me to understand) This commit also found a couple of calls to rand() instead of qrand(). This commit does not include changes to SSL code that continues to use qrand() (job for someone else): src/network/ssl/qsslkey_qt.cpp src/network/ssl/qsslsocket_mac.cpp tests/auto/network/ssl/qsslsocket/tst_qsslsocket.cpp Change-Id: Icd0e0d4b27cb4e5eb892fffd14b5285d43f4afbf Reviewed-by: Lars Knoll <lars.knoll@qt.io>
853 lines
28 KiB
853 lines
28 KiB
** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
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#include <QtTest/QtTest>
#include <QtNetwork/private/bitstreams_p.h>
#include <QtNetwork/private/hpack_p.h>
#include <QtCore/qbytearray.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
using namespace HPack;
class tst_Hpack: public QObject
private Q_SLOTS:
void bitstreamConstruction();
void bitstreamWrite();
void bitstreamReadWrite();
void bitstreamCompression();
void bitstreamErrors();
void lookupTableConstructor();
void lookupTableStatic_data();
void lookupTableStatic();
void lookupTableDynamic();
void hpackEncodeRequest_data();
void hpackEncodeRequest();
void hpackDecodeRequest_data();
void hpackDecodeRequest();
void hpackEncodeResponse_data();
void hpackEncodeResponse();
void hpackDecodeResponse_data();
void hpackDecodeResponse();
// TODO: more-more-more tests needed!
void hpackEncodeRequest(bool withHuffman);
void hpackEncodeResponse(bool withHuffman);
HttpHeader header1;
std::vector<uchar> buffer1;
BitOStream request1;
HttpHeader header2;
std::vector<uchar> buffer2;
BitOStream request2;
HttpHeader header3;
std::vector<uchar> buffer3;
BitOStream request3;
using StreamError = BitIStream::Error;
: request1(buffer1),
void tst_Hpack::bitstreamConstruction()
const uchar bytes[] = {0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF};
const int size = int(sizeof bytes);
// Default ctors:
std::vector<uchar> buffer;
const BitOStream out(buffer);
QVERIFY(out.bitLength() == 0);
QVERIFY(out.byteLength() == 0);
const BitIStream in;
QVERIFY(in.bitLength() == 0);
QVERIFY(in.streamOffset() == 0);
QVERIFY(in.error() == StreamError::NoError);
// Create istream with some data:
BitIStream in(bytes, bytes + size);
QVERIFY(in.bitLength() == size * 8);
QVERIFY(in.streamOffset() == 0);
QVERIFY(in.error() == StreamError::NoError);
// 'Read' some data back:
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
uchar bitPattern = 0;
const auto bitsRead = in.peekBits(i * 8, 8, &bitPattern);
QVERIFY(bitsRead == 8);
QVERIFY(bitPattern == bytes[i]);
// Copy ctors:
// Ostreams - copy is disabled.
// Istreams:
const BitIStream in1;
const BitIStream in2(in1);
QVERIFY(in2.bitLength() == in1.bitLength());
QVERIFY(in2.streamOffset() == in1.streamOffset());
QVERIFY(in2.error() == StreamError::NoError);
const BitIStream in3(bytes, bytes + size);
const BitIStream in4(in3);
QVERIFY(in4.bitLength() == in3.bitLength());
QVERIFY(in4.streamOffset() == in3.streamOffset());
QVERIFY(in4.error() == StreamError::NoError);
void tst_Hpack::bitstreamWrite()
// Known representations,
// https://http2.github.io/http2-spec/compression.html.
// 5.1 Integer Representation
// Test bit/byte lengths of the
// resulting data:
std::vector<uchar> buffer;
BitOStream out(buffer);
// 11, fits into 8-bit prefix:
QVERIFY(out.bitLength() == 8);
QVERIFY(out.byteLength() == 1);
QVERIFY(out.begin()[0] == 3);
QVERIFY(out.bitLength() == 0);
QVERIFY(out.byteLength() == 0);
// This number does not fit into 8-bit
// prefix we'll need 2 bytes:
QVERIFY(out.byteLength() == 2);
QVERIFY(out.bitLength() == 16);
QVERIFY(out.begin()[0] == 0xff);
QVERIFY(out.begin()[1] == 1);
// See 5.2 String Literal Representation.
