Fredrik Ålund 0efd8854c4 A QtSql driver for Mimer SQL
The QtSql for Mimer SQL sqldriver makes it possible to work with the
Mimer SQL database on different plattforms. There are drivers for
several other databases in QtSql and a driver for Mimer SQL will
benefit many users.
To build the Mimer SQL driver, download Mimer SQL from

Added a QtSql plugin to work with the Mimer SQL database

Fixes: QTBUG-111219
Change-Id: Id6ba5de4de01189d0516ffbfa89efcb0d013115f
Reviewed-by: Qt CI Bot <qt_ci_bot@qt-project.org>
Reviewed-by: Volker Hilsheimer <volker.hilsheimer@qt.io>
2023-02-20 14:18:18 +00:00

533 lines
18 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0
/* possible connection parameters */
#include <QSqlDatabase>
#include <QSqlDriver>
#include <QSqlError>
#include <QSqlQuery>
#include <QRegularExpression>
#include <QRegularExpressionMatch>
#include <QDir>
#include <QScopedPointer>
#include <QVariant>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QSqlTableModel>
#include <QJsonArray>
#include <QJsonObject>
#include <QJsonDocument>
#include <QtSql/private/qsqldriver_p.h>
#include <QTest>
#define CHECK_DATABASE( db ) \
if ( !db.isValid() ) { qFatal( "db is Invalid" ); }
#define QVERIFY_SQL(q, stmt) QVERIFY2((q).stmt, tst_Databases::printError((q).lastError(), db))
#define QFAIL_SQL(q, stmt) QVERIFY2(!(q).stmt, tst_Databases::printError((q).lastError(), db))
#define DBMS_SPECIFIC(db, driver) \
if (!db.driverName().startsWith(driver)) { QSKIP(driver " specific test"); }
// ### use QSystem::hostName if it is integrated in qtest/main
static QString qGetHostName()
static QString hostname;
if (hostname.isEmpty()) {
hostname = QSysInfo::machineHostName();
hostname.replace(QLatin1Char( '.' ), QLatin1Char( '_' ));
hostname.replace(QLatin1Char( '-' ), QLatin1Char( '_' ));
return hostname;
inline QString fixupTableName(const QString &tableName, QSqlDatabase db)
QString tbName = tableName;
// On Oracle we are limited to 30 character tablenames
QSqlDriverPrivate *d = static_cast<QSqlDriverPrivate *>(QObjectPrivate::get(db.driver()));
if (d && d->dbmsType == QSqlDriver::Oracle)
// On Interbase we are limited to 31 character tablenames
if (d && d->dbmsType == QSqlDriver::Interbase)
return tbName;
// to prevent nameclashes on our database server, each machine
// will use its own set of table names. Call this function to get
// "tablename_hostname"
inline static QString qTableName(const QString &prefix, const char *sourceFileName,
QSqlDatabase db, bool escape = true)
const auto tableStr = fixupTableName(QString(QLatin1String("dbtst") + db.driverName() + "_" +
prefix + QString::number(qHash(QLatin1String(sourceFileName) +
"_" + qGetHostName().replace("-", "_")), 16)), db);
return escape ? db.driver()->escapeIdentifier(tableStr, QSqlDriver::TableName) : tableStr;
inline static QString qTableName(const QString& prefix, QSqlDatabase db)
QString tableStr;
if (db.driverName().toLower().contains("ODBC"))
tableStr += QLatin1String("_odbc");
return fixupTableName(QString(db.driver()->escapeIdentifier(prefix + tableStr + QLatin1Char('_') +
qGetHostName(), QSqlDriver::TableName)),db);
inline static QString toHex( const QString& binary )
QString str;
static char const hexchars[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
for ( int i = 0; i < binary.size(); i++ ) {
ushort code = binary.at(i).unicode();
str += (QChar)(hexchars[ (code >> 12) & 0x0F ]);
str += (QChar)(hexchars[ (code >> 8) & 0x0F ]);
str += (QChar)(hexchars[ (code >> 4) & 0x0F ]);
str += (QChar)(hexchars[ code & 0x0F ]);
return str;
class tst_Databases
tst_Databases(): counter( 0 )
// returns a testtable consisting of the names of all database connections if
// driverPrefix is empty, otherwise only those that start with driverPrefix.
