Toby Tomkins 605329eb1b SSL Socket withoutproxy failures on Ubuntu 11.10 x64.
Numerous failures in the qsslsocket autotest suite relating to
connections without using proxies. Some have been skipped due to
the number of failures, other more specific tests have been set
to expect a failure.

Task-number: QTBUG-23575

Change-Id: I35fccc65bcab303646617a57a33f5aa7f7a4323f
Reviewed-by: Rohan McGovern <rohan.mcgovern@nokia.com>
2012-01-12 06:13:29 +01:00

39 lines
812 B

CONFIG += testcase
SOURCES += tst_qsslsocket.cpp
!wince*:win32:LIBS += -lws2_32
QT += core-private network-private testlib
QT -= gui
TARGET = tst_qsslsocket
win32 {
CONFIG(debug, debug|release) {
DESTDIR = debug
} else {
DESTDIR = release
# OpenSSL support
contains(QT_CONFIG, openssl) | contains(QT_CONFIG, openssl-linked) {
# Add optional SSL libs
wince* {
DEFINES += SRCDIR=\\\"./\\\"
certFiles.files = certs ssl.tar.gz
certFiles.path = .
DEPLOYMENT += certFiles
} else {
DEFINES += SRCDIR=\\\"$$PWD/\\\"
# QTBUG-23575
linux-*:system(". /etc/lsb-release && [ $DISTRIB_CODENAME = oneiric ]"):DEFINES+=UBUNTU_ONEIRIC