Previously the hardware and camera button handler were guarded inside a Q_OS_WINPHONE which does not apply to Windows 10. Instead use WINAPI_PARTITION_FAMILY like on other places, this covers Windows Phone 8.1 as well as Windows 10. To find windows.phone.ui.input.h at build time the Mobile Extension directory needs to be added to the include paths inside qmake. On runtime we need to check whether we have hardware buttons or not. In case they exist, register the handlers, otherwise skip registration. Skipping also helps to keep WACK succeeding. Task-number: QTBUG-50427 Change-Id: Ibeae15dbde12553cebd2b73b1a40b754c014f426 Reviewed-by: Oliver Wolff <oliver.wolff@theqtcompany.com>
657 lines
30 KiB
657 lines
30 KiB
** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Contact: http://www.qt.io/licensing/
** This file is part of the qmake application of the Qt Toolkit.
** Commercial License Usage
** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
** and conditions see http://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further
** information use the contact form at http://www.qt.io/contact-us.
** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
** General Public License version 2.1 or version 3 as published by the Free
** Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPLv21 and
** LICENSE.LGPLv3 included in the packaging of this file. Please review the
** following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License
** requirements will be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html and
** http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
** As a special exception, The Qt Company gives you certain additional
** rights. These rights are described in The Qt Company LGPL Exception
** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
#include "msvc_nmake.h"
#include "option.h"
#include "cesdkhandler.h"
#include <qregexp.h>
#include <qdir.h>
#include <qdiriterator.h>
#include <qset.h>
#include <windows/registry_p.h>
#include <time.h>
static QString nmakePathList(const QStringList &list)
QStringList pathList;
foreach (const QString &path, list)
return QDir::toNativeSeparators(pathList.join(QLatin1Char(';')))
.replace('#', QStringLiteral("^#")).replace('$', QStringLiteral("$$"));
NmakeMakefileGenerator::NmakeMakefileGenerator() : Win32MakefileGenerator(), usePCH(false)
NmakeMakefileGenerator::writeMakefile(QTextStream &t)
if (writeDummyMakefile(t))
return true;
if(project->first("TEMPLATE") == "app" ||
project->first("TEMPLATE") == "lib" ||
project->first("TEMPLATE") == "aux") {
#if 0
return MakefileGenerator::writeStubMakefile(t);
if (!project->isHostBuild()) {
const ProValueMap &variables = project->variables();
if (project->isActiveConfig("wince")) {
CeSdkHandler sdkhandler;
const QString sdkName = variables["CE_SDK"].join(' ')
+ " (" + variables["CE_ARCH"].join(' ') + ")";
const QList<CeSdkInfo> sdkList = sdkhandler.listAll();
CeSdkInfo sdk;
foreach (const CeSdkInfo &info, sdkList) {
if (info.name().compare(sdkName, Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0) {
sdk = info;
if (sdk.isValid()) {
t << "\nINCLUDE = " << sdk.includePath();
t << "\nLIB = " << sdk.libPath();
t << "\nPATH = " << sdk.binPath() << "\n";
} else {
QStringList sdkStringList;
foreach (const CeSdkInfo &info, sdkList)
sdkStringList << info.name();
