Scan CLDR for {,kilo,mega,giga,tera,peta,exa}byte forms and their IEC equivalents, providing SI and IEC defaults when missing (which all of IEC are) in addition to the usual numeric data. Extrapolate from any present data (e.g. French's ko, Mo, Go, To imply Po, Eo and, for IEC, Kio, Mio, etc.), since CLDR only goes up to tera. Propagate this data to QLocale's database ready for use by QLocale::formattedDataSize(). Change-Id: Ie6ee978948c68be9f71ab784a128cbfae3d80ee1 Reviewed-by: Shawn Rutledge <>
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240 lines
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"""Shared serialization-scanning code for QLocaleXML format.
The Locale class is written by and read by
from xml.sax.saxutils import escape
import xpathlite
# Tools used by Locale:
def camel(seq):
for word in seq:
yield word.capitalize()
def camelCase(words):
return ''.join(camel(iter(words)))
def ordStr(c):
if len(c) == 1:
return str(ord(c))
raise xpathlite.Error('Unable to handle value "%s"' % addEscapes(c))
# Fix for a problem with QLocale returning a character instead of
# strings for QLocale::exponential() and others. So we fallback to
# default values in these cases.
def fixOrdStr(c, d):
return str(ord(c if len(c) == 1 else d))
def convertFormat(format):
result = ""
i = 0
while i < len(format):
if format[i] == "'":
result += "'"
i += 1
while i < len(format) and format[i] != "'":
result += format[i]
i += 1
if i < len(format):
result += "'"
i += 1
s = format[i:]
if s.startswith("EEEE"):
result += "dddd"
i += 4
elif s.startswith("EEE"):
result += "ddd"
i += 3
elif s.startswith("a"):
result += "AP"
i += 1
elif s.startswith("z"):
result += "t"
i += 1
elif s.startswith("v"):
i += 1
result += format[i]
i += 1
return result
class Locale:
# Tool used during class body (see del below), not method:
def propsMonthDay(lengths=('long', 'short', 'narrow'), scale=('months', 'days')):
for L in lengths:
for S in scale:
yield camelCase((L, S))
yield camelCase(('standalone', L, S))
# Expected to be numbers, read with int():
__asint = ("decimal", "group", "zero",
"list", "percent", "minus", "plus", "exp",
"currencyDigits", "currencyRounding")
# Single character; use the code-point number for each:
__asord = ("quotationStart", "quotationEnd",
"alternateQuotationStart", "alternateQuotationEnd")
# Convert day-name to Qt day-of-week number:
__asdow = ("firstDayOfWeek", "weekendStart", "weekendEnd")
# Convert from CLDR format-strings to QDateTimeParser ones:
__asfmt = ("longDateFormat", "shortDateFormat", "longTimeFormat", "shortTimeFormat")
# Just use the raw text:
__astxt = ("language", "languageEndonym", "script", "country", "countryEndonym",
"listPatternPartStart", "listPatternPartMiddle",
"listPatternPartEnd", "listPatternPartTwo", "am", "pm",
'byte_unit', 'byte_si_quantified', 'byte_iec_quantified',
"currencyIsoCode", "currencySymbol", "currencyDisplayName",
"currencyFormat", "currencyNegativeFormat"
) + tuple(propsMonthDay())
del propsMonthDay
# Day-of-Week numbering used by Qt:
__qDoW = {"mon": 1, "tue": 2, "wed": 3, "thu": 4, "fri": 5, "sat": 6, "sun": 7}
def fromXmlData(cls, lookup):
"""Constructor from the contents of XML elements.