// We use Huffman code,
// char 'a' has a prefix code 00011 (5 bits)
out.write(QByteArray("aaa", 3), true);
QVERIFY(out.byteLength() == 3);
QVERIFY(out.bitLength() == 24);
// Now we must have in our stream:
// 10000010 | 00011000| 11000111
const uchar *encoded = out.begin();
QVERIFY(encoded[0] == 0x82);
QVERIFY(encoded[1] == 0x18);
QVERIFY(encoded[2] == 0xC7);
// TODO: add more tests ...
void tst_Hpack::bitstreamReadWrite()
// We can write into the bit stream:
// 1) bit patterns
// 2) integers (see HPACK, 5.1)
// 3) string (see HPACK, 5.2)
std::vector<uchar> buffer;
BitOStream out(buffer);
out.writeBits(0xf, 3);
QVERIFY(out.byteLength() == 1);
QVERIFY(out.bitLength() == 3);
// Now, read it back:
BitIStream in(out.begin(), out.end());
uchar bitPattern = 0;
const auto bitsRead = in.peekBits(0, 3, &bitPattern);
// peekBits pack into the most significant byte/bit:
QVERIFY(bitsRead == 3);
QVERIFY((bitPattern >> 5) == 7);
const quint32 testInt = 133;
// This integer does not fit into the current 5-bit prefix,
// so byteLength == 2.
QVERIFY(out.byteLength() == 2);
const auto bitLength = out.bitLength();
QVERIFY(bitLength > 3);
// Now, read it back:
BitIStream in(out.begin(), out.end());
in.skipBits(3); // Bit pattern
quint32 value = 0;
QVERIFY(in.error() == StreamError::NoError);
QCOMPARE(value, testInt);
const QByteArray testString("ABCDE", 5);
out.write(testString, true); // Compressed
out.write(testString, false); // Non-compressed
QVERIFY(out.byteLength() > 2);
QVERIFY(out.bitLength() > bitLength);
// Now, read it back:
BitIStream in(out.begin(), out.end());
in.skipBits(bitLength); // Bit pattern and integer
QByteArray value;
// Read compressed string first ...
QCOMPARE(value, testString);
QCOMPARE(in.error(), StreamError::NoError);
// Now non-compressed ...
QCOMPARE(value, testString);
QCOMPARE(in.error(), StreamError::NoError);
void tst_Hpack::bitstreamCompression()
// Similar to bitstreamReadWrite but
// writes/reads a lot of mixed strings/integers.
std::vector<std::string> strings;
std::vector<quint32> integers;
std::vector<bool> isA; // integer or string.
const std::string bytes("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789()[]/*");
const unsigned nValues = 100000;
quint64 totalStringBytes = 0;
std::vector<uchar> buffer;
BitOStream out(buffer);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < nValues; ++i) {
const bool isString = QRandomGenerator::global()->bounded(1000) > 500;
if (!isString) {
} else {
const auto start = QRandomGenerator::global()->bounded(uint(bytes.length()) / 2);
auto end = start * 2;
if (!end)
end = bytes.length() / 2;
strings.push_back(bytes.substr(start, end - start));
const auto &s = strings.back();
totalStringBytes += s.size();
QByteArray data(s.c_str(), int(s.size()));
const bool compressed(QRandomGenerator::global()->bounded(1000) > 500);
out.write(data, compressed);
qDebug() << "Compressed(?) byte length:" << out.byteLength()
<< "total string bytes:" << totalStringBytes;
qDebug() << "total integer bytes (for quint32):" << integers.size() * sizeof(quint32);
QVERIFY(out.byteLength() > 0);
QVERIFY(out.bitLength() > 0);
BitIStream in(out.begin(), out.end());
for (unsigned i = 0, iS = 0, iI = 0; i < nValues; ++i) {
if (isA[i]) {
QByteArray data;
QCOMPARE(in.error(), StreamError::NoError);
QCOMPARE(data.toStdString(), strings[iS]);
} else {
quint32 value = 0;
QCOMPARE(in.error(), StreamError::NoError);
QCOMPARE(value, integers[iI]);
void tst_Hpack::bitstreamErrors()
BitIStream in;
quint32 val = 0;
QCOMPARE(in.error(), StreamError::NotEnoughData);
// Integer in a stream, that does not fit into quint32.
const uchar bytes[] = {0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff};
BitIStream in(bytes, bytes + sizeof bytes);
quint32 val = 0;
QCOMPARE(in.error(), StreamError::InvalidInteger);
const uchar byte = 0x82; // 1 - Huffman compressed, 2 - the (fake) byte length.