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to find Windows CE SDK matching %s, found: %s\n"
"SDK needs to be specified in mkspec (using: %s/qmake.conf)\n"
"SDK name needs to match the following format: CE_SDK (CE_ARCH)\n",
qPrintable(sdkName), qPrintable(sdkStringList.join(", ")),
return false;
} else if (project->isActiveConfig(QStringLiteral("winrt"))) {
QString arch = project->first("VCPROJ_ARCH").toQString().toLower();
QString compiler;
QString compilerArch;
if (arch == QStringLiteral("arm")) {
compiler = QStringLiteral("x86_arm");
compilerArch = QStringLiteral("arm");
} else if (arch == QStringLiteral("x64")) {
const ProStringList hostArch = project->values("QMAKE_TARGET.arch");
if (hostArch.contains("x86_64"))
compiler = QStringLiteral("amd64");
compiler = QStringLiteral("x86_amd64");
compilerArch = QStringLiteral("amd64");
} else {
arch = QStringLiteral("x86");
const QString msvcVer = project->first("MSVC_VER").toQString();
if (msvcVer.isEmpty()) {
fprintf(stderr, "Mkspec does not specify MSVC_VER. Cannot continue.\n");
return false;
const QString winsdkVer = project->first("WINSDK_VER").toQString();
if (winsdkVer.isEmpty()) {
fprintf(stderr, "Mkspec does not specify WINSDK_VER. Cannot continue.\n");
return false;
const QString targetVer = project->first("WINTARGET_VER").toQString();
if (targetVer.isEmpty()) {
fprintf(stderr, "Mkspec does not specify WINTARGET_VER. Cannot continue.\n");
return false;
const bool isPhone = project->isActiveConfig(QStringLiteral("winphone"));
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
QString regKey = QStringLiteral("Software\\Microsoft\\VisualStudio\\") + msvcVer + ("\\Setup\\VC\\ProductDir");
const QString vcInstallDir = qt_readRegistryKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, regKey, KEY_WOW64_32KEY);
if (vcInstallDir.isEmpty()) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to find the Visual Studio installation directory.\n");
return false;
QString windowsPath;
if (isPhone) {
windowsPath = "Software\\Microsoft\\Microsoft SDKs\\WindowsPhoneApp\\v";
} else {
windowsPath = "Software\\Microsoft\\Microsoft SDKs\\Windows\\v";
regKey = windowsPath + winsdkVer + QStringLiteral("\\InstallationFolder");
const QString kitDir = qt_readRegistryKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, regKey, KEY_WOW64_32KEY);
if (kitDir.isEmpty()) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to find the Windows Kit installation directory.\n");
return false;
const QString vcInstallDir = "/fake/vc_install_dir";
const QString kitDir = "/fake/sdk_install_dir";
#endif // Q_OS_WIN
QStringList incDirs;
QStringList libDirs;
QStringList binDirs;
if (msvcVer == QStringLiteral("14.0")) {
binDirs << vcInstallDir + QStringLiteral("bin/") + compiler;
binDirs << vcInstallDir + QStringLiteral("bin/"); // Maybe remove for x86 again?
binDirs << kitDir + QStringLiteral("bin/") + (arch == QStringLiteral("arm") ? QStringLiteral("x86") : arch);
binDirs << vcInstallDir + QStringLiteral("../Common7/Tools/bin");
binDirs << vcInstallDir + QStringLiteral("../Common7/Tools");
binDirs << vcInstallDir + QStringLiteral("../Common7/ide");
binDirs << kitDir + QStringLiteral("Windows Performance Toolkit/");
incDirs << vcInstallDir + QStringLiteral("include");
incDirs << vcInstallDir + QStringLiteral("atlmfc/include");
const QString crtVersion = qgetenv("UCRTVersion");
if (crtVersion.isEmpty()) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to access CRT version.\n");
