Bernd Weimer fa8e6d5083 QNX: Add support for lgmon
Added configure test, whether lgmon (liquid graphics performance monitor)
is available. The test is supposed to be positive only for internal
BlackBerry NDKs currently.
Added calls to initialize lgmon and to indicate when an app is ready for
user input.

Change-Id: I5cbc29fb38a86585dcebd14d462436deaa1998aa
Reviewed-by: Wolfgang Bremer <wbremer@blackberry.com>
Reviewed-by: Fabian Bumberger <fbumberger@rim.com>
Reviewed-by: Rafael Roquetto <rafael.roquetto@kdab.com>
Reviewed-by: Kevin Krammer <kevin.krammer@kdab.com>
2014-02-14 10:51:44 +01:00

199 lines
7.4 KiB

# Main projectfile
SUBDIRS += qmake/qmake-docs.pro
cross_compile: CONFIG += nostrip
confclean.depends += clean
confclean.commands =
unix {
confclean.commands += (cd config.tests/unix/stl && $(MAKE) distclean); \
(cd config.tests/unix/ptrsize && $(MAKE) distclean); \
(cd config.tests/x11/notype && $(MAKE) distclean); \
(cd config.tests/unix/getaddrinfo && $(MAKE) distclean); \
(cd config.tests/unix/cups && $(MAKE) distclean); \
(cd config.tests/unix/psql && $(MAKE) distclean); \
(cd config.tests/unix/mysql && $(MAKE) distclean); \
(cd config.tests/unix/mysql_r && $(MAKE) distclean); \
(cd config.tests/unix/nis && $(MAKE) distclean); \
(cd config.tests/unix/iodbc && $(MAKE) distclean); \
(cd config.tests/unix/odbc && $(MAKE) distclean); \
(cd config.tests/unix/oci && $(MAKE) distclean); \
(cd config.tests/unix/tds && $(MAKE) distclean); \
(cd config.tests/unix/db2 && $(MAKE) distclean); \
(cd config.tests/unix/ibase && $(MAKE) distclean); \
(cd config.tests/unix/ipv6ifname && $(MAKE) distclean); \
(cd config.tests/unix/zlib && $(MAKE) distclean); \
(cd config.tests/unix/sqlite2 && $(MAKE) distclean); \
(cd config.tests/unix/libjpeg && $(MAKE) distclean); \
(cd config.tests/unix/libpng && $(MAKE) distclean); \
(cd config.tests/unix/slog2 && $(MAKE) distclean); \
(cd config.tests/unix/lgmon && $(MAKE) distclean); \
(cd config.tests/x11/xcursor && $(MAKE) distclean); \
(cd config.tests/x11/xrender && $(MAKE) distclean); \
(cd config.tests/x11/xrandr && $(MAKE) distclean); \
(cd config.tests/x11/xkb && $(MAKE) distclean); \
(cd config.tests/x11/xinput && $(MAKE) distclean); \
(cd config.tests/x11/fontconfig && $(MAKE) distclean); \
(cd config.tests/x11/xinerama && $(MAKE) distclean); \
(cd config.tests/x11/xshape && $(MAKE) distclean); \
(cd config.tests/x11/opengl && $(MAKE) distclean); \
$(DEL_FILE) config.tests/.qmake.cache; \
$(DEL_FILE) src/corelib/global/qconfig.h; \
$(DEL_FILE) src/corelib/global/qconfig.cpp; \
$(DEL_FILE) mkspecs/qconfig.pri; \
$(DEL_FILE) mkspecs/qdevice.pri; \
$(DEL_FILE) mkspecs/qmodule.pri; \
$(DEL_FILE) .qmake.cache; \
(cd qmake && $(MAKE) distclean);
win32 {
confclean.commands += -$(DEL_FILE) src\\corelib\\global\\qconfig.h $$escape_expand(\\n\\t) \
-$(DEL_FILE) src\\corelib\\global\\qconfig.cpp $$escape_expand(\\n\\t) \
-$(DEL_FILE) mkspecs\\qconfig.pri $$escape_expand(\\n\\t) \
-$(DEL_FILE) mkspecs\\qdevice.pri $$escape_expand(\\n\\t) \
-$(DEL_FILE) mkspecs\\qmodule.pri $$escape_expand(\\n\\t) \
-$(DEL_FILE) .qmake.cache $$escape_expand(\\n\\t) \
(cd qmake && $(MAKE) distclean)
qmakeclean.commands += (cd qmake && $(MAKE) clean)
CLEAN_DEPS += qmakeclean
CONFIG -= qt
### installations ####
qmake.path = $$[QT_HOST_BINS]
equals(QMAKE_HOST.os, Windows) {
qmake.files = $$OUT_PWD/bin/qmake.exe
} else {
qmake.files = $$OUT_PWD/bin/qmake
INSTALLS += qmake
syncqt.path = $$[QT_HOST_BINS]
syncqt.files = $$PWD/bin/syncqt.pl