BitIStream in(&byte, &byte + 1);
QByteArray val;
QCOMPARE(in.error(), StreamError::NotEnoughData);
void tst_Hpack::lookupTableConstructor()
FieldLookupTable nonIndexed(4096, false);
QVERIFY(nonIndexed.dynamicDataSize() == 0);
QVERIFY(nonIndexed.numberOfDynamicEntries() == 0);
QVERIFY(nonIndexed.numberOfStaticEntries() != 0);
QVERIFY(nonIndexed.numberOfStaticEntries() == nonIndexed.numberOfEntries());
// Now we add some fake field and verify what 'non-indexed' means ... no search
// by name.
QVERIFY(nonIndexed.prependField("custom-key", "custom-value"));
// 54: 10 + 12 in name/value pair above + 32 required by HPACK specs ...
QVERIFY(nonIndexed.dynamicDataSize() == 54);
QVERIFY(nonIndexed.numberOfDynamicEntries() == 1);
QCOMPARE(nonIndexed.numberOfEntries(), nonIndexed.numberOfStaticEntries() + 1);
// Should fail to find it (invalid index 0) - search is disabled.
QVERIFY(nonIndexed.indexOf("custom-key", "custom-value") == 0);
// "key" + "value" == 8 bytes, + 32 (HPACK's requirement) == 40.
// Let's ask for a max-size 32 so that entry does not fit:
FieldLookupTable nonIndexed(32, false);
QVERIFY(nonIndexed.prependField("key", "value"));
QVERIFY(nonIndexed.numberOfEntries() == nonIndexed.numberOfStaticEntries());
QVERIFY(nonIndexed.indexOf("key", "value") == 0);
FieldLookupTable indexed(4096, true);
QVERIFY(indexed.dynamicDataSize() == 0);
QVERIFY(indexed.numberOfDynamicEntries() == 0);
QVERIFY(indexed.numberOfStaticEntries() != 0);
QVERIFY(indexed.numberOfStaticEntries() == indexed.numberOfEntries());
QVERIFY(indexed.prependField("custom-key", "custom-value"));
QVERIFY(indexed.dynamicDataSize() == 54);
QVERIFY(indexed.numberOfDynamicEntries() == 1);
QVERIFY(indexed.numberOfEntries() == indexed.numberOfStaticEntries() + 1);
QVERIFY(indexed.indexOf("custom-key") == indexed.numberOfStaticEntries() + 1);
QVERIFY(indexed.indexOf("custom-key", "custom-value") == indexed.numberOfStaticEntries() + 1);
void tst_Hpack::lookupTableStatic_data()
// Some predefined fields to find
// (they are always defined/required by HPACK).
QTest::newRow(":authority|") << QByteArray(":authority") << QByteArray("");
QTest::newRow(":method|GET") << QByteArray(":method") << QByteArray("GET");
QTest::newRow(":method|POST") << QByteArray(":method") << QByteArray("POST");
QTest::newRow(":path|/") << QByteArray(":path") << QByteArray("/");
QTest::newRow(":path|/index.html") << QByteArray(":path") << QByteArray("/index.html");
QTest::newRow(":scheme|http") << QByteArray(":scheme") << QByteArray("http");
QTest::newRow(":scheme|https") << QByteArray(":scheme") << QByteArray("https");
QTest::newRow(":status|200") << QByteArray(":status") << QByteArray("200");
QTest::newRow(":status|204") << QByteArray(":status") << QByteArray("204");
QTest::newRow(":status|206") << QByteArray(":status") << QByteArray("206");
QTest::newRow(":status|304") << QByteArray(":status") << QByteArray("304");
QTest::newRow(":status|400") << QByteArray(":status") << QByteArray("400");
QTest::newRow(":status|404") << QByteArray(":status") << QByteArray("404");
QTest::newRow(":status|500") << QByteArray(":status") << QByteArray("500");
void tst_Hpack::lookupTableStatic()
const FieldLookupTable table(0, false /*all static, no need in 'search index'*/);
QFETCH(QByteArray, expectedName);
QFETCH(QByteArray, expectedValue);
const quint32 index = table.indexOf(expectedName, expectedValue);
QVERIFY(index != 0);
QByteArray name, value;
QVERIFY(table.field(index, &name, &value));
QCOMPARE(name, expectedName);
QCOMPARE(value, expectedValue);
void tst_Hpack::lookupTableDynamic()
// HPACK's table size:
// for every field -> size += field.name.length() + field.value.length() + 32.
