This is in preparation of deprecating QLinkedList. There is but one substantial change: Instead of copying the linked list, we move it now, and instead of copying items between these two lists, we use std::list::splice(), which just relinks nodes. It is a bit surprising that the comment on the ProValueMapStack suggests references into the container must remain stable, and then some code changes addresses by making copies of the elements. This was probably a bug waiting to manifest itself. Since nothing else in qmake is using QLinkedList now, remove qlinkedlist.o from the qmake build. Change-Id: I08a5b0661466bf50ad8f9f8abf58bc801aef4ddc Reviewed-by: Joerg Bornemann <>
335 lines
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335 lines
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** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Contact:
** This file is part of the qmake application of the Qt Toolkit.
** Commercial License Usage
** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
** and conditions see For further
** information use the contact form at
** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT
** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
** be met:
# error PROEVALUATOR_FULL is incompatible with PROEVALUATOR_THREAD_SAFE due to cache() implementation
#include "qmakeparser.h"
#include "qmakevfs.h"
#include "ioutils.h"
#include <qlist.h>
#include <qmap.h>
#include <qset.h>
#include <qstack.h>
#include <qstring.h>
#include <qstringlist.h>
#include <qshareddata.h>
#if QT_CONFIG(process)
# include <qprocess.h>
# include <qiodevice.h>
# include <qmutex.h>
#include <list>
class QMakeGlobals;
class QMAKE_EXPORT QMakeHandler : public QMakeParserHandler
enum {
SourceEvaluator = 0x10,
CumulativeEvalMessage = 0x1000,
EvalWarnLanguage = SourceEvaluator | WarningMessage | WarnLanguage,
EvalWarnDeprecated = SourceEvaluator | WarningMessage | WarnDeprecated,
EvalError = ErrorMessage | SourceEvaluator
// error(), warning() and message() from .pro file
virtual void fileMessage(int type, const QString &msg) = 0;
enum EvalFileType { EvalProjectFile, EvalIncludeFile, EvalConfigFile, EvalFeatureFile, EvalAuxFile };
virtual void aboutToEval(ProFile *parent, ProFile *proFile, EvalFileType type) = 0;
virtual void doneWithEval(ProFile *parent) = 0;
typedef QPair<QString, QString> QMakeFeatureKey; // key, parent
typedef QHash<QMakeFeatureKey, QString> QMakeFeatureHash;
class QMAKE_EXPORT QMakeFeatureRoots : public QSharedData
QMakeFeatureRoots(const QStringList &_paths) : paths(_paths) {}
const QStringList paths;
mutable QMakeFeatureHash cache;
mutable QMutex mutex;
// We use a list-based stack instead of a vector-based one, so that
// the addresses of value maps stay constant. The qmake generators rely on that.