Single parameter, lookup, is called with the names of XML
elements that should contain the relevant data, within a CLDR
locale element (within a localeList element); these names are
used for the attributes of the object constructed. Attribute
values are obtained by suitably digesting the returned element
data = {}
for k in cls.__asint:
data['listDelim' if k == 'list' else k] = int(lookup(k))
for k in cls.__asord:
value = lookup(k)
assert len(value) == 1, \
(k, value, 'value should be exactly one character')
data[k] = ord(value)
for k in cls.__asdow:
data[k] = cls.__qDoW[lookup(k)]
for k in cls.__asfmt:
data[k] = convertFormat(lookup(k))
for k in cls.__astxt:
data[k] = lookup(k)
return cls(data)
def toXml(self, indent=' ', tab=' '):
print indent + '<locale>'
inner = indent + tab
get = lambda k: getattr(self, k)
for key in ('language', 'script', 'country'):
print inner + "<%s>" % key + get(key) + "</%s>" % key
print inner + "<%scode>" % key + get(key + '_code') + "</%scode>" % key
for key in ('decimal', 'group', 'zero'):
print inner + "<%s>" % key + ordStr(get(key)) + "</%s>" % key
for key, std in (('list', ';'), ('percent', '%'),
('minus', '-'), ('plus', '+'), ('exp', 'e')):
print inner + "<%s>" % key + fixOrdStr(get(key), std) + "</%s>" % key
for key in ('language_endonym', 'country_endonym',
'quotationStart', 'quotationEnd',
'alternateQuotationStart', 'alternateQuotationEnd',
'listPatternPartStart', 'listPatternPartMiddle',
'listPatternPartEnd', 'listPatternPartTwo',
'byte_unit', 'byte_si_quantified', 'byte_iec_quantified',
'am', 'pm', 'firstDayOfWeek',
'weekendStart', 'weekendEnd',
'longDateFormat', 'shortDateFormat',
'longTimeFormat', 'shortTimeFormat',
'standaloneLongMonths', 'standaloneShortMonths',
'longMonths', 'shortMonths', 'narrowMonths',
'longDays', 'shortDays', 'narrowDays',
'standaloneLongDays', 'standaloneShortDays', 'standaloneNarrowDays',
'currencyIsoCode', 'currencySymbol', 'currencyDisplayName',
'currencyFormat', 'currencyNegativeFormat'):
ent = camelCase(key.split('_')) if key.endswith('_endonym') else key
print inner + "<%s>%s</%s>" % (ent, escape(get(key)).encode('utf-8'), ent)
for key in ('currencyDigits', 'currencyRounding'):
print inner + "<%s>%d</%s>" % (key, get(key), key)
print indent + "</locale>"
def __init__(self, data=None, **kw):
if data: self.__dict__.update(data)
if kw: self.__dict__.update(kw)
def C(cls,
# Empty entries at end to ensure final separator when join()ed:
months = ('January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July',
'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December', ''),
days = ('Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday',
'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', ''),
quantifiers=('k', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E')):
"""Returns an object representing the C locale."""
return cls(language='C', language_code='0', language_endonym='',
script='AnyScript', script_code='0',
country='AnyCountry', country_code='0', country_endonym='',
decimal='.', group=',', list=';', percent='%',
zero='0', minus='-', plus='+', exp='e',
quotationStart='"', quotationEnd='"',
alternateQuotationStart='\'', alternateQuotationEnd='\'',
listPatternPartStart='%1, %2',
listPatternPartMiddle='%1, %2',
listPatternPartEnd='%1, %2',
listPatternPartTwo='%1, %2',
byte_si_quantified=';'.join(q + 'B' for q in quantifiers),
byte_iec_quantified=';'.join(q.upper() + 'iB' for q in quantifiers),
am='AM', pm='PM', firstDayOfWeek='mon',
weekendStart='sat', weekendEnd='sun',
longDateFormat='EEEE, d MMMM yyyy', shortDateFormat='d MMM yyyy',
longTimeFormat='HH:mm:ss z', shortTimeFormat='HH:mm:ss',
shortMonths=';'.join(m[:3] for m in months),
standaloneShortMonths=';'.join(m[:3] for m in months),
standaloneNarrowMonths=';'.join(m[:1] for m in months),
shortDays=';'.join(d[:3] for d in days),
standaloneShortDays=';'.join(d[:3] for d in days),
standaloneNarrowDays=';'.join(d[:1] for d in days),
currencyIsoCode='', currencySymbol='',
currencyDisplayName=';' * 7,
currencyDigits=2, currencyRounding=1,
currencyFormat='%1%2', currencyNegativeFormat='')