// Let's set some size limit and try to fill table with enough entries to have several
// items evicted.
const quint32 tableSize = 8192;
const char stringData[] = "abcdefghijklmnopABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP0123456789()[]:";
const quint32 dataSize = sizeof stringData - 1;
FieldLookupTable table(tableSize, true);
std::vector<QByteArray> fieldsToFind;
quint32 evicted = 0;
while (true) {
// Strings are repeating way too often, I want to
// have at least some items really evicted and not found,
// therefore these weird dances with start/len.
const quint32 start = QRandomGenerator::global()->bounded(dataSize - 10);
quint32 len = QRandomGenerator::global()->bounded(dataSize - start);
if (!len)
len = 1;
const QByteArray val(stringData + start, len);
const quint32 entriesBefore = table.numberOfDynamicEntries();
QVERIFY(table.prependField(val, val));
QVERIFY(table.indexOf(val) == table.indexOf(val, val));
QByteArray fieldName, fieldValue;
table.field(table.indexOf(val), &fieldName, &fieldValue);
QVERIFY(val == fieldName);
QVERIFY(val == fieldValue);
if (table.numberOfDynamicEntries() <= entriesBefore) {
// We had to evict several items ...
evicted += entriesBefore - table.numberOfDynamicEntries() + 1;
if (evicted >= 200)
QVERIFY(table.dynamicDataSize() <= tableSize);
QVERIFY(table.numberOfDynamicEntries() > 0);
QVERIFY(table.indexOf(fieldsToFind.back())); // We MUST have it in a table!
using size_type = std::vector<QByteArray>::size_type;
for (size_type i = 0, e = fieldsToFind.size(); i < e; ++i) {
const auto &val = fieldsToFind[i];
const quint32 index = table.indexOf(val);
if (!index) {
QVERIFY(i < size_type(evicted));
} else {
QVERIFY(index == table.indexOf(val, val));
QByteArray fieldName, fieldValue;
QVERIFY(table.field(index, &fieldName, &fieldValue));
QVERIFY(val == fieldName);
QVERIFY(val == fieldValue);
QVERIFY(table.numberOfDynamicEntries() == 0);
QVERIFY(table.dynamicDataSize() == 0);
QVERIFY(table.indexOf(fieldsToFind.back()) == 0);
QVERIFY(table.prependField("name1", "value1"));
QVERIFY(table.prependField("name2", "value2"));
QVERIFY(table.indexOf("name1") == table.numberOfStaticEntries() + 2);
QVERIFY(table.indexOf("name2", "value2") == table.numberOfStaticEntries() + 1);
QVERIFY(table.indexOf("name1", "value2") == 0);
QVERIFY(table.indexOf("name2", "value1") == 0);
QVERIFY(table.indexOf("name3") == 0);
QVERIFY(!table.indexIsValid(table.numberOfEntries() + 1));
QVERIFY(table.prependField("name1", "value1"));
QVERIFY(table.numberOfDynamicEntries() == 3);
QVERIFY(table.indexOf("name1") != 0);
QVERIFY(table.indexOf("name2") == 0);
QVERIFY(table.indexOf("name1") != 0);
QVERIFY(table.dynamicDataSize() == 0);
QVERIFY(table.numberOfDynamicEntries() == 0);
QVERIFY(table.indexOf("name1") == 0);
void tst_Hpack::hpackEncodeRequest_data()
QTest::newRow("no-string-compression") << false;
QTest::newRow("with-string-compression") << true;
void tst_Hpack::hpackEncodeRequest(bool withHuffman)
// This function uses examples from HPACK specs
// (see appendix).