class QMAKE_EXPORT ProValueMapStack : public std::list<ProValueMap>
inline void push(const ProValueMap &t) { push_back(t); }
inline ProValueMap pop() { auto r = std::move(back()); pop_back(); return r; }
ProValueMap &top() { return back(); }
const ProValueMap &top() const { return back(); }
namespace QMakeInternal { struct QMakeBuiltin; }
class QMAKE_EXPORT QMakeEvaluator
enum LoadFlag {
LoadProOnly = 0,
LoadPreFiles = 1,
LoadPostFiles = 2,
LoadAll = LoadPreFiles|LoadPostFiles,
LoadSilent = 0x10,
LoadHidden = 0x20
Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(LoadFlags, LoadFlag)
static void initStatics();
static void initFunctionStatics();
QMakeEvaluator(QMakeGlobals *option, QMakeParser *parser, QMakeVfs *vfs,
QMakeHandler *handler);
void setExtraVars(const ProValueMap &extraVars) { m_extraVars = extraVars; }
void setExtraConfigs(const ProStringList &extraConfigs) { m_extraConfigs = extraConfigs; }
void setOutputDir(const QString &outputDir) { m_outputDir = outputDir; }
ProStringList values(const ProKey &variableName) const;
ProStringList &valuesRef(const ProKey &variableName);
ProString first(const ProKey &variableName) const;
ProString propertyValue(const ProKey &val) const;
ProString dirSep() const { return m_dirSep; }
bool isHostBuild() const { return m_hostBuild; }
enum VisitReturn {
static ALWAYS_INLINE VisitReturn returnBool(bool b)
{ return b ? ReturnTrue : ReturnFalse; }
static ALWAYS_INLINE uint getBlockLen(const ushort *&tokPtr);
VisitReturn evaluateExpression(const ushort *&tokPtr, ProStringList *ret, bool joined);
static ALWAYS_INLINE void skipStr(const ushort *&tokPtr);
static ALWAYS_INLINE void skipHashStr(const ushort *&tokPtr);
void skipExpression(const ushort *&tokPtr);
void loadDefaults();
bool prepareProject(const QString &inDir);
bool loadSpecInternal();
bool loadSpec();
void initFrom(const QMakeEvaluator *other);
void setupProject();
void evaluateCommand(const QString &cmds, const QString &where);
void applyExtraConfigs();
VisitReturn visitProFile(ProFile *pro, QMakeHandler::EvalFileType type,
LoadFlags flags);
VisitReturn visitProBlock(ProFile *pro, const ushort *tokPtr);
VisitReturn visitProBlock(const ushort *tokPtr);
VisitReturn visitProLoop(const ProKey &variable, const ushort *exprPtr,
const ushort *tokPtr);
void visitProFunctionDef(ushort tok, const ProKey &name, const ushort *tokPtr);
VisitReturn visitProVariable(ushort tok, const ProStringList &curr, const ushort *&tokPtr);
ALWAYS_INLINE const ProKey &map(const ProString &var) { return map(var.toKey()); }
const ProKey &map(const ProKey &var);
ProValueMap *findValues(const ProKey &variableName, ProValueMap::Iterator *it);
void setTemplate();
ProStringList split_value_list(const QStringRef &vals, int source = 0);
VisitReturn expandVariableReferences(const ushort *&tokPtr, int sizeHint, ProStringList *ret, bool joined);
QString currentFileName() const;
QString currentDirectory() const;
ProFile *currentProFile() const;
int currentFileId() const;
QString resolvePath(const QString &fileName) const
{ return QMakeInternal::IoUtils::resolvePath(currentDirectory(), fileName); }
QString filePathArg0(const ProStringList &args);
QString filePathEnvArg0(const ProStringList &args);
VisitReturn evaluateFile(const QString &fileName, QMakeHandler::EvalFileType type,
LoadFlags flags);
VisitReturn evaluateFileChecked(const QString &fileName, QMakeHandler::EvalFileType type,
LoadFlags flags);
VisitReturn evaluateFeatureFile(const QString &fileName, bool silent = false);
VisitReturn evaluateFileInto(const QString &fileName,
ProValueMap *values, // output-only
LoadFlags flags);
VisitReturn evaluateConfigFeatures();
void message(int type, const QString &msg) const;
void evalError(const QString &msg) const
{ message(QMakeHandler::EvalError, msg); }
void languageWarning(const QString &msg) const
{ message(QMakeHandler::EvalWarnLanguage, msg); }