int fillTestTable( const QString& driverPrefix = QString() ) const
QTest::addColumn<QString>( "dbName" );
int count = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < dbNames.size(); ++i ) {
QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::database( dbNames.at( i ) );
if ( !db.isValid() )
if ( driverPrefix.isEmpty() || db.driverName().startsWith( driverPrefix ) ) {
QTest::newRow( dbNames.at( i ).toLatin1() ) << dbNames.at( i );
return count;
int fillTestTableWithStrategies( const QString& driverPrefix = QString() ) const
QTest::addColumn<QString>( "dbName" );
int count = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < dbNames.size(); ++i ) {
QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::database( dbNames.at( i ) );
if ( !db.isValid() )
if ( driverPrefix.isEmpty() || db.driverName().startsWith( driverPrefix ) ) {
QTest::newRow( QString("%1 [field]").arg(dbNames.at( i )).toLatin1() ) << dbNames.at( i ) << (int)QSqlTableModel::OnFieldChange;
QTest::newRow( QString("%1 [row]").arg(dbNames.at( i )).toLatin1() ) << dbNames.at( i ) << (int)QSqlTableModel::OnRowChange;
QTest::newRow( QString("%1 [manual]").arg(dbNames.at( i )).toLatin1() ) << dbNames.at( i ) << (int)QSqlTableModel::OnManualSubmit;
return count;
void addDb( const QString& driver, const QString& dbName,
const QString& user = QString(), const QString& passwd = QString(),
const QString& host = QString(), int port = -1, const QString params = QString() )
QSqlDatabase db;
if ( !QSqlDatabase::drivers().contains( driver ) ) {
qWarning() << "Driver" << driver << "is not installed";
// construct a stupid unique name
QString cName = QString::number( counter++ ) + QLatin1Char('_') + driver + QLatin1Char('@');
cName += host.isEmpty() ? dbName : host;
if ( port > 0 )
cName += QLatin1Char(':') + QString::number( port );
if (driver == "QSQLITE") {
// Since the database for sqlite is generated at runtime it's always
// available, but we use QTempDir so it's always in a different
// location. Thus, let's ignore the path completely.
cName = "SQLite";
qInfo("SQLite will use the database located at %ls", qUtf16Printable(dbName));
db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase( driver, cName );
if ( !db.isValid() ) {
qWarning( "Could not create database object" );
db.setDatabaseName( dbName );
db.setUserName( user );
db.setPassword( passwd );
db.setHostName( host );
db.setPort( port );
db.setConnectOptions( params );
dbNames.append( cName );
bool addDbs()
// Test databases can be defined in a file using the following format:
// {
// "entries": [
// {
// "driver": "QPSQL",
// "name": "testdb",
// "username": "postgres",
// "password": "password",
// "hostname": "localhost",
// "port": 5432,
// "parameters": "extraoptions"
// },
// {
// ....
// }
// ]
// }
bool added = false;
const QString databasesFile(qgetenv("QT_TEST_DATABASES_FILE"));
QFile f(databasesFile.isEmpty() ? "testdbs.json" : databasesFile);
if (f.exists() && f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
const QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(f.readAll());
const QJsonValue entriesV = doc.object().value(QLatin1String("entries"));
if (!entriesV.isArray()) {
qWarning() << "No entries in " + f.fileName();
} else {
const QJsonArray entriesA = entriesV.toArray();
QJsonArray::const_iterator it = entriesA.constBegin();
while (it != entriesA.constEnd()) {
if ((*it).isObject()) {
const QJsonObject object = (*it).toObject();
added = true;
QTemporaryDir *sqLiteDir = dbDir();
if (sqLiteDir) {
addDb(QStringLiteral("QSQLITE"), QDir::toNativeSeparators(sqLiteDir->path() + QStringLiteral("/sqlite.db")));
added = true;
return added;
// 'false' return indicates a system error, for example failure to create a temporary directory.