return false;
const QString crtInclude = kitDir + QStringLiteral("Include/") + crtVersion;
const QString crtLib = kitDir + QStringLiteral("Lib/") + crtVersion;
incDirs << crtInclude + QStringLiteral("/ucrt");
incDirs << crtInclude + QStringLiteral("/um");
incDirs << crtInclude + QStringLiteral("/shared");
incDirs << crtInclude + QStringLiteral("/winrt");
incDirs << kitDir + QStringLiteral("Extension SDKs/WindowsMobile/")
+ crtVersion + QStringLiteral("/Include/WinRT");
libDirs << vcInstallDir + QStringLiteral("lib/store/") + compilerArch;
libDirs << vcInstallDir + QStringLiteral("atlmfc/lib") + compilerArch;
libDirs << crtLib + QStringLiteral("/ucrt/") + arch;
libDirs << crtLib + QStringLiteral("/um/") + arch;
} else if (isPhone) {
QString sdkDir = vcInstallDir;
if (!QDir(sdkDir).exists()) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to find the Windows Phone SDK in %s.\n"
"Check that it is properly installed.\n",
return false;
incDirs << sdkDir + QStringLiteral("/include");
libDirs << sdkDir + QStringLiteral("/lib/store/") + compilerArch
<< sdkDir + QStringLiteral("/lib/") + compilerArch;
binDirs << sdkDir + QStringLiteral("/bin/") + compiler;
libDirs << kitDir + QStringLiteral("/lib/") + arch;
incDirs << kitDir + QStringLiteral("/include")
<< kitDir + QStringLiteral("/include/abi")
<< kitDir + QStringLiteral("/include/mincore")
<< kitDir + QStringLiteral("/include/minwin");
} else {
incDirs << vcInstallDir + QStringLiteral("/include");
libDirs << vcInstallDir + QStringLiteral("/lib/store/") + compilerArch
<< vcInstallDir + QStringLiteral("/lib/") + compilerArch;
binDirs << vcInstallDir + QStringLiteral("/bin/") + compiler
<< vcInstallDir + QStringLiteral("/../Common7/IDE");
libDirs << kitDir + QStringLiteral("/Lib/") + targetVer + ("/um/") + arch;
incDirs << kitDir + QStringLiteral("/include/um")
<< kitDir + QStringLiteral("/include/shared")
<< kitDir + QStringLiteral("/include/winrt");
binDirs << vcInstallDir + QStringLiteral("/bin");
// Inherit PATH
binDirs << QString::fromLocal8Bit(qgetenv("PATH")).split(QLatin1Char(';'));
t << "\nINCLUDE = " << nmakePathList(incDirs);
t << "\nLIB = " << nmakePathList(libDirs);
t << "\nPATH = " << nmakePathList(binDirs) << '\n';
return MakefileGenerator::writeMakefile(t);
else if(project->first("TEMPLATE") == "subdirs") {
return true;
return false;
void NmakeMakefileGenerator::writeSubMakeCall(QTextStream &t, const QString &callPrefix,
const QString &makeArguments)
// Pass MAKEFLAGS as environment variable to sub-make calls.
// Unlike other make tools nmake doesn't do this automatically.
t << "\n\t@set MAKEFLAGS=$(MAKEFLAGS)";
Win32MakefileGenerator::writeSubMakeCall(t, callPrefix, makeArguments);
QString NmakeMakefileGenerator::defaultInstall(const QString &t)
if((t != "target" && t != "dlltarget") ||
(t == "dlltarget" && (project->first("TEMPLATE") != "lib" || !project->isActiveConfig("shared"))) ||
project->first("TEMPLATE") == "subdirs")
return QString();
QString ret = Win32MakefileGenerator::defaultInstall(t);
const QString root = "$(INSTALL_ROOT)";
ProStringList &uninst = project->values(ProKey(t + ".uninstall"));
QString targetdir = fileFixify(project->first(ProKey(t + ".path")).toQString(), FileFixifyAbsolute);
if(targetdir.right(1) != Option::dir_sep)
targetdir += Option::dir_sep;
if (project->isActiveConfig("debug_info")) {