INSTALLS += syncqt
# If we are doing a prefix build, create a "module" pri which enables
# qtPrepareTool() to find the non-installed syncqt.
prefix_build|!equals(PWD, $$OUT_PWD) {
cmd = perl -w $$shell_path($$PWD/bin/syncqt.pl)
TOOL_PRI = $$OUT_PWD/mkspecs/modules/qt_tool_syncqt.pri
TOOL_PRI_CONT = "QT_TOOL.syncqt.binary = $$val_escape(cmd)"
write_file($$TOOL_PRI, TOOL_PRI_CONT)|error("Aborting.")
# Then, inject the new tool into the current cache state
!contains(QMAKE_INTERNAL_INCLUDED_FILES, $$TOOL_PRI) { # before the actual include()!
added = $$TOOL_PRI
cache(QMAKE_INTERNAL_INCLUDED_FILES, add transient, added)
cache(QT_TOOL.syncqt.binary, transient)
# Generate qfeatures.h
features =
lines = $$cat("src/corelib/global/qfeatures.txt", lines)
for (line, lines) {
t = $$replace(line, "^Feature: (\\S+)\\s*$", "\\1")
!isEqual(t, $$line) {
feature = $$t
features += $$t
} else {
t = $$replace(line, "^Requires: (.*)$", "\\1")
!isEqual(t, $$line) {
features.$${feature}.depends = $$replace(t, \\s+$, )
} else {
t = $$replace(line, "^Name: (.*)$", "\\1")
!isEqual(t, $$line) {
features.$${feature}.name = $$replace(t, \\s+$, )
features = $$sort_depends(features, features.)
features = $$reverse(features)
"/*" \
" * All feature dependencies." \
" *" \
" * This list is generated by qmake from <qtbase>/src/corelib/global/qfeatures.txt" \
" */"
for (ft, features) {
!isEmpty(features.$${ft}.depends) {
"$${LITERAL_HASH}if !defined(QT_NO_$$ft) && ($$join($$list($$split(features.$${ft}.depends)), ") || defined(QT_NO_", "defined(QT_NO_", ")"))" \
"$${LITERAL_HASH} define QT_NO_$$ft" \
"contains(QT_DISABLED_FEATURES, "^($$lower($$join($$list($$replace(features.$${ft}.depends, _, -)), "|")))$"): \\" \
" QT_DISABLED_FEATURES += $$lower($$replace(ft, _, -))"
write_file($$OUT_PWD/src/corelib/global/qfeatures.h, FEATURES_H)|error("Aborting.")
# Create forwarding header
'$${LITERAL_HASH}include "../../src/corelib/global/qfeatures.h"'
write_file($$OUT_PWD/include/QtCore/qfeatures.h, FWD_FEATURES_H)|error("Aborting.")
no_features =
lines = $$cat($$absolute_path($$QT_QCONFIG_PATH, $$PWD/src/corelib/global), lines)
for (line, lines) {
# We ignore all defines that don't follow the #ifndef + indent pattern.
# This makes it possible to have unchecked defines which are no features.
t = $$replace(line, "^$${LITERAL_HASH} define QT_NO_(\\S+)\\s*$", "\\1")
!isEqual(t, $$line) {
isEmpty(features.$${t}.name): \
error("$$QT_QCONFIG_PATH disables unknown feature $$t")
no_features += $$t
for (def, QT_NO_DEFINES) {
!isEmpty(features.$${def}.name): \
no_features += $$def
no_features = $$unique(no_features)
# Can't simply add these to QT_CONFIG, as e.g., contains(QT_CONFIG, accessibility) matches no-accessibililty.
"$${LITERAL_HASH} Features disabled by configure:" \
"QT_DISABLED_FEATURES =$$lower($$join($$list($$replace(no_features, _, -)), " ", " "))" \
"$$escape_expand(\\n)$${LITERAL_HASH} Dependencies derived from <qtbase>/src/corelib/global/qfeatures.txt:" \
write_file($$OUT_PWD/mkspecs/qfeatures.pri, FEATURES_PRI)|error("Aborting.")
mkspecs.path = $$[QT_HOST_DATA]/mkspecs
mkspecs.files = \
$$OUT_PWD/mkspecs/qconfig.pri $$OUT_PWD/mkspecs/qmodule.pri $$OUT_PWD/mkspecs/qdevice.pri $$OUT_PWD/mkspecs/qfeatures.pri \
mkspecs.files -= $$PWD/mkspecs/modules $$PWD/mkspecs/modules-inst
INSTALLS += mkspecs
global_docs.files = $$PWD/doc/global
global_docs.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_DOCS]
INSTALLS += global_docs
configure \
header.BSD \
header.FDL \
header.LGPL \
header.LGPL-ONLY \