bool open()
if (!addDbs())
return false;
QStringList::Iterator it = dbNames.begin();
while ( it != dbNames.end() ) {
QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::database(( *it ), false );
qDebug() << "Opening:" << (*it);
if ( db.isValid() && !db.isOpen() ) {
if ( !db.open() ) {
qWarning( "tst_Databases: Unable to open %s on %s:\n%s", qPrintable( db.driverName() ), qPrintable( *it ), qPrintable( db.lastError().databaseText() ) );
// well... opening failed, so we just ignore the server, maybe it is not running
it = dbNames.erase( it );
} else {
return true;
void close()
for ( QStringList::Iterator it = dbNames.begin(); it != dbNames.end(); ++it ) {
QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::database(( *it ), false );
if ( db.isValid() && db.isOpen() )
QSqlDatabase::removeDatabase(( *it ) );
// for debugging only: outputs the connection as string
static QString dbToString( const QSqlDatabase db )
QString res = db.driverName() + QLatin1Char('@');
if ( db.driverName().startsWith( "QODBC" ) || db.driverName().startsWith( "QOCI" ) ) {
res += db.databaseName();
} else {
res += db.hostName();
if ( db.port() > 0 ) {
res += QLatin1Char(':') + QString::number( db.port() );
return res;
// drop a table only if it exists to prevent warnings
static void safeDropTables( QSqlDatabase db, const QStringList& tableNames )
bool wasDropped;
QSqlQuery q( db );
QStringList dbtables=db.tables();
QSqlDriver::DbmsType dbType = getDatabaseType(db);
foreach(const QString &tableName, tableNames)
wasDropped = true;
QString table=tableName;
if ( db.driver()->isIdentifierEscaped(table, QSqlDriver::TableName))
table = db.driver()->stripDelimiters(table, QSqlDriver::TableName);
if ( dbtables.contains( table, Qt::CaseInsensitive ) ) {
foreach(const QString &table2, dbtables.filter(table, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
if(table2.compare(table.section('.', -1, -1), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) {
table=db.driver()->escapeIdentifier(table2, QSqlDriver::TableName);
if (dbType == QSqlDriver::PostgreSQL || dbType == QSqlDriver::MimerSQL)
wasDropped = q.exec( "drop table " + table + " cascade");
wasDropped = q.exec( "drop table " + table);
if ( !wasDropped ) {
qWarning() << dbToString(db) << "unable to drop table" << tableName << ':' << q.lastError();
// qWarning() << "last query:" << q.lastQuery();
// qWarning() << "dbtables:" << dbtables;
// qWarning() << "db.tables():" << db.tables();
static void safeDropTable( QSqlDatabase db, const QString& tableName )
safeDropTables(db, QStringList() << tableName);
static void safeDropViews( QSqlDatabase db, const QStringList &viewNames )
if ( isMSAccess( db ) ) // Access is sooo stupid.
safeDropTables( db, viewNames );
bool wasDropped;
QSqlQuery q( db );
QStringList dbtables=db.tables(QSql::Views);
foreach(QString viewName, viewNames)
wasDropped = true;
QString view=viewName;
if ( db.driver()->isIdentifierEscaped(view, QSqlDriver::TableName))
view = db.driver()->stripDelimiters(view, QSqlDriver::TableName);
if ( dbtables.contains( view, Qt::CaseInsensitive ) ) {
foreach(const QString &view2, dbtables.filter(view, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
if(view2.compare(view.section('.', -1, -1), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) {
view=db.driver()->escapeIdentifier(view2, QSqlDriver::TableName);
wasDropped = q.exec( "drop view " + view);
if ( !wasDropped )
qWarning() << dbToString(db) << "unable to drop view" << viewName << ':' << q.lastError();
// << "\nlast query:" << q.lastQuery()
// << "\ndbtables:" << dbtables
// << "\ndb.tables(QSql::Views):" << db.tables(QSql::Views);
// returns the type name of the blob datatype for the database db.