if (t == "dlltarget" || project->values(ProKey(t + ".CONFIG")).indexOf("no_dll") == -1) {
QString pdb_target = project->first("TARGET") + project->first("TARGET_VERSION_EXT") + ".pdb";
QString src_targ = (project->isEmpty("DESTDIR") ? QString("$(DESTDIR)") : project->first("DESTDIR")) + pdb_target;
QString dst_targ = filePrefixRoot(root, fileFixify(targetdir + pdb_target, FileFixifyAbsolute));
ret += "\n\t";
ret += QString("-$(INSTALL_FILE) ") + escapeFilePath(src_targ) + ' ' + escapeFilePath(dst_targ);
uninst.append("-$(DEL_FILE) " + escapeFilePath(dst_targ));
return ret;
QStringList &NmakeMakefileGenerator::findDependencies(const QString &file)
QStringList &aList = MakefileGenerator::findDependencies(file);
for(QStringList::Iterator it = Option::cpp_ext.begin(); it != Option::cpp_ext.end(); ++it) {
if(file.endsWith(*it)) {
if(!precompObj.isEmpty() && !aList.contains(precompObj))
aList += precompObj;
return aList;
void NmakeMakefileGenerator::writeNmakeParts(QTextStream &t)
// precompiled header
if(usePCH) {
QString precompRule = QString("-c -Yc -Fp%1 -Fo%2")
.arg(escapeFilePath(precompPch), escapeFilePath(precompObj));
t << escapeDependencyPath(precompObj) << ": " << escapeDependencyPath(precompH) << ' '
<< escapeDependencyPaths(findDependencies(precompH)).join(" \\\n\t\t")
<< "\n\t$(CXX) " + precompRule +" $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -TP "
<< escapeFilePath(precompH) << endl << endl;
QString NmakeMakefileGenerator::var(const ProKey &value) const
if (usePCH) {
if ((value == "QMAKE_RUN_CXX_IMP_BATCH"
|| value == "QMAKE_RUN_CXX_IMP"
|| value == "QMAKE_RUN_CXX")) {
QFileInfo precompHInfo(fileInfo(precompH));
QString precompH_f = escapeFilePath(precompHInfo.fileName());
QString precompRule = QString("-c -FI%1 -Yu%2 -Fp%3")
.arg(precompH_f, precompH_f, escapeFilePath(precompPch));
QString p = MakefileGenerator::var(value);
p.replace("-c", precompRule);
// Cannot use -Gm with -FI & -Yu, as this gives an
// internal compiler error, on the newer compilers
// ### work-around for a VS 2003 bug. Move to some prf file or remove completely.
return p;
} else if (value == "QMAKE_CXXFLAGS") {
// Remove internal compiler error option
// ### work-around for a VS 2003 bug. Move to some prf file or remove completely.
return MakefileGenerator::var(value).remove("-Gm");
// Normal val
return MakefileGenerator::var(value);
void NmakeMakefileGenerator::init()
/* this should probably not be here, but I'm using it to wrap the .t files */
if(project->first("TEMPLATE") == "app")
else if(project->first("TEMPLATE") == "lib")
else if(project->first("TEMPLATE") == "subdirs") {
project->values("QMAKE_LIBS") += project->values("RES_FILE");
if (!project->values("DEF_FILE").isEmpty()) {
QString defFileName = fileFixify(project->first("DEF_FILE").toQString());
project->values("QMAKE_LFLAGS").append(QString("/DEF:") + escapeFilePath(defFileName));
// set /VERSION for EXE/DLL header
ProString major_minor = project->first("VERSION_PE_HEADER");
if (major_minor.isEmpty()) {
ProString version = project->first("VERSION");
if (!version.isEmpty()) {
int firstDot = version.indexOf(".");
int secondDot = version.indexOf(".", firstDot + 1);
major_minor = version.left(secondDot);
if (!major_minor.isEmpty())
project->values("QMAKE_LFLAGS").append("/VERSION:" + major_minor);
if (project->isEmpty("QMAKE_LINK_O_FLAG"))
// Base class init!
