Add the navigation.landingpage variable to the qdocconf file. Task-number: QTBUG-42965 Change-Id: Ia5ee411fc0dbd5cd8c2d238f346b0f1818b54289 Reviewed-by: Friedemann Kleint <> Reviewed-by: Topi Reiniö <>
78 lines
1.7 KiB
78 lines
1.7 KiB
project = QMake
description = QMake Manual
qhp.projects = qmake
qhp.qmake.file = qmake.qhp
qhp.qmake.namespace = org.qt-project.qmake.$QT_VERSION_TAG
qhp.qmake.virtualFolder = qmake
qhp.qmake.indexTitle = QMake Manual
qhp.qmake.filterAttributes = qt $QT_VERSION tools qmake
| = qmake Manual
qhp.qmake.customFilters.qmake.filterAttributes = qt tools qmake
qhp.qmake.subprojects = manual
qhp.qmake.subprojects.manual.title = Manual
qhp.qmake.subprojects.manual.indexTitle = qmake Manual
qhp.qmake.subprojects.manual.selectors = fake:page
language = Cpp
sources = src/qmake-manual.qdoc
imagedirs = images
exampledirs = snippets
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navigation.landingpage = "qmake Manual"