// blobSize is only used if the db doesn't have a generic blob type
static QString blobTypeName( QSqlDatabase db, int blobSize = 10000 )
const QSqlDriver::DbmsType dbType = getDatabaseType(db);
if (dbType == QSqlDriver::MySqlServer)
return "longblob";
if (dbType == QSqlDriver::PostgreSQL)
return "bytea";
if (dbType == QSqlDriver::Sybase
|| dbType == QSqlDriver::MSSqlServer
|| isMSAccess( db ) )
return "image";
if (dbType == QSqlDriver::DB2)
return QString( "blob(%1)" ).arg( blobSize );
if (dbType == QSqlDriver::Interbase)
return QString( "blob sub_type 0 segment size 4096" );
if (dbType == QSqlDriver::Oracle
|| dbType == QSqlDriver::SQLite)
return "blob";
qDebug() << "tst_Databases::blobTypeName: Don't know the blob type for" << dbToString( db );
return "blob";
static QString dateTimeTypeName(QSqlDatabase db)
const QSqlDriver::DbmsType dbType = tst_Databases::getDatabaseType(db);
if (dbType == QSqlDriver::PostgreSQL)
return QLatin1String("timestamptz");
if (dbType == QSqlDriver::Oracle && getOraVersion(db) >= 9)
return QLatin1String("timestamp(0)");
if (dbType == QSqlDriver::Interbase || dbType == QSqlDriver::MimerSQL)
return QLatin1String("timestamp");
return QLatin1String("datetime");
static QString timeTypeName(QSqlDatabase db)
const QSqlDriver::DbmsType dbType = tst_Databases::getDatabaseType(db);
if (dbType == QSqlDriver::Oracle && getOraVersion(db) >= 9)
return QLatin1String("timestamp(0)");
return QLatin1String("time");
static QString dateTypeName(QSqlDatabase db)
const QSqlDriver::DbmsType dbType = tst_Databases::getDatabaseType(db);
if (dbType == QSqlDriver::Oracle && getOraVersion(db) >= 9)
return QLatin1String("timestamp(0)");
return QLatin1String("date");
static QString autoFieldName( QSqlDatabase db )
const QSqlDriver::DbmsType dbType = tst_Databases::getDatabaseType(db);
if (dbType == QSqlDriver::MySqlServer)
if (dbType == QSqlDriver::Sybase || dbType == QSqlDriver::MSSqlServer)
return "IDENTITY";
/* if (dbType == QSqlDriver::PostgreSQL)
return "SERIAL";*/
// if (dbType == QSqlDriver::DB2)
return QString();
static QByteArray printError(const QSqlError &err)
QString result;
if (!err.nativeErrorCode().isEmpty())
result += u'(' + err.nativeErrorCode() + ") ";
result += u'\'';
if (!err.driverText().isEmpty())
result += err.driverText() + "' || '";
result += err.databaseText() + u'\'';
return result.toLocal8Bit();
static QByteArray printError(const QSqlError &err, const QSqlDatabase &db)
return dbToString(db).toLocal8Bit() + ": " + printError(err);
static QSqlDriver::DbmsType getDatabaseType(QSqlDatabase db)
return db.driver()->dbmsType();
static bool isMSAccess( QSqlDatabase db )
return db.databaseName().contains( "Access Driver", Qt::CaseInsensitive );
// -1 on fail, else Oracle version
static int getOraVersion( QSqlDatabase db )
int ver = -1;
QSqlQuery q( "SELECT banner FROM v$version", db );
QRegularExpression vers("([0-9]+)\\.[0-9\\.]+[0-9]");
QRegularExpressionMatch match = vers.match(q.value(0).toString());
if (match.hasMatch()) {
bool ok;
ver = match.captured(1).toInt(&ok);
if (!ok)
ver = -1;
return ver;
QStringList dbNames;
int counter;
QTemporaryDir *dbDir()
if (m_dbDir.isNull()) {
m_dbDir.reset(new QTemporaryDir);
if (!m_dbDir->isValid()) {
qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Unable to create a temporary directory: " << QDir::toNativeSeparators(m_dbDir->path());
return m_dbDir.data();
QScopedPointer<QTemporaryDir> m_dbDir;