// Setup PCH variables
precompH = project->first("PRECOMPILED_HEADER").toQString();
usePCH = !precompH.isEmpty() && project->isActiveConfig("precompile_header");
if (usePCH) {
// Created files
precompObj = var("PRECOMPILED_DIR") + project->first("TARGET") + "_pch" + Option::obj_ext;
precompPch = var("PRECOMPILED_DIR") + project->first("TARGET") + "_pch.pch";
// Add linking of precompObj (required for whole precompiled classes)
project->values("OBJECTS") += precompObj;
// Add pch file to cleanup
project->values("QMAKE_CLEAN") += precompPch;
// Return to variable pool
project->values("PRECOMPILED_OBJECT") = ProStringList(precompObj);
project->values("PRECOMPILED_PCH") = ProStringList(precompPch);
ProString tgt = project->first("DESTDIR")
+ project->first("TARGET") + project->first("TARGET_VERSION_EXT");
if(project->isActiveConfig("shared")) {
project->values("QMAKE_CLEAN").append(tgt + ".exp");
project->values("QMAKE_DISTCLEAN").append(tgt + ".lib");
if (project->isActiveConfig("debug_info")) {
QString pdbfile = tgt + ".pdb";
QString escapedPdbFile = escapeFilePath(pdbfile);
project->values("QMAKE_CFLAGS").append("/Fd" + escapedPdbFile);
project->values("QMAKE_CXXFLAGS").append("/Fd" + escapedPdbFile);
if (project->isActiveConfig("debug")) {
project->values("QMAKE_CLEAN").append(tgt + ".ilk");
project->values("QMAKE_CLEAN").append(tgt + ".idb");
} else {
ProStringList &defines = project->values("DEFINES");
if (!defines.contains("NDEBUG"))
QStringList NmakeMakefileGenerator::sourceFilesForImplicitRulesFilter()
QStringList filter;
const QChar wildcard = QLatin1Char('*');
foreach (const QString &ext, Option::c_ext)
filter << wildcard + ext;
foreach (const QString &ext, Option::cpp_ext)
filter << wildcard + ext;
return filter;
void NmakeMakefileGenerator::writeImplicitRulesPart(QTextStream &t)
t << "####### Implicit rules\n\n";
t << ".SUFFIXES:";
for(QStringList::Iterator cit = Option::c_ext.begin(); cit != Option::c_ext.end(); ++cit)
t << " " << (*cit);
for(QStringList::Iterator cppit = Option::cpp_ext.begin(); cppit != Option::cpp_ext.end(); ++cppit)
t << " " << (*cppit);
t << endl << endl;
bool useInferenceRules = !project->isActiveConfig("no_batch");
QSet<QString> source_directories;
if (useInferenceRules) {
static const char * const directories[] = { "UI_SOURCES_DIR", "UI_DIR", 0 };
for (int y = 0; directories[y]; y++) {
QString dirTemp = project->first(directories[y]).toQString();
if (dirTemp.endsWith("\\"))
static const char * const srcs[] = { "SOURCES", "GENERATED_SOURCES", 0 };
for (int x = 0; srcs[x]; x++) {
const ProStringList &l = project->values(srcs[x]);
for (ProStringList::ConstIterator sit = l.begin(); sit != l.end(); ++sit) {
QString sep = "\\";
if((*sit).indexOf(sep) == -1)
sep = "/";
QString dir = (*sit).toQString().section(sep, 0, -2);
if (!dir.isEmpty())
// nmake's inference rules might pick up the wrong files when encountering source files with
// the same name in different directories. In this situation, turn inference rules off.