Encoder encoder(4096, withHuffman);
// HPACK, C.3.1 First Request
:method: GET
:scheme: http
:path: /
:authority: www.example.com
Hex dump of encoded data (without Huffman):
8286 8441 0f77 7777 2e65 7861 6d70 6c65 | ...A.www.example
2e63 6f6d
Hex dump of encoded data (with Huffman):
8286 8441 8cf1 e3c2 e5f2 3a6b a0ab 90f4 ff
header1 = {{":method", "GET"},
{":scheme", "http"},
{":path", "/"},
{":authority", "www.example.com"}};
QVERIFY(encoder.encodeRequest(request1, header1));
QVERIFY(encoder.dynamicTableSize() == 57);
// HPACK, C.3.2 Second Request
Header list to encode:
:method: GET
:scheme: http
:path: /
:authority: www.example.com
cache-control: no-cache
Hex dump of encoded data (without Huffman):
8286 84be 5808 6e6f 2d63 6163 6865
Hex dump of encoded data (with Huffman):
8286 84be 5886 a8eb 1064 9cbf
header2 = {{":method", "GET"},
{":scheme", "http"},
{":path", "/"},
{":authority", "www.example.com"},
{"cache-control", "no-cache"}};
encoder.encodeRequest(request2, header2);
QVERIFY(encoder.dynamicTableSize() == 110);
// HPACK, C.3.3 Third Request
Header list to encode:
:method: GET
:scheme: https
:path: /index.html
:authority: www.example.com
custom-key: custom-value
Hex dump of encoded data (without Huffman):
8287 85bf 400a 6375 7374 6f6d 2d6b 6579
0c63 7573 746f 6d2d 7661 6c75 65
Hex dump of encoded data (with Huffman):
8287 85bf 4088 25a8 49e9 5ba9 7d7f 8925
a849 e95b b8e8 b4bf
header3 = {{":method", "GET"},
{":scheme", "https"},
{":path", "/index.html"},
{":authority", "www.example.com"},
{"custom-key", "custom-value"}};
encoder.encodeRequest(request3, header3);
QVERIFY(encoder.dynamicTableSize() == 164);
void tst_Hpack::hpackEncodeRequest()
QFETCH(bool, compression);
// See comments above about these hex dumps ...
const uchar bytes1NH[] = {0x82, 0x86, 0x84, 0x41,
0x0f, 0x77, 0x77, 0x77,
0x2e, 0x65, 0x78, 0x61,
0x6d, 0x70, 0x6c, 0x65,
0x2e, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6d};
const uchar bytes1WH[] = {0x82, 0x86, 0x84, 0x41,
0x8c, 0xf1, 0xe3, 0xc2,
0xe5, 0xf2, 0x3a, 0x6b,
0xa0, 0xab, 0x90, 0xf4,
const uchar *hexDump1 = compression ? bytes1WH : bytes1NH;
const quint64 byteLength1 = compression ? sizeof bytes1WH : sizeof bytes1NH;
QCOMPARE(request1.byteLength(), byteLength1);
QCOMPARE(request1.bitLength(), byteLength1 * 8);
for (quint32 i = 0, e = request1.byteLength(); i < e; ++i)
QCOMPARE(hexDump1[i], request1.begin()[i]);
const uchar bytes2NH[] = {0x82, 0x86, 0x84, 0xbe,
0x58, 0x08, 0x6e, 0x6f,
0x2d, 0x63, 0x61, 0x63,
0x68, 0x65};
const uchar bytes2WH[] = {0x82, 0x86, 0x84, 0xbe,
0x58, 0x86, 0xa8, 0xeb,
0x10, 0x64, 0x9c, 0xbf};
const uchar *hexDump2 = compression ? bytes2WH : bytes2NH;
const auto byteLength2 = compression ? sizeof bytes2WH : sizeof bytes2NH;
QVERIFY(request2.byteLength() == byteLength2);
QVERIFY(request2.bitLength() == byteLength2 * 8);
for (quint32 i = 0, e = request2.byteLength(); i < e; ++i)
QCOMPARE(hexDump2[i], request2.begin()[i]);
const uchar bytes3NH[] = {0x82, 0x87, 0x85, 0xbf,
0x40, 0x0a, 0x63, 0x75,
0x73, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x6d,
0x2d, 0x6b, 0x65, 0x79,
0x0c, 0x63, 0x75, 0x73,
0x74, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x2d,
0x76, 0x61, 0x6c, 0x75,
const uchar bytes3WH[] = {0x82, 0x87, 0x85, 0xbf,
0x40, 0x88, 0x25, 0xa8,
0x49, 0xe9, 0x5b, 0xa9,
0x7d, 0x7f, 0x89, 0x25,
0xa8, 0x49, 0xe9, 0x5b,
0xb8, 0xe8, 0xb4, 0xbf};
const uchar *hexDump3 = compression ? bytes3WH : bytes3NH;
const quint64 byteLength3 = compression ? sizeof bytes3WH : sizeof bytes3NH;
QCOMPARE(request3.byteLength(), byteLength3);
QCOMPARE(request3.bitLength(), byteLength3 * 8);
for (quint32 i = 0, e = request3.byteLength(); i < e; ++i)
QCOMPARE(hexDump3[i], request3.begin()[i]);
void tst_Hpack::hpackDecodeRequest_data()