void deprecationWarning(const QString &msg) const
{ message(QMakeHandler::EvalWarnDeprecated, msg); }
VisitReturn prepareFunctionArgs(const ushort *&tokPtr, QList<ProStringList> *ret);
VisitReturn evaluateFunction(const ProFunctionDef &func,
const QList<ProStringList> &argumentsList, ProStringList *ret);
VisitReturn evaluateBoolFunction(const ProFunctionDef &func,
const QList<ProStringList> &argumentsList,
const ProString &function);
VisitReturn evaluateExpandFunction(const ProKey &function, const ushort *&tokPtr, ProStringList *ret);
VisitReturn evaluateConditionalFunction(const ProKey &function, const ushort *&tokPtr);
VisitReturn evaluateBuiltinExpand(const QMakeInternal::QMakeBuiltin &adef,
const ProKey &function, const ProStringList &args, ProStringList &ret);
VisitReturn evaluateBuiltinConditional(const QMakeInternal::QMakeBuiltin &adef,
const ProKey &function, const ProStringList &args);
VisitReturn evaluateConditional(const QStringRef &cond, const QString &where, int line = -1);
VisitReturn checkRequirements(const ProStringList &deps);
void updateMkspecPaths();
void updateFeaturePaths();
bool isActiveConfig(const QStringRef &config, bool regex = false);
void populateDeps(
const ProStringList &deps, const ProString &prefix, const ProStringList &suffixes,
const ProString &priosfx,
QHash<ProKey, QSet<ProKey> > &dependencies, ProValueMap &dependees,
QMultiMap<int, ProString> &rootSet) const;
bool getMemberArgs(const ProKey &name, int srclen, const ProStringList &args,
int *start, int *end);
VisitReturn parseJsonInto(const QByteArray &json, const QString &into, ProValueMap *value);
VisitReturn writeFile(const QString &ctx, const QString &fn, QIODevice::OpenMode mode,
QMakeVfs::VfsFlags flags, const QString &contents);
#if QT_CONFIG(process)
void runProcess(QProcess *proc, const QString &command) const;
QByteArray getCommandOutput(const QString &args, int *exitCode) const;
// Implementation detail of evaluateBuiltinConditional():
VisitReturn testFunc_cache(const ProStringList &args);
QMakeEvaluator *m_caller;
bool m_cumulative;
int m_skipLevel;
enum { m_cumulative = 0 };
enum { m_skipLevel = 0 };
static QString quoteValue(const ProString &val);
void debugMsgInternal(int level, const char *fmt, ...) const;
void traceMsgInternal(const char *fmt, ...) const;
static QString formatValue(const ProString &val, bool forceQuote = false);
static QString formatValueList(const ProStringList &vals, bool commas = false);
static QString formatValueListList(const QList<ProStringList> &vals);
const int m_debugLevel;
ALWAYS_INLINE void debugMsgInternal(int, const char *, ...) const {}
ALWAYS_INLINE void traceMsgInternal(const char *, ...) const {}
enum { m_debugLevel = 0 };
struct Location {
Location() : pro(nullptr), line(0) {}
Location(ProFile *_pro, ushort _line) : pro(_pro), line(_line) {}
void clear() { pro = nullptr; line = 0; }
ProFile *pro;
ushort line;
Location m_current; // Currently evaluated location
QStack<Location> m_locationStack; // All execution location changes
QStack<ProFile *> m_profileStack; // Includes only
ProValueMap m_extraVars;
ProStringList m_extraConfigs;
QString m_outputDir;
int m_listCount;
int m_toggle;
bool m_valuemapInited;
bool m_hostBuild;
QString m_qmakespec;
QString m_qmakespecName;
QString m_superfile;
QString m_conffile;
QString m_cachefile;
QString m_stashfile;
QString m_sourceRoot;
QString m_buildRoot;
QStringList m_qmakepath;
QStringList m_qmakefeatures;
QStringList m_mkspecPaths;
QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QMakeFeatureRoots> m_featureRoots;
ProString m_dirSep;
ProFunctionDefs m_functionDefs;
ProStringList m_returnValue;
ProValueMapStack m_valuemapStack; // VariableName must be us-ascii, the content however can be non-us-ascii.
QString m_tmp1, m_tmp2, m_tmp3, m_tmp[2]; // Temporaries for efficient toQString
QMakeGlobals *m_option;
QMakeParser *m_parser;
QMakeHandler *m_handler;
QMakeVfs *m_vfs;