QHash<QString, QString> fileNames;
bool duplicatesFound = false;
const QStringList sourceFilesFilter = sourceFilesForImplicitRulesFilter();
QStringList fixifiedSourceDirs = fileFixify(source_directories.toList(), FileFixifyAbsolute);
foreach (const QString &sourceDir, fixifiedSourceDirs) {
QDirIterator dit(sourceDir, sourceFilesFilter, QDir::Files | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot);
while (dit.hasNext()) {
QString &duplicate = fileNames[dit.fileName()];
if (duplicate.isNull()) {
duplicate = dit.filePath();
} else {
warn_msg(WarnLogic, "%s conflicts with %s", qPrintable(duplicate),
duplicatesFound = true;
if (duplicatesFound) {
useInferenceRules = false;
warn_msg(WarnLogic, "Automatically turning off nmake's inference rules. (CONFIG += no_batch)");
if (useInferenceRules) {
// Batchmode doesn't use the non implicit rules QMAKE_RUN_CXX & QMAKE_RUN_CC
foreach (const QString &sourceDir, source_directories) {
if (sourceDir.isEmpty())
QString objDir = var("OBJECTS_DIR");
if (objDir == ".\\")
objDir = "";
for(QStringList::Iterator cppit = Option::cpp_ext.begin(); cppit != Option::cpp_ext.end(); ++cppit)
t << '{' << escapeDependencyPath(sourceDir) << '}' << (*cppit)
<< '{' << escapeDependencyPath(objDir) << '}' << Option::obj_ext << "::\n\t"
<< var("QMAKE_RUN_CXX_IMP_BATCH").replace(QRegExp("\\$@"), fileVar("OBJECTS_DIR"))
<< "\n\t$<\n<<\n\n";
for(QStringList::Iterator cit = Option::c_ext.begin(); cit != Option::c_ext.end(); ++cit)
t << '{' << escapeDependencyPath(sourceDir) << '}' << (*cit)
<< '{' << escapeDependencyPath(objDir) << '}' << Option::obj_ext << "::\n\t"
<< var("QMAKE_RUN_CC_IMP_BATCH").replace(QRegExp("\\$@"), fileVar("OBJECTS_DIR"))
<< "\n\t$<\n<<\n\n";
} else {
for(QStringList::Iterator cppit = Option::cpp_ext.begin(); cppit != Option::cpp_ext.end(); ++cppit)
t << (*cppit) << Option::obj_ext << ":\n\t" << var("QMAKE_RUN_CXX_IMP") << endl << endl;
for(QStringList::Iterator cit = Option::c_ext.begin(); cit != Option::c_ext.end(); ++cit)
t << (*cit) << Option::obj_ext << ":\n\t" << var("QMAKE_RUN_CC_IMP") << endl << endl;
void NmakeMakefileGenerator::writeBuildRulesPart(QTextStream &t)
const ProString templateName = project->first("TEMPLATE");
t << "first: all\n";
t << "all: " << escapeDependencyPath(fileFixify(Option::output.fileName()))
<< ' ' << depVar("ALL_DEPS") << " $(DESTDIR_TARGET)\n\n";
t << "$(DESTDIR_TARGET): " << depVar("PRE_TARGETDEPS") << " $(OBJECTS) " << depVar("POST_TARGETDEPS");
t << "\n\t" <<var("QMAKE_PRE_LINK");
if(project->isActiveConfig("staticlib")) {
t << "\n\t$(LIBAPP) $(LIBFLAGS) " << var("QMAKE_LINK_O_FLAG") << "$(DESTDIR_TARGET) @<<\n\t "
<< "$(OBJECTS)"
<< "\n<<";
} else if (templateName != "aux") {
const bool embedManifest = ((templateName == "app" && project->isActiveConfig("embed_manifest_exe"))
|| (templateName == "lib" && project->isActiveConfig("embed_manifest_dll")
&& !(project->isActiveConfig("plugin") && project->isActiveConfig("no_plugin_manifest"))
if (embedManifest) {
bool generateManifest = false;
const QString target = var("DEST_TARGET");
QString manifest = project->first("QMAKE_MANIFEST").toQString();
QString extraLFlags;
const bool linkerSupportsEmbedding = (msvcVersion() >= 1200);
if (manifest.isEmpty()) {
generateManifest = true;
if (linkerSupportsEmbedding) {
extraLFlags = "/MANIFEST:embed";
} else {
manifest = target + ".embed.manifest";
extraLFlags += "/MANIFEST /MANIFESTFILE:" + escapeFilePath(manifest);
project->values("QMAKE_CLEAN") << manifest;
} else {
manifest = fileFixify(manifest);
const QString resourceId = (templateName == "app") ? "1" : "2";
const bool incrementalLinking = project->values("QMAKE_LFLAGS").toQStringList().filter(QRegExp("(/|-)INCREMENTAL:NO")).isEmpty();
if (incrementalLinking && !linkerSupportsEmbedding) {
// Link a resource that contains the manifest without modifying the exe/dll after linking.