QTest::newRow("no-string-compression") << false;
QTest::newRow("with-string-compression") << true;
void tst_Hpack::hpackDecodeRequest()
QFETCH(bool, compression);
Decoder decoder(4096);
BitIStream inputStream1(request1.begin(), request1.end());
QCOMPARE(decoder.dynamicTableSize(), quint32(57));
const auto &decoded = decoder.decodedHeader();
QVERIFY(decoded == header1);
BitIStream inputStream2{request2.begin(), request2.end()};
QCOMPARE(decoder.dynamicTableSize(), quint32(110));
const auto &decoded = decoder.decodedHeader();
QVERIFY(decoded == header2);
BitIStream inputStream3(request3.begin(), request3.end());
QCOMPARE(decoder.dynamicTableSize(), quint32(164));
const auto &decoded = decoder.decodedHeader();
QVERIFY(decoded == header3);
void tst_Hpack::hpackEncodeResponse_data()
void tst_Hpack::hpackEncodeResponse()
QFETCH(bool, compression);
// TODO: we can also test bytes - using hex dumps from HPACK's specs,
// for now only test a table behavior/expected sizes.
void tst_Hpack::hpackEncodeResponse(bool withCompression)
Encoder encoder(256, withCompression); // 256 - this will result in entries evicted.
// HPACK, C.5.1 First Response
Header list to encode:
:status: 302
cache-control: private
date: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:13:21 GMT
location: https://www.example.com
header1 = {{":status", "302"},
{"cache-control", "private"},
{"date", "Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:13:21 GMT"},
{"location", "https://www.example.com"}};
QVERIFY(encoder.encodeResponse(request1, header1));
QCOMPARE(encoder.dynamicTableSize(), quint32(222));
// HPACK, C.5.2 Second Response
The (":status", "302") header field is evicted from the dynamic
table to free space to allow adding the (":status", "307") header field.
Header list to encode:
:status: 307
cache-control: private
date: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:13:21 GMT
location: https://www.example.com
header2 = {{":status", "307"},
{"cache-control", "private"},
{"date", "Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:13:21 GMT"},
{"location", "https://www.example.com"}};
QVERIFY(encoder.encodeResponse(request2, header2));
QCOMPARE(encoder.dynamicTableSize(), quint32(222));
// HPACK, C.5.3 Third Response
Several header fields are evicted from the dynamic table
during the processing of this header list.
Header list to encode:
:status: 200
cache-control: private
date: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:13:22 GMT
location: https://www.example.com
content-encoding: gzip
set-cookie: foo=ASDJKHQKBZXOQWEOPIUAXQWEOIU; max-age=3600; version=1
header3 = {{":status", "200"},
{"cache-control", "private"},
{"date", "Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:13:22 GMT"},
{"location", "https://www.example.com"},
{"content-encoding", "gzip"},
{"set-cookie", "foo=ASDJKHQKBZXOQWEOPIUAXQWEOIU; max-age=3600; version=1"}};
QVERIFY(encoder.encodeResponse(request3, header3));
QCOMPARE(encoder.dynamicTableSize(), quint32(215));
void tst_Hpack::hpackDecodeResponse_data()
void tst_Hpack::hpackDecodeResponse()
QFETCH(bool, compression);
Decoder decoder(256); // This size will result in entries evicted.
BitIStream inputStream1(request1.begin(), request1.end());
QCOMPARE(decoder.dynamicTableSize(), quint32(222));
const auto &decoded = decoder.decodedHeader();
QVERIFY(decoded == header1);
BitIStream inputStream2(request2.begin(), request2.end());
QCOMPARE(decoder.dynamicTableSize(), quint32(222));
const auto &decoded = decoder.decodedHeader();
QVERIFY(decoded == header2);
BitIStream inputStream3(request3.begin(), request3.end());
QCOMPARE(decoder.dynamicTableSize(), quint32(215));
const auto &decoded = decoder.decodedHeader();
QVERIFY(decoded == header3);
#include "tst_hpack.moc"