QString manifest_rc = target + "_manifest.rc";
QString manifest_res = target + "_manifest.res";
project->values("QMAKE_CLEAN") << manifest_rc << manifest_res;
manifest_rc = escapeFilePath(manifest_rc);
manifest_res = escapeFilePath(manifest_res);
t << "\n\techo " << resourceId
<< cQuoted(manifest) << '>' << manifest_rc;
if (generateManifest) {
manifest = escapeFilePath(manifest);
QString manifest_bak = escapeFilePath(target + "_manifest.bak");
t << "\n\tif not exist $(DESTDIR_TARGET) if exist " << manifest
<< " del " << manifest;
t << "\n\tif exist " << manifest << " copy /Y " << manifest << ' ' << manifest_bak;
const QString extraInlineFileContent = "\n!IF EXIST(" + manifest_res + ")\n" + manifest_res + "\n!ENDIF";
t << "\n\t";
writeLinkCommand(t, extraLFlags, extraInlineFileContent);
t << "\n\tif exist " << manifest_bak << " fc /b " << manifest << ' ' << manifest_bak << " >NUL || del " << manifest_bak;
t << "\n\tif not exist " << manifest_bak << " rc.exe /fo" << manifest_res << ' ' << manifest_rc;
t << "\n\tif not exist " << manifest_bak << ' ';
writeLinkCommand(t, extraLFlags, manifest_res);
t << "\n\tif exist " << manifest_bak << " del " << manifest_bak;
} else {
t << "\n\trc.exe /fo" << manifest_res << " " << manifest_rc;
t << "\n\t";
writeLinkCommand(t, extraLFlags, manifest_res);
} else {
// directly embed the manifest in the executable after linking
t << "\n\t";
writeLinkCommand(t, extraLFlags);
if (!linkerSupportsEmbedding) {
t << "\n\tmt.exe /nologo /manifest " << escapeFilePath(manifest)
<< " /outputresource:$(DESTDIR_TARGET);" << resourceId;
} else {
t << "\n\t";
QString signature = !project->isEmpty("SIGNATURE_FILE") ? var("SIGNATURE_FILE") : var("DEFAULT_SIGNATURE");
bool useSignature = !signature.isEmpty() && !project->isActiveConfig("staticlib") &&
!project->isEmpty("CE_SDK") && !project->isEmpty("CE_ARCH");
if(useSignature) {
t << "\n\tsigntool sign /F " << escapeFilePath(signature) << " $(DESTDIR_TARGET)";
if(!project->isEmpty("QMAKE_POST_LINK")) {
t << "\n\t" << var("QMAKE_POST_LINK");
t << endl;
void NmakeMakefileGenerator::writeLinkCommand(QTextStream &t, const QString &extraFlags, const QString &extraInlineFileContent)
t << "$(LINKER) $(LFLAGS)";
if (!extraFlags.isEmpty())
t << ' ' << extraFlags;
t << " " << var("QMAKE_LINK_O_FLAG") << "$(DESTDIR_TARGET) @<<\n"
<< "$(OBJECTS) $(LIBS)";
if (!extraInlineFileContent.isEmpty())
t << ' ' << extraInlineFileContent;
t << "\n<<";
int NmakeMakefileGenerator::msvcVersion() const
const int fallbackVersion = 800; // Visual Studio 2005
const QString ver = project->first(ProKey("MSVC_VER")).toQString();
bool ok;
float f = ver.toFloat(&ok);
return ok ? int(f * 100) : fallbackVersion;